Jan 19, 2018 | Blog, January 2018, Lynne Silver, Spicy Latte

The Breeder by Lynne Silver is a spicy fast paced novella that takes us into a world where few are still lucky enough to have human contact, or free to make choices. A must read dystopian love story that speaks about being in touch with your feelings, the world around you, and whether or not you choose to numb yourself in the face of the unknown.
Jane is one of the chosen, a Breeder. Will it be a chore or a death sentence? Is there the possibility for desire, or is that taken away from her as well? When your heart yearns for one man, the probability that he will be your forever is a dream. I just love where this story is headed. Can Jane fulfill her duties despite her heart attached to someone else?
What would you do if you discovered you weren’t like everyone else, or those who have been where you are? Confused? Don’t be, a world where sex is merely for procreation is not easy to process but Lynne shows you Jane’s reality. What makes it exciting is the secrets that Jane keeps to ensure her safety, and survival. Will she play the game, or create a new one to spend the rest of her life with the one man she can’t live without?
Ethan has one goal, to outlast and outsmart his competitors, his fate rests on one moment. If anyone were to discover the truth regarding his journey, it could destroy any chance for real love. Ethan is a hero who we dream about, a man that is willing to sacrifice everything for the one woman he loves. There is no risk too small that he’s not willing to take, even if it could mean death.
Discover for yourself a compelling and intense read about second chances, the ability to find a human connection in a world where it’s certain to become extinct. Machines have taken over even the simplest act and yet, it’s the one thing we as readers can’t imagine living without.
This Spicy Latte is best enjoyed with your favorite iced-beverage, a cozy chair, and maybe a fan. Oh, and yes, it’s for mature readers 18+.
I received this ARC from the author for a fair and honest review.
Please note that I’ve changed how I rate the heat factor for all reviews. You can find my new Spicy Latte Ratings here.
Exclusive Excerpt:
“You’re on, Jane,” Michael said.
I smiled out to the audience hoping to convey my impartiality to the home viewers. My fingers trembled as I lowered my hand into the bowl. For good show, I rustled my hand around, taking care to tease out the anticipation, but not take too long for fear the males in the audience would revolt.
Several members of the Guard stood at strategic points in the auditorium to ensure the process would go without violence. It was one hundred men against a dozen, even if those dozen had serious weapons.
I drew out the first name and handed the folded card to Michael. He smoothed it open and read out, “Simon Carter.” Behind us, the name flashed on the screen in the number one slot. I scanned the audience looking for the man named Simon Carter to come running up the aisle to claim his prize. No applause or cheers accompanied him. This surprised me. When I watched in previous years from my dorm room, it had always sounded as if the studio audience had gone wild. Instead, reality was silent.
“This is a competition. They won’t cheer for their opponent,” Michael said under his breath as he interpreted my confusion. “Smile.” I now understood the cheers had been dubbed in for the home audience and forced the smile back on my face. I wondered what else was different for the home audience. What other surprises were headed my way?
Another second passed before the first candidate bounded up the steps and onto the stage. He towered over me. His expression was pure intent as he stalked over to me and yanked me to him for a kiss. This I’d been expecting. Each candidate got to kiss the Breeder before the real competition began. I hadn’t been expecting his height and strength as he overwhelmed me with his power.
Back at school, girls kissed all the time. Those innocent kisses had not prepared me for the feel of a man’s body pressing against mine. I felt dainty and petite against him.
The kiss went on for long seconds, leaving me breathless and clinging to his wide shoulders. “You’re gonna be mine,” he growled against my ear before stepping back.
I nodded mutely. Maybe he would be the winner. He seemed strong enough to me.
Get your copy here for $1.99

About the Author: Lynne Silver is the author of sexy contemporary romance such as the popular Alpha Heroes and Coded for Love series. She absolutely loves to travel and explore new cities. She has a slight (huge) addiction to donuts, fancy purses, romance novels and video games. She lives in Washington, DC, with her husband and two sons. She loves connecting with readers so please find her on social media.
Jan 19, 2018 | Authors Dish, Blog, Delancey Stewart, January 2018, Naima Simone, Tawna Fenske
Welcome to Authors Dish where your favorite authors share what they are reading. In addition, if you enjoy reading their books they have suggestions for similar book adventures by other authors. It doesn’t get better than that!
Today in the cafe are Delancey Stewart, Tawna Fenske and Naima Simone
Rae: Who are you reading?

