Feb 26, 2019 | Blog, Blog Tour, February 2019, Samantha Chase

We are so excited about the release of SUNKISSED DAYS by New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Samantha Chase. SUNKISSED DAYS kicks of the brand new Magnolia Sound series and it’s a story you don’t want to miss!

SUNKISSED DAYS – the Whole Latte
Fans of Samantha Chase this is what you’ve been waiting for, Sunkissed – Book 0.5 in the new Magnolia Sound series. It’s fresh, fun, flirty, and absolutely satisfying. This story tugged at my heart and had it all – a secret passion, a family that is devoted and loving, and a community that welcomes you with open arms.
If you’re looking for a new cast of characters to love, a new family to be a part of, don’t miss this new series! I was hooked when I met Mallory Westbrook, she is relatable, loveable, and someone you will cheer for until the last page. What would you do if the one person you couldn’t stop thinking about finally noticed you? That’s what Mallory hopes when she decides to once again change up her appearance. Will this be the time Jake Summerford sees her for the woman she’s become?
Magnolia Sound is a town with rich history and the occupants love to celebrate and share in all it has to offer. The chemistry sizzles, the tension is perfectly balanced and the banter left me laughing and crying at the same time. This is another reason why I love Samantha’s writing, she’s a true master storyteller. Readers, love is complicated, layered, and full of unexpected twists. The stories Samantha writes have left an imprint in my heart, and left me craving more.
Still reading to find out if Mallory will find her happy-ever-after with Jake you won’t get any spoilers here. Sometimes love needs a little push, but what will Mallory do when she discovers that not everyone might be happy with her grown-up feelings? One kiss will force Mallory and Jake to decide if the wait was worth it, and for you dear readers, one-click is all you have to do to escape to Magnolia Sound to see how our heroine fairs.
This book is sinfully sweet. Hotter than sweet with bedroom romance that tingles in all the right places, and a dash of spice to satisfy that slightly spicy craving.
I read this novella as part of a summer weekly e-mail. n ARC from the author for a fair and honest review.
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Don’t miss all the Magnolia Sound stories coming in 2019!

Samantha Chase is a New York Times and USA Today bestseller of contemporary romance. She released her debut novel in 2011 and currently has more than forty titles under her belt! When she’s not working on a new story, she spends her time reading romances, playing way too many games of Scrabble or Solitaire on Facebook, wearing a tiara while playing with her sassy pug Maylene…oh, and spending time with her husband of 25 years and their two sons in North Carolina.
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Feb 22, 2019 | Avery Flynn, Blog, Blog Tour, February 2019

How exactly has one good deed landed me in the penalty box?
Tomboy, an all-new, sexy romantic comedy from USA Today bestselling author Avery Flynn, is available now!

Tomboy by Avery Flynn is as satisfying as peanut butter and chocolate, as smooth as a glass of whiskey, and as sweet as homemade fudge. Avery’s books are the perfect blend of sweet, spicy, and this time, hockey. Avery’s stories are always one-click worthy, this one should be in everyone’s list of books to read. When I heard that Fallon’s book would include hockey, I couldn’t wait to read it.
Fallon Hartigan has class, sass, is tough, and not afraid to give anything she desires her all. Well, that is until she meets Zach Blackburn, a hockey defenseman who needs a nursemaid. Will she nurse him back to health or leave him to his own misery? There is no room in her schedule for a bad boy and the flu but as a favor for her BFF she now questions her heart. Who can she can trust? Will she be open to the idea of love? Zach’s reputation precedes him and she’s not in the mood for the snarky comments from Harbor Cities least loved player. There’s just one tiny problem, she can’t shake him and it’s driving her crazy ;).
Zach Blackburn has a past he’s been trying to protect, secrets that could destroy his hockey career and some who will stop at nothing to destroy the career he’s built. The paparazzi will stop at nothing to reveal the truth, can he outrun them once again? When one woman defies those around him, chooses to be herself and fights as good as his teammates, his heart reminds him he’s missing one thing that’s worth more than money. Will he finally find love despite his past? This guy is tough, tender, and guaranteed to be your new book boyfriend this weekend.
If you love a story that has family as it’s core, humor infused with heart, romance hot and sassy, don’t miss Avery Flynn’s latest release. Caution, this scorchin read may lead to unexpected need to turn on the A/C. The chemistry sizzles and the creative shenanigans that ensue are delish. I’m always up for a Hartigan’s story however with the teaser for a new series at the end of this story, I’m excited for Avery’s next book adventure!
I received an ARC from Social Butterfly for a fair and honest review.

