Jan 26, 2024 | 2024, Blog, Eva Siedler, January 2024

This is from the aforementioned staff meeting scene. Rayah has just put an early end to Jake’s session so that his trainer can attend. Be sure to read my Coffee With Eva Siedler from earlier today for more info regarding this scene.
“Jake dropped that bar with a symphony of clinks and a triumphant, “Haha, sucker!”, then fled for the track to cool down before someone gave him another exercise to do.
‘Saved by a girl!’ Pierce taunted.
Rayah wasn’t engaging that nonsense, but Jake retorted, ‘A sexy one, at that.’ As his gaze slid over her, she practically felt his big, warm hands on her skin. When his eyes settled on hers, his voice went from hot to incendiary. ‘She can save me anytime.’
It means nothing, she reminded herself. He was a shameless flirt. Her body still hadn’t received the message, though. Fire flashed through her system. That was all it ever took. One look, one wicked comment, and she was on the surface of the sun and loving every second.
And his time here is half over. More even. She shoved that fact and all the worries about why it depressed her into a mental box marked No Touchy.
Pierce jogged toward the kitchen, face screwed up like he’d tasted something sour. ‘Eww, dude. Rayah’s hot and all, but she’s family.” She was still absorbing the multiple layers of shock in that statement when he stopped in front of her and rolled his eyes. ‘Like I need to picture you carrying his dumb ass off to have your way with him.’
Jake happened to be passing them on the track. He pivoted, walking backward to keep her in sight. ‘Anytime, cupcake. Anytime.’”
*Excerpt approved by Eva Siedler*

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Eva Siedler and her sexy aircraft mechanic husband have built a crazy home in Central Ohio filled with almost as much neurodiversity as love. By day she wrangles two teenage boys with the supernatural ability to misplace anything, her POTS symptoms, and carpools. By night she writes funny, spicy love stories packed with strong, sassy heroines, big-hearted heroes, and tons of wacky small-town shenanigans.
Represented by Jordy Albert of The Booker Albert Literary Agency.
Jan 26, 2024 | Blog, Eva Siedler, January 2024
Work It Out is the debut novel from author Eva Siedler. A story of overcoming obstacles, learning to trust, getting rid of dead weight and not being afraid to tell the truth. In Bigbone, Arizona expect to find a small-town romance layered with:
🧁 Grumpy Girl
🧁 Sunshine Guy
🧁 Chronic Illness Rep (POTS)
🧁 Found Family
🧁 Forced Proximity
Rayah Summers is trying to build a brand and business when hollywood sweeps in. What will happen when she discovers his secret? Will she let the money impact her decisions or will she figure out a way to keep him from an untimely death?
Jake will do just about anything to land his next role even if it means hiding the one thing that could truly kill him while preparing for the part. What will happen when his illness is discovered? Will he still find a way to land the part or will his heart betray him?
While we can’t choose the family we are born into, we can choose the people we want to call family. Add characters that are relatable with a plot that keeps you turning page after page this story will leave you satisfied with laugh out loud moments and a few that might bring a tear or two.
When choosing to read books the options are endless, if you’re looking for something with a character that has a chronic illness, this story is written with care, attention to detail making the story believable and heartwarming. A scorchin hot read with secrets, forgiveness, acceptance, and characters that will connect with so many readers. Caution, may lead to unexpected need to turn on the A/C. So steamy the pages ignite.
I received an Advance Reader Copy from Entangled Publishing for a fair and honest review. All opinions are my own.
At 3 pm this afternoon I’ll have an exclusive excerpt from Work It Out.

Grab your copy on Amazon

Books I Love A Latte participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchase. If you click on the link and purchase the featured book and/or anything else during that shopping session, Books I Love A Latte will receive a small percentage between 2-6%. Any profit earned from this transaction is given directly back to readers via giveaways (gift cards, books, etc.) Thank you in advance.

