Duke of Pleasure by Elizabeth Hoyt

Duke of Pleasure by Elizabeth Hoyt

cover97282 medium Duke of Pleasure by Elizabeth HoytThe Duke of Pleasure by Elizabeth Hoyt is taking the Ghost of St.Giles to a new level. This time, she;s one kick-ass protector! Thank you Elizabeth for bringing us Alf’s story in your world of adventure filled with romance hidden in the nooks and crannies of St. Giles.

Hugh Fitzroy has a mission, to uncover the secret society that preys on young children and women. Will he find love despite the tragic way his marriage ended? Can he trust anyone with his most precious possessions?

Alf has made a living helping to unlock secrets as she hides behind boys clothes, and those of the Ghost. When her heart discovers that it’s impossible to be satisfied with just one kiss, what will she do? Oh, I can’t wait for you to read this story. It’s thrilling with the perfect amount of secrets, adventure and the ending is absolutely satisfying.

Are you new to the series? Fear not dear readers this book can be read as a standalone but I think you will enjoy your reading pleasure more if you read the entire series in order. There are Eleven books to dive into. So, wherever you obtain your books from – library, bookstore or e-retailer, you can find them anywhere!

A spicy 2 1/2 pepper read and has enough heat to make you sizzle and is for mature readers 18+.

Author Info:
elizabeth hoyt headshot 300x300 Duke of Pleasure by Elizabeth HoytElizabeth Hoyt is the New York Times bestselling author of over seventeen lush historical romances including the Maiden Lane series. Publishers Weekly has called her writing “mesmerizing.” She also pens deliciously fun contemporary romances under the name Julia Harper. Elizabeth lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with three untrained dogs, a garden in constant need of weeding, and the long-suffering Mr. Hoyt.


Website: https://elizabethhoyt.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElizabethHoytBooks
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ElizabethHoyt
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/elizabethhoyt/
Tumblr: https://elizabethhoyt.tumblr.com

Duke of Desire by Elizabeth Hoyt

Duke of Desire by Elizabeth Hoyt

cover115686 medium 185x300 Duke of Desire by Elizabeth HoytDuke of Desire is the twelfth book in the Maiden Lane series by Elizabeth Hoyt.  While ech book can be read as a standalone I highly recommend reading this series in order for the full appreciation of Elizabeth’s magnificent storytelling.

Raphael de Chartres has one goal, to bring down the Lords of Chaos and he will stop at nothing until they are destroyed. The Lords of Chaos have haunted Raphael for decades and just when his goal is in sight, his plan is derailed. 

Lady Iris Jordan must trust Raphael when he rescues her from impending harm. A plan is hatched and if she’s to stay alive, she must agree to Raphael’s demands. Can she trust the one man who could ruin her? 

Dive into a story that is emotionally satisfying and everything readers expect from the Maiden Lane series. The trauma and tragedy that has plagued Raphael his entire life is what has driven him towards revenge. Will the years of plotting find him at the end of that road alive or dead? Will Iris fall for a man who is damaged or will she look beyond to the man he is today? What will happen when Raphael’s desire for Iris burns so hot that he’s forced to choose? Sometimes you can’t fight love and our dear hero will need to choose. 

With the heat and intensity in this book I give it three Peppers as it’s pretty hot and might offend. For mature readers 18+%name Duke of Desire by Elizabeth Hoyt

I received this ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review.

Check out the Excerpt below and see for yourself.


Iris held her head high as she stared at Raphael. “Why?”

“I’ve already told you why I choose not to have an heir. My reasons are—”

“Your reasons are patently ridiculous!” She’d raised her voice, but she couldn’t find it within herself to care. “You say you desire women, you kiss me twice, you have no struggle in becoming hard—”

Raphael closed his eyes, and a muscle jumped in his jaw. “Madam. Quit this line of questioning now, I beg of you, for if you do not, I shall not be responsible for the consequences.”

Iris watched him and saw a man with his temper barely leashed, his jaw hard as a rock, the muscles in his arms and shoulders bunched, his entire aspect so frozen he nearly shook.

He’d told her to stop. And she had—twice before. “I cannot quit my questions—I’m married to you. I have no other choice but you if I want to have children—and I do—therefore please explain to me why you won’t bed me. Why you think we shouldn’t make a child together.”

She had known that he could move quickly. Still it was a shock when she found herself pressed against the back of her seat, his face inches from hers.

“God’s blood, woman, how much control do you think I have?” he whispered, his clove-scented breath brushing her face. “You must think me a saint by the way you harangue me despite my warnings. Listen and listen well: I am no saint.”

“But I don’t need a saint,” she breathed, her voice trembling. “I don’t want a saint. I want you.”

“God forgive me,” he snarled, and pulled her mouth to his.

ICYMI: My previous reviews from this must read series…

The Duke of Sin
Darling Beast, Dearest Rogue, and Sweetest Scoundral
Thief of Shadows, Lord of Darkness, and The Duke of Midnight|
Coffee With Elizabeth Hoyt
Wicked Intentions, Notorious Pleasures, and Scandalous Desires

%name Duke of Desire by Elizabeth Hoyt

Author Info:

%name Duke of Desire by Elizabeth Hoyt

Elizabeth Hoyt is the New York Times bestselling author of over seventeen lush historical romances including the Maiden Lane series. Publishers Weekly has called her writing “mesmerizing.” She also pens deliciously fun contemporary romances under the name Julia Harper. Elizabeth lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with three untrained dogs, a garden in constant need of weeding, and the long-suffering Mr. Hoyt.

Website: https://elizabethhoyt.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElizabethHoytBooks

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ElizabethHoyt

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/elizabethhoyt/

Tumblr: https://elizabethhoyt.tumblr.com


Winter Extravaganza Day 10 Post 1 of 2: Robin Covington, Lauren Blakely, Elizabeth Heiter, Sandra Lake and Elizabeth Hoyt

%name Winter Extravaganza Day 10 Post 1 of 2: Robin Covington, Lauren Blakely, Elizabeth Heiter, Sandra Lake and Elizabeth Hoyt%name Winter Extravaganza Day 10 Post 1 of 2: Robin Covington, Lauren Blakely, Elizabeth Heiter, Sandra Lake and Elizabeth Hoyt





****** Congratulations to the winners of the Day 10 Giveaway  ******


Congratulations to Michelle Hayes you won ONE print copy of RUSH 


Congratulations to Keri B and Julie K you won an e-book set of A Sons of North Romance series.


