Mar 24, 2023 | Blog, Excerpt Reveal, Giveaway, Mona Shroff
No Rings Attached by Monaa Shroff is a forced proximity, fake relationship, second chance romance in the third installment of her Once Upon a Marriage series. Sangeeta Parikh is moments away from saying “I Do” and realizes that she can’t say those two simple words. With their friends and family gathered together she does the unthinkable, she runs. A wedding planner fleeing her own wedding wasn’t in the plans. While she’s not sure if her family will understand and if her career will survive, she takes off with nothing but the clothes she’s wearing.
Sangeeta unintentionally finds herself in a predicament that quickly gives birth to a plan when her race to freedom reunites her with someone from her past. A plan that will change everything she thought she knew about love and marriage. This delightful plot twist takes us inside the family chaos, and all around shenanigans as everyone attempts to find the bride and figure out what happened.
Sonny Pandya walked away from his family hotel business and opened up his own restaurant. If he stayed, his vision of cooking and sharing his love of food would be controlled by someone else. Despite the differeing opinions he still dreams of working with his family, having their acceptance, and leaving a memorable mark in the world for his family, their hotels, and their legacy.
Sometimes the best plan is to have no plan, be spontaneous, and follow your heart. If a “fixer” and a “planner” can survive a fake marriage, they may discover that maybe there is something real layered in there too. A solid marriage has love, and a foundation built on trust and friendship. A partnership with someone you can’t live without and who makes your life better.
Sangeeta and Sunny will discover that love doesn’t care about plans, schedules, goals, or the weather. Love is messy, takes work, and like the stars, some days shine bright and for others, the nights are cloudy with occasional peeks of sunshine. In the end, it’s learning to listen, be flexible, and not always have a plan because you never know what you’ll miss unless you take a chance.
Mona writes her stories with depth, heart, and infuses a blend of culture while emersing the reader into the book from the first page until the last, OMG. AMAZING. Mona’s take on the classic runaway bride trope, was unique, refreshing and exciting, and full of all the feels. Usually the story focuses on the bride and groom, this …. the family gets involved and that makes it way better. I loved the chemistry between Sonny and Sangeeta, their story and the shenanigans that ensue. Oh, and I was totally craving all kinds of food and fun during and after ;).
While this is the third installment in the Once Upon A Marriage series, it can be read as a standalone. However, if you enjoy staying connected with characters for as long as possible, start at the beginning for a satisfying and delightful bookcation. This sweet romance has behind closed doors with enough sweetness to put a pink blush on your cheeks, and leave your heart full of joy. Warm, sensual, and delicious. Characters might hold hands or kiss. A warm embrace and possible mention of moving forward in an intimate nature could be mentioned.
I receved an advance reader copy from Harlequin and Mona Shroff for a fair and honest review. Enjoy this excerpt and then enter the giveaway for a chance to win your own paperback copy, US residents only.

Sonny stared at her for a moment before leading her back to the stairs to his apartment.
He opened the door and let her in. “You can take the bed–“
“I’m fine on the sofa, thank you.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” He nearly scoffed
“I’m not. “You and I allowed ourselves to be baited into me staying here. This ridiculous situation is something I did to myself. You’re…stuck in the middle. I’m not kicking you out of your bed. I’ll sleep on your sofa, and I’ll be out of your life in the morning. My foot feels better–.”
“Let’s change that dressing.” He motioned to the sofa. “Then I’ll get you some sheets and a pillow.”
“Okay.” She considered it a win for her since her dressing needed to be changed by him regardless of where she slept. She sat on the sofa while Sonny knelt and changed the dressing, adding more haldi paste. He had a pleasant amount of scruff on his chin and thick hair that was tousled from the day. He smelled of spices. She inhaled deeply.
“This is healing nicely.” He said.
She sat up straight as if she’d been caught doing something wrong. What was the matter with her? Or maybe the bigger question was, Why did he smell so good?

** CONGRATULATIONS SUSAN C. You’re the winner of a paperback copy of No Rings Attached***
CONTEST OPEN FROM 3/24-3/27 at 11:59 PM EST
Open to US resident only. One Winner will be randomly selected and notified. If winner doesn’t claim their prize within 24 hours a new winner will be drawn.
To enter let us know …. What is your perfect first date?
Extra entries -comment on my Instagram post here.
** For all giveaway rules read here.

Books I Love A Latte participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchase. If you click on the link and purchase the featured book and/or anything else during that shopping session, Books I Love A Latte will receive a small percentage between 2-6%. Any profit earned from this transaction is given directly back to readers via giveaways (gift cards, books, etc.) Thank you in advance.

