Feb 23, 2018 | Authors Dish, Avery Flynn, Blog, February 2018, Graceley Knox, Kate Meader

Welcome to Authors Dish where your favorite authors are sharing what they are reading. C’mon, even authors have a stash too!
In addition, if you enjoy reading their books they have suggestions for similar book adventures by other authors. It doesn’t get better than that!
Today in the cafe are USA Today Best Selling Authors Kate Meader, Avery Flynn, and Graceley Knox.
Rae: Who are you reading?

Kate Meader: I’m currently reading super-sekrit contest entries for the RITAs (Oscars for romance).

Avery Flynn: My stash is epic and I’m totally on a historical romance with Tessa Dare kick.

Graceley Knox: Shayla Black is top of my list. Then I’ve got Holly Black, S. Jae Jones, Sarah J. Maas and Jeaniene Frost.

Rae: If readers are a fan of your books, who should they consider reading?
Kate Meader: If you’re a fan of Kate Meader consider reading Lauren Layne, Julie James, and Rachel Gibson (yes, I’m shooting high here!)
Avery Flynn: If your a fan of Avery Flynn consider these authors… Kate Meader, Louise Bay & Lauren Blakely.
Graceley Knox: If your a fan of Graceley Knox consider reading these authors… D.D. Miers, Amelia Hutchins, Laurell K. Hamilton,and Sherrilyn Kenyon.
Rae: Thank you so much authors! Let me know dear readers if you try any of these books. I’ll see you next week – same time for new authors and more fun!
** Author Bios **
Kate Meader: Originally from Ireland, USA Today bestselling author Kate Meader cut her romance reader teeth on Maeve Binchy and Jilly Cooper novels, with some Harlequins thrown in for variety. Give her tales about brooding mill owners, oversexed equestrians, and men who can rock an apron or a fire hose, and she’s there. Now based in Chicago, she writes sexy contemporary romance with alpha heroes and strong heroines who can match their men quip for quip.
website // facebook // twitter // pinterest // newsletter // reader group (kate’s kittens)
Avery Flynn: USA Today bestselling romance author Avery Flynn has three slightly-wild children, loves a hockey-addicted husband and is desperately hoping someone invents the coffee IV drip.
She fell in love with romance while reading Johanna Lindsey’s Mallory books. It wasn’t long before Avery had read through all the romance offerings at her local library. Needing a romance fix, she turned to Harlequin’s four books a month home delivery service to ease the withdrawal symptoms. That worked for a short time, but it wasn’t long before the local book stores’ staffs knew her by name.
Avery was a reader before she was a writer and hopes to always be both. She loves to write about smartass alpha heroes who are as good with a quip as they are with their *ahem* other God-given talents. Her heroines are feisty, fierce and fantastic. Brainy and brave, these ladies know how to stand on their own two feet and knock the bad guys off theirs.
Graceley Knox: USA Today bestselling author, Graceley Knox, suffers from a serious caffeine and book addiction-and she’s not apologizing for it. She writes wicked paranormal and fantasy romance with snarky heroines and sexy heroes. By day she works in the publishing industry, and by night, she plots out the many ideas cluttering her mind. Her free time is spent with her fabulous family and Bengal kitties. She loves to connect with fans on social media, so stop by and say hello!
Social Media Links:
Oct 26, 2017 | Blog, Blog Tour, Graceley Knox, October 2017
Happy release week for Throne of Secrets, the third book in Graceley Knox’s Wicked Kingdom series. This magical book is packed with even more action, sexy one-liners and colorful details than the first two books. Fear not, if you are new to this series, check out my review of Crown of Betrayal and Mark of Truth There is time to catch up.
Hold onto your e-reader for this epic adventure that has more to come! If you love reading a romance with a slow burn with characters who are just so absolutely brilliant together, then read this story. The chemistry between Ever and Dare will singe your e-reader. It’s not over the top and it’s oh so exciting.
If you love a series that has romance, fantasy, connecting worlds, characters that are rich and well written by an author who allows your imagination to run wild, one-click. It’s a journey of uncovering the truth for Ever, who is she and why was she sent away? Will her parents reveal the truth? It still haunts her, and the outcome will impact and affect more than one kingdom. A war is brewing, lines have been crossed, trust has been broken. Family members have come forward to challenge the throne, and use Ever for their own gain. Who will discover the truth first?
A family reunion might finally present details surrounding the missing pieces Ever is collecting. However, the stakes are at an all time high, pieces are slowly coming into focus. Who will unlock the mystery first? Who will survive when it is