Congratulations kaisquared4 you won a copy of The Duke of Sin


Congratulations Linda Bien you won ONE autographed print set The Profiler books (Hunted, Vanished & Seized).



Congratulations Leslie S you won ONE e-book of Big Rock

You all have 24 hours to e-mail me your information at [email protected] or a new name will be drawn.


 Today I’m featuring books by Robin Covington, Elizabeth Heiter, Sandra Lake, Lauren Blakely, and Elizabeth Hoyt. Their books include Erotic, Romantic Suspense, Contemporary Romance and Historical Romane so there is something for everyone.

Be sure to check out the amazing e-book giveaways at the  very bottom. It’s going to be a sweet and spicy day!


Bestselling author Robin Covington loves to explore the theme of fooling around and falling in love in her bestselling books. When she’s not writing sexy, sizzling romance she is collecting tasty man candy, indulging in a little comic book geek love, and stalking Joe Manganiello.

You can find Robin at her website (robincovingtonromance.com), Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Don’t send chocolate . . . send eye candy!

Robin lives in Maryland with her hilarious husband, brilliant children (they get it from her, of course!) and her beloved furbabies.

51JoaVbSJ5L. SY445 SX342  200x300 Winter Extravaganza Day 10 Post 1 of 2: Robin Covington, Lauren Blakely, Elizabeth Heiter, Sandra Lake and Elizabeth Hoyt

One Little Kiss by Robin Covington is absolutely sinful and I am thrilled to see it’s a contender in the 2016 RITA Novella category. It’s got depth of emotion and plot, amazing characters and a VERY emotionally satisfying ending. Without sacrifice, work or challenges, love isn’t worth the risk!

Leighton Greer is on her way to Dublin for a chance of a lifetime until a raging blizzard delays her flight and strands her at the airport.

Karma can be worse than an crazy ex-boyfriend. For Leighton it smacked her straight into the very man she ran out on. Now, it will take a little Irish luck to charm her way around the very man who stole more than just her heart.

Jonas Sutton has a secret, he’s in love with Leighton and absolutely pissed she walked out on him. Things are totally complicated now, she’s his best friend’s sister.

Desperate to spend time and find out why she left him, Jonas rescues her from the airport. They are given a second chance for redemption, both at the airport because they are headed out of town. What are the odds?

Leighton is shocked by his sudden news and forced to face her feelings, will she run again? Can they both have their dreams? Will these two souls desperate for each other finally connect?

This three pepper spicy latte sizzles and is a must read. I sat down to read it and did not get out of my chair till I clicked on the last page. I am in love with this tasty tale.

%name Winter Extravaganza Day 10 Post 1 of 2: Robin Covington, Lauren Blakely, Elizabeth Heiter, Sandra Lake and Elizabeth HoytThis story is pretty hot with content for mature readers 18 +.


The guy leaning on me really needs an Altoid.

I shift to the side as my impromptu airport floor roommate snuggles closer and lets loose a snore that makes my nearby fellow captives look in our direction in alarm. I’m not looking forward to riding out the snowstorm in Terminal D with a man who needs an industrial strength nasal strip but I fought hard for the prime spot along the wall close to an electrical outlet and I’m not moving.

When the airline had begun cancelling flights due to the unexpected blizzard three days before St. Patrick’s Day, the first wave of activity in international departures was to secure a hotel room for the night. Being neither a platinum or some other precious gem level member at one of the big hotel chains had meant I was out of luck in securing any kind of room for the night so I’d wedged my way in between overstuffed carry-ons and whiny kids to grab my piece of prime real estate along the wall.

Two hours later, my phone is fully charged but the answer is clear—there is no room for me in the inn. Or the Marriott. Or the Hilton.

A great way to start my first adventure.

Two and a half months from my college graduation and I’m taking the chances in my life that I should have been taking all along. Finally. I’m beginning to feel like the person I am supposed to be but not everyone is on board with my accelerated program of development. The parentals, my twin brother—they mean well but they worry about me. Too much.

I am the fragile one. The one who needs to be careful. The one they almost lost. You’d think beating childhood leukemia would have made me brave, fierce. Nope. I’d bought into their characterization and worn it like a cloak to protect me from the big bad world until I’d almost suffocated under the weight. And then a few months ago, Brian-the-cheaterface had kicked my ass to the curb two weeks before Christmas for a girl named Silver who had green hair, ear gauges and a tongue stud and blamed it all on my being only slightly less boring than a bag of flour. Actually, his exact words were “if you’d only live with the passion you put into your fucking music I wouldn’t have had to look elsewhere” but it all amounted to the same thing.

And as big a cheating asshole Brian was, he wasn’t wrong.

So, I wallowed in my misery for a week and then grabbed the nearest bottle of champagne and proceeded to spend New Year’s Eve “living with passion” in the bed of a guy I’d wanted for what seemed like forever. I also beat feet out of there before the morning after ruined the memories of the night. A cowardly move, I know.

He must have been on the same page because he avoided me in the weeks following our night of sweaty fun between the sheets. The times when we had to be together were infrequent but held a level of awkward somewhere between catching your parents making out on the couch and leaving the restroom with your skirt stuck in your panties. Good times.

But I am determined to live with passion, so when my music program selected me to go to the Celtic Music Festival in Dublin a month ago, I dusted off my passport, spared a moment to regret the terrible ID photo, and booked my ticket.

And now my flight is cancelled until the snowstorm passes, I’m stuck in the airport with a million other spring breakers, and my folks have lost their minds. It isn’t like taking a spring break trip to Ireland is the height of danger but you’d think I was pledging to marry a death-row inmate or something, the way they are acting.

They finally stopped calling after I let their calls go to voicemail but they weren’t shy about pulling out the big guns and so the next series of calls were from their not-so-secret weapon—my twin brother Landon.

I hit the screen and sigh, making sure a little bit of bitch is added to the overall tone of annoyance. “Landon. I’m going to Dublin. The flights will be back on tomorrow. Stop calling.”

