Coffee With Author Evie James and Debut Author/Narrator Craig Richards
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Today I’m excited to share the lounge with Author Evie James and Writer and Narrator Craig Richards. Thanks for hanging out with me today to chat about books and bookish tidbits.
My barista made me a Decaf Twix Latte (toss a few chocolate chips, Hershey kisses, or whatever ya got into your mug. Brew the Latte and then add caramel syrup, hazelnut syrup. If you’re feeling a little extra … drizzle mocha and caramel sauce.)
Rae: What’s in your cuppa?
Craig: Americano with white chocolate and cream (Just a hint of the white chocolate and cream though)
Evie: I don’t drink hot drinks because when I was a little girl I received a severe burn. I do love the smell of coffee and my family loves coffee and espresso, so there is always a pot brewing.
Rae: First things first describe the type of books you write, or narrate?
Craig: With this being my first official book that I’ve written, Evie and I decided on the contemporary spicy romance genre, but I have a feeling my writing isn’t going to stop there. As far as books that I narrate, I am open to all genres. I definitely have fun narrating the spicy stuff.
Evie: Night Shift is my first contemporary romance. Previously, I have written science fiction and fantasy books under another pen name. All of my books are one hundred percent romances. I can’t imagine writing a book that doesn’t center around the romantic relationship of the characters and has a ‘happily ever after’ or ‘happy for now’ conclusion.
Rae: Craig How did you get started narrating books?
Craig: After I graduated nursing school and started working as a RN, I also decided to get back onto social media (took a nearly 10 year hiatus). People who watched and listened to the videos I posted on TikTok kept commenting on my voice. I started receiving comments about whether or not I was on Quinn. That kinda became the endgame for me, but after people started tuning in to me reading books out loud when I would go live on TikTok, I started receiving questions about narrating audiobooks. After enough encouragement, I decided to leave nursing and pursue narrating full-time.
Rae: What is your creative process when narrating a book or other project?
Craig: Admittedly, I do a terrible job of reading ahead before I begin narrating, but I have a natural inclination to tone. I adapt very well from scene to scene. One thing I do prefer is a dark setting when I’m recording. Communication is also very important, so I’m open and responsive with authors and their work, so if there is something in particular they are going for in a scene, we will discuss the tone.
Rae: Have you ever stumbled onto something that is difficult or challenging to read while staying in character?
Craig: I still find myself giggling every once in a while with words like c*ck or pu$$y, but it’s very rare when I actually stumble.
Rae: Anytime I settle in to read I need a full mug and a few tasty treats. Do you have any food necessities when cozying up with a few books?
Craig: As long as I have a warm cup of coffee or tea next to me, I’m set.
Evie: I always have a Stanly cup of water or green tea.
Rae: Regardless of what I’m reading I always have a journal, sticky notes, and colored pens for notation. What supplies do you have at the ready when you settle in to read?
Craig: For me, it’s pretty simple. I have a pen and a notepad.
Evie: As an accountant and business manager, it’s my nature to overanalyze everything. So, when I read, I try very hard to lose myself in the story and purely enjoy the experience of living alongside the characters. Reading is my go-to stress reliever, and I enjoy reading almost every genre.
Rae: When writing your books, do you prefer pen and paper or type away?
Craig: I tend to write a lot of ideas down on paper, but when it comes to writing full scenes/chapters, I go to the laptop.
Evie: I type away, but as ideas hit me or I think of something that I want to incorporate into the plot, I tend to use sticky notes and notepads. Often, ideas come at the most inopportune times, so I use my phone to email myself those thoughts.
Rae: Congratulations to both of you on the upcoming release of Night Shift. Evie you posted that it’s a Grey’s Anatomy meets Ana Huang’s Twisted Series workplace romance with delicious tropes. I watch Grey’s and have read the Twisted series and I can’t wait to read this.
When did you realize you wanted to collaborate and write Night Shift?
Craig: Evie came across some of my audios on social media and was curious if the stuff I was narrating was written by me. When I told her that I did all of my own writing, she was wondering why I hadn’t written a book yet. I blame everything on her (lol).
Evie: I approached Craig with the idea in November, and everything fell into place. He has the ideal voice for a romantic book. When you couple that with his innate creativity, the writing sparks fly.
Rae: Every author duo partnership has a different way of crafting the story, how did you navigate sorting out those tasks?
Craig: I do as I’m told. (lol)
Evie: “Lot’s of humor! Having worked in the music industry for many years, working with creative people has always come naturally to me. I have seen how collaborative efforts lead to amazing results. Songwriters often hang out in writing rooms, bouncing ideas off each other and getting their creative juices flowing. That’s how I approached Craig. He’s a very relaxed and easy-to-work- with kind of guy. From the start, we both wanted to craft a book that people would love. We began with the characters (the three brothers) and then set about writing their stories. Craig created detailed character sketches, which got the ball rolling, and from there, the plot fell into place. We wanted this book to be crafted specifically for his narration style. Through phone calls, text messages, and emails, we bounced ideas and changes off each other. This book is truly a collaboration. There are parts of it that, when I read them, I can’t help but hear Craig’s voice in my head. I would absolutely recommend that all authors try writing with a partner.”