Download your copy today!
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The blaring ring echoed off the bare walls of the nearly empty mansion as Fallon Hartigan marched down the hallway with murder on her mind.
As soon as she got to the source of that ringing, she was going to give Harbor City what they wanted most and kill the most-hated man in hockey. Sure, she might get arrested, but the metro area would probably throw her a parade. She turned the corner and stopped dead in her tracks outside the open double doors leading to the overpriced defenseman’s bedroom.
The man—who’d been puking his guts up less than twenty-four hours ago—was in the middle of a king-size bed, wearing nothing but a smirk and a bed sheet that was draped so low across his hips that she could see miles of those V lines south of his hard abs. Like she was a newbie nurse on her first set of rounds, her breath caught, and a blush she most definitely did not want to appear started to burn her cheeks. Damn her pasty Irish skin.
Still, she had to admit, if only to herself, that the view was fu#%ing amazing. The man was a professional athlete and had the muscular, inked-up chest to prove it. Practically against her will, her gaze traveled over the plentiful ink across his pecs and lingered a few breaths too long on his silver nipple rings.
Seemingly indifferent to her perusal, Zach swiped his thumb across his cell phone’s screen, ending the incessant ringing.
“About time,” he said, his voice a mellow, low rumble. “I’ve been ringing for you for almost ten minutes.”
He dropped his phone on the small table next to the bed and then lounged against the headboard, managing somehow to look down his nose at her even with their current height differential.
Forget killing him, she was going to go after her bestie. It was Lucy’s fault Fallon was even here.
She squeezed her eyes shut and counted to ten as she recalled all the reasons why the man was a menace and not the solution to her three-month-long sexual dry spell.
He was a selfish player.
He was surly to the press, to the fans, and probably to his neighbor’s dog.
He’d banged a puck bunny tattooed with the logo of the Ice Knights’ most hated rival.
She counted to another ten while remembering why she couldn’t off him.
He was Lucy’s client.
He was, for some incomprehensible reason, one of her bestie’s friends.
He had the skills to turn around the Ice Knights’ sofar shitty season if he could remove the giant chip from his shoulder and start playing as if he actually liked hockey again.
Exhaling a deep breath, she reopened her eyes and barely noticed his muscular shoulders this time as she moved away from the door.
There. All better.
She’d managed to pack away the Hartigan attitude, and her temper hadn’t even made an appearance. Bully for her. Now to get back to that cool, clinical demeanor she strove for whenever she was on the clock.
“You rang?” she asked, managing to keep a good 73 percent of her annoyance out of her tone as she walked farther into the room.
About Avery
USA Today bestselling romance author Avery Flynn has three slightly-wild children, loves a hockey-addicted husband and is desperately hoping someone invents the coffee IV drip.
She fell in love with romance while reading Johanna Lindsey’s Mallory books. It wasn’t long before Avery had read through all the romance offerings at her local library. Needing a romance fix, she turned to Harlequin’s four books a month home delivery service to ease the withdrawal symptoms. That worked for a short time, but it wasn’t long before the local book stores’ staffs knew her by name.
Avery was a reader before she was a writer and hopes to always be both. She loves to write about smartass alpha heroes who are as good with a quip as they are with their *ahem* other God-given talents. Her heroines are feisty, fierce and fantastic. Brainy and brave, these ladies know how to stand on their own two feet and knock the bad guys off theirs.