Mona was born in New Jersey and grew up in Bucks County, in the suburbs of
Philadelphia. She graduated from Neshaminy High School in the 80’s. Growing
up, she was a quiet kid and had few friends but she valued the quality of each of
her friends, not the quantity.
She attended the University of Michigan and graduated with a degree in
Biopsychology. Mona continued her education at the Pennsylvania College of
Optometry, graduating with her Doctorate in Optometry.
Mona married her first (and only!) love, Deven, at the age of 25. Deven was a
dentist in the army and they spent the next nine years travelling to different parts
of the world and country while raising two young children.
Mona always loved to write, but did not get serious about it until 2011. She
entered a contest where she had to start a short story with the words “Heads we
get married, tails we break up.” She ended up losing the contest but she really
loved the whole process of creating a plot, developing characters and putting a
thought down on paper. Her first novel, Then, Now, Always, is a romance novel
based on that prompt. Her second novel, Then There Was You, released in
January of 2021. She is currently working on a third, with her fourth novel right
behind it!
When she’s not writing or examining eyes, she loves to bake. One of her ‘claims
to fame’ is an appearance on the “Today” show in 2012 as a semi-finalist in the
‘Quest for the Best Homemade Birthday Cake’ Contest.
She and her husband are currently empty nesters and reside in Maryland with
their rescue dog, Nala.
Jun 6, 2019 | Blog, Excerpt Reveal, June 2019, Samantha Chase

We are just days away from the release of A GIRL LIKE YOU by New York Times bestselling author Samantha Chase. Read on for a sneak peek and be sure to pre-order if you haven’t already!

Books I Love A Latte participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you click on the link and purchase the featured book and/or anything else during that shopping session, Books I Love A Latte will receive a small percentage between 2-6%. Any profit earned from this transaction is given directly back to readers via giveaways (gift cards, books, etc.) Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance for your continued support

