Winter Extravaganza Day 3 : Anna Sugden and Terri L. Austin – Reviews, Excerpts and Giveaways!!!

CLOSED****** Congratulations to the winners of the Day 3 Giveaway  ******CLOSED

Congratulations to Mary Preston and kaisquared4 you each won an e-book copy of A Perfect Selection: The New Jersey Ice Cats by Anna Sugden.

Congratulations to Beth D., Keri B. and Leslie S. you each won a paperback of His Every Need by Terri L. Austin.

Mary Preston, kaisquared4, Beth D., Keri B., and Leslie S. you have 24 hours to comment or a new name will be drawn.

Check out these featured books that will make a great addition to your bookshelf or e-reader and then click on the link to get your own copy. Be sure to check out the amazing e-book giveaways from Anna Sugden and Terri L. Austin. There is something for everyone and it’s going to be a sweet and spicy day!
%name Winter Extravaganza Day 3 : Anna Sugden and Terri L. Austin   Reviews, Excerpts and Giveaways!!!

%name Winter Extravaganza Day 3 : Anna Sugden and Terri L. Austin   Reviews, Excerpts and Giveaways!!!    %name Winter Extravaganza Day 3 : Anna Sugden and Terri L. Austin   Reviews, Excerpts and Giveaways!!!    %name Winter Extravaganza Day 3 : Anna Sugden and Terri L. Austin   Reviews, Excerpts and Giveaways!!!    %name Winter Extravaganza Day 3 : Anna Sugden and Terri L. Austin   Reviews, Excerpts and Giveaways!!!

%name Winter Extravaganza Day 3 : Anna Sugden and Terri L. Austin   Reviews, Excerpts and Giveaways!!!

A Perfect Distraction by Anna Sugden is the first book in a wonderful series full of ice hockey, sexy players, adoring fans and lots of action. Both off and on the ice, this book draws us magically into this captivating and fantastic story.

Maggie Goodman left England and an abusive ex behind to protect her daughter and herself. In search of a better life for the two of them, she crossed the pond to be with her sister. Maggie vows to never put either of them in harms way ever again and begins to rebuild her life. There is an element of domestic violence and Anna tackles this brilliantly.

Jake “Bad Boy” Badoletti loves hockey but is unable to get over a tragic accident and the loss of his dear friend. A trade to NJ means re-locating and that’s never easy. A moving service was hired to ease Jake with the changes. What will happen when he sets his eyes on Maggie, the woman sent to help him with those needs?

Maggie works for her sisters re-location company and the job has been helpful giving her a fresh start. When Jake decides he wants a change to his contract, he insists it occur just days before the season starts. Can Maggie and her company make it happen or will they loose their client and the contract?

Committed to her daughter, Maggie is focused on improving her image and new life. Men however, are not a part of her plan and that includes Jake. Will a few days of “togetherness” with the residential “Bad Boy” change that? Can they ignore the intense attraction and still work together?

All men are not created equal and Maggie isn’t convinced that Jake is only interested in maintaining an honest and respectable image. When secrets from the past surface it shakes things up for both of them. How will he react to her past? Will it affect everything? Find out if Jake will have to choose between hockey and a women that just might be his “forever.”

If you’re looking for a fresh series that includes hockey, a team with sexy players that are a family both on and off the ice, then you must read this book. Anna’s attention to details is fantastic and her world of hockey is vivid, exciting and packed with hockey goodness.

I received this book from the author for a fair and honest review. I can’t wait to bring you each book in this series over the next few days. If you’re not a hockey fan you will be after you read this book.  Now to go find a Cadbury Milk and biscuits,  and dream of a few sexy New Jersey Ice Cats.1f609 Winter Extravaganza Day 3 : Anna Sugden and Terri L. Austin   Reviews, Excerpts and Giveaways!!!

At a price of $3.99 you will want to download this e-book today.  Hurry the price wont’ last!

(** Previously Posted on 2/1/16)


%name Winter Extravaganza Day 3 : Anna Sugden and Terri L. Austin   Reviews, Excerpts and Giveaways!!!

A Perfect Trade by Anna Sugden is the second installment in the New Jersey Ice Cats series. Elements of dreams, plans and redemption are sprinkled throughout this hockey romance both on and off the ice.

Jenny Martin is the “queen of the puck bunnies,” the women who chased those sexy hockey players and a grade school friend of an Ice Cats. Is she ready to relinquish her crown for something more fulfilling?

While her friends are settling down and beginning the next phase of life, Jenny wonders if she’ll deserving of the same happiness? A chance at “forever after” too.

Life in a hockey town is never dull and there’s always change, trade and uncertainty. It’s the unknown that still haunts Jenny, a troubled and painful past affected her decisions. Both personally and professionally. Is it possible that she can push through and not let it control her after all these years?

Truman “Tru” Jelinek has known Jenny since grade school and was once ready to save Jenny. Instead, there were consequences from that attempted rescue and it put a rift between them. Trust was betrayed and their friendship was torn apart.

Jenny’s desire to fulfill a lifelong dream could cost her everything. When Tru offers to help her, will she accept? Can she forgive him and leave it all in the past? Or, will she finally listen to her heart and let Tru in? If Jenny only knew how much Tru loved her, perhaps it would change everything?

Can love conquer all? Both Tru and Jenny have had great loss and pain to overcome. Is it possible that Tru will keep his word? Will those painful secrets stay buried or will they resurface now that the town is set to memorialized a beloved citizen.

This installment is full of passion, family relationships, great hockey and all the other goodies that we expect when we turn the page of Anna Sugden’s books.

Embedded within this story is the subject of abuse, delicately written and weaved with tender care. As our heroine learns to speak out about her unspeakable past, as a reader I wanted to leap into the pages and give her a supportive hug. Well done Anna for again tackling those sensitive subjects.

Even with the few crazy things he must deal with and overcome, Tru Jelinek is a hero that radiates warmth, sexy appeal and charm. A desire to protect his family and friends is what makes him so appealing and real.

Don’t miss this must read installment or the rest of the series! While I received this book from the author for a fair and honest review I would happily purchase or gift this book.