Connect with Avery
Instagram: @AveryFlynn
Website: http://averyflynn.com
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/avery-flynn
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Join the Flynnbots: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Flynnbots/
Feb 18, 2019 | A Skinny Shot, Blog, Callie Hutton, February 2019
A Highlander, an Englishwoman, and a belief that one must marry for love. What happens when you discover the one person you can’t live without will mean changing who you are?
Sybill and Liam have one thing in common, they both want to marry for love, despite the need to marry. Desperate to have a life of pleasure and companionship these two will discover that sometimes the differences are what bring two people together.
A great book, well written and characters that are charming and full of
adventure! This story is sinfully sweet – hotter than sweet with bedroom romance that tingles in all the right places, and a dash of spice to satisfy that slightly spicy craving.
For more about the author click here.
Feb 17, 2019 | Blog, February 2019, V.S. Alexander
Once Upon a Bookclub is a unique way to gift those who love books and a true book adventure. Earlier this year I received a book box filled with my mystery book selection and special gifts to open at specified pages.
My selection to read was The Taster by V.S. Alexander and it delivered. While I was excited to read the selection it took a while to find the perfect time to read. This book is a World War II selection and dives into the world of those who lived to serve Hitler, a select group of women known as the “tasters” who did just that, taste his food.
Magda Ritter was one of 15 girls who was selected to taste Hitler’s food because she was naive and uneducated. In a world where communication was spares and daily conversations with others was limited, she learned to cope. Many readers may find it difficult to imagine and may find it hard to understand the anxiety of waiting for news and not knowing if anyone had “opened” your letters. We live in an age of e-mails and texts from the moment we rise until we fall asleep, can you imagine Magda’s world?
Captain Karl Weber is a security officer and a man who will befriend Magda and possibly save her from the nightmare she finds herself in. A world with secrets, loneliness and companionship that’s formed from the least likely of people. The only thing between life and death is one bite.
Karl will risk their lives to uncover the truth and the what if suspense is thought provoking and hard to swallow at times. A war romance that is in the lion’s den and unlike any other I’ve read.
Every so often I would uncover a sticky note with a gift number to open to bring me closer to the story and characters as they progressed in their journey. 
The membership is reasonably priced and offers a variety of choices to suit any budget. With the holidays approaching in a few months, gift those who love to read a book adventure that they’ll remember forever!
Feb 15, 2019 | Blog, February 2019, Tawdra Kandle

Why Soldiers are Sexy
I don’t remember a time when the military, in particular the army, wasn’t part of my life. My father, a 1965 graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, was in Vietnam when I was born. I lived on army posts and was used to men in jungle camo BDUs. Much later, I married another army man—another graduate of West Point—and lived on other army posts.
Being part of the military family is like living in another world that exists within the society we all know. As an army wife, I knew that I had to stop to show my ID every time I came home; at 5 PM, no matter where we were or what we were doing, we had to stop and stand to honor the lowering of the flag and the playing of Taps, blasted throughout post. And it wasn’t unusual to see lines of soldiers walking past our house, heading out to some field exercise or another.
Thus, when I decided to write a new series of romance books, it wasn’t that odd that I chose to do military romance. After all, it was a world that I knew, and we all must admit, there’s not much in this world sexier than soldiers.
Why is that, anyway? What is it about a man in a well-fitted uniform, his hair cut short, his body in prime condition, steel in his eyes, that makes women sigh and swoon? Hmmm. Maybe we don’t need to ask that question.
But I do think that soldiers have an attraction that goes beyond the obvious. It may have something to do with their intensity, with their single-minded devotion to duty and mission, that makes women feel cherished, protected and loved.
I chose to set the first six Career Soldier books at Fort Lee, Virginia, because that’s the first post where we were stationed after we got married. I knew the area fairly well. All six of the soldiers in question are captains, all platoon leaders, and all are single guys who’ve had no lacking of female companionship over the years.
And over the course of the books, all six meet women who turn their worlds upside down—in the best ways.
But this series is about more than just romance and sexy soldiers. It’s about the community found within the military and the close-knit friendships that last for decades. It’s about courage, loyalty and love.
As one of my husband’s classmates told me on my wedding day, as I walked with my groom under the arch of swords . . .
“Welcome to the army.”
The Career Soldier series includes eight books, plus a collection set containing the first six books. The series will continue later this year with three new romances set at West Point. You can learn more about the books right here.
Tawdra Kandle writes romance, in just about all its forms. She loves unlikely pairings, strong women, sexy guys, hot love scenes and just enough conflict to make it interesting. Her books include new adult and adult contemporary romance; under the pen name Tamara Kendall, she writes paranormal romance, and under the pen name Tessa Kent, she writes erotic romance. Tawdra lives in central Florida with her husband, two sweet pups and too many cats. Assorted grown children and a perfect granddaughter live nearby. And yeah, she rocks purple hair.
You can FOLLOW Tawdra on social media to receive updates on her releases. You can also visit her website at for more information, and subscribe to her newsletter for sales announcement, special exclusive content and promotions!
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Purchase link updated October 2023