“Number Two.” I bite back the urge to tell him for the eleventy billionth time to stop calling me that childhood nickname. I was three minutes behind him in arriving on this planet and he never lets me forget it. “Mom is shitting a brick because she thinks you’re going to be murdered in your sleep by someone who wants your carry-on.”

I glance at the small backpack at my feet. Yeah, I have the usual electronics in it —iPad, iPod—but the real treasure is in the hard case tucked close to my side. My violin, Wonder Woman, is inside and worth at least a year of tuition according to the insurance papers. She is my best friend, an extension of my body. My heart. We’ve been together since I was sixteen years old.

“If someone wants her they’ll have to pry her out of my cold, dead hands.”

He laughs. “And that is exactly what mom’s having a cow about.”

“Landon,” I sigh.

“Number Two.”

Did I mention how much I hate that nickname?

“I wish everyone would stop treating me like I am helpless or something. I’m not going to break or have a breakdown because I have to sleep at the airport.”

“We worry about you,” he says and then mumbles something to himself I can’t make out.

“What? What did you say?”

“Look. I sent the cavalry,” he rushes in and I let out a groan that catches the attention of several of my fellow strandees. I smile, trying to reassure them that I’m not the wacko they need to worry about as he keeps talking. “It was either this or mom was going to call airport security.”

“She didn’t.” If she did I was going to die on the spot. Melt into a pile of embarrassed goo and be nothing but a dark stain on the disgusting industrial carpet.

“She didn’t because I offered a compromise.”

“What kind of compromise?” But I knew. I knew because I saw it walking towards me with a slow grin and six feet three inches of lanky, sexy, muscled body. I can’t help the way my mouth drops open on a whispered, “oh my God” as I end the call. Hell, I’m glad I can still form a sentence at this point in time since the last person I want to see and the one person I’m desperate to have saunters towards me.

Jonas Sutton.

The guy I spent the night with on New Year’s Eve and then ditched before the sun came up. My brother’s roommate and best friend.

He stops right in front of me, forcing me to look up to see his face. He stares down at me, not missing a damn thing and barely hiding the smirk teasing at his lips.

“Who’s your boyfriend?”

I glance at the dude still leaning against my shoulder and lightly shove him away. He sways in the opposite direction for a nanosecond but then falls back against me, a loud snuffly snore joining the waft of bad breath he aims in my direction. I shudder and try to breathe through my mouth.

Jonas shoves his hands in his pockets but I’m not fooled by the casual manner, the zinger is coming. He’ll never let a moment like this pass him by.

“You gonna ditch him in the morning too?

Get your own copy here – %name Winter Extravaganza Day 10 Post 1 of 2: Robin Covington, Lauren Blakely, Elizabeth Heiter, Sandra Lake and Elizabeth Hoyt
One Little Kiss%name Winter Extravaganza Day 10 Post 1 of 2: Robin Covington, Lauren Blakely, Elizabeth Heiter, Sandra Lake and Elizabeth Hoyt – $0.99

******* LAUREN BLAKELY *******


About Lauren Blakely:

%name Winter Extravaganza Day 10 Post 1 of 2: Robin Covington, Lauren Blakely, Elizabeth Heiter, Sandra Lake and Elizabeth Hoyt

Since self-publishing her debut romance novel CAUGHT UP IN US three years ago, Lauren Blakely has sold more than 1 million books. She is known for her sexy contemporary romance style that’s full of heat, heart and humor. A devout fan of cake and canines, Lauren has plotted entire novels while walking her four-legged friends. She lives in California with her family. With nine New York Times bestsellers, her titles have appeared on the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestseller List more than three dozen times. Her bestselling series include Sinful Nights, Seductive Nights, No Regrets, Caught Up in Love and Fighting Fire. She recently released BIG ROCK, a sexy standalone romantic comedy that became an instant New York Times Bestseller. In the late spring, she’ll release MISTER O, another standalone romantic comedy.


%name Winter Extravaganza Day 10 Post 1 of 2: Robin Covington, Lauren Blakely, Elizabeth Heiter, Sandra Lake and Elizabeth Hoyt
Mister O by Lauren Blakely is a sexy and fun adventure of a man that will knock your socks off. In her latest release Lauren has once again written a story that is full of charm, impeccable comedic timing and sizzle. For those who read Big Rock and thought it couldn’t get any better, you haven’t read Mister O.

Satisfaction guaranteed is Nick Hammer’s motto, a skill he’s quite proud of and not afraid to mention to anyone willing to listen.  In fact, when his best friends younger sister needs help with men, Nick is all too eager to help. There’s just one catch, Nick needs to remember that she’s practically family and off limits. If Nick isn’t careful he’ll discover that he’s attractive to her nerdy ways and quirkiness.

Nick is a cartoonist and has it all going for him, a hit TV show, a lifestyle that suits his single ways, and loves living in NYC. But, is he ready to let go of his heart and fall in love?

Harper Holiday has known Nick for years and is clumsy, nerdy and absolutely unable to talk to men. At least a man who isn’t a friend. When Nick witness’s her blunder when men approach her, intervention is necessary. Harper admires Nick’s uncanny way with words and wonders about the truth to the rumors of his skills in the bedroom. With her brother away for a week on his honeymoon, it’s time to put her plan into action. Will Nick help her learn what she needs to finally find a man?

A week is a long time for advice, tutoring and lots of time together to perfect a few necessary dating skills to secure a man. Hmmm, will these two friends discover that the chemistry between them is more than just a fleeting moment? It’s obvious to everyone around them, but they are too scared to admit it to each other.

Between the flirty texts, the sexy moments and the intense banter this book will become a new favorite read. I’m looking forward to reading about the other supporting sexy men that Lauren has written about.

If you loved reading about Spencer and Charlotte in Big Rock, then you will LOVE Mister O. I’m also thrilled to read that Nick’s brother Wyatt will have his story next. Congrats Lauren on a fresh, fun and intensely sexy read!

Please be sure to check the blog tomorrow for my Coffee With Lauren!

%name Winter Extravaganza Day 10 Post 1 of 2: Robin Covington, Lauren Blakely, Elizabeth Heiter, Sandra Lake and Elizabeth HoytThis 4 Jalapenos Spicy Latte is full on, no holds barred and go for it sensuality and situations. Definitely heats it up and might offend. For mature readers, 18 +.