If you’re looking for a fresh series that includes hockey, a team with sexy players that are a family both on and off the ice, then you must read this book. Anna’s attention to details is fantastic and her world of hockey is vivid, exciting and packed with hockey goodness.

(** Previously Posted on 2/1/15**)


%name Winter Extravaganza Day 3 : Anna Sugden and Terri L. Austin   Reviews, Excerpts and Giveaways!!!

A Perfect Catch by Anna Sugden is perfect! This flawless and thorough story is filled with sexy hockey hunks, great dialogue and lots of sizzle. This time it’s all about Ike, Ike Jelinek, goalie of the New Jersey Ice Cats. For Ike, his world is centered between the poles. When a serious injury takes Ike off the ice and sends him to the hospital, everyone questions if he’ll ever be able to play again.  After careful evaluation the Doctor assures him he will need some assistance at home, if he wants to recover without any additional damage.

Unfortunately Ike is not one to take orders very well and has a superhero complex because well, he’s convinced he’s invincible and doesn’t need much help. Ike attempts to negotiate a deal with the Ice Cat’s top get-it-done mavin to help him out. If she’ll keep him company and will provide basic services for him, the Doctors will release him quicker from the hospital. The thought of staying any longer in the hospital makes a man do desperate things.  If she can do this one little thing for him, he’ll put the word out that her company is the “go to” company and it’s a “win-win” for all!

Tracy Hayden is currently the team’s independently contracted relocation and personal “go to girl.” Tracy is the best when it comes to getting things done.  If you need help with practically anything, Tracy and Making Your Move are there to help! Now she’s trying to expand and that means being available at all times making sure her clients are happy. This leaves very little free time to focus on anyone besides her family and close friends who begin to doubt if she’ll ever settle down. If only Tracy could stop thinking about what happened between her and Ike and the way “it” ended. Unfortunately, they both wanted different things. Whatever it was that they had, “it” quickly smoldered out.  Yet, somehow there is still a spark between them, an intense connection that both refuse to admit is just waiting to re-ignite and explode. Clearly they both still have unresolved feelings but are too strong willed and independent to pursue it.

Leave it to Ike to prove that he’s impervious to rules due to his superhero complex. When Ike refuses to abide by the Doctor’s orders, even with provisions in place that he agreed to, he re-injures himself.  He’s managed to risk his health yet again and this time winds up jeopardizing his career.  As much as Tracy doesn’t want to be near Ike, she takes pity on him, and on the situation. Besides, she has a vested interest in keeping the Ice Cat’s organization happy. Once again she agrees to help him, but strictly as a client.

Will she open up to Ike about why they really failed? Tracy can’t deny the intense connection they have. However, she’s still not interested in getting married and having a family, or is she? Exactly who needs convincing? Ike, Tracy, or both?

There is nothing better than a great story that’s filled with amazing characters and hockey – Yum! I am an avid hockey fan and the world of the NJ Ice Cats is sexy and exhilarating. This was the first book I’ve read by Anna Sugden and I can’t wait to read more. This ARC was sent to me by the Author for an honest review. I enjoyed Ike and Tracy’s story and can’t wait to see who’s next!

(** Review previously posted on 2/4/16**)



%name Winter Extravaganza Day 3 : Anna Sugden and Terri L. Austin   Reviews, Excerpts and Giveaways!!!

A Perfect Compromise is the latest installment in Anna Sugden’s  New Jersey Ice Cats series. The man of the hour today is Jean Baptiste “J.B.” Larocque, a player who’s had a difficult time escaping trouble, despite trying to do the right thing. I was super excited to read this book and discover how his story ends.

Even with teammates looking out for him, he can’t catch a break  with misunderstandings and the paparazzi. If he wants to play hockey and let the dust settle, he’ll need to disappear and calm down. Hopefully the press will settle down too and he’ll be back out on the ice in no time.

Meanwhile, nothing says rest and relaxation more than a Caribbean resort. Add a week of sand, drinks and if he’s lucky a quick fling all out of the eyes of the press.

Isabelle Brandine has done everything by the book and followed every rule. When a sudden change to her jobs code of ethics threatens to take it all away, will she be able to stay under the radar?

Both J.B. and Isabelle have issues to resolve and a past they’d like to shut the book on. Will this connection throw their plans out the window? Can she resist his charm? Will she rebel against the rules set before her?

When an unplanned event throws all the rules out the window and changes J.B and Isabelle’s journey it will leave everything up for negotiation. Hopefully it will be more than just a simple business transaction. J.B., is about to discover what happens when there is no plan. Perhaps the order might just be Live, Love, and Hockey.  Would that be so bad?

This book is packed with love, struggles both off and on the ice, obstacles and lots of fantastic hockey. The players, the games, the fans and the journey to the Stanley Cup is real.  One of the amazing aspects of the stories in this series is that the players, including the ones that are related, all look out for each other.

Thank you Anna for a fun week and I’ve enjoyed featuring your NJ Ice Cats on the blog and having you here!

I received this ARC from the author for a fair and honest review.

An Excerpt (thank you Annasimple smile Winter Extravaganza Day 3 : Anna Sugden and Terri L. Austin   Reviews, Excerpts and Giveaways!!! ):

“How low can you go?” the crowd chanted.

Part of Issy wanted to fail so she could return to the relative anonymity of the sidelines. But an­other part refused to surrender without trying. She hated to just give up.

“First up is the lovely Bella. Step forward and lim-bo.”

Issy walked over to the bar, which looked ri­diculously low, and waited for the musical cue. The audience whooped and hollered.

“Go, Bella!” Sapphie’s voice mingled with Tay­lor’s deeper tones.

“You can do it,” J.B. encouraged. “Take your time and relax.”

How was she supposed to relax with him stand­ing in front of her, his dark eyes watching every sway and shimmy? Making her feel sexy and a little naughty? Making her imagine a different, more private, dance with him?

Hot, hot, hot, blared the speakers.

Issy dropped her shoulders, arched her back and bent her knees. Slowly she inched forward.

When her chest brushed the wooden pole, she thought she’d blown it. Although the bar rattled on the stand, it stayed up. Even so, she didn’t move again until she was sure. Then she held her breath as she carefully made it through.

