Coffee With Charles Paz – cover model, professional trainer and photographer

%name Coffee With Charles Paz   cover model, professional trainer and photographer%name Coffee With Charles Paz   cover model, professional trainer and photographer%name Coffee With Charles Paz   cover model, professional trainer and photographer%name Coffee With Charles Paz   cover model, professional trainer and photographer%name Coffee With Charles Paz   cover model, professional trainer and photographer%name Coffee With Charles Paz   cover model, professional trainer and photographer

%name Coffee With Charles Paz   cover model, professional trainer and photographer

I’m thrilled to have Charles Paz on the blog today. Charles is a cover model, professional trainer and Photographer, as well as a Meal Prep Chef.

Rae: First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking an iced Coffee with coconut milk. I’m so happy summer is here 🙂 ! What would you order?

Charles: Cookies!! lol. And maybe a Hot Chocolate.

Rae: For those who are not familiar with how you became a cover model, can you tell us how you were discovered?

Charles: Once upon a time, I weighed 300lbs. I did a total life change and lost nearly 100lbs. Did a body building comp and then some modeling. I had a cover artist see my pics and loved me. Did some shoots and the rest is history.

Rae: Wow – that’s inspiring! Are you involved with reader conventions?

I was a regular at the RT CONVENTION as well as HOT MOJAHVE KNIGHTS. I just did My first WILD WICKED WEEKEND and it was AWESOME!!

Rae: Are you able to connect with fans and if so, what was your most memorable fan meet?  

Charles: I love the Fans. They are really good to me. Most memorable moment was when I had a fan bring me my first book cover and had me signed it. It was surreal.

Rae: Ok, I have to ask, what is the craziest thing a fan asked you to sign?

Charles: HAHAHAH!! Nothing crazy at all. I’m not that much of a ROCKSTAR.

Rae: In addition to being a cover model you are also a fitness trainer and photographer. Do you ever sleep?

Charles: I slept once. it was nice. Lol. I usually pass out from exhaustion. My mind never shuts off and I overthink things.

Rae: Can you walk us through a typical day?

Charles: My days are full of emails, bookings, training clients and training myself. I am always ‘Working’.

Rae: I know I speak for many of my followers in that it is extremely difficult it is to stay fit while sitting in an office chair. Any fitness tips for those who find themselves strapped to a chair for hours every day?

Charles: Get up and smell the fresh air sometimes. you are not chained to your desk. There’s a whole world out there to explore.

Rae: I find it very motivating and inspiring how connected you are via social media to your fans. You area always posting video clips to get people up and moving! 

Charles: Thank you!! I really appreciate that! I try my best to show people that I’m just like them and they can do it too!!

Rae: Now that summer has finally arrived do you have any traditions or trips you are excited about?

Charles: VEGAS….That is all. lol.

Rae: A few authors have sent me questions to ask you….in no particular order 😉

Charles: UH OH!!! Ok.

Rae: Naima Simone wants to know “If you could pose with any celebrity, who would it be?”

Charles: Hahahaha. Hmmm… I would pose with Emilia Clarke a.k.a. THE MOTHER OF DRAGONS DAENERYS TARGARYEN. Not because she is so beautiful but because her personality is amazing from interviews and behind the scenes stuff. I would be really comfy with her.

Rae: Hildie McQueen want’s to know “When is the next big “room” party and can she bring her older Mama friends?” (Hildie assures me this was a PG-13 safe question to ask 😉

Charles: HAHAH!!! Vegas at the end of July. Its NATIONALS for all the Bodybuilders and competitors. There will be many Pool Parties and Business Meetings to be had.

Rae: Suzanne Ferrell wants to know “If you prefer to pose with a model or something inanimate…like a gun? Coz I have silhouettes of guys with weapons on my covers.”

Charles: Id rather pose with a model. They are fun to shoot with. Hee Hee Hee.

Rae: From Jeanne Adams “So, Charles, welcome to Books I Love a Latte! If you could be on the cover a classic book – War and Peace, Pride and Prejudice, Dracula, that sort of thing – which one would you choose?”