I received this ARC from the author for a fair and honest review.


%name Winter Extravaganza Day 10 Post 1 of 2: Robin Covington, Lauren Blakely, Elizabeth Heiter, Sandra Lake and Elizabeth Hoyt


“You’re good, Nick. You know just what to do and how to behave. This is why you attract women in droves.”
I kind of want to protest. I feel like she has this impression of me that I don’t necessarily want her to have, but I’m not sure how to deflect this. “Because I have a gift?”
“That and several other reasons.” She waves broadly at my arms. It’s October, but it’s not chilly tonight so I don’t have a jacket on. “First, there are the arms. All that ink and muscle.”
She roams her eyes over my biceps. “I mean, your ink is awesome,” she says, pointing to the shapes and swirls I designed myself. The tattoos are abstract lines and curves, but inside them there’s a sun, a moon, and stars, because those were the first things I realized I was good at drawing.
“Then, the body. Mr. Men’s Health-I’m-so-fit,” she says in this mocking tone, but it’s not me she’s making fun of. It’s the article.
“You read it?”
“I read everything. I devour information,” she says, and we’re right back to that place I seem to inhabit with her, where she compliments me, but she could be saying it like I’m a car she’s considering buying. And this one has one hundred seventy horsepower.
“And then, there’s your face, and you have all this awesome scruff on it.”
I run a hand over my jaw, and the neat, trim beard that’s like an additional sex toy I can bring to the bedroom. “Chicks dig the beard,” I say, with a lopsided grin.
“I bet they do,” she says under her breath. She doesn’t say anything else right away. She presses her teeth into the corner of her lip and then speaks, more softly than before. “Can I feel it?”

** I received the excerpt, graphics, and all non-amazon links from Ink Slinger.**
(** re-posted from 5/2/16)


%name Winter Extravaganza Day 10 Post 1 of 2: Robin Covington, Lauren Blakely, Elizabeth Heiter, Sandra Lake and Elizabeth Hoyt

Big Rock by Lauren Blakely is available now!

Does size matter? It depends on what you’re talking about! For many, some will say no, it doesn’t matter, for others, they will say yes, it does. Spencer Holiday loves to brag. If you want to know how he feels, read Big Rock.

Spencer is perfect in almost every way. Gorgeous, smart, a savvy businessman and heir to the renowned jewelry store in the heart of New York City. You know, the one that puts all their jewels in a little blue box. It’s a family business that just might need his help but he’s content with his own business, the one he runs with Charlotte Rhodes, his best friend.

Charlotte is both a perfect business partner and best friend. She’s the kind of woman that knows what Spencer needs, most of the time. Beautiful in her own right, she’s always willing to partake in a plan or rescue without hesitation

When Spencer randomly mentions to his father during a key meeting for the family jewelry store that he’s just proposed to Charlotte, will they take him seriously? Engaged? Can he go through with it? Perhaps there’s more to it than changing the outcome of the meeting? Sometimes a plan doesn’t always end the way it should.  Spencer might just find out that what he’s been looking for has been right in front of him the entire time.

Discover what happens as Spencer and Charlotte kick their game up a notch. Can these friends convince everyone their love is the real deal despite being “just friends?”

Is it true that New York City’s notorious playboy is off the market and ready to commit to forever with one woman?  Everything is perfect, but someone isn’t happy about Spencer and Charlotte’s impending nuptials. Will they make it down the aisle?

If you are looking for a standalone read that’s off the chart with sizzle from the super smokin’ cover to a story written from his POV, then you will want to get your copy now. At $3.99 the price is just right for a mid-week treat. Tackle those  mid-week doldrums with a Spicy Latte read.

This was the first book I’ve read from Lauren and I thought her writing was flawless, witty and super steamy. A quick mention to the cover designer, creative use of the wording on the cover.

This %name Winter Extravaganza Day 10 Post 1 of 2: Robin Covington, Lauren Blakely, Elizabeth Heiter, Sandra Lake and Elizabeth HoytSpicy Latte is full on, no holds barred and go for it sensuality and situations. Definitely heats it up and might offend.  For mature readers, 18 +.

I received this ARC from the author for a fair and honest review.

(** re-posted from 1/6/16)

******* ELIZABETH HEITER ********


ELIZABETH HEITER likes her suspense to feature strong heroines, chilling villains, psychological twists, and a little bit (or a lot!) of romance. Her research has taken her into the minds of serial killers, through murder investigations, and onto the FBI Academy’s shooting range.

Checkout a few books from Elizabeth’s Harlequin Intrigue series.


41t2JFjUUL. SY445 SX342  189x300 Winter Extravaganza Day 10 Post 1 of 2: Robin Covington, Lauren Blakely, Elizabeth Heiter, Sandra Lake and Elizabeth Hoyt

Seduced by the Sniper, by Elizabeth Heiter, is the second book in The Lawmen Series from Harlequin Intrigue.  Chelsie Russell, an FBI negotiator, is involved in a tragic hostage situation that doesn’t end they way she’d planned. The results affect her family and colleagues. Scott Delacorte is an FBI agent trained to rescue hostages and has a reputation for being a playboy. When an unexpected development in a supposedly resolved case puts them in jeopardy, will they have the strength to admit the truth about how they feel towards each other?

Assumptions were made that could interfere with him protecting her. Can Chelsie open up to him? Will he put his playboy ways behind him? Scott is determined to keep her safe at all costs. There’s just one problem, he is still thinking about what happened between them before the hostage ordeal and it’s driving him crazy.

There is something so sexy about an FBI agent who can’t figure out his way around women but knows how to fire a weapon with precision and accuracy. So sexy!  This story will keep you engaged with enough action, sizzle and heat to keep you reading till the very last page.

This was the first book I’d read by Elizabeth and I absolutely LOVED it. I receive this ARC from the author for a fair and honest review but would have purchased this book for myself or a friend. Get your copy now!

