Jan 16, 2020 | Blog, January 2020, Jessica Ruddick, The Extra Shot

Welcome to The Extra Shot where you’ll find an EXCLUSIVE excerpt from In the Pocket by Jessica Ruddick.

Without thinking about it, I reached for her hand and traced her fingertips. Her nails were perfectly shaped and covered with clear polish. Her skin was so damn smooth, her fingers long and graceful. I wondered if she played piano. If she didn’t, she should. She had the hands for it.
Her breath hitched, causing me to look over at her. Her eyes were wide, and she looked shaken. “Why do you do that?” she whispered.
My instinct was to drop her hand, but I didn’t. Instead, I studied her hand. Why the hell did I do that? The answer was simple—I wanted to touch her. I’d never been the affectionate sort, but she brought it out in me. She brought a lot of things out in me, like a newfound need to throw all my past dating rules out the window. Don’t get attached. Don’t get serious. Don’t get close. Following those rules had kept things clean and simple, but I was starting to wonder if simple necessarily meant better. I took a deep breath. “Does it bother you?”
“No…yes… I mean no.” She sighed. “Apparently, I don’t know what I mean.”
“If it bothers you, I’ll stop.”
She swallowed. “Don’t stop.”
©In the Pocket, Jessica Ruddick 2020
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Previously published review here.

Award-winning young adult and romance author Jessica Ruddick lives in Virginia with her college-sweetheart husband, two rambunctious sons, and two rowdy but lovable rescue dogs. Since her house is overflowing with testosterone, it’s a good thing she has a healthy appreciation for Marvel movies, Nerf guns, and football. Learn more about Jessica at jessicaruddick.com.

Stay connected with Rae Latte and Books I Love A Latte for Book Reviews, Excerpts, Teasers, Coffee With (Interviews), Giveaways, Authors Dish, Book Sales, and other Tasty Tidbits.

Jan 16, 2020 | Blog, January 2020, Jessica Ruddick
Katie Sullivan will do anything to escape her Hollywood past but always fears her secret will be exposed. When a college football player rises to her challenge one wild night, this story soars. Wyatt is a player and he’s about to discover that this time, his heart will betray him and it’s absolutely delicious.
A nagging sister and family drama make way for obstacles to overcome. Despite their differences, Wyatt and Katie will realize that they can’t live without each other, will they risk everything for love.
Assumptions, family obligations, and a chance to live life on their own terms. I loved this book! The story has great pacing, laugh out loud moments, a cute furry friend, and a lot of tension. I can’t wait to read more from Jessica!
This scorchin hot read may lead to unexpected need to turn on the A/C.I received a free copy of this book from the author for a fair and honest review.

Award-winning young adult and romance author Jessica Ruddick lives in Virginia with her college-sweetheart husband, two rambunctious sons, and two rowdy but lovable rescue dogs. Since her house is overflowing with testosterone, it’s a good thing she has a healthy appreciation for Marvel movies, Nerf guns, and football. Learn more about Jessica at jessicaruddick.com.
Nov 13, 2019 | Authors Dish, Blog, Jessica Ruddick, November 2019
Welcome newbies and seasoned readers to Authors Dish. With only three and a half weeks until Thanksgiving, Authors are dishin’ their favorites.
I am grateful for readers, authors, and everyone who make it possible to sink into my cozy chair and enjoy a new book adventure each and every day.
It’s time to find out what inspires your favorite Authors and discover how they enjoy the holidays, prepare their homes, set their tables and give thanks to those important in their lives.
Whether you’re celebrating at home or traveling far away, enjoy every minute of the season. We’d love to know how you enjoy your holidays, tell us below!
Stay tuned over the next few weeks as we plan to share plenty of reasons to be thankful so be sure to check the blog often. Wanna dish? Drop me a message.
Today in the cafe is Author Jessica Ruddick