Charles: It would be a Dracula sorta cover. I’m a Sweet talker and a lil evil as well.

Rae: MK Meredith wants to know “Considering your creative outlets with photography and modeling, and your physical outlets with Fitness and training, which provides you with the greatest satisfaction?”

Charles: With the right people and energy, without a doubt Photography. I love getting in my zone and bringing images to life. Its my true passion. Sometimes, lifting weights is more of a THERAPY session as I need to let out stress and get lost in the moments.

Rae: Speaking of photographs do you have a website of the photographs that you take?

Charles:  I don’t have a BIG WEBSITE. Just Instagram and Facebook. I always get yelled at for not having a website but seeing as well as I do with Social Media and staying booked, I think I’m doin pretty well

Rae: If you could have a photo session where or what would it include?

Charles: If I could shoot anywhere? It would be the beach. Maybe Brazil again. It was one of my Fave places to visit.

Rae: It was so much fun having you here today!

Charles:  Thank you for having me. It was a pleasure

***** 22 Tantalizing Tidbits*****

1. What is a must read book and why?

A Midsummer Nights Dream. Read the book AND watch the play if possible.

2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown?

My studio of course Lol.

3. Castles or Beaches?


4. What is one thing readers would be surprised to know about you?

I coached youth soccer and was undefeated for two years. I also play soccer and am pretty good I must say.

5. Hard Rock or Classical? Favorite Band or Artist?

Country actually. lol. Zac Brown Band

6. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world where would you go?

Somewhere that has a nice beach and beautiful women.

7. What is your guilty pleasure?

Uhmmmm…… Crap. lol. I like Food too much. Hahahah!!! I eat healthy but honestly I can eat A LOT!!

8. What are you afraid of?

Losing Loved ones or being homeless

9. Tats or No Tats? If tats, how many and what did you choose for your first one?

No tats yet. I gotta figure out which one.

10. Organized or Free Floating? 

Free Floating

11. Binge watcher or weekly viewer? Which show(s)?

Game of thrones. Every week. lol

12. What’s on your playlist?

I listen to everything. Mostly Pandora. Steve Aoki is Number 1.

13. What play or musical do you want to see next?

Haven’t thought of that. I heard Hamilton is Good.

14. Best tip for relaxing?

Turn off your phone.

15. What’s your favorite TV show and why?

Monday Night Raw. Lol. Im a big Wrestling fan.

16. What’s your favorite movie of all time and why?

Yikes!! That’s tough. Theres too Many. I loved Gatsby. The production was awesome.

17. Would you rather see a movie in the theatre or at home on DVD and why?

DVD. I don’t like theaters.

18. One thing you can’t live without?


19. Do you love to cook or go out to eat?

I can cook but would rather go out and eat.

20. Motorcycle or bicycle?


21. If you could try any career for a day, what would it be?

Professional Cuddler. I heard that’s a thing isn’t ?

22. Person or persons you admire and why?

Anybody who tries to make the world better.

Social Media: 

Instagram is :fifthelementstudios AND 5th_element_studios

Double the Fun. It’s Wednesday – Two Must Read Delights!

%name Double the Fun. Its Wednesday   Two Must Read Delights!

Neighbors with Benefits by Marissa Clarke

Can uptight, regimented workaholic Michael Anderson, CEO of Anderson Enterprises loosen up and experience life spontaneously? Discover what happens when a pesky house sitter in his apartment building sends him over the edge. Will they discover they have anything in common and perhaps find their perfect match?

Control doesn’t always mean giving up what you need and desire. It’s time for Michael and Mia to embrace the unscheduled and unanticipated “something” in life. Will they both be ok if they discover a world where the unexpected is actually exciting?

This book is the second in a series but can be read as a stand-alone. If you haven’t discovered the Anderson brothers…it’s a must for your TBR pile this summer.

I received this ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review. This book is the second in the Anderson Brothers series and can be read as a stand alone.