(** re-posted from 3/29/15)



41t2JFjUUL. SY445 SX342  1 189x300 Winter Extravaganza Day 10 Post 1 of 2: Robin Covington, Lauren Blakely, Elizabeth Heiter, Sandra Lake and Elizabeth HoytSWAT Secret Admirer (The Lawmen), by Elizabeth Heiter, is a must read. Maggie Delacorte has been haunted by a madman from an unsolved case that has remained so for the past ten years, with very few leads. Everything she’s done, her job and relationships, has been affected because of what happened. Working for FBI SWAT is vital to her physical and emotional survival. When an unexpected letter arrives, everything changes and no one is safe.

Grant Larkin is new to the SWAT team and unbeknownst to Maggie, knows more than she probably would like about her past. When Grant is assigned to her case, things become clear, risks must be taken, and secrets need to be revealed. However, Grant wants more than friendship from Maggie and isn’t sure how to tell her. If he pursues his feelings it could jeopardize everything. How will she respond? How will he react? Maggie can’t afford to let herself get close to him, or can she?

This book is another great read from Harlequin Intrigue and has all the elements of it that we expect from a fabulous publisher! The perfect amount of romance, hot young FBI agents in a compelling and griping story that twists and turns!

While this book reads great as a stand alone, it’s even better when read in order as there is crossover from other great characters in each book.

I received this ARC from the Author for a fair and honest review and would absolutely buy this book and any future Lawmen series books. In fact, I look forward to more. Who’s will be next, Kammy? Clive? There just has to be more!

(** re-posted from 3/30/15)



%name Winter Extravaganza Day 10 Post 1 of 2: Robin Covington, Lauren Blakely, Elizabeth Heiter, Sandra Lake and Elizabeth Hoyt

Elizabeth Hoyt is the New York Times bestselling author of over seventeen lush historical romances including the Maiden Lane series. Publishers Weekly has called her writing “mesmerizing.” She also pens deliciously fun contemporary romances under the name Julia Harper. Elizabeth lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with three untrained dogs, a garden in constant need of weeding, and the long-suffering Mr. Hoyt.

Website: https://elizabethhoyt.com


%name Winter Extravaganza Day 10 Post 1 of 2: Robin Covington, Lauren Blakely, Elizabeth Heiter, Sandra Lake and Elizabeth HoytThe Duke of Sin by Elizabeth Hoyt is the tenth installment in the Maiden Lane series. Welcome to the world of secrets, games and fairy tales wrapped in a beautiful cover!

Bridget Crumb is the loyal housekeeper for a man who seek out the worst in people and holds those secrets for his gain. When circumstances force the Duke out of town, Bridget is left to manage his home and it leaves many questions unanswered. Intent of saving someone she loves from his wicked schemes she seeks out the truth from within the house. If her boss is away, why does she always feel like someone is watching her too?

Valentine Napier, the Duke of Montgomery has witnessed his share of horrific acts by men who were supposed to keep people safe. Now a grown man he is still on a quest to find out the truth to that painful night all those years ago. The grown Duke is not a man anyone wishes to cross and with his collection of secrets it could be disastrous for anyone who crosses him. Can the man who controls everything let himself be tamed? One question still haunts him, who is Bridget loyal too?

Growing up without love can destroy a man rendering himself unable to reciprocate when the opportunity presents itself. When Bridget sets out to fix the pain Val has inflicted, what will he do with the news of her betrayal? Is it really a betrayal if it’s with good intention?

Elizabeth has infused this story with redemption, honesty and love. When Val believes he is unable to be loved it is due to the knowledge of atrocious acts inflicted by those closest to him. The damaged is from witnessing the effect it had on the one person he cared about. Yet, years later, he hasn’t been broken. While he still carries that secret close to him it is out of love to protect his sister. It will take a strong woman to show him that he is worthy of love and affection with someone of his own.

Another captivating read from Elizabeth with attention to most intricate details. From the characters to the house Val lives in, this story is fantastic. There is a certain expectation when you sit down to read a Maiden Lane book. What is that dear reader? A great story infused with a magical  fairytale of wisdom and truth, animals of all kinds, and absolute chemistry for our hero and heroine that sizzles.

Are you new to the series? Fear not dear readers this book can be read as a standalone but I think you will enjoy your reading pleasure more if you read the entire series in order. There are TEN books to dive into. So, wherever you obtain your books from – library, bookstore or e-retailer, you can find them anywhere!

A spicy 2 1/2 pepper read and has enough heat to make you sizzle and is for mature readers 18+.




Around back of the stables Bridget saw a group of boys surrounding something on the ground. As she gasped, a boy—a great big fellow, nearly as big as a man—drew back his leg and kicked.

The thing on the ground yelped.

“No!” Bridget shouted, but she was drowned out by a gunshot.

She turned to see the Duke of Montgomery, standing in his shirt-sleeves and pink embroidered waistcoat and breeches, hip cocked, a smoking pistol held almost negligently aloft in his left hand.

He smiled, as sweetly as an adder baring its fangs, at the boys. “Won’t you please vacate this area?”

The boys seemed frozen by surprise—or stark fear.

The duke tilted his head and his smile dropped from his face, leaving it blank—and somehow much more frightening. “Now.

There was a mad scramble and then the mews was deserted save for her and the duke.

Bridget blinked and hurried to her little terrier, tied quite disgracefully by a cord around his neck to a stake in the ground. He lay on his side in the mud, but his tail thumped against the dirt when he saw her. He jumped to his feet, shaking himself, and tried to limp toward her, but was stopped by the cord.

She knelt in the mud and tried to pull the cord from his neck, but it had been tied terribly tight and her hands were shaking.

She felt the duke crouch behind her, his arms reaching around her, warm and hard, and felt a moment’s confusion before he leaned forward and murmured in her ear, “Here.”

He placed her opened chatelaine knife in her hands.

She took it gratefully. “Thank you.”

Carefully she cut the cord and picked up the little dog, his body warm and rather smelly in her arms.

The terrier immediately began licking her chin.

Bridget inhaled on a sob, even as she felt the brush of the duke’s tongue at the corner of her eye.

“Your tears taste like salvation.” His voice was deep, resonating against her back, and he almost sounded puzzled.

She shuddered, gasping, but didn’t dare look around, and then he was gone.

Biting her lips, she smoothed her hands over the dog’s small, wriggling body, trying to feel for broken bones. As far as she could tell, the terrier was bruised, but fine, although he had a bit of blood over one eye. He gazed up at her adoringly and it came to her all at once that his name was Pip. 


