Grace Burrowes’ “You Might Be A True Gentleman/Gentlelady If…” tour

%name Grace Burrowes’ “You Might Be A True Gentleman/Gentlelady If…” tour

%name Grace Burrowes’ “You Might Be A True Gentleman/Gentlelady If…” tour


“You Might Be A True Gentleman or Gentlewoman If…” by Grace Burrowes

How do you know if your Sig-O is a true gentleman/lady? Ask yourself a few questions…

First, do his or her best moves, smoothest lines, and cleverest flirtations only come out in public, or are the housework sessions equally likely to produce the verbal roses and melting glances from across the laundry pile?

The hallmark of a player is that their repertoire is best displayed when there’s an audience to play to. The true gentleman or lady isn’t playing, so the good stuff can come your way any old day or night of the week.

Second, does he or she deliver the fun and flirtation in you statements (“You look good in anything… and in nothing at all.”) Do they keep to the I-statements when the topic is difficult? (“I can come off irritated any time we talk about money because I’m afraid I’m not pulling my share of the load. I don’t mean to sound that way, and I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings.”)

The guy or gal who lapses into the you-always, and you-never accusations in the middle of a difficult conversation hasn’t learned to fight fair. Time to whip out a few remedial lessons from the relationship Code Duello, or find another waltzing partner.

Third, does he or she have the touch? Always respectful in public—even when respectfully affectionate—always cool with your respectful affections too?

The ladies and gents who treasure us the most know better than to cross that line, and we treasure them right back for their gallant attentions.

Fourth, do they listen to us? We’ve all had the experience of being on a date or in a discussion, and the person we’re with has checked out. They’re eying the door, the clock, their cool new app, or if there’s a mirror on hand (store window, shiny plate, mirror app), themselves. Um… that would be a no.

Fifth, are they honorable? Do they give you the sense that at all times, the person you’re with will be guided by kindness and honesty, even when neither is convenient for them? If that’s the consistent vibe—truth and compassion as their defining values—you are in the company of a true lady or a true gentleman.

Here’s the best part: True ladies and true gentlemen tend to be discerning people, for all they are also gracious, kind, honest, and excellent company. If you’ve found a true lady or gentleman for your very own, and they reciprocate your regard, chances are they have found a true lady or gentleman in you too!


Book Summary From Sourcebooks Casablanca

An honorable life

Daniel Banks is a man of the cloth whose vocation is the last comfort he has left-and even his churchman’s collar is beginning to feel like a noose. At the urging of family, Daniel attempts to start his life over as vicar in the sleepy Kentish town of Haddondale, family seat to the earls of Bellefonte.

Challenged by passion

Lady Kirsten Haddonfield has resigned herself to a life of spinsterhood. Then the handsome new village vicar, Reverend Daniel Banks, becomes a guest of the Haddonfield family while the vicarage is being renovated, and Kirsten finds herself rethinking her position. Lady Kirsten does not know that Daniel’s past is about to cast a shadow on love’s future.

Author Biography

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Grace Burrowes’ bestsellers include The Heir, The Soldier, Lady Maggie’s Secret Scandal, Lady Sophie’s Christmas Wish and Lady Eve’s Indiscretion. Her Regency romances have received extensive praise, including starred reviews from Publishers Weekly and Booklist. Grace is branching out into short stories and Scotland-set Victorian romance with Sourcebooks. She is a practicing family law attorney and lives in rural Maryland.

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Rafflecopter giveaway that includes the entire True Gentlemen series (including an early ARC for February’s Will’s True Wish). CLOSED

A Review, An Excerpt and A Giveaway – The Duke’s Disaster Blog Tour

21996394 183x300 A Review, An Excerpt and A Giveaway   The Dukes Disaster Blog TourThe Duke’s Disaster by Grace Burrowes is another powerful story of blind faith that will enchant and romance you. When Noah Winters realizes that he must marry, it becomes a challenge. His situation is rather dire. As he proposes to Lady Araminthea Collins she gives him one request, and he is intrigued.

Most women dream of a handsome suitor, one that they are in love with. Thea doesn’t have that luxury and her faith is broken. Will she ever escape her horrible past? If their relationship is based on necessity, will she ever find love? Noah has patience, but every man has a breaking point. What will he do? Will Thea allow herself to just let go?

A Duke’s world is never easy, as it’s full of expectations and demands. Will Noah be strong enough to handle his responsibilities? This story is full of secrets, misunderstandings and rich with innocence that will pull you in and have you reading this fabulous story in one sitting. Just be sure you sit down in a comfy and cozy chair, you might not be getting up for a while 🙂

I always enjoy reading Grace’s books as they are each a treasure, and this is no exception! The perfect amount of sizzle and intrigue in this regency treat!

I received this ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review. Check out the excerpt below and see for yourself 🙂


The Duke and Duchess are having a rocky start to their marriage, also to their day…

“Your tea, Duchess.”

Noah had woken up beside his wife—again, despite all plans to the contrary—creating another first for him. Thea had risen several times during the night to tend to herself. He hadn’t realized that monthly courses caused a woman’s rest to be interrupted.

Crashingly bad planning, for a lady’s sleep to be disturbed when she most needed rest.

“You’re not about to steal my tea?” Thea held out the cup, her gaze shy as she sat propped against the headboard.

“Where’s the fun in stealing what’s freely offered?” Noah settled in beside her and filched a bite of her cinnamon toast. “Would you rather have chocolate this morning?”


“You’re”— Noah waved a hand in the direction of her middle—“indisposed.”

“I am not indisposed.” Thea set her teacup down with a little clink. “The discomfort has passed, as it always does. You needn’t be concerned.”

“I am not concerned, Thea.” Not greatly concerned, now that she’d stopped ordering him to go away and was ready for a proper spat. “I am attempting in my bumbling way to dote. You will allow it.”