Giddy with success, she straightened to boister­ous cheers. Sapphie ran over, squealed and hugged her tight, then pulled Issy off to the side. J.B. lifted her in the air and spun her around.

As he stopped and began to lower her slowly, their gazes met. Suddenly she was intensely aware of the hardness of his body as hers slid down the length of him. Of the crisp scent of his aftershave mingled with the heady fragrance of clean male skin. His arms around her seared her through the thin cotton of her dress.

Plastered against him—breast to chest, thigh to thigh—she felt every plane and dip of his taut muscles. Her cheeks flamed as his arousal pressed against the cradle at the top of her legs.

She should move…break his hold…step back…something.

The message in his dark eyes—he didn’t want to let her go—thrilled her.

She was venturing into dangerous, uncharted waters. For the first time in her life Issy wanted to dive straight in.

Excitement warred with her reason. As won­derful as that would probably—definitely—be, it would also be a mistake. There were bound to be consequences.

J.B. was like no one she’d ever met before. Her reaction to him was like nothing she’d ever expe­rienced before.

And, he clearly wanted her, too.

Loud groans from the gathered crowd and the clatter of the limbo bar interrupted her thoughts, breaking the moment.

J.B. eased her away from him but anchored her to his side with his arm around her shoul­der. His reluctance to let her go thrilled her. A few more minutes couldn’t hurt. Besides, Sap­phie and Taylor couldn’t keep their hands off each other; they’d disappear once the contest was over. Then J.B. wouldn’t have a reason to hang out with her anymore.

That was for the best. Really. In the meantime she’d enjoy the pleasure of the moment and the undivided attention of a gorgeous man.

More groans signaled the third contestant had failed. One more to go. If the last man succeeded, it would delay the end of the contest and extend her time with J.B. On the other hand, she’d have to step back out into the spotlight and do more limbo. A devil’s choice.

Raucous cheers told her which path had been chosen for her.

“Down, down,” the crowd chanted as the DJ made a show of lowering the bar another notch.

“You can take that guy. No problem,” J.B. mur­mured in her ear.

The feather touch of his breath against the sen­sitive skin of her neck made her shiver deliciously.

As she gently disengaged herself, he pulled her back, then tilted her face up to his. “A kiss for luck.”

Her knees went weak. Who knew that could really happen?

Good grief—it was the slightest brush of his firm, warm lips against hers. What would hap­pen if he kissed her properly?

(** review previously posted on 2/5/16**)

Get your copy here:

%name Winter Extravaganza Day 3 : Anna Sugden and Terri L. Austin   Reviews, Excerpts and Giveaways!!!%name Winter Extravaganza Day 3 : Anna Sugden and Terri L. Austin   Reviews, Excerpts and Giveaways!!!
A Perfect Compromise (The New Jersey Ice Cats)%name Winter Extravaganza Day 3 : Anna Sugden and Terri L. Austin   Reviews, Excerpts and Giveaways!!!


His Every Need (Beauty and the Brit Book 1) by Terri Austin proves that sometimes it’s necessary to challenge an opponent, even if it means doing something you never considered.  At the heart of this intoxicating tale is a woman who is willing to do anything in order to save her family. Terri Austin’s characters are real, raw and looking for their own happy-ever-after.

Allie Campbell is trying to keep her family together and has not stopped to put herself first. So, when wealthy businessman Trevor Blake is the obstacle between loosing her house or staying in it. It’s time to negotiate, but will she wager it all?

Trevor Blake is a only interested in advancing his net profit. With a demanding schedule, this British business man has no time for relationships or games. That is until Allie proposes an alternative to being evicted. It’s bold, risky and absolutely sinful.

This push and pull intoxicating journey will test both Allie and Trevor. Who will break first? One of them will go too far leaving you to wonder if forgiveness is even an option.

By the end of this story you will be rushing to your e-reader store to download the next installment which is a novella from Trevor’s perspective. While each book can be read as a standalone I’ll leave it up to you dear reader how you want to dive in to this seductively charming series.

This three pepper read has content that might offend and is for %name Winter Extravaganza Day 3 : Anna Sugden and Terri L. Austin   Reviews, Excerpts and Giveaways!!!mature readers 18+.  As well as tension, smokin’ hot chemistry, meddling and crazy family members that will make you laugh and cry.

I received this ARC for a fair and honest review.



To Be His (a companion novella to His Every Need) by Terri Austin and takes us through Trevor’s perspective. If you are curious how Trevor feels about Allie walking into his office and proposes a business deal, that alone should be enough? Not convinced? This time the seductive and witty Brit shows us if he can handle Allie with her charm and creative power of persuasion.

This steamy, seductive tale is a two pepper read and is free right %name Winter Extravaganza Day 3 : Anna Sugden and Terri L. Austin   Reviews, Excerpts and Giveaways!!!now at most e-reader retailers.  While you might be skeptical that it’s just the same story as His Every Need but from Trevor’s point of view, I assure you it’s worth reading.

Just look at the cover, Trevor is begging you to download this juicy delight hear his version of what happened. Do it, you have nothing to lose and will be happy you did.

With intense situations for mature readers, 18+. I downloaded this book for free from amazon. The review is my own honest opinion.

Check back tomorrow when I sit down for Coffee With Terri and on Wednesday I’ll post my review of His Kind of Trouble and I’ll have  giveaway on Wednesday too. So, mark your calendar and check back each day. You won’t want to miss the fun!

(Previously Posted review on 10/12/15)



His Kind of Trouble (Beauty and the Brit Book 2) by Terri Austin introduces us to another hunky Brit and his affect on a Campbell sister. Filled with witty dialogue, intense chemistry these characters will stay with you long after you’ve finished the book.

Monica Campbell once lived fast and on the edge worrying everyone around her. Before spiraling  out of control her sister saved her, but she feels the constant need to prove herself. When will she focus on herself? Now Monica judges everything, wondering when her past will resurface and suck her back into temptation and trouble.

Years have passed since she hit bottom and Monica is now a respectable college graduate working at her families Foundation.  Those wild and carefree days are in her past along with those bad boys she was drawn to. But, for one, she can’t forget a stolen moment all those years ago.

Callum Hughes hasn’t forgotten the girl who tempted him that starry night all those years ago. Was he really willing to lead Monica into sin and temptation? First impressions are killer and perhaps there was more to him than that rugged sexy biker dude she saw.  Sometimes first impressions can be misleading and oh so wrong.

When Cal comes back to town what will happen when Monica discovers where he’s been? Will she judge him too? Is he really one of those bad boy she swore she’d stay away from for good?

From the cover to the very last page this romance sizzles with  serious chemistry with an intoxicating plot that takes us to sin city for a fabulous adventure. Can Monica stay prim and proper or is her inner bad girl waiting to be unleashed? Is there a way to be both without spiraling out of control?

Monica has had her fair share of pain and has a secret that has haunted her for years, will she finally be able to trust and open up to Cal? Maybe Cal can stop running away and find his happy ever after. In order for that to happen,  Monica needs to accept him flaws and all. Will he finally settle down and commit?

If you are into cars, living life in the moment and hot British men then you will love this book! Terri has done an amazing job with this series. Each book can be read as a stand alone. However, I really enjoyed diving in from the beginning and the payoff is worth it.

Another fantastic series that I’ve discovered, thank you Sourcebooks Casablanca. Don’t worry dear readers, you only have a few weeks until release day, hang in there. Pre-order your copy now.

Terri is there anyway we can have a teaser for Book 3 in time for the holidays? Thank you again for hanging out with me yesterday and I look forward to release day November 3, 2015.

I received this ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review.

This three pepper read has content that might offend and is for %name Winter Extravaganza Day 3 : Anna Sugden and Terri L. Austin   Reviews, Excerpts and Giveaways!!!mature readers 18+.  As well as tension, smokin’ hot chemistry, meddling and crazy family members that will make you laugh and cry.

(** Previously posted review on 10/14/15**)

Author Bio:


As a girl, Terri L. Austin thought she’d outgrow dreaming up stories and creating imaginary friends. Instead, she’s made a career of it. She met her own Prince Charming and together they live in Missouri. She loves to hear from readers. Drop her a note at





TREASURE CHEST FOR DAY 3 –  Check out all the prizes!!!

*Anna Sugden NJ Ice Cats Giveaway*

%name Winter Extravaganza Day 3 : Anna Sugden and Terri L. Austin   Reviews, Excerpts and Giveaways!!!

As of now Anna Sugden has written five must read short stories that are absolutely amazeballs. Anna listened to her readers and gave a few of those sexy players ice time too ;)! Check out those gorgeous covers!

TWO lucky readers will win an e-book copy of A Perfect Selection: The New Jersey Ice Cats. Just answer the following question for a chance to win this!

What is the craziest place you’ve ice-skated? Or for those who have never been on the ice, perhaps roller-skated?

*Terri L. Austin Giveaway *

Terri L. Austin has donated THREE Paperbacks of His Every Need.

For a chance to win these fabulous paperbacks tell us – would you be willing to do ANYTHING to save your family from the brink of destruction?Tessa has generously donated the following:


Contest ends 7/13/16 at 2 PM EST. Winners will be randomly selected AND must comment on this blog post.

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter (@RaeLatte) the blog (button on homepageand my FB page (Books I Love A Latte ) to keep up to date on everything.

If the winners do not comment within 24 hours a new name will be drawn. Don’t miss out!


Good luck to all!

Winter Extravaganza Day 2: Spicy Latte Must Reads and Giveaway

****** Congratulations to the winner of the Day 2 Giveaway  davisbk121 for an e-book of Daring the Bad Boy by Heidi Rice ******

davisbk121 you have 24 hours to comment or a new name will be drawn.


Check out these spicy latte holiday reads from Harlequin Blaze and then click on the link to get your own copy. Be sure to check out the amazing e-book giveaway from Heidi Rice, a 2016 RITA nominee. It’s going to be a spicy day!


A Wrong Bed Christmas by Kimberly Van Meter and Liz Talley is a spicy firefighter story that is told in two parts, one from each author.  A  fabulous and creative approach to a fantastic holiday story full of sexy firefighters who must battle an impending snowstorm.

In Ignited by Kimberly Van Meter we meet Alexis Matheson who soon discovers that even in the dark, firefighters are sexy. Sometimes dreams can come true. 🙂

Layton Davis figures he’ll drop his buddy off and continue home despite the winter weather forecast. When an impending snowstorm changes his plans he decides to crash at his friends apartment. With the house supposedly empty his naked discovery begins a spicy adventure.

A snowstorm, a sprained ankle and a party will set in motion an adventure for our reading pleasure.

Our second story Where There’s Smoke by Liz Talley we meet Emma Brent and her best friends brother, Erik Matheson. If only she could be outspoken and just tell him how much she likes him.

Emma is desperate to reach her destination on time and Erik offers to drive her. Is he offering out of guilt or something more? Could he possibly be reading Emma’s mind?

A car accident, a lack of cell phone reception and an unlikely place for shelter make this a fabulous ending to a delicious great read!

I found myself giggling and enjoying this fabulous winter delight. While the sun shines and the pools are full of swimmers having fun for the next week I’m pretending the snow is falling, the decorations are waiting to be adorned and the sweet smells of holiday treats are permeating the air.

This two peppers spicy latte hot %name Winter Extravaganza Day 2: Spicy Latte Must Reads and Giveawaydelight has just enough holiday sizzle to make you tingle and a lot of holiday fun! Oh, and yes, it’s for  mature readers 18+.

I received this book from the  publisher for a fair and honest review.  Get your copy here:

%name Winter Extravaganza Day 2: Spicy Latte Must Reads and Giveaway



A Cowboy Under the Mistletoe by Vicki Lewis Thompson is another fantastic read from her Thunder Mountain Brotherhood series.  The cover is absolutely perfect for getting you into the holiday spirit.  Now that we’ve taken the book off the bookshelf or downloaded it into our e-reader, there’s also the annual tradition of trimming the  tree, hanging holiday lights and finding the right spot for a sprig of mistletoe.

For some, it’s also a chance to go home. When Ty Slater returns to visit his family he is in need of a quick caffeine fix and stops into the local coffee shop. This time he’s treated to a more awakening surprise, Whitney Jacobs.

What’s a woman to do when the man who she’s been eyeing for a very long time is standing in her coffee house. Could he finally have eyes for her?

A cup of coffee, Chinese food and a calendar are the perfect way to start for these two delectable characters. Vicki writes cowboy romance with tenderness, heat and lots of sexy charm.

Ty is a lawyer by day, a cowboy at heart but will he find a woman who doesn’t have expectations based on his calendar celebrity status? They both have secrets that could impact a permanent relationship.

This two peppers spicy latte hot %name Winter Extravaganza Day 2: Spicy Latte Must Reads and Giveawaydelight has just enough holiday sizzle to make you tingle and a lot of holiday fun! Oh, and yes, it’s for  mature readers 18+.

I received this book from the publisher for a fair and honest review. While this is part of a series it can be read as a standalone. Lucky for you dear reader there are plenty of sexy cowboys in Vicki’s backlist.


A Cowboy Under the Mistletoe (Thunder Mountain Brotherhood)%name Winter Extravaganza Day 2: Spicy Latte Must Reads and Giveaway

(Review originally posted  12-24-14)

%name Winter Extravaganza Day 2: Spicy Latte Must Reads and Giveaway

Christmas with a SEAL by Tawny Weber is the sixth installment in her Sexy SEALs series and is one sexy holiday treat!  Frankie Silvera is a silversmith who’s lost her mojo and is determined to get it back. A change is in order and she’s frustrated at the idea of never creating another sought-after piece of jewelry.  While at her dear friend Lara Banks’s wedding she runs into Phillip, Lara’s hunky brother, who doesn’t recognize her.

What’s a girl to do when she bumps into a man that’s been her childhood fantasy, the stud she’s been dreaming about her entire life? That’s when she whips up a plan, one wild and hot night of bliss! That will surely get her back on track. Her first instinct is to run, but she somehow calms herself down. It’s just one night, or is it?

Can a wild hot night inspire her creative gears? What will Phillip do if he learns the truth about who she really is? But her creative mojo is back and she’s out to put her career back on track with Christmas Ornaments that are in demand!

Unfortunately a tragic situation from a mission that went horribly wrong still haunts Phillip. He’s craving revenge about as much as Frankie has lusted after him since she was a teenager.  While both have an agenda, will they have time for each other? Never interested in being part of his family he’s finally connected with his sister Lara and perhaps may be the opening into something life-changing for both.

Unfortunately for Phillip his superiors have a different agenda and want him at the Naval Academy for training. All he really wants is to be back out in the field, but he decides to explore this newly discovered connection with Frankie and a few extra weeks at home won’t be so bad.

With both of them looking for a fresh start, they need to decide if this is just a passing fancy or determine if this could in fact be something more permanent. SEALs don’t usually do permanent. Especially daily, and for the lucky few, weekly contact is not what he’s used to. Now that he has some free time on his schedule, it’s time to decide if she’s able to handle him in more ways than one. Afraid he might be sacrificing more than he should Frankie panics! Convincing themselves that a little failure doesn’t mean it’s the start to a road of disaster, might prove to be a challenge.

As I mentioned in a previous blog post I don’t rate any of my reviews %name Winter Extravaganza Day 2: Spicy Latte Must Reads and Giveaway on my blog. However, for this “Spicy Read” I will rate it for its spiciness that way you’ll know if this little gem is for you!

There is just enough sizzle to make you tingle, for 18+

Tawny Weber once again has dropped us into the world of hot, sexy Navy SEALs. These guys are smokin’ and their stories just keep getting better, especially the covers! This is one electric and sizzling story filled with decadence and pie! Yes, the baking will once again cause your salivary glands into massive overdrive!  It’s a good thing it’s not unusual for a baking session at three in the morning these next few days! If you are looking for something to get you in the mood – for baking or other decadent delights! – this holiday season then this will surely do!

Author Info:

%name Winter Extravaganza Day 2: Spicy Latte Must Reads and Giveaway

New York Times and USA TODAY Bestselling author of thirty books and counting, Tawny Weber has been writing sassy, sexy romances since her first one hit the shelves in 2007.  A fan of Johnny Depp, cupcakes and color coordination, she spends a lot of her time shopping for cute shoes, scrapbooking and hanging out on Facebook.

Readers can check out Tawny’s books at her website,, or join her Red Hot Readers Club for goodies like free reads, complete first chapter excerpts, recipes, insider story info and much more.


***** GIVEAWAY  from 2016 RITA Nominee Heidi Rice *****


What happens on Valentine’s Night, stays on Valentine’s Night… That’s the rule.

After a trip home to bury his father, US photographer in London Caleb Landry finds himself stranded in a Soho bar full of boozy women brooding his way through his least favourite night of the year.

But when college art teacher Rosie Smith tries out the cheesiest pick-up line ever on him, Cal becomes captivated by this good girl with a filthy mind – especially when he discovers she has a V-Day allergy of her own. So he dares her to one smokin’ hot Valentine’s night hook-up with no questions asked, satisfaction guaranteed…

But when Valentine’s Night turns into the morning after, suddenly Rosie’s asking questions she shouldn’t, and putting Cal in danger of breaking his number one rule…

** blurb provided by author**

For a chance to win this e-book let us know …

What is the most romantic thing you’ve done or someone’s done for you during a holiday?

Contest ends 7/12/16 at 2 PM EST. Winners will be randomly selected AND must comment on this blog post.

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter (@RaeLatte) the blog (button on homepageand my FB page (Books I Love A Latte ) to keep up to date on everything.

If the winners do not comment within 24 hours a new name will be drawn. Don’t miss out!

Good luck to all!

Winter Extravaganza Day 1: 2016 RITA Contemporary Romance: Long Finalist Kimberly Kincaid

****** Congratulations to Ada for Day 1 Giveaway  of Play Me by Kimberly Kincaid ******

Ada you have 24 hours to comment or a new name will be drawn.


Every day of the Extravaganza I will mix reviews with giveaways and fun.  Today I am spotlighting the talented Kimberly Kincaid, author of Reckless ( A Rescue Squad Novel) and 2016 RITA Contemporary Romance: Long Finalist Kimberly Kincaid.