She looked up.

The duke was still there, watching her in the gloaming, his beautiful golden hair ablaze in the setting sun.

She cleared her throat. “I…thank you. For saving him.”

It was hard to tell his expression in the dim light, but she thought he smiled.

She still held Pip, loath to let him go. Would the boys find him again, perhaps kill him this time? “I…er…I didn’t know you liked dogs?”

“I don’t.” He shrugged. “But you do.”



CLOSED*************** GIVEAWAY ********** GIVEAWAY ***************CLOSED

Check out the featured prized that have been generously donated for the first post of the day. Check out what you could win…

From Robin Covington:

ONE print copy of RUSH


From Sandra Lake:

%name Winter Extravaganza Day 10 Post 1 of 2: Robin Covington, Lauren Blakely, Elizabeth Heiter, Sandra Lake and Elizabeth Hoyt %name Winter Extravaganza Day 10 Post 1 of 2: Robin Covington, Lauren Blakely, Elizabeth Heiter, Sandra Lake and Elizabeth Hoyt

SIX e-book sets of A Sons of the North Series (The Warlords Wife, The Iron Princess, and The Northman’s Bride)


From Elizabeth Heiter:


ONE autographed print set The Profiler books (Hunted, Vanished & Seized).



From Lauren Blakely

ONE e-book of Big Rock


From Elizabeth Hoyt

ONE Paperback copy of the Duke of Sin

US only


For a chance to win one of these AMAZING prizes please comment and respond to the following questions on this blog post:

How do you decide where to go for your big meal of the holiday? Is your family so big that you have to spread it out? What is your favorite dish to make and what do you do while you are waiting for it to all cook? 

Do you cook it all or split it up and have everyone bring a faborite dish?

Contest ends 7/20/16 at 11:59 PM EST. Winners will be randomly selected AND must comment on this blog post OR on the public Books I Love A Latte FaceBook Personal Blog Page.

 Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter (@RaeLatte) the blog (button on homepageand my FB page (Books I Love A Latte ) to keep up to date on everything.

If the winners do not comment within 24 hours a new name will be drawn. Don’t miss out!

Good luck to all!



Maiden Lane Blitz Day 5: The Duke of Sin Review and Excerpt

%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 5: The Duke of Sin Review and Excerpt%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 5: The Duke of Sin Review and Excerpt%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 5: The Duke of Sin Review and Excerpt%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 5: The Duke of Sin Review and Excerpt

%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 5: The Duke of Sin Review and Excerpt

%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 5: The Duke of Sin Review and Excerpt%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 5: The Duke of Sin Review and Excerpt%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 5: The Duke of Sin Review and Excerpt%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 5: The Duke of Sin Review and Excerpt%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 5: The Duke of Sin Review and Excerpt        %name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 5: The Duke of Sin Review and Excerpt

A few years ago I magically found Wicked Intentions at my local library while browsing the stacks and discovered a world of action, adventure, romance and some incredible chemistry. From that moment forward, the world of Maiden Lane found a special place in my heart.

Within each book that was to follow I found the elusive Ghost of St. Giles that magically appeared, and a running theme of helping those less fortunate than yourself.  This series has everything a loyal reader could ever want and more!

At the beginning of each chapter Elizabeth provides a few paragraphs of a carefully penned story that is vital to the novel and one that will leave you dreaming of fairy tales and far off places.

In anticipation of the release of The Duke of Sin next week I have devoted this week on the blog to highlighting each book in the series so far.

Today is my final post with a feature on the Duke of Sin


%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 5: The Duke of Sin Review and ExcerptThe Duke of Sin by Elizabeth Hoyt is the tenth installment in the Maiden Lane series. Welcome to the world of secrets, games and fairy tales wrapped in a beautiful cover!

Bridget Crumb is the loyal housekeeper for a man who seek out the worst in people and holds those secrets for his gain. When circumstances force the Duke out of town, Bridget is left to manage his home and it leaves many questions unanswered. Intent of saving someone she loves from his wicked schemes she seeks out the truth from within the house. If her boss is away, why does she always feel like someone is watching her too?

Valentine Napier, the Duke of Montgomery has witnessed his share of horrific acts by men who were supposed to keep people safe. Now a grown man he is still on a quest to find out the truth to that painful night all those years ago. The grown Duke is not a man anyone wishes to cross and with his collection of secrets it could be disastrous for anyone who crosses him. Can the man who controls everything let himself be tamed? One question still haunts him, who is Bridget loyal too?

Growing up without love can destroy a man rendering himself unable to reciprocate when the opportunity presents itself. When Bridget sets out to fix the pain Val has inflicted, what will he do with the news of her betrayal? Is it really a betrayal if it’s with good intention?

Elizabeth has infused this story with redemption, honesty and love. When Val believes he is unable to be loved it is due to the knowledge of atrocious acts inflicted by those closest to him. The damaged is from witnessing the effect it had on the one person he cared about. Yet, years later, he hasn’t been broken. While he still carries that secret close to him it is out of love to protect his sister. It will take a strong woman to show him that he is worthy of love and affection with someone of his own.

Another captivating read from Elizabeth with attention to most intricate details. From the characters to the house Val lives in, this story is fantastic. There is a certain expectation when you sit down to read a Maiden Lane book. What is that dear reader? A great story infused with a magical  fairytale of wisdom and truth, animals of all kinds, and absolute chemistry for our hero and heroine that sizzles.

Are you new to the series? Fear not dear readers this book can be read as a standalone but I think you will enjoy your reading pleasure more if you read the entire series in order. There are TEN books to dive into. So, wherever you obtain your books from – library, bookstore or e-retailer, you can find them anywhere!

A spicy 2 1/2 pepper read and has enough heat to make you sizzle and is for mature readers 18+.
Get your copy here and have it delivered to your e-reader before you wake up this Tuesday. A wonderful gift to yourself this holiday weekend.2 jalepenos 150x84 Maiden Lane Blitz Day 5: The Duke of Sin Review and Excerpt



Around back of the stables Bridget saw a group of boys surrounding something on the ground. As she gasped, a boy—a great big fellow, nearly as big as a man—drew back his leg and kicked.