Rae: Is it safe to assume that there will be an audio book available on or near publication day?
Craig: That’s our goal!
Evie: Absolutely. This book will be best enjoyed as a read along with the Audiobook.
Rae: While writing (or narrating) do you have any particular rituals while plotting, or writing partners while you get all the words in?
Craig: No rituals for me. I have a tendency to write from experience, so some characters might have certain characteristics or experiences from people or situations in my life.
Evie: Craig and I began with characters sketches and then outlined the plot. From there, we started writing. He would write scenes, and then I would take those and write others. Surprisingly, the flow was easy, and everything just came together. We also have a great editor, so she has helped ensure it is technically sound.
Rae: Do you create a vision board?
Craig: I am absolutely terrible with that kind of stuff, but I’m working to get better with organization. I have a tendency to fly by the seat of my pants.
Evie: Craig may think he’s terrible at that sort of thing, but in reality, he had definite ideas of famous actors who we should model the look of our characters after. So, included with each character sketch are photos we found on the internet. Craig envisioned a man who looked like Jon Hamm for the MMC right off the bat. I think I did a pretty good job making Dr. Atticus Thorin come alive based on that inspiration for the cover art.
Rae: How much research was involved before you plotted out Night Shift?
Craig: Evie is the research Queen. I just had my healthcare experience that we could build off of.
Evie: One thing I learned early on from the writing organizations of which I am a member is to write what you know. I think that might have been one of the first things I mentioned to Craig. With him being a nurse, we were drawn to making the book revolve around the medical field. A fun little tidbit about the two upcoming books is that one brother is an EMT, and the other is a nurse.
Rae: Was there an event or idea that sparked this story?
Craig: I just know how sneaky little love stories can come out of the ER, so I figured it would be an easy go-to plot.
Evie: We ran with what Craig said above.
Rae: What was the biggest obstacle while crafting this book?
Craig: I would say the co-author situation. In a perfect world, Evie and I would be able to do everything in real time, but I think we managed pretty well.
Evie: We set the goal of a March release date. Let’s just say that was a big challenge for more reasons than one.
Rae: What is next on the horizon?
Craig: Books, books, and more books!
Evie: Two more standalone books fone or each brother.
Rae: If readers want to meet up with you in person, where can they find you?
Craig: Maybe one day, there will be a book signing!
Evie: I’d love to meet the readers of this book…they would be a fun group of people to go have a beer with! ApollyCon would be a dream come true! Can you imagine the fun our readers could have if we gave them a custom, book related audio of a mini story about meeting their favorite book boyfriend at a book signing? (just a thought 😊)
Rae :Thank you so much for hanging out with me today.
Readers drop a comment below if you have any questions for Evie and Craig regarding their collaboration, the book, or just want to say hi!
1. What is your must read book? Why?
Craig: Harry Potter for the simple notion of nostalgia. I never want to grow up.
Evie: That’s impossible for me to say! The book that had a huge impact on me was my first chapter book: The Hobbit, or There and Back Again, by J.R.R Tolkien. The giant spiders of Mirkwood Forest changed my life.
2. If I visit your hometown, where are you taking me, and what’s the best place to grab a bite?
Craig: We are going to the Original Pancake House! And there isn’t much to do in my hometown specifically, so we would have to go to Mt. Rainier!
Evie: Nashville is a such a fun place it’s impossible to name one place to go or to eat. Nashville is great for foodies.
3. What is one thing readers would be surprised to know about you?
Craig: Probably that I’m a registered nurse.
Evie: That I’m a Certified Professional Photographer. I picked up a camera when I was sixteen and have never put it down.
4. What is your guilty pleasure?
Craig: Shin Ramen
Evie: Homemade Hummingbird Cake.
5. What are you afraid of?
Craig: Greatness
Evie: Failure
6. Tats or No Tats? If tats, how many and what did you choose for your first one?
Craig: I have two nearly complete sleeves, so and tats for sure. My first one is on my back, across the shoulders. It says courage.
Evie: No tats, but love them.
7. Binge watcher or weekly viewer? Which show(s)?
Craig: My adult ADHD doesn’t allow me to watch shows all the way through anymore. I swear I can start a series, absolutely love it, and then start something new two episodes later.
Evie: Binge watcher: The Witcher, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, The Mandalorian (anything Science Fiction, The 100, Virgin River. The list is long and eclectic.
8. Is there a book you have read that you would love to see made into a movie (besides yours)?
Craig: Too many to name
Evie: Ditto
9. What is the one thing you cannot live without?
Craig: Oxygen
Evie: Happy endings
10. What is the one career that gives you the shudders?
Craig: Being a CEO of a Fortune 500 company
Evie: Having started my accounting career working in a small gray cube with gray carpet and a gray desk, all within a large gray building, I’ve already lived through a job that gives me the shudders.
11. If I opened your handbag/bag/briefcase, what item would I be shocked to see?
Craig: Underwear (cause there shouldn’t be any)
Evie: Who knows what you’ll find at the bottom of my purse…it’s a black hole.
12. What app on your phone/ipad gets the most use?
Craig: Instagram
Evie: Messages on my phone and Kindle on my iPad
Evie James on Instagram
Craig Richards on Instagram