A Jewel in Time: A Sultry Sisters Anthology. Three incomparable women…one incredible jewel….


%name A Jewel in Time: A Sultry Sisters Anthology. Three incomparable women...one incredible jewel....

%name A Jewel in Time: A Sultry Sisters Anthology. Three incomparable women...one incredible jewel....


A Jewel In Time: A Sultry Sisters Anthology is magical, charming and will leave you  begging for more from these amazing authors! This collection is a must have and the price is fantastic!

The cover alone is breathtaking and screams – READ ME NOW! I just LOVE the jewels!
Be sure to get your copy now and while you’re on amazon pick up a few extras for holiday gifts!

Check out the book descriptions below and author biographies below. I will post my reviews tomorrow.


  • Loving Lieutenant Douglas by Barbara Devlin

It is the Age of Sail and First Lieutenant Mark Douglas of the Royal Navy has set his sights on a fiery society miss with a spirit to match his own. What happens when Lady Amanda Gasciogne-Lake’s father rejects the sailor’s suit, and an ancient brooch with mystical power portends doom?



%name A Jewel in Time: A Sultry Sisters Anthology. Three incomparable women...one incredible jewel....


Bestselling author Barbara Devlin was born a storyteller. A Texan, through and through, Barbara hasn’t been without a book in her possession since she was in kindergarten. She wrote her first short story, a really cheesy murder-mystery, in high school, but it was a Christmas gift, a lovely little diary with a bronze lock, given to her in the fifth grade that truly inspired her love of writing.

After completing part of her undergraduate studies at the University of London, where she developed a love of all things British, Barbara returned home and began a career in banking. But the late 80s weren’t too promising for the financial industry, and every bank that hired Barbara soon folded. So she searched for a stable occupation, and the local police department offered the answer to her prayers.

Initially, Barbara wasn’t too sure about her new career in law enforcement, but she soon came to love being a police officer. And then one uncharacteristically cold and icy day in December 1998, Barbara was struck by a car and pinned against a guardrail while working an accident on a major highway. Permanently disabled, she retired from the police department and devoted her time and energy to physical therapy.

Once Barbara got back on her feet, she focused on a new career in academia. She earned an MA in English and continued a course of study for a Doctorate in Literature and Rhetoric. She happily considered herself an exceedingly eccentric English professor, until success in Indie publishing lured her into writing, full-time, featuring her fictional knighthood, the Brethren of the Coast.

cleardot A Jewel in Time: A Sultry Sisters Anthology. Three incomparable women...one incredible jewel....
  • Behind Enemy Lines by Jeanne Adams

In WWII Europe, Lady Grace Corvedale flees Paris as the Germans approach, but Hitler has learned her brooch may have mystical powers, and he vows to possess it—at any cost. Lt. Robert “Dix” Dixon, an unofficial attache to the British Embassy, is dispatched to rescue her but can he outwit The Fuhrer to Save Grace?


Although Jeanne Adams likes calling North Carolina home, she lives in DC, where The Tentacle Affaire is set, and often jogs on the C&O towpath with her dogs.  Her favorite holiday is Halloween.  She starts planning the annual yard decor on November 1.  Alas, in this case however, the
“Adams Family” – one husband, two sons and three dogs – is all bark and no bite.

On another spooky note, Jeanne used to work in the funeral and cemetery business, and knows a thing or two about getting rid of the body….bwhahahah!  (She even teaches classes about it to other writers!)

Jeanne has written Romantic Suspense for Kensington/Zebra Publishing since 2007.  Her first Urban Fantasy, The Tentacle Affaire, came out September 2014.  Two holiday novellas are now available as well, the novella in JEWEL IN TIME, and a short Thanksgiving themed Romantic Suspense novella, Deadly Delivery.

She loves hearing from readers, so find her at www.JeanneAdams.com or on twitter @JeanneAdams or
on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/JeanneAdamsAuthor


  • The Brit, the Brooch, and the Blizzard by Caitlenn T. Ainnsley

When a series of tragic events leaves Olivia DuBois stranded in Boston during a blizzard, a handsome Brit rides to her rescue, and the California girl falls hard. Emerson Glascoigne-Lake manifests the quintessential knight in shining armor, but does a family heirloom fortell true love or destroy it?

%name A Jewel in Time: A Sultry Sisters Anthology. Three incomparable women...one incredible jewel....



Caitlenn T. Ainnsley

Chick Lit Author


Caitlenn writes edgy, sexy chick lit stories about fabulous women, hot men and the often crazy situations they encounter on the road to love.

She won her first creative writing contest in the sixth grade and has always found pleasure weaving stories.

A big fan of Harlequin’s Intrigue series, her first novel was a romantic suspense. Its rejection was a blessing because it challenged Caitlenn to explore other genres. When she scribbled a single scene to enter in a Romance Writer’s of America editor’s critique and all three editors said they wanted more from her, she knew she’d found her voice in chick lit.

The Brit, The Brooch, and The Blizzard is her debut novella.

Caitlenn is a pen name for Leah Grant. Leah is a Business, Life and Spiritual Coach having a diverse set of skills as a Master Certified Coach, a Certified NLP Practitioner, a Certified Emotional Intelligence Practitioner and an Ordained Minister. Leah Grant speaks, teaches and is a published best-selling non-fiction author.

Leah is also known as Lotus. As Lotus, she sings Sanskrit chants and has released a CD: Ecstatic Meditation – One available at  www.ecstaticmeditation.com

When she’s not traveling, which she does very frequently, Caitlenn lives in Las Vegas.

cleardot A Jewel in Time: A Sultry Sisters Anthology. Three incomparable women...one incredible jewel....

Happy Release Day Jeanne Adams! The Tentacle Affaire delivers and is a must read!

%name Happy Release Day Jeanne Adams! The Tentacle Affaire delivers and is a must read!


The Tentacle Affaire by Jeanne Adams is spell-binding, action packed and chock full of passion.  Our Slip Traveler Cait Brennan is sent to Earth to retrieve a Tyranalnid Ophthoid, a stranded ship’s pet.  The Ty-Op’s last known location is the Potomac basin and Washington, DC is the destination of Cait’s next mission. Cait figures she’ll get in, retrieve the misplaced pet and return with no problems and no one the wiser.

Unfortunately Cait is thrust into DC politics as soon as she arrives, and stumbles upon her sexy alpha male neighbor Aiden Bayliss. Usually a man of his magical talents can read and uncover anyone’s mysteries- even Cait’s before she even knows what’s happening.  However, this time Aiden can’t get over how impenetrable her apartment is to his magical powers.  There is no explanation to her mysterious arrival along with the sudden shift in his mystical powers.   Unexplained happenings around her, multiple visions after a long drought with not a one and an attraction that’s electrifying and risky. Add in a handful of dead senators, and you’ve got a heck of a mess!

When I sit down and read romances I only occasionally select the paranormal/urban fantasy genre because I can’t usually get into the story.  Not only was I hooked after the prologue I was engaged till the bitter end and in true form Jeanne Adams delivered! I need more!  I can’t wait until her next book in this series. This is Men in Black meets Gandalf, and a rocking battle of magic vs. tech.

If you are looking for action packed and flawless story with a mission that makes sense you will not be disappointed.  The Marine background for Cait and the notion of serve, protect and never leave anyone behind is paramount for this story.

Cait is sent to Earth with one mission to retrieve and return a misplaced pet and winds up discovering that even though she’s living amongst other beings from other worlds, at her core she’s still an American, and a Marine.  Love, hope and perseverance are the keys to any warm blooded creature whether it’s this planet or an unknown.   If you want to know what happens to Cait and discover the passionate fireworks that happen when she meets Aiden you must purchase this book!  You will be handsomely rewarded! The Tentacle Affaire is out today and a must have for your e-reader!

Coffee With Gina L. Maxwell V1 6 300x300 Happy Release Day Jeanne Adams! The Tentacle Affaire delivers and is a must read!

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Although Jeanne Adams likes calling North Carolina home, she lives in DC, where The Tentacle Affaire is set, and often jogs on the C&O towpath with her dogs.  Her favorite holiday is Halloween.  She starts planning the annual yard decor on November 1.  Alas, in this case however, the
“Adams Family” – one husband, two sons and three dogs – is all bark and no bite. 

On another spooky note, Jeanne used to work in the funeral and cemetery business, and knows a thing or two about getting rid of the body….bwhahahah!  (She even teaches classes about it to other writers!)

Jeanne has written suspense novels for Kensington/Zebra Publishing since 2007.  THE TENTACLE AFFAIRE is her first urban fantasy/romance.

She loves hearing from readers, so find her at www.JeanneAdams.com or on twitter @JeanneAdams or
on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/JeanneAdamsAuthor

Coffee with Jeanne Adams

%name Coffee with Jeanne Adams

%name Coffee with Jeanne Adams

Welcome Jeanne! Thanks for taking time to chat with me.
Your fans will be happy to know that The Tentacle  Affaire is almost here!
Release Day is almost here! Yay!

If we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte of course!

What would you order?

I’d order a Decaf Venti Skim Extra-Whip-Cream mocha!!

8 Tidbits for your readers:

1. A Must read book and why? Renegade by Nancy Northcott- One of the best magical-related adventure/romances I’ve read in recent years. Really, really fast-paced and cool!! Great start to a new series as well.

2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? My “hometown” is about the size of a pea, and there just isn’t much to see there. However, the nearest town of any size, Wilkesboro, NC features The Tory Oak. The general story is that the original tree was a “hanging tree” for Tories who tried to turn the area over to the British during the Revolution. The tree was well over 300 years old when it perished in 1997. It was replaced by another Black Oak tree and an historic marker was erected to commemorate the tree. All the Wilkesboro high School Class rings up until the 1990s featured the Tory Oak.

3. Castles or Beaches? – Castles! I adore them, they have places to hide, they have treasure and ghosts and all manner of interesting things
to engage the mind. I love the beach, but I love castles more! (And my bucket list castle-to-visit is Rosslyn Castle in Scotland!)

4. Hard Rock or Classical? I love them both, but if I absolutely had to choose, Hard Rock all the way. Grins.

5. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world for research, where would you go? Scotland, Scotland and then, perhaps, Scotland. I want to see the standing stones, the Isle of Lewis, the Military Tattoo at Edinburgh Castle, the Kelpies, and Doon the Chippy in Glasgow…and virtually everything else I can see. So, yes. Scotland.

6. What is your guilty pleasure? Coffee ice cream milkshakes from Baskin Robbins or coffee milkshakes with whipped cream from a local burger joint call BGR.

7. What are you afraid of? Ticks. I loathe and despise them. They’re one of the few things on the planet that give me the creeping horrors.

8. Organized or Free Floating? Both. I’m really, really organized about some things. Others? It’s the pile-and-bulldoze system of organization. Ha! Mostly, I’m a fly by the seat of your pants gals. I’m organized in a way only I can understand.

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to chat! Looking forward to everyone finding out what I already know, The Tentacle Affaire is fabulous!



Although Jeanne Adams likes calling North Carolina home, she lives in DC, where The Tentacle Affaire is set, and often jogs on the C&O towpath with her dogs.  Her favorite holiday is Halloween.  She starts planning the annual yard decor on November 1.  Alas, in this case however, the “Adams Family” – one husband, two sons and three dogs – is all bark and no bite.

On another spooky note, Jeanne used to work in the funeral and cemetery business, and knows a thing or two about getting rid of the body….bwhahahah!  (She even teaches classes about it to other writers!)

Jeanne has written suspense novels for Kensington/Zebra Publishing since 2007.  THE TENTACLE AFFAIRE is her first urban fantasy/romance.

She loves hearing from readers, so find her at www.JeanneAdams.com or on twitter @JeanneAdams or
on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/JeanneAdamsAuthor

Cover & Teaser for The Tentacle Affaire by Jeanne Adams

We can’t wait much longer!! A few more days!! 


%name Cover & Teaser for The Tentacle Affaire by Jeanne Adams


She doesn’t believe in magic.

When human Slip Traveler Cait Brennan’s routine mission to retrieve a lost interstellar pet goes FUBAR, she ends up hip-deep in a plot to kill five US Senators that puts Earth’s entire population at risk.  If she can’t uncover who’s behind the conspiracy and keep her alien employers a secret, she’ll be terminated—permanently.


He doesn’t believe in aliens.


Haunted by a devastating failure in another city, magical Adept Enforcer Aiden Bayliss is relentless in protecting the DC area from dark entities.  He’ll destroy the powerful force that’s taking out key politicians, whoever—or whatever—it is.  And, in spite of the white-hot attraction sizzling between them, his main suspect is one curvy mystery named Cait.


With everything Aiden believes in question, and Cait squared off against a deadly assassin, both must choose.   Uphold their oaths and lose each other forever, or stand together and die.



Although Jeanne Adams likes calling North Carolina home, she lives in DC, where The Tentacle Affaire is set, and often jogs on the C&O towpath with her dogs.  Her favorite holiday is Halloween.  She starts planning the annual yard decor on November 1.  Alas, in this case however, the
“Adams Family” – one husband, two sons and three dogs – is all bark and no bite. 

On another spooky note, Jeanne used to work in the funeral and cemetery business, and knows a thing or two about getting rid of the body….bwhahahah!  (She even teaches classes about it to other writers!)

Jeanne has written suspense novels for Kensington/Zebra Publishing since 2007.  THE TENTACLE AFFAIRE is her first urban fantasy/romance.

She loves hearing from readers, so find her at www.JeanneAdams.com or on twitter @JeanneAdams or
on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/JeanneAdamsAuthor

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