Before I even opened up to read the first page of Reckless, I was hooked with that sexy cover! I was extremely eager to start this story.

41MMLq9Ng9L. SY445 SX342  200x300 Winter Extravaganza Day 1: 2016 RITA Contemporary Romance: Long Finalist Kimberly Kincaid

Reckless is all about doing what you love and not settling for anything less. It might take a bit of work to find the balance between reckless  and control but our hero and heroine are up for the challenge.

Alex Donovan is a firefighter fueled by adrenaline both on the job and on his own time. Anything that presents adventure and thrill seeking challenges he’s game.  When his own set of rules jeopardizes his career he is forced into a four week “time-out” and must serve his community to cool off.

Zoe Westin is a trained culinary chef and had what her family considered a dream job in DC. Now home and running a kitchen to feed those her father questions what her goals are.

Faced with staffing needs and funding issues, she reluctantly welcomes her newest helper. Perhaps the community services hours can ease the workload until her crush walks into her center and changes everything.

Zoe has had her eye on Alex for years but being the Captain’s daughter hasn’t helped. Will Alex finally see her for the woman she has become or steer clear because she’s his superiors daughter? When they wager a friendly bet, who will be the one to take the ultimate risk? If Alex can help her take a risk it just might change both of their lives forever.

Discover for yourself how sexy giving back to the community is, and it all starts in the kitchen. Sometimes its even hotter than fighting fires. This two peppers spicy latte hot %name Winter Extravaganza Day 1: 2016 RITA Contemporary Romance: Long Finalist Kimberly Kincaiddelight has just enough sizzle to make you tingle and a lot of action! Oh, and yes, it’s for  mature readers 18+.

Add this series, one that is sure to please with fantastic writing, sexy characters and a story that will leave you feeling satisfied to your list today.

I am the first to admit that I love a great book cover. Sure the description will seal the deal, but for this read I freely admit it landed into my e-reader because of the cover. From start to finish this book is fast paced, emotionally charged and heart racing good. A contemporary romance that is perfect to get you in the holiday spirit.

As  soon as your finished with this must read, grab a bag of non-perishable items and drop them off at your local food pantry or shelter.  While the holidays are six months away this was the perfect read to kick-off the giving season.

Get your copy here:

%name Winter Extravaganza Day 1: 2016 RITA Contemporary Romance: Long Finalist Kimberly Kincaid

Now for the good cheer of the day…. Day 1 Giveaway time. 

ONE copy of Kimberly Kincaid’s e-book Play Me to a lucky reader. 



The burst of crowd noise got lost in the louder thump of the slow, steady music. Sophie took a long swallow of her drink, but not even the incredible sweet-tart flavor could offset the odd jangle of excitement filling her chest. One by one, the dancers came out onto the stage. They were dressed in tight white T-shirts and low-riding jeans, which under normal circumstances wouldn’t be anything to write home about. But Sophie’s eyes lasered in on the last dancer to emerge from the shadows, and sweet baby Jesus, Emilio was anything but ordinary.

His fluid grace balanced out his muscular frame, both on full display as he crossed the stage. He moved with nothing but pure confidence, smiling at the women in the audience and rolling his hips with the same sort of ease most people used to breathe. The scrolling black tattoos on both forearms put a hard edge to Emilio’s lean muscles, reinforcing the definite bad-boy air that had triggered Sophie’s warning bells last night.

Of course, that same demeanor was triggering a whole lot of something else right now. Namely, the very hot desire that was a very bad idea currently brewing between her thighs.

Oh God. She had to get back on the straight and narrow, fast. Sophie bit her bottom lip and crossed her legs as tightly as she could, but her thong still grew damp beneath the thin fabric of her black micro-mini.

“So which one is your guy?” Olivia half-asked, half-hollered over the music and the crowd noise, not tearing her gaze away from the stage. Her face was lit up like the Christmas trees decorating every department store in the nation right now, and Sophie’s hot and bothered flush traveled to her face.

“I don’t have a guy,” she said, just in time for Emilio to run his hand down the flat plane of his chest. Sophie’s palms went as slick as her panties as he lifted his T-shirt to reveal a set of abs so chiseled, she’d swear they were Photoshopped.

He moved around the other dancers, their routine seeming effortless and loose even though it had surely been choreographed. Tugging the hem of his shirt over his head, Emilio tucked the cotton behind his neck while leaving his arms in the sleeves, exposing his abs and pecs as he moved to the side of the stage where Sophie and Olivia sat. His eyes skimmed the crowd, and although he gave each woman in the audience equal, flirty attention, his stare never rested in one spot for longer than a second or two.

Until it landed on hers.

A millisecond’s worth of something she couldn’t name flickered over Emilio’s dark-eyed gaze, the emotion gone before she could even be certain she’d seen it. Then he gave up a sexy, mischievous smile that Sophie felt all the way to her fingertips, swaying his hips with a little extra suggestion as he tipped his chin at her ever so slightly in acknowledgment, and she couldn’t look away for all the straight and narrow in the galaxy.


For a chance to win this amazing e-book please answer the following question …

How far in advance do you start preparing for the holidays or are your decorations up year round?

Contest runs from 7/10-7/16 at 3 PM EST.

Winner will be posted and will have 24 hours to comment to claim prize.

Be sure to follow the blog (on the home page) and on Twitter (@RaeLatte) so you do not miss that announcement.

Author Info:

Kimberly Kincaid writes contemporary romance that splits the difference between sexy and sweet. When she’s not sitting cross-legged in an ancient desk chair known as “The Pleather Bomber”, she can be found practicing obscene amounts of yoga, whipping up anything from enchiladas to éclairs in her kitchen, or curled up with her nose in a book. Kimberly is a USA Today best-selling author and a 2015 RWA RITA® finalist who lives (and writes!) by the mantra that food is love. Kimberly resides in Virginia with her wildly patient husband and their three daughters. Visit her any time at or come check her out on Facebook ( and Twitter (@kimberlykincaid).


One More Day till the Winter Extravaganza in July

%name One More Day till the Winter Extravaganza in July%name One More Day till the Winter Extravaganza in July

It’s time to spread a little cheer and pick up a few great reads. While I am in no rush for the summer to end I’ve put together a holiday event that will make you smile and spread good tidings to all.