revealed? Dare will stop at nothing to protect the one person he loves but will he find the courage to tell Ever his true feelings? Deep within their world woven of love and balanced with new formed trust, secrets still threaten to destroy generations of families. Kingdoms of innocent people, talk of a rebellion, and more riddles threaten the peace. The excitement is never ending! Will Ever return to MECA? is the Order safe? Oh Lord, I must know!
While I received this ARC for a fair and honest review I intend to purchase a few copies – they make great gifts for your friends. Now is the time to start shopping for the holidays. Cross those items off your list! At ninety-nine cents this book makes a welcome addition to your e-reader library and a wonderful new book adventure. Happy reading and watch out for those elves and goblins ;)!
While Throne of Secrets can be read as a standalone, for a deeper appreciation of the characters and their journey, I encourage you to read this series in order. There is no better time to pick up a new author as Mark of Truth is $2.99 and Throne of Secrets is $0.99 right now on amazon! Grab all three books for $9.97! I have a feeling there is more to come so one-click now.
This two peppers spicy latte has just enough to make you tingle and is it’s for mature readers 18+. 
EXCLUSIVE Throne of Secrets Excerpt:
Arela’s words from three weeks ago repeat over and over in my head like a broken record. And just like the first time I heard them, my stomach drops to my feet and my emotions spin out of control. Doubt that I can be the person to unite two kingdoms. Shock that I’m even considering that I’ll be the one to do it. Happiness that someone will unite the two kingdoms, worry that Arela is having chats with the Goddess of Faerie. And finally, determination to sort through all of it and make sure that everyone I love comes out unscathed.
I shiver and wrap the blanket I’d grabbed tightly around me. Dawn is approaching and the dark blues of the sky are slowly being replaced with streaks of orange and yellow. I’m sitting on the top of the front gate of the Goblin castle. The cool stone seeps through the blanket I’m huddled in, but I don’t mind it. I’ve come here every morning for the past week so I can sit in silence and think. Everyone around me is making plans and guessing at outcomes and I just need a few minutes to myself to process. Just a few moments to take a deep breath and clear my head. The darkness of the night matches the murkiness of my thoughts and my mood perfectly.
What I need is answers. I need someone to give it to me straight and not tack on their own political agenda. The chances of that happening are slim to none. I’m too close to all the parties involved for them to be unbiased. I need someone who doesn’t have anything invested in the outcome of my appearance in the Light Elven Kingdom. MECA could probably not care less, but then again, I recently learned they aren’t as uninvolved as they tell everyone they are. The Goblin Kingdom has given me shelter and taken care of those I hold dearest, but they hold might above all else. Allying with the Light Elven Kingdom would only make them more fearsome. Last but not least, my mother is a royal in the Light Elven Kingdom and my uncle is the current king. My mother is still missing, which adds to my worry, and my uncle is trying to make history. I’m sick of being a pawn in a deadly game of political chess. I pull at a loose string on the blanket and grumble under my breath.
“If only I could see snippets of the future. A glimpse is all I’m asking for.”
I look up into the fading darkness and pray that my wishes are heard by anyone who can help. Minutes go by and my glimmer of hope flicks out and helplessness fills my chest. Why me? Why would anyone involved in the grand scheme of things want me to help them? I’m angry most of the time and full of inappropriate sarcastic comments. I try to protect everyone around me but it seems like I mostly fail. I fail all the time and each time I do it’s like another piece of my soul crumbles into a pile of ash. I can barely make sense of my own emotions let alone help everyone else with theirs. There’s got to be a reason as to why I’m tangled up in all of this. Unfortunately, no one has any gods damned answers for me, so here I am. Sitting on the ramparts and tossing wishes into the universe like a child tosses a coin into a well.
“Perhaps I can help you with your glimpse, Ever.”
Get your copy here: 

Meet The Author:
Graceley Knox is an up and coming paranormal and fantasy romance author with a serious caffeine and book addiction. She prefers to listen to music while she writes and is a former New Englander living on the Gulf Coast of Florida. By day she works in the publishing industry, and by night, she plots out the many ideas cluttering her mind. When she’s not reading, writing, or hanging out with her large extended family you can find her on her various social media accounts.
Visit her here: www.facebook.com/GraceleyKnoxWEBSITE Facebook Twitter Instagram