Eva Siedler and her sexy aircraft mechanic husband have built a crazy home in Central Ohio filled with almost as much neurodiversity as love. By day she wrangles two teenage boys with the supernatural ability to misplace anything, her POTS symptoms, and carpools. By night she writes funny, spicy love stories packed with strong, sassy heroines, big-hearted heroes, and tons of wacky small-town shenanigans.
Represented by Jordy Albert of The Booker Albert Literary Agency.
Jan 26, 2024 | Blog, Coffee With, Eva Siedler, January 2024
Rae: Welcome to the blog. With the cold days of winter still upon us I have a Mocha Almond Coconut Milk Latte with a drizzle of chocolate and caramel in my mug. What is in your cuppa?
Eva: I am still in my peppermint mocha era. One packet of peppermint hot cocoa in a huge mug of coffee with a mountain of whipped cream. I need my coffee to taste like candy and rainbows.
Rae: I find that reading is better when I can pair my book with a beverage and a tasty treat while in my cozy nook. What do you need to have for yourself when you are settling in to read?
Eva: My absolute must is my emotional support water bottle, but a truly great reading binge requires the gooseneck holder for my kindle and the little miracle device that allows me to turn pages without lifting my arm.
Rae: When you start to craft your book do you prefer pen and paper or type away?
Eva: I need a keyboard for drafting. It’s the only way my hands can keep up with my thoughts. But for editing, I go old school with printed pages and a kaleidoscope worth of colored pens and tabs and highlighters. I am an absolute office supply junkie.
Rae: Do you have any particular rituals while plotting, or writing partners while you get all the words in?
Eva: I am, much to my chagrin, a total pantser. What my little nerd heart wouldn’t give to lay out a detailed plan with all those color-coded tabs and actually stick to it. Alas, If I know exactly how the story unfolds, I lose the will to write it. But I have been lucky enough to have the same two amazing critique partners for the past fourteen years. They are the ultimate sounding boards, and just reading their writing makes me better. But owing them pages helps me remain focused.
Rae: How extensive was your research while plotting out this book adventure?
Eva: This particular book is an interesting mixture of a ton of research and yet not much at all, depending on how you look at it. I have done exhaustive research into POTS and many of the commonly co-occurring conditions in the decade since my diagnosis. I also spent six days a week in a handful of private gyms during a five-year period. Those experiences were for me, though, to help manage my chronic illness. By the time I started this book, I felt comfortable that I could to do it justice. Though I did have to google a few things about caring for a pet pig.
Rae: Congratulations on your debut novel Work It Out. It is so refreshing to read a book with chronic illness represented, I think this book is going to connect with readers. What inspired you to write
a book with a character who has POTS?
Eva: I wanted to see someone like me, someone who goes to the gym knowing the chances they fall off the equipment and end up a meme are never zero, but who goes anyway. I also wanted to push back against the classic fitness industry toxic standbys that scream things like “No excuses!” That thinking make me very sick and very hard on myself for years before I was able to accept that accommodating my body and her needs was not an excuse and the fact that I will never be able to run a marathon or even climb a flight of stairs without feeling dizzy does not make me less than. I am enough just the way I am wherever I am in my journey. It’s time I own that. Also, with POTS diagnosis on the rise, particularly in long COVID patients, I wanted to shed more light on the possible cause of symptoms women especially are told far too often are “just anxiety.”
Rae: Both Jake and Rayah have had to worth through a past layered with pain and perception from others in their community. The tenderness and care to your characters allows readers to experience the highs and lows on an intimate level while enjoying plenty of banter, scorchin heat, and a satisfying happy ever after. Were there any unplanned events or characters that you did not anticipate while crafting this story? I feel there is always one character who decides to do something unexpected 😉.
Eva: The most entertaining part of being someone who writes by the seat of my pants is how frequently my characters surprise me. With Jake, as strange as it sounds, I never quite knew what outrageous thing was going to come out of his mouth next. But I think the scene that surprised me most was when the team gathers in the kitchen for a staff meeting. I always intended for them to be a family, but the way they teased and taunted and just obviously love one another in all their own weird, awkward ways—and the seamless way Jake had slipped into the family—hit me hard.
Rae: What was your biggest obstacle while writing this book and the series?
Eva: I wrote the first draft of this book during COVID shutdown. With my chronic illness and how medically fragile other members of my family were, it was a terrifying time. There were a lot of days that it was laugh or cry. Sometimes I did both. But spending time Jake and Rayah, and sharing their antics with my critique partners, was a great way to get through.
Rae: What hero or heroine do you connect with most?
Eva: There is always more of ourselves in our characters than we intend. I expected to connect most with Jake and his potsie struggles. But I walked away more than a little obsessed with Blaine too. 😉
Rae: What is next on the horizon? Will there be more fun from Explosion?
Eva: Book two has me back in Bigbone and loving it, with possibly the last two characters you’d expect.
Rae: Thank you so much for hanging out with me today and I can’t wait for everyone to read Work It Out.
Eva: What fun questions! Thank you so much for having me.
Rae: Readers be sure to check back later today at 1PM for my review. Then, at 3 PM I’ll have an exclusive excerpt from Work It Out! Mark your calendar and be sure to check back later today.

1. What is your must read book? Why? Saving Grace by Julie Garwood. I read it for the first time over fifteen years ago, but the twist at the end of the first chapter still gives me goosebumps.
2. If I visit your hometown, where are you taking me, and what’s the best place to grab a bite? My hometown is a tiny blip, nothing but fast food for miles. My high school was literally one hundred years old and surrounded on three sides by corn fields. But Columbus is close and has so much to offer! Our zoo is one of the best in the country. For a casual lunch, you can’t go wrong with wings from Rooster’s.
3. What is one thing readers would be surprised to know about you? I am probably the shiest person you’ll ever meet. I usually blame it on growing up as an undiagnosed autistic. I love having new friends, but I’m still learning how to put myself out there to make those connections. So, if you see me out in the world or on social media, please take mercy on my poor, omnivert soul and say hi!
4. What is your guilty pleasure? Amusement Parks. It’s an entire production now with my POTS, but I love the rides.
5. What are you afraid of? Letting people down. That part of Rayah, her need to care for all her chicks in all the ways, very much comes from me.
6. Tats or No Tats? If tats, how many and what did you choose for your first one? I have one that I got on a whim right after I turned 18. Since that was in 2002, of course it’s a butterfly, though I opted for hip placement rather than lower back (thank goodness). I’m not opposed to getting more. I just have a hard time choosing!
7. Binge watcher or weekly viewer? Which show(s)? Binge! I have to know the whole story. Cliffhangers are actual torture. My all-time favorite comfort watch has to be Lucifer, though I love all things Bridgerton too.
8. Is there a book you have read that you would love to see made into a movie (besides yours 🙂 )? I am dying for the Black Dagger Brotherhood series to finally come to Passionflix! I’ve been wishing for that one for years. #ZsadistForever
9. What is the one thing you cannot live without? Writing retreats. A couple times a year, my girls and I sneak away for a weekend to work and gab and eat amazing snacks. Prioritizing that part of my life makes me a better human all the way around.
10. What is the one career that gives you the shudders? Public speaking. It sounds so cliché, and I do it sometimes. But as a daily gig, it would leave me hallowed out and stressed.
11. If I opened your handbag/bag/briefcase, what item would I be shocked to see? You’d be most shocked that I don’t carry one. I’ll carry a bag when I work away from home, but I stress too much about losing things. Most days I only carry the bare essentials.
12. What app on your phone/ipad gets the most use? Tiktok. I get sucked in to book reviews and puppy videos, and before I know it, hours have slipped by.

Eva Siedler and her sexy aircraft mechanic husband have built a crazy home in Central Ohio filled with almost as much neurodiversity as love. By day she wrangles two teenage boys with the supernatural ability to misplace anything, her POTS symptoms, and carpools. By night she writes funny, spicy love stories packed with strong, sassy heroines, big-hearted heroes, and tons of wacky small-town shenanigans.
Represented by Jordy Albert of The Booker Albert Literary Agency.
For more info on Eva Siedler you can find her here