An Excerpt from Maximum Force by Tawdra Kandle
“Do you like Garth Brooks?” The question was abrupt and came out of the blue, making me frown sharply at her.
“Uh . . . yeah, I guess. I like his music. I’ve never been to a concert or anything, but sure. Why do you ask?”
She flashed me a wry smile. “My parents . . . they’re not country music fans at all. They like folk music and some rock from the eighties, but I never listened to country music growing up. The first time I ever heard a Garth Brooks song was my first day of college. My roommate loved him, and she’d play country all day long. I started to enjoy it, too. I thought at first my parents might disown me.” She laughed.
“Ah.” I still didn’t see where she was going with this. Maybe she was making small talk until we got to my house, just to keep the awkward at bay.
“My favorite song of his is The Dance. Do you know it?” When I nodded, she went on. “It’s from that bull rider movie. I’m pretty sure it’s a biopic. Anyway, I’ve always loved it. And something you said before reminded me of the lyrics.”
“Really? What’s that?”
“When I told you that you’d missed a lot of fun by playing it safe, you said that you’d missed a lot of pain, too. But you know, there’s that line in the song . . . where Garth says that he could have missed the pain, but he’d have had to have missed the dance, too.”
I shifted in the seat. “I guess the question is whether or not the pleasure of the dance—or whatever it might bring—is worth the pain that might come along with it.”
“There’s no way to know that ahead of time. The dance could bring us incredible joy.”
“Mine is the third townhouse on the left. And if the pain is crushing?” I hadn’t realized I was clenching my jaw until I spoke.
“I still think it would be worth it.” She slowed the car and turned into my drive. We were quiet as she shifted into park.
“Life would be monotonous and boring if it were utterly safe. It’s the moments of pain—and the hours of joy—that make it . . .” She paused, thinking. “Beautiful.”
I sat, unmoving, staring at her hand on the gearshift, willing myself to open the door, say thank you for the ride and good night, and then turn my back and go into my house. It would be the smart move. The best move.
And it would be boring, and monotonous, and cowardly. Suddenly safe didn’t seem so appealing.
Before I gave myself time to second-guess it, I laid my hand over hers, curling my fingers until they linked with Samantha’s.
“Come inside with me.”
She lifted startled blue eyes to mine. Surprise and then passion flared before, to my relief and terror, she nodded.
Feb 14, 2019 | Blog, Delancey Stewart, February 2019

“So you’re going to go out with him? When he asks, I mean?” I’d told Beckie about my match, and about my bet with Trace. “For cheese?”
“Not for cheese. For respect. I can’t lose a bet.”
“You’re sure you have no ulterior motive? What if you really are perfect for each other?”
“Meh.” I shrugged. I was pretending that there was nothing more to it. This was about Wensleydale cheese, and if you’ve ever tried it, you’d understand exactly why.
Though there might have been a little more to it. Something only my body was ready to admit. My mind was a stubborn bitch. “The only reason I’m even considering going on a date with Fuerte is because Trace ate all my fancy cheese.”
“You do realize that sounds insane.” Beckie sipped her pinot noir and stared at me across the table at our favorite wine bar downtown as we sat after work on Thursday night.
“I don’t care.”
“You like him.”
“I actually think I might hate him.”
“He’s really hot though.” She raised her glass to tap it with mine.
I tapped glasses with her and smiled as I took a sip of my wine. “That he is.”
But all the planning and betting and chatting with Beckie about Fernando’s clear hotness did nothing to prepare me for what actually happened next.
Happy Book Birthday Scoring the Keeper’s Sister.
Review coming soon!
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Also in Kindle Unlimited
Books I Love A Latte participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you click on the link and purchase the featured book and/or anything else during that shopping session, Books I Love A Latte will receive a small percentage between 2-6%. Any profit earned from this transaction is given directly back to readers via giveaways (gift cards, books, etc.) Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance for your continued support.
Author Bio
Delancey Stewart is an award-winning author who writes romantic fiction
with humor and heart.
Stewart has lived on both coasts, in big cities and small towns. She’s been a
pharmaceutical rep, a personal trainer and a wineseller.
A wife and the mother of two small boys, her current job titles include pirate
captain, monster hunter, Lego assembler and story reader. She tackles all these
efforts at her current home outside Washington D.C.
Author Links