Jessica Ruddick
1. What is your favorite Thanksgiving tradition? My family doesn’t have any strong Thanksgiving traditions because we rotate the holiday among different family members every year. But there is one thing that stands out–sweet potato casserole. Thanksgiving is the only time we have this dish. The recipe was passed down from my uncle’s mother, who was a true Southern Belle.
2. How do you decorate your table and home? I’m not really big on decorating for holidays other than Christmas. I simply don’t have the time! When I host Thanksgiving, I usually have a full house, around twenty people, so we serve the meal buffet style with the finest Chinet plates. No table decorations needed. 🙂
3. It’s time to pack up the leftovers, what do you do with all the food? Share it, use it for other yummy dishes or toss it? Leftovers are the best part of Thanksgiving! When I host it, that means I don’t have to cook for the next week! I usually make turkey potpie out of the turkey leftovers, but everything else we simply reheat and eat.
4. Black Friday shopping – on line fun, up early with a cup of java and a long list, or last minute shopper and don’t care about the sales? Definitely online fun. Black Friday has become kind of a misnomer–sales start earlier and earlier every year. Most online sales start the Monday before Thanksgiving, and if you don’t get your order in then, the items go out of stock. So I usually spend all of Thanksgiving week doing online Christmas shopping so that I only have to pick up a few odds and ends in December.
6. I am thankful for…My family, my dogs, my husband’s support of me as a writer, and my bestie Marnee Blake. I am truly blessed.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Family. And Happy Thanksgiving to everyone reading this and your families too.
Bio: Award-winning young adult and romance author Jessica Ruddick lives in Virginia with her college-sweetheart husband, two rambunctious sons, and two rowdy but lovable rescue dogs. Since her house is overflowing with testosterone, it’s a good thing she has a healthy appreciation for Marvel movies, Nerf guns, and football. Learn more about Jessica at jessicaruddick.com.

Check out Jessica Ruddick’s backlist and while your feast is cooking, dive into a book adventure!

Click on the link here for fun and FREE printables to keep you organized this fall season.

Apr 27, 2017 | April 2017, Blog, Jessica Ruddick
RT Booklovers Convention 2017 is next week. Check out this must read author who will be there!
Are you going? You can find Jessica at the following events:
YA Spooky Slumber Party
Tuesday, May 2, 2017 9:30pm – 11pm
Get to All the Feels Quicker
Wednesday, May 3, 2017 12:15pm – 1:15pm
YA Book-tionary
Wednesday, May 3, 2017 1:30pm – 2:30pm
Beach Blanket Bingo
Wednesday, May 3, 2017 2:45pm – 3:45pm
Entangled Candy & Spoons!
Friday, May 5, 2017 11:15am – 12:15pm

How do you live with yourself when you decide who dies?
Ava Parks would have killed for an iPod for her sixteenth birthday. Anything would have been better than coming into her birthright of being a seeker for the Grim Reaper, an arrangement made by her fallen angel ancestor in exchange for his re-admittance to heaven. And she isn’t just any seeker—she finds souls that have the potential for becoming angels and sentences them to death. A year and two souls into her role as a seeker with her conscience overflowing with guilt, Ava comes up with a plan to thwart the system. When it goes awry, she is forced to submit the name of a classmate, Cole Fowler, an ornery, rough around the edges guy who always seems to come to her rescue, whether she likes it or not. Her feelings for Cole prompt her to intervene, and she saves him from death, upsetting the Grim Reaper’s agenda.
While Ava schemes to find a way to save Cole, she learns he has some secrets of his own. She lets him believe he is protecting her, and not the other way around, until a final showdown with the Grim Reaper forces Ava to make choices Cole may never forgive.
Birthright can be purchased at any of the following retailers:
Barnes & Noble
Book 2 in the series, Retribution, is also out now!
Barnes & Noble
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Rafflecopter—The Legacy Series, Books 1 & 2 (Digital Copies)
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Jessica lives in Virginia with her college-sweetheart husband, two rambunctious sons, and two rowdy but lovable rescue dogs. Since her house is overflowing with testosterone, it’s a good thing she has a healthy appreciation for Marvel movies, Nerf guns, and football.
Connect with Jessica: