Jan 4, 2018 | Blog, Hildie McQueen, January 2018
Today I’d like to welcome Author Hildie McQueen to Books I Love A Latte, she’s running the blog for the next couple of hours so if you have questions please be sure to comment. Today it’s all about her upcoming release Broken: Taylor in the Laurel Creek Series. Hildie is here to give us a peek into Broken: Taylor and what we can expect in future books from this series.
Grab a cuppa and join Hildie for what promises to be a fun day!

When I wrote the first book in the Laurel Creek series, Jaded, I didn’t know what to expect. I knew the heroes would be older (in their mid forties) and my type. Tall, handsome and muscular.
Another thing I planned was that they would each be damaged in a different way, but other than Luke’s PTSD, I wasn’t sure what the other hero’s back story was yet. I remember when Taylor first made an appearance and how much he stood out.
Knowing what I had in store for him, my heart broke and I almost didn’t write everything into his story that I’d plotted. However, a story goes where it wishes to go and in the end, Taylor suffers a lot of losses in this book.
It is my hope that regardless of the tragedies in this hero’s life, you feel hopeful and are smiling when you read the last page.
I feel it is realistic that after devastating loss and hurt, a person comes out stronger and realize that there is still hope for a wonderful life and bright future.
Spoiler Alert! Taylor’s cousin Eric’s story is entwined through this book. Eric and Mindy’s story will conclude in Tobias’ book, Ruined: Tobias, which will be published in mid 2018.
If you’re wondering what to expect in Tobias’ book, I will only say that you are in for a surprise or two. How do I know this? Because although I have no idea what is coming, several times while writing Broken, I know that certain things with Tobias aren’t as perfect as they seem.
So hold on to your Stetsons, there is much to come in the Laurel Creek series!! I’d love to hear back from my readers with your impression of Taylor’s story Broken: Taylor, The Laurel Creek Series.
Read on friends!
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Author Info:
USA Today Bestselling author Hildie McQueen loves unusual situations and getting into interesting adventures, which is what her characters do as well. She writes romance because she is in love with love! Author of Romance in Highland historical, Western Historical and contemporary, she writes something every reader can enjoy.
Most days she can be found in her pajamas hiding from deliverymen while drinking tea from her David Gandy coffee mug. In the afternoons she browses the Internet for semi-nude men to post on Facebook.
Hildie’s favorite past-times are romance conventions, traveling, shopping and reading.
She resides in beautiful small town Georgia with her super-hero husband Kurt and three doggies.
Visit her website at www.hildiemcqueen.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HildieMcQueen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HildieMcQueen
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hildiemcqueenwriter/
Jan 3, 2018 | Amy Andrews, Blog, January 2018
Are you still craving a holiday romance read? If so, you need to one-click Hanky-Spanky Christmas by Amy Andrews.
Darcy Henderson is all work with very little time for play. Will one night out at a new club in town change her perspective of a “good time?” Darcy is about to confront her deepest desires and find out what can happen when she finally discovers what she wants. I love a story that can blend humor with character growth and in this novella, it works brilliantly.
Mitch Callaghan lives in the same building as Darcy and the attraction between them is electric, but will they get enough courage to explore their feelings? Tis’ the season for being kind, even your nosy neighbors ;).
While the trees may be gone and the ornaments boxed up for next Christmas, the romance is strong. There is always room for a little holiday adventure with a lovable cast of characters and one hilarious scene that will keep you reading until the very last page.
A two and a half spicy latte bite-sized holiday read has the right amount of holiday spice and sweet delights that will keep you cozy and warm. Add laughable moments with a swoon-worthy hero and you have the recipe for the perfect book to weather any cold winter’s night. Oh, and for mature readers, 18+. I received this ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review.
Author Info:
Amy is an award-winning, best-selling Aussie author who has written over fifty contemporary romances in both the traditional and digital markets. She loves good books, fab food, great wine and frequent travel – preferably all four together. She lives on acreage on the outskirts of Brisbane with a gorgeous mountain view but secretly wishes it was the hillsides of Tuscany. To keep up with her latest releases and giveaways sign up for her newsletter – https://www.amyandrews.com.au/newsletter.html
Jan 3, 2018 | Blog, Cathy Maxwell, Coffee With, January 2018
Rae: Thanks so much for hanging out with me today. First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking an spiced Latte with Coconut Milk with chocolate drizzle, what would you order?
Cathy: Just coffee with room for cream and stevia.
Rae: Congratulations on your 41st release (is that correct?)
Cathy: Not even close. This is my 33rd book. I’ve written a few novellas but 41 is still a high number. I hope to reach it someday, but I’m not there yet.
Rae: If Ever I Should Love You. It released on December 26th and I must thank you, it was my favorite birthday present 😉 I rarely have books released on my birthday! What was the inspiration for this new book adventure?
Cathy: Happy birthday to you! This is lovely, Rae. The inspiration for this new series was something my husband used to say: You can marry money but you can’t live with it.
I know, I know, it doesn’t make complete sense . . . unless one is in an upside down relationship. Money can be a great tool for climbing a social ladder or it can destroy a person’s character.
In IF EVER I SHOULD LOVE YOU, I’m using money has a tool to bring two people who were truth destined to be together. 
Rae: The last time we sat down it was always during games at RT in Atlanta. I am fascinated in your career, you began in broadcasting and then worked in Naval Intelligence. How does one then make the leap writing Historical Romance?
Cathy: I always knew that I would someday write a book. Back when I was a news broadcaster, I found myself frustrated by the trajectory of my career. Mind you, this was back in the day when women were struggling to be taken seriously in broadcasting. I saw my career ahead of me—I’d move up to Wichita, then Omaha, then maybe St. Joe, and by that time I’d be thirty and my on-air career would be over. Furthermore, I found reading the news dissatisfying. It is a bit like telling people bedtime stories. At the time, I was working for a small satellite station where on top of all of the reporting duties I also wrote advertising, did the billing, and vacuumed. It doesn’t sound glamorous but it was great. I had complete control as long as I stayed under budget. However, I didn’t know if I wanted to move up.
So, I made a list of the twenty-five things I wanted to do with my life. Travel was on there. Writing a book was another item. And I wanted to join the Navy. I can’t remember much else because I set into motion the travel and joining the military. I have no regrets. It was a grand adventure.
Writing a book was trickier. I had no idea what I wanted to write—until I read my first romance novel. FIERCE EDEN by Jennifer Blake captured my imagination and here I am today.
Rae: Your backlist is impressive and inspiring with multiple series and standalone reads, what can we expect in 2018? Will there be more books from current series, or new ones in the works? That being said, how do you keep all of your worlds and characters from crossing over?
Cathy: Right now, the plan is for all the three books in the “Spinster Heiresses” series to be released in 2018.
I do have a loose bible of what I want to have happen over the course of the series. More importantly, I have a huge imagination full of people who are alive in my mind. I keep track of them as easily as I maintain tabs on any of my loving friends.
Rae: As a reader who appreciates a well crafted book cover, are you active in the creative design process? They are
Cathy: Thank you! All credit goes to the excellent Avon Books Art Director.
Rae: I read that you love horses, do you ride daily? I hear the experience can be very therapeutic.
Cathy: I adore horses. Unfortunately, when I moved to Texas, I left my beautiful Dinero behind. It didn’t seem right to move him from where he is happiest. He is a sensitive soul. My trainer purchased him and they are heading for the show ring, something I had no desire to do or the talent for it. Still, I love them. I’m now content to donate to area equine rescues.
Rae: Writing all the words is a challenge, do you have a writing ritual or secret location to get the work done?
Cathy: No, nada. With me, it is go for it and hope it makes sense when I’m done.
Rae: Can you tell us how you tackle plotting your series? Is it on a massive board, sheets of paper or just write as you go with a simple outline?
Cathy: Most of the story is in my head. I do prepare a bible of sorts so I understand the themes I want to cover but the details of each book are always evolving. I yank stuff that displeases me out with wild abandon.
Rae: What can we expect to see on the bookshelves in the upcoming months?
Cathy: Book two of the Spinster Heiresses series A MATCH MADE IN BED will be released April 26. Look for THE DUKE THAT I MARRY along towards the end of 2018.
** Tantalizing Tidbits **
1. What is a must read book and why? I don’t have one. I have zillions! I just made my Romance Book Club read TIGER’S EYE by Karen Robards. That book has everything—sweeping romance, a outlaw hero, a betrayed heroine. Just big and grand reading.
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? Summer Moon Coffee Shop.
3. Do you take-in or cook? If so, what is your “go-to” dish? I cook. I’m crazy about a vegetarian chili. I’m also a fan of greens and mustard vinaigrette with fried eggs.
4. What is one thing readers would be surprised to know about you? That I can be introverted.
5. Hard Rock or Classical? Favorite Band or Artist? All of them. I’m eclectic.
6. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world for research, where would you go? France and Germany. And the research would be about readers. European markets are opening for Romance in a big way and I’d like to spend time meeting readers.
7. What is your guilty pleasure? Zumba!!!!!!!
8. What are you afraid of? Something bad happening to people I love.
9. Tats or No Tats? If tats, how many and what did you choose for your first one? No tats. I’m a true rebel.
10. Organized or Free Floating? What a mess!
11. Binge watcher or weekly viewer? Which show(s)? Binge. Right now, Big Love and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
12. What’s on your playlist? Everything. Classical, blues, bluegrass, rock, reggatone, rap, alternative, jazz. You name it; I’ve got it.
13. What play or musical do you want to see next? I have no idea. I’d like to see Hamilton
14. Are you a crafter? No.
15. What’s your favorite TV show and why? I binge, see above.
16. If you could pick a book you’ve read and make it into a movie, which book would it be (besides yours 🙂 )? I’m thinking the Beard Science would be a good one.
17. What’s your favorite movie of all time and why? Waking Ned Devine. Such wonderful characters and good humor. Every time I make a chicken dinner, I think of that movie.
18. Would you rather see a movie in the theater or at home on DVD and why? Home because it had better be an excellent movie for me to watch it in a theater. Yes, I’m one of those people who gets antsy if the movie is mediocre. I want to rewrite it.
19. What is the one thing you can’t live without? My computer. It is my lifeline to the world.
20. If you could invite 5 people to dinner (not friends and family – that’s too easy) who would be at your table? Where would you eat? Brazilian chef Alex Atala, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Poet Naomi Shihab Nye, Behaviorist Dan Ariely, and Pope Francis. There is a great food truck here in Austin that serves barbeque and homemade tortillas. We’ll eat there.
21. If you could try any career for a day, what would it be? Agent
22. Person you admire and why? There are so many . . . but let me choose Merline Lovelace who had a stellar career in the Air Force during some turbulent years for women in the armed forces and has gone on to a wonderful writing career. She lives life to the fullest with grace and laughter.
Rae: Thanks again for hanging out in the cafe today! Time for another spiced latte 🙂 Thank you! It has been fun.
Happy Reading Dear Readers.
Author Info:
Cathy Maxwell is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over thirty historical romance novels. She never minds spending hours in front of her computer pondering the question, “Why do people fall in love?” To her, it remains the great mystery of life and the secret to happiness. To discover more about Cathy and her books, visit www.cathymaxwell.com
Jan 1, 2018 | Blog, January 2018
My wishes for you dear readers is a year filled with people who make you laugh, provide support, and allow you to grow. May your adventures push and challenge you. If fear or negative thoughts are preventing you from taking that first step, may you overcome it and navigate those obstacles with grace and humility.
In order to turn your dreams into reality and accomplish your goals you need to have a system that will keep you on a steady path. It’s time to fill your planners, organizers, apps, calendars, or whatever you use to keep your productivity flowing, and start your journey today! Not sure where to start? I recently reviewed my planner from Plum Paper, you can check it out here.
As the first day of 2018 comes to a close I am filled with excitement in my plans for the blog, my family, and my own personal goals. What are you excited about? Did you create a list with your goals? Are you a planner? Did you write a bucket list or a list of adventures? No matter how you decided to challenge yourself, I hope you have a support network to keep you motivated and on track. If you are unsure where to start, check out my boards on Pinterest. I can’t wait to see where your year takes you!