Aug 10, 2017 | August 2017, Blog, Graceley Knox

Happy release week for Crown of Betrayal, the second book in Graceley Knox’s Wicked Kingdom series. This magical book is packed with even more action, sexy one-liners and colorful details than her debut novel. What’s that? You missed Mark of Truth? Fear not, check out my review here.
While this is a three book series, Crown of Betrayal can be read as a standalone. However, to truly appreciate the characters and the journey they are on, I encourage you to read Mark of Truth. There is no better time to pick up a new author as both books are only $0.99 right now on amazon!
Welcome to a beautifully crafted world of elves, goblins and fae that is one-click worthy. With each wipe of the page we draw closer to uncovering the truth surrounding Ever’s true lineage, and the strange happenings she finds herself in. Too many people are involved. There are secrets behind every turn and door and if that were not enough, unique and carefully crafted rules that have turned the kingdoms upside down. Who will solve the riddles? Will Ever find her true mate?
Graceley does not disappoint with the tension between Ever and Dare, two characters that are destined to be together, but will they? I am ready to leap into my e-reader and join the fight! Oh, but what would a journey in the kingdom be without the Magical Enforcement and Containment Agency’s resistance? Revenge and unanswered questions have become roadblocks in Ever and Dare’s quest for a happy-ever-after. It will take those closest to Ever and Dare to uncover the truth. Oh, I can’t wait for the last installment. Graceley, please don’t keep us waiting long!
While I received this ARC for a fair and honest review I intend to purchase a few copies – they make great gifts for your friends looking for a new summer read! At ninety-nine cents each book makes a welcome addition to your e-reader library and book adventure. Happy reading and watch out for those elves and goblins ;)!
This two peppers spicy latte has just enough to make you tingle and is it’s for mature readers 18+. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Author Bio:
Graceley Knox is an up and coming paranormal and fantasy romance author with a serious caffeine and book addiction. She prefers to listen to music while she writes and is a former New Englander living on the Gulf Coast of Florida. By day she works in the publishing industry, and by night, she plots out the many ideas cluttering her mind. When she’s not reading, writing, or hanging out with her large extended family you can find her on her various social media accounts.
Facebook Instagram Twitter WEBSITE

May 23, 2017 | Blog, Graceley Knox, May 2017
Mark of Truth, the debut novel by Graceley Knox is refreshing, captivating and absolutely wicked! Graceley’s writing is clever, witty, and packed with sexy banter between Dare and Ever. I truly enjoyed reading this book, the characters are perfect for each other and loved watching it all unfold.
Ever Leath has a kick-ass job working at the Magical Enforcement and Containment Agency. Nothing is normal when it comes to Ever’s life or family. Will she finally let someone in to her heart?
Dare Fitzpatrick has information that Ever needs, but his world is about to be turned upside down. Neither Dare or Ever are prepared for their encounter and neither will you! Will Dare continue to pursue Ever once he discovers who she is? Oh…the page turning anticipation that will keep you in your cozy chair. 🙂
Discover Graceley’s world of elves, goblins and fae, it’s time to escape into a mysterious, edgy, and an exquisite story rich with colorful descriptions. Every scene is smooth and moves the story along. The entire book plays vividly in your mind like a movie, your mind will be blown away! Each detail is crated with care and every page is a magical experience.
If you are looking for a story with well timed humor and plot twists that keep you engaged with excitement, one-click now. Just at the moment when you think you have it all figured out Graceley will surprise you. It’s the secrets that will drive both Dare and Ever towards the truth, but what exactly is the truth?
Find out which delightful cast of characters will join Ever on her journey of redemption and faith. Ever is torn between family and duty, if that weren’t enough, her heart wages in on the battle. Dare is convinced he knows the real reason their paths have crossed. Will Ever believe him?
It’s time to enjoy a fantasy that weaves romance, a kingdom of epic creation and a cast of characters that make reading enjoyable in one delicious sitting. Are you ready for a story that has so much to give? From the gorgeous cover to the last page, well done Graceley. I look forward to reading the next installment and hope that the next few months fly by. I received this ARC for a fair and honest review.
This two peppers spicy latte has just enough to make you tingle and is it’s for mature readers 18+. 