The thing on the ground yelped.

“No!” Bridget shouted, but she was drowned out by a gunshot.

She turned to see the Duke of Montgomery, standing in his shirt-sleeves and pink embroidered waistcoat and breeches, hip cocked, a smoking pistol held almost negligently aloft in his left hand.

He smiled, as sweetly as an adder baring its fangs, at the boys. “Won’t you please vacate this area?”

The boys seemed frozen by surprise—or stark fear.

The duke tilted his head and his smile dropped from his face, leaving it blank—and somehow much more frightening. “Now.

There was a mad scramble and then the mews was deserted save for her and the duke.

Bridget blinked and hurried to her little terrier, tied quite disgracefully by a cord around his neck to a stake in the ground. He lay on his side in the mud, but his tail thumped against the dirt when he saw her. He jumped to his feet, shaking himself, and tried to limp toward her, but was stopped by the cord.

She knelt in the mud and tried to pull the cord from his neck, but it had been tied terribly tight and her hands were shaking.

She felt the duke crouch behind her, his arms reaching around her, warm and hard, and felt a moment’s confusion before he leaned forward and murmured in her ear, “Here.”

He placed her opened chatelaine knife in her hands.

She took it gratefully. “Thank you.”

Carefully she cut the cord and picked up the little dog, his body warm and rather smelly in her arms.

The terrier immediately began licking her chin.

Bridget inhaled on a sob, even as she felt the brush of the duke’s tongue at the corner of her eye.

“Your tears taste like salvation.” His voice was deep, resonating against her back, and he almost sounded puzzled.

She shuddered, gasping, but didn’t dare look around, and then he was gone.

Biting her lips, she smoothed her hands over the dog’s small, wriggling body, trying to feel for broken bones. As far as she could tell, the terrier was bruised, but fine, although he had a bit of blood over one eye. He gazed up at her adoringly and it came to her all at once that his name was Pip. 


She looked up.

The duke was still there, watching her in the gloaming, his beautiful golden hair ablaze in the setting sun.

She cleared her throat. “I…thank you. For saving him.”

It was hard to tell his expression in the dim light, but she thought he smiled.

She still held Pip, loath to let him go. Would the boys find him again, perhaps kill him this time? “I…er…I didn’t know you liked dogs?”

“I don’t.” He shrugged. “But you do.”


ICYMI: Maiden Lane Blitz Day 1
ICYMI: Maiden Lane Blitz Day 2
ICYMI: Maiden Lane Blitz Day 3
ICYMI: Maiden Lane Blitz Day 4

Author Info:

%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 5: The Duke of Sin Review and Excerpt

Elizabeth Hoyt is the New York Times bestselling author of over seventeen lush historical romances including the Maiden Lane series. Publishers Weekly has called her writing “mesmerizing.” She also pens deliciously fun contemporary romances under the name Julia Harper. Elizabeth lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with three untrained dogs, a garden in constant need of weeding, and the long-suffering Mr. Hoyt.

Website: https://elizabethhoyt.com


Maiden Lane Blitz Day 4: Winner of Duke of Sin and Books 7-9

%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 4: Winner of Duke of Sin and Books 7 9

***** WINNER ***** WINNER ***** WINNER ******

The following lucky reader won the print copy of the Duke of Sin during my Coffee With Elizabeth Hoyt on Tuesday.

Congratulations breathelivelight  !!!

Winner must comment by 9:30AM EST 5/27/16 or another name  will be randomly selected.

Thank you to everyone who visited and commented during the Coffee With post.

Fear not dear readers, if you weren’t the lucky winner you can still pre-order your copy here – %name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 4: Winner of Duke of Sin and Books 7 9%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 4: Winner of Duke of Sin and Books 7 9

Duke of Sin (Maiden Lane)%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 4: Winner of Duke of Sin and Books 7 9

Again, thank you to everyone who stopped by!


A few years ago I magically found Wicked Intentions at my local library while browsing the stacks and discovered a world of action, adventure, romance and some incredible chemistry. From that moment forward, the world of Maiden Lane found a special place in my heart.

Within each book that was to follow I found the elusive Ghost of St. Giles that magically appeared, and a running theme of helping those less fortunate than yourself.  This series has everything a loyal reader could ever want and more!

At the beginning of each chapter Elizabeth provides a few paragraphs of a carefully penned story that is vital to the novel and one that will leave you dreaming of fairy tales and far off places.

In anticipation of the release of The Duke of Sin next week I have devoted this week on the blog to highlighting each book in the series so far.

%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 4: Winner of Duke of Sin and Books 7 9Darling Beast is the seventh installment in the Maiden Lane series from Elizabeth Hoyt.

Lily Stump is an actress and hoping the theatre she’s decided to call home can open for business soon.

Apollo Greaves has escaped the worst place on earth – Bedlam and is hiding from everyone in the most obvious of places. What will happen when he is discovered by Lily? Can he keep his identity hidden and remain safe?

First encounters are everything in a book and when Lily and Apollo meet it’s perfect! Apollo isn’t ready to reveal everything to Lily despite his attraction for her or his desire to take but what is rightfully his. If he could just be left alone to focus on helping repair the gardens, instead things just became complicated.

Both Apollo and Lily have secrets that could impact them being together. What will Lily do when she discovers the real reason Apollo is at the theatre? Will the actress be able to give the performance of her career to protect Apollo and the theatre? Will Apollo find his voice to save himself?

Another  sizzling addition to the Maiden Lane series that is full of what we expect in the Maiden Lane series with the characters we love and the ones who love them.

While this book can be enjoyed as a standalone, rejoice dear readers there are TEN to dive into! A spicy 2 1/2 pepper read and has enough 2 jalepenos 150x84 Maiden Lane Blitz Day 4: Winner of Duke of Sin and Books 7 9heat to make you sizzle and is for mature readers 18+.

%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 4: Winner of Duke of Sin and Books 7 9Dearest Rogue is the eighth installment in the Maiden Lane series by Elizabeth Hoyt.

James Trevillion has been injured and the only job left is to protect his dear friends sister who happens to be going blind.

Phoebe Batten is trying to find her way and experience love.  If only her family would stop being so overbearing and let her experience life. Just when she finally has a sense of normalcy someone threatens to destroy her world.