Read an excerpt from A GIRL LIKE YOU
She was so bad at figuring men out, she thought miserably.
“I want to say no, but…” She yawned again. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay, Shelby.” Standing up, Sam reached down for her hand and gently pulled her to her feet. “Can I see you tomorrow?”
Frowning, she looked up at him. “You mean to hang out again?”
His dark eyes blinked at her several times as if not understanding her question. “Um…I was hoping to take you out properly – dinner and whatever else it is you might like to do. Other than sailing, you never really answered my question that night.”
Taking a step back, now it was Shelby who didn’t seem to get it. “Why do you want to take me to dinner? We…we hung out tonight and…there’s no hard feelings. I mean, I’m still sorry for not being honest with you the night we met, but…don’t feel like you need to keep hanging out with me.”
The fierce look from earlier was back as he took a step toward her. “Are we back to that again? Why exactly do you think I’m here, Shelby?” he asked, frustration practically bristling off of him.
“I…like I said…I figured we were just hanging out to…you know…talk things out. And we have.” Hopefully he couldn’t see her slight tremble. She wasn’t used to someone questioning her like this.
But then again, she wasn’t used to dealing with anyone quite like Sam.
He took another step toward her. “Is that why you agreed to let me come over? Because you needed to clear your conscience? Or thought that I needed to?”
“Um…I don’t know. Maybe.”
Another step toward her. “You want to know why I’m here?” He didn’t wait for her to respond. “I’m here because for two damn weeks you’ve been all I can think about. Seeing you earlier in the library parking lot had me feeling like I won the damn lottery – like I was getting a second chance with you!” Another step and now he towered over her. “But more than anything, I’m here because you’re someone I want to know better, dammit!”
“Sam, I…”
“But if that’s not what you want – if I’m not someone you want to know – then say something right now, Shelby,” he demanded. “Right now, before my feelings grow even deeper. Because believe it or not, what I felt for you that night at the bar is nothing compared to how I feel right now.”
She gasped softly and her foolish heart began its wild dance again. Swallowing hard, she looked up at him – saw the sincerity and the anguish in those dark depths. “I…” She paused and collected her thoughts which were going a million miles a minute in her head. “How do you feel?”
It was something she needed to know. It was one thing if he was casually interested in her – which was what she expected him to say. But what if it were more? What if it were something deep and warm and wonderful and scary and everything she was feeling too?
Reaching out, Sam cupped her face in his hands and rested his forehead against hers. “I feel like you’re someone I need to know.”
His voice was low and gruff and rumbly enough that she felt it all the way down to her toes.
How could she possibly explain to him that she was too afraid to believe him? That she didn’t have the confidence in herself to believe him?
As if sensing her thoughts, he quietly said, “You’ve been brutally honest with me all night, Shelby. Don’t stop now. Tell me what you’re thinking.”
There really was something about Sam that made her feel like she could say anything – even if she shouldn’t.
“I guess I’m afraid to believe that you really want to get to know me,” she admitted softly. “I’m nothing special, Sam. I’m not the type of girl you usually…”
He placed one finger across her lips to stop her flow of words. “Please don’t keep throwing that back in my face.” He closed his eyes as if in pain. “I know I’ve done a lot of stupid things and I’ve made a lot of bad choices, but that has nothing to do with you and me. When I saw you that night, all I remember thinking was…finally, there she is.”
Her eyes went wide at the intensity of his words. No one had ever said anything like that to her before. She wasn’t the kind of girl or woman who caused that kind of reaction – she knew that and she was okay with it. But after seeing the look on Sam’s face as he spoke, Shelby knew she had to have more – needed to see where this went and what would come from an admission like his.
“Wow,” she whispered, because it’s all she could force herself to say.
The smile Sam gave her was one of sweet relief. Unable to help herself, she placed her hand on his chest, and, feeling his rapid heartbeat, she grew bold. Her hand smoothed up and over his shoulder and then raked up into his hair. Up on her tiptoes, she pressed her lips to his and prayed she wouldn’t panic or freak out again.
When his arms slowly banded around her waist, Shelby knew this time was different. He was being cautious and careful and, undoubtedly, holding back so he didn’t spook her. The kiss was chaste – slow and sweet. Only this time, she was the one to seek more. Her tongue tentatively reached out and skimmed along his bottom lip and she heard his sharp intake of breath. It made her bold. Pressing herself more firmly against him, she reveled in the feel of his warm, hard body. And when he maneuvered them back over the sofa, she felt her excitement grow.
Sam sat and gently guided Shelby down so he could cradle her in his lap and, if anything, she thought it was the perfect position for them. His arms were around her, holding her securely to him, all the while their kiss just continued. There wasn’t the same intensity as there was the night they met, and that was more than okay with her. She was enjoying this – the way they were slowly getting acquainted with each another.
Squirming slightly against him, she gulped for air when Sam broke the kiss and gazed at her face. His breath was coming just as raggedly as hers and she wished more than anything that she didn’t need oxygen quite so much because she already missed the feel of his mouth on hers.
One of his hands came up and took the clip out of her hair. She let out a small moan of pleasure because it had been bothering her all night, but when that same hand anchored up into her hair and began massaging her scalp, it felt like she had died and gone to heaven.
Good lord, if a three-second scalp massage feels this good, what would sex with him be like?
Hopefully she’d find out.
Diving in for another kiss, Shelby was pleasantly surprised that Sam seemed just as anxious as she was for another taste. She twisted and turned in his lap until she was straddling him and it was like she didn’t even recognize herself. She wasn’t normally this forward or – dare she say, aggressive? – but there was no way for her to fight what she was feeling. For two weeks she had kicked herself every day for running like she did and now that she was getting a second chance, she was taking it.
With everything she had, apparently.
They kissed, they rolled over and stretched out on the sofa until Sam was on top of her and Shelby wrapped herself completely around him. So many times she thought to break their kiss and simply ask him to stay – to move things into the bedroom – but his hands and mouth kept distracting her until she didn’t know her own name, let alone where they were half the time.
At some point – it could have been minutes later, it could have been hours – Sam raised his head and smiled down at her. He was so handsome, so sexy, so…everything she ever fantasized about…and he was here with her.
“Shelby,” he said, low and thick. “Damn.”
Yeah. She knew exactly what he meant.
Her hand smoothed up his back and up into his hair in hopes of guiding his mouth back to hers, but…he moved.
He stood.
She stayed where she was on the sofa and looked up at him in confusion.
“I should go,” he said after a long moment.
He nodded. “Dinner tomorrow night, right?”
He was leaving? Now? Seriously?
Doing a move that was clearly becoming his thing, Sam reached for her hand and gently pulled her to her feet. He kissed her one last time on the lips before letting out a low growl. Clearing his throat, he said, “You know how badly I want to stay, right?”
Shelby nodded and wanted to say she felt the same, but she couldn’t seem to make her voice work.
He hugged her tight. “But I don’t think it’s the right thing to do,” he said, and her only consolation was that he sounded as miserable about it as she felt. “Let me take you out tomorrow.” He pulled back and studied her face. “I want to do this right. I feel like I came on too strong that night and…and I’m not willing to do anything that you might regret.”
Well, damn. He was sweet, sexy, funny, and considerate? How was she supposed to resist?
“That night…that was my own issue, Sam. It wasn’t about you. Not really. I want you to know that.”
With a lopsided grin, he pulled her back into his embrace. “Thank you for saying that.”
“It’s the truth.”
Slowly they broke apart and walked over to the front door. He opened it and kissed her one more time. “You are pure temptation. You know that, right?”
Blushing, she shook her head.
“It’s true.” Tucking a finger under her chin, his expression turned serious. “Thank you for inviting me over and for giving me another chance. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at seven. Will that work?” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone so they could exchange numbers. Once that was done, he kissed her one last time and walked out the door.
And Shelby swore part of her heart went with him.

Samantha Chase is a New York Times and USA Today bestseller of contemporary romance. She released her debut novel in 2011 and currently has more than forty titles under her belt! When she’s not working on a new story, she spends her time reading romances, playing way too many games of Scrabble or Solitaire on Facebook, wearing a tiara while playing with her sassy pug Maylene…oh, and spending time with her husband of 25 years and their two sons in North Carolina.
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