Delancey Stewart: Melanie Summers, Jill Shalvis, Susan Mallery, and Suanne Laqueur
Tawna Fenske: So many books! I have a couple Jill Shalvis books cued up for Christmas reading. I’m also looking forward to What Is Not Yours by Helen Oyeymi and a new mystery read from debut author Kathleen Valenti called Protocol. Oh! and Kristan Higgins’ latest –she’s tops on my auto-buy list!
Naima Simone: Right now I’m reading Wrong to Need You by Alisha Rai. And I have Hate to Want You in the line-up right after it. Alisha Rai! OMG! Where have I been? I think I’ve found a new author to stalk. LOL!
Rae: If readers are a fan of your books, who should they consider reading?
Delancey Stewart: Tracy Brogan, Terri Osburn and Melanie Summers
Tawna Fenske: If you enjoy my zanier romantic comedies like Making Waves or Frisky Business, you’d probably enjoy books by Jennifer Crusie or Linda Grimes. If you like my meatier rom-coms that straddle the line between women’s fiction and romance (This Time Around, At the Heart of It, About that Fling), you’d probably enjoy Kristan Higgins. If you like small-town romance in a shorter, cozier read (like my newest rom-com, Studmuffin Santa), you’d probably like Kait Nolan. And if you enjoy my super-steamy erotic rom-coms like The List, you’d probably enjoy Lauren Blakely, Victoria Dahl, or Samanthe Beck.
Naima Simone: Samanthe Beck, Lauren Hawkeye, Gina Maxwell, Cathryn Fox, Robin Covington, and Nina Crespo.
Rae: Thank you so much authors! Let me know dear readers if you try any of these books. I’ll see you next week – same time for new authors and more fun!
Author Bios:
Delancey Stewart: Award-winning author Delancey Stewart writes contemporary romance.
Stewart has lived on both coasts, in big cities and small towns. She’s been a pharmaceutical rep, a personal trainer and a direct sales representative for a French wine importer. But she has always been a writer first.
A wife and the mother of two small boys, her current job titles include pirate captain, monster hunter, Lego assembler and story reader. She tackles all these efforts at her current home outside Washington D.C.
Tawna Fenske: When Tawna Fenske finished her English lit degree at 22, she celebrated by filling a giant trash bag full of romance novels and dragging it everywhere until she’d read them all. Now she’s a RITA-nominated, USA Today bestselling author who writes humorous fiction, risqué romance, and heartwarming love stories with a quirky twist. Publishers Weekly has praised Tawna’s offbeat romances with multiple starred reviews and noted, “There’s something wonderfully relaxing about being immersed in a story filled with over-the-top characters in undeniably relatable situations. Heartache and humor go hand in hand.”
Tawna lives in Bend, Oregon, with her husband, stepkids, and a menagerie of ill-behaved pets. She loves hiking, snowshoeing, standup paddleboarding, and inventing excuses to sip wine on her back porch. She can peel a banana with her toes and loses an average of twenty pairs of eyeglasses per year. To find out more about Tawna and her books, visit www.tawnafenske.com.
Naima Simone: USA Today Bestselling author Naima Simone’s love of romance was first stirred by Johanna Lindsey, Sandra Brown and Linda Howard many years ago. Well not that many. She is only eighteen…ish. Though her first attempt at a romance novel starring Ralph Tresvant from New Edition never saw the light of day, her love of romance, reading and writing has endured. Published since 2009, she spends her days—and nights— writing sizzling romances with a touch of humor and snark.
She is wife to Superman, or his non-Kryptonian, less bullet proof equivalent, and mother to the most awesome kids ever. They all live in perfect, sometimes domestically-challenged bliss in the southern United States.
Jan 18, 2018 | Blog, January 2018, Thrilling Thursday

Looking for a thrilling book adventure to kick off your weekend? Check out these Romantic Suspense, Military Romance, and other action packed books now.
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Jan 17, 2018 | Blog, Cover Reveal, January 2018, L.J. Stock

