Jul 3, 2019 | Authors Dish, Blog, Eliza Knight, Golden Czermak, July 2019, Olivia Dade
Welcome newbies and seasoned travel veterans to Authors Dish. With only three weeks until Romane Writers of America 2019 I’m searching for what authors and industry professionals always include in their suitcases, what they stash in their conference bag to avoid hunger pains and the things they forget once and hopefully never again.
While some of the authors contributing are not attending, we love that they want to contribute and hope their words of wisdom help to ease any anxiety you might have getting all the things in your suitcase.
May these posts inspire you to shop early, make your lists, and triple check so you are prepared for just about anything. If you’re heading to #RWA19 I’d love to say hi. Let me know in the comments below so we can meet up in NYC.
Stay tuned over the next few weeks as we’ll have plenty of tips and tricks in the upcoming weeks so check the blog daily.
Today in the cafe are USA Today Bestselling Author Eliza Knight, Author Golden Czermak and Author Olivia Dade

Rae: What five things do you have to pack when attending a conference?

Eliza Knight: A dress for the RITA award ceremony, amazing shoes, a fun new piece of jewelry, fun swag related to my newest book, a sweater because it’s always freezing in the workshops!

Olivia Dade:
1. My e-reader, first and foremost. Even though I’m exhausted at the end of each day, I can’t sleep unless I wind down from all the peopling and crowds and noise, so I read before bed every night. Once upon a time, this meant hauling a carry-on bag full of paperbacks, so I’m dedicating my lack of shoulder pain to my Kindle. I ♥ you, Kindle! Never, ever leave me! ::clings::
2. Comfortable shoes. Every year, I pretend I’ll wear heels at some point. Every year, I am once again That Author in Slightly Worn Sandals and/or Flat Mary Janes.
3. Clothing arranged by length of hemline. I will shave my legs once for a conference. Once. (Technically, it’s probably more of a shearing, but “shaving” sounds classier.) So, if you’re bored during the conference, feel free to track the ever-lowering hemlines of my clothing as I move from knee-length to midi to maxi to It’s Time for Pants Again, Yay!
4. My planner, which is where I keep all my friends’ contact info and scrawl down notes about various planned meetings. I have heard that my cell would also serve this purpose, but that would involve learning how to use crucial features of my phone, and nah.
5. A pin with my author avatar on it, so people who only know me from social media can spot me in person. A hint: In real life, I’m somewhat more three-dimensional and am in full color!

Golden Czermak:
Camera Gear, Signing banner, table runners, gum, cologne

Rae: What is your snack attack must haves in your day bag?
Eliza: — a power bar or some nuts
Olivia: I don’t really snack, but I need ready access to water at all times.
Golden: protein bars and Bang energy drinks

Rae:What’s the one thing you forget to pack and swear to remember next time?
Eliza: — my pins for my badge
Olivia: I keep meaning to locate and pack a less-socially-awkward version of myself, but so far, she has evaded me. Damn you, elusive Alternative Universe Olivia! Damn you!
Golden: Beard balm
Rae: Thank you so much authors! Readers, what’s the ONE thing you always forget and swear to include next time when you travel? How do you make sure that you remember ;).
I’ll be keeping a running list and will post it a week before #RWA19 so that hopefully no one needs to make a quick run to the lobby market or drug store around the corner. I’ll see you soon for new authors and more ideas!

Eliza Knight: Eliza Knight is an award-winning and USA Today bestselling author of over fifty sizzling historical, time-travel and contemporary romance novels. Under the name E. Knight, she pens rip-your- heart-out historical fiction. While not reading, writing or researching for her latest book, she chases after her three children. In her spare time (if there is such a thing…) she likes daydreaming, wine-tasting, traveling, hiking, staring at the stars, watching movies, shopping and visiting with family and friends. She lives atop a small mountain with her own knight in shining armor, three princesses and two very naughty puppies.
Connect with Eliza at: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Instagram

Olivia Dade: While I was growing up, my mother kept a stack of books hidden in her closet. She told me I couldn’t read them. So, naturally, whenever she left me alone for any length of time, I took them out and flipped through them. Those books raised quite a few questions in my prepubescent brain. Namely: 1) Why were there so many pirates? 2) Where did all the throbbing come from? 3) What was a “manhood”? 4) And why did the hero and heroine seem overcome by images of waves and fireworks every few pages, especially after an episode of mysterious throbbing in the hero’s manhood?
Thirty or so years later, I have a few answers. 1) Because my mom apparently fancied pirates at that time. Now she hoards romances involving cowboys and babies. If a book cover features a shirtless man in a Stetson cradling an infant, her ovaries basically explode and her credit card emerges. 2) His manhood. Also, her womanhood. 3) It’s his “hard length,” sometimes compared in terms of rigidity to iron. 4) Because explaining how an orgasm feels can prove difficult. Or maybe the couples all had sex on New Year’s Eve at Cancun.
During those thirty years, I accomplished a few things. I graduated from Wake Forest University and earned my M.A. in American History from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I worked at a variety of jobs that required me to bury my bawdiness and potty mouth under a demure exterior: costumed interpreter at Colonial Williamsburg, high school teacher, and librarian. But I always, always read romances. Funny, filthy, sweet—it didn’t matter. I loved them all.
Now I’m writing my own romances with the encouragement of my husband and daughter. I have my own stack of books in my closet that I’d rather my daughter not read, at least not for a few years. I can swear whenever I want, except around said daughter. And I get to spend all day writing about love and iron-hard lengths.
So thank you, Mom, for perving so hard on pirates during my childhood. I owe you.
If you want to find me online, here’s where to go!
Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Newsletter