For the next ten days you will want to make sure to stop by the blog. There will be daily contests and a flash raffle or two.

The line-up is still being finalized but I can tell you the following authors who will be stopping by to say hi and who also offered up some AMAZING presents.

Drum roll please….

Kimberly Kincaid, Sandra Lake, Stefanie London, Anna Sugden, Tessa McFionn, MK Meredith, Entangled Publishing, Allison Butler, Suzanne Ferrell, Nancy Northcott, Jeanne Adams, Robin Covington, Barbara Devlin, Elizabeth Heiter, Terri L. Austin, Dianna Love, Nama Simone, Anna Campbell, Lauren Blakely, Heidi Rice and more are on the way!

Be sure to follow the blog (on the homepage), the Books I Love A Latte FB Page and twitter (@RaeLatte) so you don’t miss this amazing event!

Happy Reading to all and to all a great weekend!

Details regarding the Barbara Devlin Blitz and Giveaway

Due to circumstances beyond my control as well as technical difficulties the contest for the Kindle bundle for the Barbara Devlin Blitz has been temporarily suspended.  Dear readers, all is not lost.

All those who entered via comments on July 3rd and 4th will be added along with entries from the upcoming re-scheduled third day post for the blitz.

I will be posting my intended Day 3 of the blitz during my Winter Extravaganza July 10-19, 2016.  A winner will be randomly selected from the previous entries and the re-scheduled Day 3 post.

Further details will be provided on Saturday July 9th for the Winter Extravaganza.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy -Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!

%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!

%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!

To Catch a Fallen Spy (Brethren of the Coast Book 8) by Barbara Devlin is jam-packed with secrets, spies, humor and romance from this bestselling author. The latest installment delivers even more action and adventure from those sexy Knights that we love. Just when I think she  can’t possibly get any better, BAM!

I love a great story that begins with a heroine who knows exactly who she wants and sets about to get it. Lady Elaine Prescott desires the one man she can’t have, Sir Ross Logan. But things begin to take a promising turn when Elaine witnesses a murder. How can that possibly push her towards her goal? Because it will set a plan in motion among the Knights and Sir Ross to protect her. A heroine that needs protection? Well….not exactly ;).  I love when Barbara brings her past and present knights into each book. How do you make a Brethren of the Coast book even better? Add more sexy knights!

Even with extra knights and years of friendship Elaine still can’t win the affection from the one man whom she desires above all others.   Will being near Ross every day bring either of them happiness?

Many years ago Ross was caught during a mission and the aftermath of what he endured has prevented him from truly opening up his heart to anyone. With the past still haunting him, can he finally make amends and allow himself to love and be loved? Will he allow himself any morsel of happiness?  Don’t miss this installment, download this book and find out if Elaine is the key to unlocking Sir Ross’ heart.

Thank you Barbara for another magical and fast paced story of two souls who desire the same thing and must overcome the obstacles standing in their path. I LOVE your heroes and heroines because they are willing to risk everything for those they hold dear. I cant wait to read The Black Morass, I’m in need of a pirate adventure.

I received this ARC from the author for a fair and honest review. While this book is part of a series it can most certainly be enjoyed as a stand alone read. If you choose to read it as part of the series there is so much fun to be had.

%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!This story is pretty hot with content for mature readers 18+.

Barbara has provide an excerpt from To Catch a Fallen Spy.

********************     EXCERPT     ********************

The Descendants
September, 1815

Secrets lurked in the shadows, beckoning as a welcomed friend for the undaunted. Unfettered by social conventions, the spotlight of which forced many a lord or a lady to conform to the expectations of others, the blackness functioned as a form of liberty, wherein revelers conducted their covert games without threat of discovery or retribution. It was in those dark spaces Lady Elaine Horatia Prescott found comfort and strength.

As the youngest member of a large, extended family comprised of spirited ladies with bold personalities and equally intrepid men, the famed Nautionnier Knights of the Brethren of the Coast, daring sea captains descended of the Templars, the warriors of the Crusades, she often hugged the background, taking pride in her ability to hide in plain sight. Searching for some sense of herself, something not influenced by the rich history of her ancestors or her colorful relations, she fought to construct her own identity on her terms.

What she had not expected was to find love.

With great care, she moved swift and sure as she approached her target, skulking amid the outskirts of the crowd that filled the Hawthorne’s ballroom, during the height of the Little Season. As she neared, he shifted, and she paused just shy of touching him and held her breath.

In one fail swoop, he pivoted, slipped an arm about her waist, pulled her into a corner, and bent to whisper in her ear. “Lady Elaine, you are the only person capable of sneaking up on me, and I am not sure I appreciate your skill.” Sir Ross Logan, the enigmatic head of the Counterintelligence Corps, brushed the crest of her flesh with his lips, she suspected not by accident, and her knees buckled. “Why do you not dance? Why do you not take your place among the ton, with the other debutantes? Do you not wish to snare a husband, marry, and have children?”

“On the contrary, I want all those things with someone of my choosing.” She cupped his cheek, and he retreated, much to her chagrin. “But I am here because you are here.”

“Elaine, you must stop this nonsense.” Now he withdrew and attempted to push her aside, but she resisted, even as her heart plummeted. And despite his complaints, he would not hazard courting attention, so she held her ground. “I am not the man for you.”

“How do you know that?” It was not the first time he rejected her, and she surmised it would not be the last. “Why will you not give us a chance at happiness?”

“Because I have nothing to give you but misery and regret.” As usual, Ross offered the same excuse.

“I disagree.” As usual, she would not be deterred. “And I will not yield my cause, no matter your protestations.”

“Neither will I.” To convey his position, he folded his arms, but he could never fool her. “Go back to your world of perfume and petticoats, as I have work to do, and I require no partner.”

“As you wish.” Of course, she knew well the routine and her part to play in their typical drama. So she marched into the fray, unabashed and poised in her determination. A potential solution tripped before her, and she extended assistance, as would any woman of character. “Sir Kleinfeld, are you all right?”

“Oh, my lady.” With a toothy grin, he brushed off his lapels and bowed. “Did I step on you?”

“No.” Elaine giggled, because he was well known for such behavior. “How are you enjoying the party?”