Drat. He’d given another order.

“You couldn’t bumble if one gave you written instructions, Anselm,” Thea said, looking a little less peaked for having run up her flags. “That was my toast you appropriated.”

“Appropriation is what happens when one’s wife can’t appreciate a little doting. You’re being stingy with the tea, just as you were stingy with the covers. How long does this indisposition last?”

Her chin came up. “I am the Duchess of Anselm. I am not stingy with anything, but you are a very presuming husband.”

“Doting.” Noah took Thea’s free hand to kiss her knuckles— lest she mistake his point. “Also in need of my duchess’s guidance on this one marital matter.”

“This is so personal.” Thea’s gaze was on their joined hands— for Noah would not have her haring off in a fit of mortification. “I didn’t think you’d be a personal sort of husband. You were supposed to appear in my dressing-room doorway a few nights a month, silently take a few marital liberties, and then leave me in peace. We’d trade sections of the Times over breakfast the next morning.”

“Prosaic.” Boring and exactly what Noah himself had envisioned. “Hard to see any doting going on, though.”

“Husband?” Thea’s tone was hesitant. “Thank you, for keeping me company last night. I would not have known how to ask.”

“I suppose that’s the definition of doting.” Noah lingered at the cart to assemble a plate. “It’s the little things you can’t bring yourself to ask for, that an attentive spouse will enjoy providing to you. Bacon or ham?”

“A little of both, please.”

“Feeling carnivorous?”

“I’m a trifle indisposed. I need the sustenance.”

Noah piled both ham and bacon on Thea’s plate, and stole better than half of it, because he needed the sustenance too.

*****GIVEAWAY CLOSED – Grace Burrowes Book Bundle and Literary Embosser*****

Goodreads Link:

Author Biography:

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Grace Burrowes’ bestsellers include The Heir, The Soldier, Lady Maggie’s Secret Scandal, Lady Sophie’s Christmas Wish and Lady Eve’s Indiscretion. The Heir was a Publishers Weekly Best Book of 2010, The Soldier was a PW Best Spring Romance of 2011, Lady Sophie’s Christmas Wish won Best Historical Romance of the Year in 2011 from RT Reviewers’ Choice Awards, Lady Louisa’s Christmas Knight was a Library Journal Best Book of 2012, and The Bridegroom Wore Plaid was a PW Best Book of 2012. Her Regency romances have received extensive praise, including starred reviews from Publishers Weekly and Booklist. Grace is branching out into short stories and Scotland-set Victorian romance with Sourcebooks. She is a practicing family law attorney and lives in rural Maryland.

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All you need sometimes is just one kiss

Kiss Me Hello (Book Three in the Sweetest Kisses Series) by Grace Burrowes, is a contemporary romance full of small town goodness, sexy men, strong women and a captivating story that entwines them all.

Sidonie Lindstrom is a foster mom who is trying to settle in to her new farm house while transitioning her foster son into a new school. Moving out to rural Damson County from Baltimore was supposed to help give them a better foundation. Luis, her current foster son, seems to find himself on the receiving end of a roadblock or two that always starts and ends with “don’t know” and “we’ll call you” responses. Past events and recent family tragedy have scarred her when it comes to her perception of the criminal justice system.

Mackenzie Knightly is a criminal trial attorney in his family practice, but don’t tell Sidonie. There’s a love hate relationship with lawyers and no one seems to know why just yet. Just what is it that has Mac so attracted to her and their new house? Will he reveal the reason he’s so attached to her farm? They soon find their paths crossing and must now figure out how to interact. It’s obvious to everyone else that they seem to have a desire to make it a bit more carnal. Unfortunately, they both have a handful of secrets. Both Sid and Mac assume it will destroy a chance at commitment. Perhaps it isn’t as traumatic as they fear?

When a series of unfortunate events threatens to destroy everything Sid’s worked so hard to build, Mac is determined to find out the truth. But, will he risk it all to uncover and expose everything by helping her? Will she shut him out or finally let him in? Perhaps moving to Dawson County is exactly what Sid needs to face her past and finally find peace.

As a long time fan of Grace Burrowes, I had not read any of her contemporary romance books. I have previously read The Windham series (or more accurately I would say inhaled them), The Lonely Lords – now there are a few men you could spend hours with, and the MacGregor series is in my TBR pile. So, when I saw the Sweetest Kisses series I eagerly awaited its arrival. Ok, I LOVED Grace before… but now I LOVE her SOOOOOO much more! Not only can she magically transport us back in time with her sinful historical romance stories, she makes rural Maryland look fantastic and sexy!

This series has it all, fabulous writing, rich characters, and an amazing story. Since I’m a bit late to the dance I read the third book in the series first and now intend to read the previous books. I’ve fallen in love with the Knightly brothers and I hope you will too!

I received this ARC for a fair and honest review. I look forward to buying more contemporary books from Grace soon!


New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Grace Burrowes’ bestsellers include The Heir, The Soldier, Lady Maggie’s Secret Scandal, Lady Sophie’s Christmas Wish and Lady Eve’s Indiscretion. The Heir was a Publishers Weekly Best Book of 2010, The Soldier was a PW Best Spring Romance of 2011, Lady Sophie’s Christmas Wish won Best Historical Romance of the Year in 2011 from RT Reviewers’ Choice Awards, Lady Louisa’s Christmas Knight was a Library Journal Best Book of 2012, and The Bridegroom Wore Plaid was a PW Best Book of 2012. Her Regency romances have received extensive praise, including starred reviews from Publishers Weekly and Booklist. Grace is branching out into short stories and Scotland-set Victorian romance with Sourcebooks. She is a practicing family law attorney and lives in rural Maryland.

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