Golden Czermak: In the beginning, Golden worked the standard corporate rat race, completed college for a Chemical Engineering Degree, and began a small photography company on the side.
Since then, and the growth of the FuriousFotog brand, Golden became an internationally published modeling/fitness photographer and eventually began working as a book cover model.
Having been in the industry for at least six years, he has interfaced and networked with countless authors and other clients. As part of his work as a photographer, he worked with them to create book cover images – now numbering over 550 at the beginning of 2018.
Learning the ins and out of the book world, along with being an avid reader and storyteller himself, Golden finally decided to write and publish his first book, Homeward Bound, in 2016.
www.onefuriousfotog.com (Photography)
www.goldenczermak.com (Books)

In case you missed our other posts here’s the recap so far:
7-2-19:Authors Dish RWA 7-2-2019 with New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Cathy Maxwell, Author Tarina Deaton, and Author Tonya Burrows7-1-19: Authros Dish RWA 2019 – USA Today Bestselling Author Robin Covington, Author Kelly Maher, and Author Cate Taylor
6-30-19 USA Today Bestselling Author Naima Simone, Author Nancy Northcott, and Author Gail Z. Martin / Morgan Brice
6-29-19 Authors Dish RWA 2019 with USA Today Bestselling Author Suzanne Ferrell, Author Jeanne Adams, and Author Olivia Hardin
Jun 6, 2018 | Blog, Coffee With, Golden Czermak, June 2018
Rae: First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking an iced Coffee with coconut milk. I’m so happy summer is here 🙂 ! What would you order?
Golden: Iced Americano with coconut milk, or if I’m splurging an Iced Caramel Macchiato.
Rae: Ok, so I have to ask… how does a Chemical Engineer shift careers and find himself a working as a professional photographer taking pictures for book covers and building clients that appreciate a skilled eye behind a lens?
Golden: Over a loooooong time. LOL. I’ve always had an artistic flair to balance out the uptight nerdiness. However, it wasn’t until I got a new camera and decided to start taking stock photos for myself that the door swung fully open.
Rae: For those who are not familiar with your FuriousFotog brand, can you tell us how this evolved?
Golden: Certainly. It started off small and on weekends – portraits, newborns, even weddings (and bridezillas) to occupy my time. However, by December 2012 – after opening in August – I was approached by Alexis Alexander with the question “Do you shoot book cover photos?” Not knowing what exactly to do, but knowing a few good looking men, we did a full custom shoot for a cover and teasers for her book “Strong Enough.” The rest is, as said, history.
Rae: Readers, you need to check out his on-line store:
For photo prints, canvases, phone cases
For all my books
Rae: How do you find your models?
Golden: I used to stalk… I mean scout them on Instagram and Facebook. Social media (before the big swing toward making profit off posts) was a great tool for the industry. Similar to how books in the 2012/2013 era saw author careers blossom. Now, most approach me due to my status though there are still a few that I want to shoot badly but the oceans lie in between. haha
Rae: If you could shoot your dream book cover, who and where?
Golden: Chris Pratt… anywhere
Rae: So, we’ve established that your a successful and sought after photographer, how do you have time to write contemporary romance, erotica, science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal? Was this an easy transition from your Engineering work?
Golden: I would say the writing was easier than the photos – since it’s a technical craft that doesn’t require direct human interaction (just words and planning). However, as time went on, my peopleling skills developed and I think I am okay with both at this point. I guess speaking in front of hundreds at the old job embedded those skills I am thankful for.
Rae: Which genre is the easiest and which one is the most challenging?
Golden: Easiest for me is fantasy. Most difficult is contemporary, with its lack of fantasy lol.
Rae: Where do you draw your inspiration for your stories?
Golden: Personal imagingings and old daydreams, but mainly a case of “what if…”
Sometimes the models aid in character development – Gage Crosse for example (from the Journeyman Series) being a good representation of the model playing him – personality wise.
Rae: Do you plot your book before you sit down to write?
Golden: Yes, thanks to the engineer in me. I don’t do a hugely detailed outline, but for Cooper (my longest book) I took the approach I’ve used since:
General Arc > Chapter listing > General “must happen here” / “the point of this chapter is…” > writing.
This approach lets me hop arround too, instead of having to go in order. That doesn’t always work though… as characters do have a mind of their own and like to toy with me.
Rae: Do you use tools like a whiteboard or notebook to jot down all the details?
Golden: Note book.
Rae: Writing a book takes time, how do you carve out that pocket of time to write all the words and balance between photographer and writer?
Golden: Late nights, early mornings, and sometimes when sitting at the gym.It all fits in somehow, but don’t expect me to take on a full time designer job as well. lol
Rae: I appreciate how much you connect with your readers on social media, what is the most challenging aspect of sharing with your readers?
Golden: I think, for me, limiting myself. While we all love sharing ourselves and details, some aspects of everyone’s life should remain private. It becomes hard to do when a lot of people become friends, but not everyone has your best interest at heart, so it’s good to tread lightly.
Rae: Are you still able to maintain some privacy in your personal life?
Golden: Yes, but it is a challenge being so visible in a society that demands attention – always glued to the phones, etc. Private time is something I do cherish and just like my old job it’s learning a constantly adjusting balance.
Rae: What can we expect in 2018?
Golden: The rest of this year will focus on releasing the A Song of Ages Duet (following on from the Journeyman Series but 20 years later), along with Swole 6 on June 6 and Swole 7 later on. Ending the year will be The Steam Tycoon 2 and leading next year will be Cooper Bennett 2.