“Not very much, I am sorry to admit.” Frowning, he glanced over his shoulder. “The elder Miss Hogart refuses to grant me the honor of the Allemande.”

“Perhaps she will change her mind, when she spies you in a graceful performance of the waltz, with me.” In a valiant appeal to his pride, she curtseyed. “What say you, Sir Kleinfeld?”

“Lady Elaine, you are the soul of charity.” When she rested her palm in the crook of his elbow, he covered her hand with his. “You know, if my affections were not firmly planted in Miss Hogart’s garden, I should court you.”

“You flatter me, sir.” To her credit, she mustered the courage to brave the rotation with one of the clumsiest, but good-natured, members of her set.

And so she ventured into the breach, imperiling her feet in her quest to win Sir Ross. After the third trouncing of her toes, she swallowed a grunt of pain and prayed her savior would not linger, else she might suffer broken bones. Just how long would her beau wait? As if on cue, her rescuer presented himself as she predicted.

“May I intrude?” Ross tapped Archibald on the shoulder. “As I believe Miss Hogart seeks an audience.”

“Capital.” Without so much as a backward glance, Sir Kleinfeld gave her into Ross’s care, and that suited Elaine just fine.

“I know what you are doing.” Ross took her in his arms, twined her fingers with his, and they whirled in the soft light of the cut-glass chandeliers.

“I beg your pardon?” She lifted her chin and avoided his stare.

“Do not dissemble with me, Lady Elaine.” The tone of his voice declared she had scored a direct hit, and she reveled in her small victory. Near the side wall, he pulled her closer. “How dare you deliberately put yourself in jeopardy to bait me, as that buffoon could have seriously injured you.”

“But you are not the man for me, so you would never answer a supposed summons.” Let him counter that. “Or did you lie?”

“You lured me into the open, without thought of my mission or the risk to my safety, just to meet your selfish aims.” Now that hurt. “I ought to spank you.”

“Name the date and time, and I shall accommodate you.” Swallowing her trepidation, she looked him in the eye, and he cast the hint of a grin. “I challenge you, sir.” She licked her lips. “Resist me.”

Get your own copy here:

%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!

To Catch A Fallen Spy (Brethren of the Coast Book 8)%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!

I’ve attached a list of all the books linked to my previously posted reviews Barbara’s books.

Just click on the title of the book below so that you can see for yourself why so many readers can’t get enough from this talented and best-selling author!

Loving Lt. Douglas

Enter The Brethren (The Brethren Book 1)
My Lady, The Spy (The Brethren Book 2)
The Most Unlikely Lady (The Brethren Book 3)
One Knight Stand (The Brethren Book 4)

Coffee With Barbara Devlin

Captain of her Heart (The Brethren Book 5)
The Lucky One (The Brethren Book 6)
Love With An Improper Stranger (The Brethren Book 7)

Arucard (Brethren Origins Book 1)
Demetrius (Brethren Origins Book 2)

Missing a book in her amazing collection? Take advantage of an amazing boxed set…

%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!Brethren of the Coast: Volume II%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!

For $3.99 you can get One Knight Stand, Captain of her Heart and The Lucky One.

Purchase single volumes here:

%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!

Loving Lieutenant Douglas: A Brethren of the Coast Novella%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway! **FREE**

%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!

Enter The Brethren (Brethren of the Coast Book 1)%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!

%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!

My Lady, The Spy (Brethren of the Coast Book 2)%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!

%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!

The Most Unlikely Lady (Brethren of the Coast Book 3)%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!

%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!

To Catch A Fallen Spy (Brethren of the Coast Book 8)%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!

%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!

The Black Morass (Pirates of the Coast Book 1)%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!

%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!

Arucard (Brethren Origins Book 1)%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!

%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!

Demetrius (Brethren Origins Book 2)%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!

That’s ELEVEN books for less than $22.00!  Click the links above and start reading today!


Exclusive Giveaway *****

Barbara Devlin has generously donated the following for ONE lucky reader:

ONE Amazon Kindle Fire 7″
a Kindle copy of To Catch a Fallen Spy AND The Black Morass
one lucky winner in the US/Canada.

**International winner will receive a GC from **

For a chance to win tell us ..
Have you ever taken a trip on a boat? If so, where and with whom?

Contest runs from 7/3/16 12:01AM thru 7/5/16 11:59 PM

Winner will be announced via a blog post on 7/6/16

Winner MUST comment on that post within 24 hours to claim their prize or a new winner will be randomly selected.

Be sure to follow me the blog (link on homepage),  Facebook Page  (Books I Love A Latte Page) and Twitter @RaeLatte so you don’t miss that announcement post!

Be sure to swing by Barbara Devlin’s webpage and follow her on twitter (@barbara_devlin) to stay up to date on the world of Knights, Pirates and other fabulous news!

Author Info:

%name Barbara Devlin Blitz Day 2: To Catch a Fallen Spy  Review, Excerpt and Exclusive Giveaway!

Bestselling author Barbara Devlin was born a storyteller. A Texan, through and through, Barbara hasn’t been without a book in her possession since she was in kindergarten. She wrote her first short story, a really cheesy murder-mystery, in high school, but it was a Christmas gift, a lovely little diary with a bronze lock, given to her in the fifth grade that truly inspired her love of writing.

After completing part of her undergraduate studies at the University of London, where she developed a love of all things British, Barbara returned home and began a career in banking. But the late 80s weren’t too promising for the financial industry, and every bank that hired Barbara soon folded. So she searched for a stable occupation, and the local police department offered the answer to her prayers.

Initially, Barbara wasn’t too sure about her new career in law enforcement, but she soon came to love being a police officer. And then one uncharacteristically cold and icy day in December 1998, Barbara was struck by a car and pinned against a guardrail while working an accident on a major highway. Permanently disabled, she retired from the police department and devoted her time and energy to physical therapy.

Once Barbara got back on her feet, she focused on a new career in academia. She earned an MA in English and continued a course of study for a Doctorate in Literature and Rhetoric. She happily considered herself an exceedingly eccentric English professor, until success in Indie publishing lured her into writing, full-time, featuring her fictional knighthood, the Brethren of the Coast.

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