Check out the gorgeous cover for A Shot in the Dark, L. J’s new Contemporary Romance/Romantic Suspense which releases March 12th.
Jan 16, 2018 | Blog, Delancey Stewart, January 2018, Teaser Tuesday
Happy Book Birthday Love Rebuilt by Delancey Stewart. Check out this exclusive Excerpt and one-click now.
I stared at the mallet in his hand, and realized that he’d been pounding a sign into the ground in front of the half-framed house that stood next to my trailer. We were actually talking to one another through the non-existent walls of the front room. The front room of my dream house. My ex-dream house. The one I had been building with my ex-husband. Jack.
“What’s the deal with the sign?”
“What do think the deal with the sign is?” Jack grinned and my blood bubbled hot beneath my skin.
“It’s eight a.m. I don’t want to play guessing games.”
Jack turned away from me as a car motored slowly up the narrow road and came to a stop behind where he stood. “I think you’re about to find out.” As he said it, he turned back around and winked at me.
The wink threw me over the edge.
“Don’t wink at me, you ass!” I practically screamed it, and as I did, the
owner of the car emerged, his head turning my way as he ran a hand through shiny auburn locks.
Wow. I suppressed an involuntary shiver and pulled my robe a little closer around me.
The car was one of those practical luxury types. A Land Rover or a Land Cruiser or some kind of four-wheel-drive Land thing. I wasn’t an expert in slow, hulking cars. Actually, given that I now found myself living in a shack next to a half-built reminder of my failed marriage and was working in a diner, it turned out that I was not an expert at anything. Not marriage. And certainly not men.
The man who approached the threshold of my trailer, taking in all my terrycloth-robed glory, had an air of practical luxury about him, too. He was tall and broad, his hair glinting with hints of copper in the sunlight. It was a little long, a little messy, but clearly some attention was paid to it, since it looked thick and healthy. He wore aviator sunglasses and they hid most of his face. But not his lips. And his lips…his lips were like a sculpture. The kind of lips that would make nuns blush and giggle. They were a little too perfect, maybe. But the guy wore flannel, like most people in this mountain town. And the short stubble covering his jaw gave him a rugged look that inspired a wild urge to rub my hand over it. Or better yet, photograph it. I longed to dart back inside for my camera, but I already looked like a loon. A robe-wearing loon with a camera would definitely not be better. The man stepped around the car, gazing up at the half-built house, and I chastised myself for staring. My fascination, beyond his movie-hunk looks, was that this man was clearly different from the other people I’d seen up here, but he still managed to fit in. Something I hadn’t mastered.
“How much?” the man asked, speaking to Jack.
“How much what?” I asked, my voice bordering on a high-pitched scream. What was going on here?
Jack ignored me. “I guess given the state, and the fact that winter’s not far out, the better question is what’s it worth to you?”
The man walked around the house, stepping into rooms, and testing structural beams with his hands and his body weight.
While he wandered around inside my house, I stepped down the front step and stomped through the dust in my pink slippers to where Jack stood with his arms crossed.
“What is going on?” I hissed.
Jack raised an eyebrow as he looked at me. “Is that the teddy from our wedding night?”
I glanced down, horrified to see a flash of leopard-print silk exposed in the deep V-neck of the robe. “No.” It was. He was right. My humiliation was practically complete.
“You can take the girl out of the city…” Jack grinned, shaking his head.
I pulled the robe tighter. So what if I still wore my expensive lingerie to bed? I deserved nice things. Even if Jack had taken most of them from me. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Selling the house for you.”
“For me?”
“Thought you’d appreciate the help.”
“I don’t want your help, you cheating ass!”
The man had stopped examining the house and was looking toward me now, a tilt to his head and a half-smile on those sculpted lips. I wished he’d take off those damned shades so I could see what he thought of this whole exchange, which he had surely overheard. I don’t know why I cared.

Want more? It’s your lucky day dear readers, you can one-click right now and start reading today. Scoop this up for $2.99 before the price goes up!

Award-winning author Delancey Stewart writes contemporary romance.
Stewart has lived on both coasts, in big cities and small towns. She’s been a pharmaceutical rep, a personal trainer and a direct sales representative for a French wine importer. But she has always been a writer first.
A wife and the mother of two small boys, her current job titles include pirate captain, monster hunter, Lego assembler and story reader. She tackles all these efforts at her current home outside Washington D.C.
Jan 15, 2018 | Blog, Blog Tour, Eliza Knight, January 2018