Rae: Where can readers find you in 2018?
Social Media:
Facebook Facebook Author
Twitter ~ Instagram ~ Amazon Author Page ~ Goodreads ~ BookBub ~ Newsletter
Rae: Thank you for hanging out in the cafe today

1. What is a must read book and why?
Mine: The Secret Life of Cooper Bennett. It just has the right mix of everything!
Others: Stephen King’s IT. Looooong and challenging to read, it’s a real classic (and one that I read when I was 9…. lol)
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown?
Definitely the Space and Rocket Center. Huntsville is known for its role in the space race and has a large NASA presence.
3. Do you take-in or cook? If so, what is your “go-to” dish?
I love oriental food and try to cook it whenever I can.
4. What is one thing readers would be surprised to know about you?
That I’m gay… lol! Seriously, a lot of people don’t realize when they find out. I’m not sure if thats a good or a bad thing. haha
5. Hard Rock or Classical? Favorite Band or Artist?
Mix of both – I like all kinds of music.
6. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world for research, where would you go?
Old Europe (like Norway, Amsterdam, etc.) I just love the vibe from those cities.
7. What is your guilty pleasure?
Carbs. All of them.
8. What are you afraid of?
Disappointment and failure.
9. Tats or No Tats? If tats, how many and what did you choose for your first one?
I’m covered…. haha. My first is a tribal “tree” on my back that has a lot of alchemy symbols used to create the philosopher’s stone. My mother was going through her battle with cancer at the time so it was my way of dealing with that issue.
10. Organized or Free Floating?
Organized to a fault.
11. Binge watcher or weekly viewer? Which show(s)?
12. What’s on your playlist?
Random tunes mostly, but mainly EDM for the gym.
13. What play or musical do you want to see next?
I want to see Wicked again.
14. Are you a crafter?
I want to be more of one.
15. What’s your favorite TV show and why?
Gosh what a tough one. I would say Stranger Things now; just hearkens back to the 80s.
16. If you could pick a book you’ve read and make it into a movie, which book would it be (besides yours 🙂 )?
Haha damn! I would say it’s already being done with IT (Chapter 1 out last year; Chapter 2 coming next year)
17. What’s your favorite movie of all time and why?
Lord of the Rings – just geeks me out to the max.
18. Would you rather see a movie in the theater or at home on DVD and why?
The theater experience is a must for some… just the large screen and sound is an amazing experience.
19. What is the one thing you can’t live without?
Goals and love.
20. If you could invite 5 people to dinner (not friends and family – that’s too easy) who would be at your table? Where would you eat?
I would invite my favorite authors (who are spread across genres) to talk shop. That would be interesting to see what is similar/different. Oh, and Chris Pratt because anyone who knows me knows of my obsession with the man. If I could get ONE official photo with him I would be in heaven.
21. If you could try any career for a day, what would it be?
Is billionaire from a romance book an option? LOL
22. Person you admire and why?
My mother… her strength and battle with cancer are my daily drivers. Even though she lost the second fight, my goal is to do her proud first.

In the beginning, Golden worked the standard corporate rat race, completed college for a Chemical Engineering Degree, and began a small photography company on the side.
Since then, and the growth of the FuriousFotog brand, Golden became an internationally published modeling/fitness photographer and eventually began working as a book cover model.
Having been in the industry for at least six years, he has interfaced and networked with countless authors and other clients. As part of his work as a photographer, he worked with them to create book cover images – now numbering over 550 at the beginning of 2018.
Learning the ins and out of the book world, along with being an avid reader and storyteller himself, Golden finally decided to write and publish his first book, Homeward Bound, in 2016.
www.onefuriousfotog.com (Photography)
www.goldenczermak.com (Books)