“McElva as in the reigning king of the Light Elves?” Dare asks.
I lean back, crossing my arms and tilting my head to the side. “His sister is my mother, actually, not the king himself, why?”
“Well, little álainn, looks like we might have some information for you after all.”
I arch one eyebrow. I had little hope they had anything of use for us. Looks like I was wrong for once.
“Stop with the lovely, would you?” I snap, narrowing my eyes at his knowing smirk. “Let’s have it then. I haven’t got all night, gents, and my whiskey is getting low.”
“Are you aware of who your father is, Ever?” he asks me in a surprisingly gentle tone.
For the love of the goddess! Like he isn’t the first Fae to speculate or be sure that they know who my mysterious father is.
“That would be a negative. Do you know who he is?” I gasp, clutching both hands to my chest, pretending to be hungry for the information and pleading with him to share it with me.
He isn’t fooled. Nor does he look amused. “Sarcasm isn’t becoming, little álainn.” He shakes his head at me. “What would you say if I told you your father is the Goblin King’s favorite advisor, Tore MacDouglas, who is also the son to the previous Goblin King?”
I laugh. “I’d think you’re bat shit crazy!”
The previous Goblin King lost the throne to Teag Fitzpatrick in a duel to the death after he attempted to start a war between the Goblin Kingdom and the Light Elves. If my history lessons were accurate, this happened shortly after the Light Elven Declaration was made. I’m surprised to hear his son was allowed to live. Goblin society is rumored to be cutthroat, and any threats are dealt with swiftly and brutally.
Both Doyle and I are in hysterics at the thought that my uptight mother would break the greatest law and couple with a goblin, let alone have a child with one. A royal goblin at that! I wipe the tears from my eyes, still chuckling, and look at them. They’re not smiling.
Slowly, I straighten back up in my chair. “You’re serious?”
“Does he look like he makes jokes often?” Dax asks, tilting his head toward Dare.
I size him up and snicker. “No.”

For a chance to win a SIGNED Paperback of Mark of Truth comment below.
Contest runs from 5/22/17 7:00 AM thru 5/24/17 12 Noon
Winner will be announced on the Coffee With post on 5/24/17.
Winner MUST comment on the announcement post within 24 hours to claim their prize or a new winner will be randomly selected.
Be sure to follow me the blog (link on homepage), Facebook Page (Books I Love A Latte Page) and Twitter @RaeLatte so you don’t miss that announcement post!
Be sure to swing by Graceley Knox and follow her on twitter (@graceleyknox) to stay up to date on the world of Elves, Goblins, and Fae! Not to mention other amazing news!
** Giveaway provided by Graceley Knox and not affiliated with Bare Naked Blog Tour **
Author Bio:
Graceley Knox is an up and coming paranormal and fantasy romance author with a serious caffeine and book addiction. She prefers to listen to music while she writes and is a former New Englander living on the Gulf Coast of Florida. By day she works in the publishing industry, and by night, she plots out the many ideas cluttering her mind. When she’s not reading, writing, or hanging out with her large extended family you can find her on her various social media accounts.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GraceleyKnox/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorgraceleyknox/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GraceleyKnox
WEBSITE: https://www.graceleyknox.com/
May 22, 2017 | Blog, Coffee With, Graceley Knox, May 2017
*** Congratulations Valorie P – you have won a signed paperback of Mark of Truth.
You have 24 hours to claim your prize! ***
Rae: Thank you Graceley Knox, Author of Mark of Truth, for hanging out with me today.
Graceley: Hi, Rae! Thanks for having me!
Rae: If we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking an iced Latte with Coconut milk. What would you order?
Graceley: First off, I’m an ex-barista so my drink changes with my mood. Currently, I’m loving plain ole drip coffee (Black Rifle Coffee Co is a fave as well as a new one I just found, which is from a restaurant called First Watch). But usually, I’m a Starbucks Double shot with hazelnut and soy.
Rae: I must say congratulations on your book release tomorrow. In The Wicked Kingdom series you delve into
a world of Elves, Goblins and Fae. Can you tell the readers your inspiration for your paranormal/fantasy debut series?
Graceley: Thank you! I’m so excited. And terrified, but mostly excited for tomorrow! As for my inspiration, I grew up reading about magical creatures, and different Celtic legends. It sort of became an obsession of mine. I was having trouble finding a good Fae series to read after I read all the greats, thus, I wrote a book I’d pick up in the store and then spend all night reading! Also, Ever wouldn’t leave me alone, so I had to write her first.
Rae: Is this a spicy series?
Graceley: Yes, the series is spicy. Book one is a bit of a slow burn, but book two really heats up ;). Early readers have been threatening to throw kindles at me if I don’t give them book three, lickety split!
Rae: Your website graphics are stunning – how did you come up with the design concept?
Graceley: Thank you! I can’t take any credit other than finding one stock image though! My cover designer, Desiree DeOrto,
actually read Mark of Truth so when it came time for the cover, she told me to step aside, and ta-da, there is her genius. As for the teasers, Renee Ericson did those. The green magic that is my website is all her. Literally all I told her is, I’m feeling the color green for this, and she whipped it up.
Rae: What is your writing process? Are you a writer that sits at the computer 9-5 or do you squeeze it in when you can?
Graceley: As for my writing, I squeeze it in when I can. I work in the publishing industry by day, and I usually write late at night, on a plane traveling somewhere, or sitting on my deck at my house. My writing process usually involves me sprinting with a few of my writing friends, a solid playlist for whatever scene I’m writing, and coffee. Lots of coffee!
Rae: What can we expect to see in 2017?
Graceley: I’m hoping to release books two and three in the series, in short order (more on that soon). I also have plans to write a trilogy this year as well, which I plan to publish in early 2018!
Rae: If readers want to find you, where will you be in the upcoming months?
Graceley: I’m not attending any signings as of right now, my schedule is pretty full with work, but they can always find me online! I’m never far from my phone or social media!
Rae: I am thrilled you were able to join me today and look forward to the book release tour tomorrow. Readers be sure to stop by and check out Mark of Truth!
Graceley: Thanks so much for having me!
***** 11 Tantalizing Tidbits *****
1. What is a must read book and why? Anything Laurell K. Hamilton. Anita Blake and Merry Gentry, are hands down, out of this world incredible reads.
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? The bookstore of course! That was my favorite haunt growing up and still is when I visit! Toadstool Bookshop is the name of it. And they make a killer latte as well!
3. Castles or Beaches? Why not a castle on the beach?
4. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world for research, where would you go? Ireland or Scotland. I’m wicked Irish so I’d love to see the homeland!
5. Tats or No Tats? If tats, how many and what did you choose for your first one? I’ve got 18 tattoos currently, and plan on plenty more! My first one was a tattoo for my Nana after she passed away.
6. Binge watcher or weekly viewer? Which show(s)? Binge all the way! I can’t stand the waiting! Currently I’m watching Criminal Minds, but Supernatural and Bones are also favorites I re-watch all the time!
7. What is on your playlist? What isn’t on my playlist LOL? I’ve got George Strait, Ruelle, this artist Caitlyn Smith I saw play at a dive bar in Nashville a few weeks ago, some Nickelback, AC/DC is a favorite, as well as Yo-Yo Ma and Fall Out Boy. Just depends on my mood!
8. What is your favorite movie of all time and why? I can’t pick just one, but I’m a sucker for an action movie. Faves include, Live Free Die Hard, Harry Potter (the entire series), Lawless, Boondock Saints, and the Bourne movies!
9. Motorcycle or bicycle? I grew up on motorcycles, so bikes all the way! Harley Davidsons or Indians are my jam.
10. Person or persons you admire and why? Meredith Wild. That’s a woman who doesn’t take no for an answer. She’s also incredibly kind, thoughtful, talented, and did I mention amazing?
11. If you could give your 21 year old self advice what would it be? Tell your cousins to put down the camera LOL.

For a chance to win a SIGNED Paperback of Mark of Truth….tell us ..
What is your favorite movie and why?
Contest runs from 5/22/17 7:00 AM thru 5/24/17 12 Noon Winner will be announced on this blog post on 5/24/17.
Winner MUST comment on this post within 24 hours to claim their prize or a new winner will be randomly selected.
Be sure to follow me the blog (link on homepage), Facebook Page (Books I Love A Latte Page) and Twitter @RaeLatte so you don’t miss that announcement post!
Be sure to swing by Graceley Knox and follow her on twitter (@graceleyknox) to stay up to date on the world of Elves, Goblins, and Fae! Not to mention other amazing news!
Author Bio:
Graceley Knox is an up and coming paranormal and fantasy romance author with a serious caffeine and book addiction. She prefers to listen to music while she writes and is a former New Englander living on the Gulf Coast of Florida. By day she works in the publishing industry, and by night, she plots out the many ideas cluttering her mind. When she’s not reading, writing, or hanging out with her large extended family you can find her on her various social media accounts.
Social Media Links:
Twitter: @GraceleyKnox
Instagram: @AuthorGraceleyKnox