Celebrate the release of THE SEA DEVIL, the newest installment in USA Today Bestselling Author Eliza Knight’s swashbuckling series, Pirates of Britannia: Lords of the Sea tomorrow!
The Whole Latte:
The Sea Devil by Eliza Knight is a swashbuckling high-seas adventure packed with plot twists, pirates, adventure, and romance. It’s time to meet a brotherhood of pirates where each standalone read is seamless and sprinkled with everything from castles, ships and ship life written with precision and care that you are swept up into this journey along with her beloved characters. It’s exciting and exhilarating. Are you ready?
From the first page, this 186 page book is an adventure that will make you laugh, cry, and run to the nearest port searching for your own kilted hero. Any man that can carry himself like Thor is worthy of a woman like Alesia. Lucky for us she just doesn’t realize it and needs a little convincing. That leaves lots of pages for us to watch this unfold.
Thornley “Thor” MacLeod wasn’ always a pirate which makes this story so appealing. After a traumatic event has since spent every minute seeking revenge. It’s time to settle the score with a devious plan. No longer a mischievous boy, he’s found comfort and family from the Brethren of Britania. A chance encounter with a woman, a promise of treasured gold, and vow to avenge the one person Thor loved will push this story into a book adventure you never want to end.
Alesia Baird has spent most of her life running from the authorities, how much longer can she outrun them? When hope is shaken, and an opportunity for financial security lands at her feet, will she have the courage to see her crazy plan to the end? It all sounds simple until she discovers that a devilish and sexy pirate is included with a teeny, tiny fib. In order to find financial freedom she will embark on an adventure that will take her away from the only place she’s ever known.
When Thor reveals a secret so powerful that it could destroy Alesia and his crew. How long will they be able to fight off their attraction? Thor has met his match as Alesia fights to prove that she’s worthy of sailing with his crew and it raises the stakes. Their chemistry is hot, burns slow, and is two and a half peppers worthy for any reader daring to set sail with the Pirates of Britania. It makes the entire journey edge of the seat worthy.
If you are a lover of men in kilts and want to know what it means to be a real Scotsman, ask Alesia. I’m sure she’d be happy to enlighten you ;).
In less than a few hours you can find out who will survive? Who will surrender? Who will find love? and whose story will be next? If you’re looking for a pirate adventure with other characters to discover will enjoy this. You don’t have to read the previous releases, but if you do, you will be handsomely rewarded.
I received an advance copy from Barclay PR for a fair and honest review. At a bargain price of $2.99 it is the perfect gift for yourself or a friend! One-click now and in just two sleeps you can set sail with Savage and his crew!
Get your copy here for all three releases so far: Amazon ITunes Nook Kobo
EXCLUSIVE sneak peek and enter the giveaway for a pair of Let Your Heart Be Your Compass earrings or an eBook from Eliza!
Enter to win a pair of Let Your Heart Be Your Compass earrings or an eBook from Eliza!
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An excerpt from THE SEA DEVIL
Copyright © Eliza Knight 2018
“I’m a pirate, lass. What am I supposed to think when I come into my room and a lass has made herself at home, going so far as to take off her boots?”
She pushed against him more, and he did let go slightly, enough that she thought she might be able to draw a better breath, but it didn’t appear that his hold was what kept her from breathing. Struggling to speak without choking, she said, “I came here because I heard ye were looking for the bastard of Santiago Fernandez.”
“And ye claim to be that unfortunate offspring?”
She nodded solemnly. “I do.”
“Prove it,” he growled.
“How?” She wriggled against him. “Put me down first.”
“Say something to me in Spanish.”
He settled her in front of him, but not far enough away that she couldn’t still feel the heat of his body sinking into hers. Thinking quickly on her feet, Alesia frowned up at him. “My mother was Scots, and my father, the legendary Spanish pirate, abandoned me the moment he planted his seed, ye buffoon. Where would I have learned his language?”
“Point taken.” He studied her face, eyes narrowed. “Ye do have the look of him. In a feminine sort of way. Save for that hair. Tempestuous hair.”
Her mouth fell open at the insult. She moved to stomp on his foot but quickly found herself lifted off her feet, arms pinned to her sides by the steely strength of his own.
Fine, he wanted to play dirty. She’d already showed him once she knew how to take down a man. Alesia moved to kick him where she’d had the pleasure of socking him before, but Captain Thor clamped her legs between his thighs of steel.
“Uh-uh, princess,” he mocked.
Though she hated to head-butt anyone for the headache it always gave her, that was her next move. Alesia was fairly certain at this point she wasn’t going to be walking away with the silver, which meant she could at least walk away with her life—and figure out another way to escape the wharf.
Before she had the chance to make good on her decision to crack her head against his, she found herself flattened to the wood-planked floor, and his massive body on top of hers. Every hard plane pressed to the soft curves of her own. She sucked in a ragged breath, prepared to shout at him to leave off, but she found her throat too tight to speak.
“I’d have expected more from Santiago’s daughter, wee sprite.” His finger trailed over her cheek and along her jawline.
Alesia bared her teeth, trying to wriggle free but only managing to feel his body pressed harder to hers. “And I would have expected more from a pirate Captain.”
“Touché.” His grin was inviting. Unnerving. Disarming.
“Get off me,” she growled, trying keep her mind in the right place—the angry place. That was survival. To succumb to his disarmament was to lose.
His gaze shifted to her lips. “Not without a kiss.”
Alesia snorted and shoved at his unmoving shoulders. “I’d not kiss ye if ye were the last man on earth.”
“What if I were the second to last?” he teased.
She let out an exasperated groan. “Not then, either, ye ogre.”
He clucked his tongue. “Shame.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because, lass, if sparring with ye is this fun, kissing would be even better.”
About Eliza Knight
Eliza Knight is an award-winning and USA Today bestselling author of over fifty sizzling historical, time-travel and contemporary romance novels. Under the name E. Knight, she pens rip-your- heart-out historical fiction. While not reading, writing or researching for her latest book, she chases after her three children. In her spare time (if there is such a thing…) she likes daydreaming, wine-tasting, traveling, hiking, staring at the stars, watching movies, shopping and visiting with family and friends. She lives atop a small mountain with her own knight in shining armor, three princesses and two very naughty puppies.
Connect with Eliza at: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Instagram