Curious about the first book in this series? Check out my previous review of Sleeping with The Boss here

Author Info:

%name Double the Fun. Its Wednesday   Two Must Read Delights!

Marissa Clarke lives in Texas, where everything is bigger, especially the mosquitoes.

When not writing, she wrangles her rowdy pack of three teens, husband, and a Cairn Terrier named Annabel, who rules the house (and Marissa’s heart) with an iron paw.

Prior to attending University of Houston Law School, she received a B.A. in English Literature with a minor in Drama from the University of Houston. She has taught drama and playwriting in a large public high school and English in a private school.

Currently, she serves as Vice-President of Programming for the West Houston RWA Chapter, and is a founding member of Houston YA/MG Writers, and the Blog.

She loves to connect with readers, so follow/friend her on Facebook and Twitter (buttons in the bar above), or shoot her an email from the “Contact” page.

Marissa also writes young adult novels for Penguin USA under the name Mary Lindsey. She is represented by Kevan Lyon of the Marsal Lyon Literary Agency.

%name Double the Fun. Its Wednesday   Two Must Read Delights!
Stealing Second – Alison Packard

Baseball romance fans rejoice. There is another must read contemporary romance to enjoy this summer. Katherine Whitton and Tom Morgan were high school sweethearts who had their future all planned out. Until one day, something happened that changed everything.

Life has moved forward and now, seventeen years later their paths have crossed while working for the San Francisco Blaze. Will these two finally find a way to talk and discover what really happened? Neither one of them want to bring up the past and that’s where the fun begins.

Friends and family have kept secrets and now everything is about to change. Who can they trust? Since they both work for the same baseball team their job suddenly finds them spending more time together. It also provides an opportunity for some fabulous chemistry between Katherine and Tome. Will Katherine and Tom hit a home run or strike out once and for all?

If you love a great contemporary romance that’s chock full of baseball%name Double the Fun. Its Wednesday   Two Must Read Delights! this book is for you! This is for a mature reader, 18+

While this is part of the Feeling the Heat series it can be read as a stand-alone. I have not read any of the previous books in this series and found it easy to follow along. In fact, now I plan to add a few of the previous books to my TBR pile. You might too!

I received this ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review.

Author Info:

%name Double the Fun. Its Wednesday   Two Must Read Delights!

Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, Alison now lives in Southern Nevada where she’s still getting used to the blistering summers and the slot machines in every grocery store.

When not working at the day job that pays the bills, keeps a roof over her head, and supports her book and chocolate habits, Alison spends most of her free time writing. But when she takes a break, she enjoys reading, watching movies, and spending time with her family and friends.


A decadent Anna Campbell Sons of Sin novella rich with seduction, pleasure and scandal.

%name A decadent Anna Campbell Sons of Sin novella rich with seduction, pleasure and scandal.

Fall in love with Anna Campbell all over again, or for the first time. Three Proposals and a Scandal: A Sons of Sin Novella delivers a decadent novella rich with seduction, pleasure and scandal.

Lady Marianne Seaton is one lucky gal who has three men vying for her affection. However, some are more honest than others and some are a bit unsavory. Who can she trust to put her heart first? Will any of them prove that love exists and from there, fill her nights with pleasure?

When Marianne’s father insists that she marry to improve the family status and fortune, what will she do? Leave it to a few medling souls to try and urge Marianne along as they partake in a bit of matchmaking. In the end, who will win Marianne’s affection? Three men are vying for her hand, who will win her father’s approval? Let the games begin! Everyone deserves a chance at love, sometimes it just needs a helping hand and in this wonderful quintessentially Anna Campbell novella, love does, indeed, find a way.

While I received this ARC from the author for a fair and honest review I would absolutely purchase this for myself or gift it. If you haven’t read Anna’s series Sons of Sin – you must. This novella can be read as a stand-alone or any time if you’ve read the series so far.

At 155 pages this love story packs so much into a short read. Bravo Anna for giving us all the emotions – fear, anger, betrayal, desire, deception and lust in a fast paced and yummy novella.

This booklover is patiently waiting for Anna’s next book which I hope isn’t too long a wait. What a perfect book to start the work week. I did, you should too!

Author Info:

%name A decadent Anna Campbell Sons of Sin novella rich with seduction, pleasure and scandal.

ANNA CAMPBELL has written ten multi award-winning historical romances for Grand Central Publishing and Avon HarperCollins and her work is published in sixteen languages. Anna is currently engaged in writing the “Sons of Sin” series, which started in 2012 with SEVEN NIGHTS IN A ROGUE’S BED. Look out for book 4, A SCOUNDREL BY MOONLIGHT, in April 2015. Anna lives on the beautiful east coast of Australia where she writes full-time.

A Sword for His Lady by Mary Wine – Q & A, Excerpt and Giveaway

%name A Sword for His Lady by Mary Wine   Q & A, Excerpt and Giveaway

Named a Top 10 Pick for Spring 2015 by Publishers Weekly, Mary Wine’s A Sword For His Lady comes out this July! Mary’s agreed to stop by today and has answered some questions for us about herself and her career as an author.

If you could be anyone from any of your books, who would you be and why?
I tend to become attached to every one of my heroines. Just ask my family….they know when I am at a serious or plot-twisting part of the book…stay back. I’m feeling it and the way I am slapping the keyboard should tell you someone needs to die right about then…get too close and it might be you.

What do you do to get into the “writing zone”?
I am always there. The hard part is not allowing my inner child to run from a Highlander book into a military spy one when I haven’t finished the Highlander.

An Excerpt:

He lifted one foot and set it on the bottom step.

“What are you doing?”

“I am entering the keep.” His tone made it clear he knew he was invading her home.

“No.” She fought back her breathlessness. “You shall not.”

She backed up, but forced herself to stop in the doorway.

“Why not, my lady?”

He climbed another step and she felt her knees quiver. It was an insane reaction, one that shocked her with how intense it was its intensity.

“You do not belong in the keep. This is my home.”

He frowned but climbed another step to stand on even ground with her. Isabel lifted her chin so she might maintain eye contact.

“I will be making a full assessment of this structure, lady. You may stand aside or I shall remove you from my path.”

She should have lowered herself and gracefully glided out of the doorway. It was the only response the code of chivalry afforded her, but she couldn’t force herself to do it. She didn’t feel in control of her emotions; they were scattering like autumn leaves. Her heart accelerated. He was pressing closer, watching her, gauging her reactions to him. She’d never felt so exposed. Never felt like any man took so much notice of her. He reached for her, his expression full of promise.

“No one enters this keep without bathing.” She spat the words out in a rush and had to pull in a deep breath because her lungs burned when she was finished. At last, relief flowed through her, for she had found a valid argument to use.

The baron’s expression didn’t change. His hands were clenched around his wide leather belt, his knuckles turning white.

“Take yourself off to the bath house, my lord baron.” She was being brazen.

He suddenly grunted, amusement returning to his eyes. “Very well lady, since you wish to offer me your hospitality, I accept.”

She stared at him, uncertain of the flicker burning in his dark eyes. This wasn’t a man who knew defeat, and the muscles in her neck tightened when his lips twitched into a smug grin once again.

An expression that was full of victory.

“I shall enjoy having you bathe me, Isabel. It is certainly a good place for us to begin to learn more about one another.” A gleam appeared in his eyes that sent a shiver down her body.

“I did not offer to bathe you myself.” Her voice was a horrified whisper. He stepped closer, capturing her wrist in a grip that surprised her because it lacked pain with its gentleness. Instead, she felt their connection keenly, so much so, it felt as though that she couldn’t form a single, sensible thought. Logic had always offered her salvation in the past. Before Ramon, it crumbled away, leaving her at his mercy.

“You claim you are no maiden, so it is only customary for you to attend me since you are the lady of this keep.” His voice lowered. “Or perhaps, you would prefer not to act as a lady. In such a case…I will be most pleased to dispense with ceremony.”

Rafflecoptor: 5 Copies of A Sword for His Lady CLOSED Winners will be randomly selected by Publisher after the Blog Tour has finished. Winners will be notified by the publisher.

Author Info:

Acclaimed author Mary Wine has written over 30 works of erotic fantasy, romantic suspense, and historical romance. An avid history-buff and historical costumer, she and her family enjoy participating in historical reenactments. Mary lives with her husband and two sons in Yorba Linda, California.

An epic Viking romance full of adventure, lust and deception. A must read!

%name An epic Viking romance full of adventure, lust and deception. A must read!

The Iron Princess (Sons of the North Series Book #2) by Sandra Lake is an epic viking romance full of adventure, lust, deceit and a need for independence.

Katia is the daughter of King Jarl Magnus and longs to be a soldier. The desire to experience life without constraints is paramount and she will challenge anyone under disguise to a round of sword fighting of course! After dueling Lothair, he finds himself excited and displeased at the shocking discovery. Katia’s lack of concern for safety only sears his objection to marriage freely admitting that he’d rather be married to the sea.

This “Iron Princess” will do everything to protect those she loves, even if it comes with a hefty price. When Katia finds herself in a desperate situation her hero comes from an unlikely champion. I love these characters and find myself swept away with them sailing the Baltic Sea and hoping for peace and tranquility!

Once again we are treated to a story full of passion that’s intense and magical. Family feuds. Kingdoms to conquer. Who will Katia be able to trust? No one is safe.

If only Lothair and Katia could admit they do care for each other and could be more than just friends. Sandra does a magnificent job developing the relationship between them throwing unexpected challenges in their path.

I received this ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review. I would gladly purchase this book at a pre-order price of $2.99 for myself or as a gift! I only hope that we won’t have to wait too long for the next book to be released.

While this is the second book in a series it can be enjoyed without reading The Warlord’s Wife. If you have not read The Warlord’s Wife and missed my review you can check it out here


In case you missed my Coffee With Sandra Lake – check it out here...

Author Info:

Sandra Lake was raised in rural Canada. She married her childhood sweetheart (who during her childhood resembled more like her childhood nemesis) and is currently living happily-ever-after along with their kids and unruly husky in eastern Canada.

A Must Read Young Adult Fantasy that is spellbinding!

%name A Must Read Young Adult Fantasy that is spellbinding!

The Witch Hunter by Virginia Boecker is a phenomenal debut young adult fantasy book full of magic, mystery, trust and self discovery.

A world of witches, witch hunters and wizards where no one is safe and no one can be sure whom to trust is the perfect combination for an absolutely magical adventure! Elizabeth Grey is a witch hunter and possesses secrets, skills and powers that will serve her well amongst those that seek her out. When Elizabeth is caught in a precarious situation, she is sentenced to die. It is through this turn of events that everything changes – it’s spellbinding and a complete page turner!

When Elizabeth’s trusted friend Caleb leaves her for death, it’s a stranger that comes to her rescue. What are his intentions? When the stranger reveals his purpose, it will blow your mind! What a fantastic and magical cast of characters built into a world full of hope, fear, and love that will capture your heart. Boundaries will be crossed as Elizabeth figures out who she can trust and believe.

After reading this fantastic book I immediately tried to figure out which actors would play each character – it would make a blockbuster hit movie! I suspect the rights will be gobbled up soon and we will see Elizabeth on the big screen soon.

I received this ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review. Thank you so much! I look forward to gifting this must read! For those still craving more after finishing The Witch Hunter, The Healer (a novella) will be out August 11th. It’s available for pre-order it now on Amazon!

Author Info:

%name A Must Read Young Adult Fantasy that is spellbinding!

Virginia Boecker recently spent four years in London obsessing over English medieval history, which formed the basis of The Witch Hunter. She now lives in the Bay Area, California with her husband and spends her days writing, reading, running, and chasing around her two children and a dog named George.

In addition to English kings, nine-day queens, and Protestant princesses, her other obsessions include The Smiths, art museums, champagne, and Chapstick.

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