Can love find it’s way into a man who has given up on the very existence of it and a woman who deserves it?

While this book can be enjoyed as a standalone, rejoice dear readers there are TEN to dive into! A spicy 2 1/2 pepper read and has enough 2 jalepenos 150x84 Maiden Lane Blitz Day 4: Winner of Duke of Sin and Books 7 9heat to make you sizzle and is for mature readers 18+.



%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 4: Winner of Duke of Sin and Books 7 9Sweetest Scoundrel is the ninth installment in the Maiden Lane series by Elizabeth Hoyt and the books just keep getting better and better. This book is also a finalist in the Romance Writers of America RITA 2016 awards in the Historical Short Category. Tune into www.rwa.org for a live feed on July 16th at 8PM PT to find out the winners!

Eve Dinwoody is the sister of the one man everyone fears. The man who desires everyone’s secrets. When Eve decides to take control of her estranged brother’s financial investments, she must tackle the theatre and it’s mysterious owner.

Asa Makepeace is focused on fixing his damaged theatre so that it can re-open on time. When Eve barges in and insists on meddling into his expenses and daily tasks, the tension heats up and the banter begins. Asa is about to lose everything unless he can convince Eve the reason why he ignored her numerous correspondences.

Even after Eve offers to give Asa money to finish the job, she has two conditions. Will he agree? Has she finally found a man she can trust?

Within this book is elements of child abuse, broken trust, secrets and how those who have been betrayed can rise up through it. There were parts of the story that were painful to read but add to the element of our characters and it is a topic that is usually brushed over. Well done Elizabeth for once again tackling the tough issues that plague our society.

Will Asa and Eve be able to rise above their family misfortune without her protective brother sabotaging it all? Will Asa be able to unlock the reason behind Eve’s traumatic past and survive to tell?

Discover the ghost in this book that will leave you loving once again the tale of Maiden Lane and the Ghosts we are all running from.

2 jalepenos 150x84 Maiden Lane Blitz Day 4: Winner of Duke of Sin and Books 7 9While this book can be enjoyed as a standalone, rejoice dear readers there are TEN to dive into! A spicy 2 1/2 pepper read and has enough heat to make you sizzle and is for mature readers 18+.



ICYMI: Maiden Lane Blitz Day 1
ICYMI: Maiden Lane Blitz Day 2
ICYMI: Maiden Lane Blitz Day 3%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 4: Winner of Duke of Sin and Books 7 9

Author Info:
%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 4: Winner of Duke of Sin and Books 7 9

Elizabeth Hoyt is the New York Times bestselling author of over seventeen lush historical romances including the Maiden Lane series. Publishers Weekly has called her writing “mesmerizing.” She also pens deliciously fun contemporary romances under the name Julia Harper. Elizabeth lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with three untrained dogs, a garden in constant need of weeding, and the long-suffering Mr. Hoyt.

Website: https://elizabethhoyt.com

Maiden Lane Blitz Day 3: Books 4-6

%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 3: Books 4 6
A few years ago I magically found Wicked Intentions at my local library while browsing the stacks and discovered a world of action, adventure, romance and some incredible chemistry. From that moment forward, the world of Maiden Lane found a special place in my heart.

Within each book that was to follow I found the elusive Ghost of St. Giles that magically appeared, and a running theme of helping those less fortunate than yourself.  This series has everything a loyal reader could ever want and more!

At the beginning of each chapter Elizabeth provides a few paragraphs of a carefully penned story that is vital to the novel and one that will leave you dreaming of fairy tales and far off places.

In anticipation of the release of The Duke of Sin next week I have devoted this week on the blog to highlighting each book in the series so far.


%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 3: Books 4 6
Thief of Shadows is the fourth installment in the Maiden Lane series by Elizabeth Hoyt.

Another appearance by the infamous Ghost of St. Giles. This time, Isabel Beckinhall has just rescued him from certain death. While injured he’s still able to keep his identify a secret, but for how long?

Winter Makepeace runs the home for orphans insuring those without a home have a safe place to live and make something of their lives. What no one knows is the secret he carries to make sure that everyone is safe in their community. It’s a secret that could change everything and Isabel is one step closer to uncovering the truth.

There are many themes running throughout this book and one in particular regarding Winter that Elizabeth has placed tender detail into.  I will not reveal because it adds so much to our hero and the story. I assure you that while I’ve read books that tackle this before, Elizabeth has truly outdone herself.

When the members of society wish for Winter to reform and acclimate himself into society Isabel is nominated to educate him.  What happens when the teacher becomes the student? There are choices to be made, trust to be earned and love to be rewarded.

While this book can be enjoyed as a standalone, rejoice dear readers there are TEN to dive into! A spicy 2 1/2 pepper read and has enough 2 jalepenos 150x84 Maiden Lane Blitz Day 3: Books 4 6heat to make you sizzle and is for mature readers 18+.



%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 3: Books 4 6Lord of Darkness  is the fifth installment in the Maiden Lane series by Elizabeth Hoyt. Talk about a fabulous beginning, this book has it.

When the story opens we meet the Ghost of St. Giles and he’s in danger of being shot. The masked crusader has a secret and has little time to reveal his identify as he attempts to avoid death.

Lady Margaret Reading married for necessity and hasn’t seen her husband since they exchanged vows.  Now, two years later Meg wants something and has returned. If only her husband was excited to see her. What will he do when he finds out the reason she returned, will he throw her out or give her what she wants?

Godric St. John is unclear why Meg suddenly wishes to be a wife now, two years is a long time to live separate lives. If Meg wants to talk he’s going to have to uncover her motives before it’s too late.

Both have had terrible loss, can they finally come to terms with their past and find comfort in each other? Will he change for her? Will he help her seek vengeance and find the man who destroyed her life all those years ago?

Whispers, rumors, mistaken identity all make a man, or woman, do unthinkable things.

Another must read that as a standalone with multiple story lines with characters the will weave in and out of each book to come in this must read series.

2 jalepenos 150x84 Maiden Lane Blitz Day 3: Books 4 6A spicy 2 1/2 pepper read and has enough
heat to make you sizzle and is for mature readers 18+.



%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 3: Books 4 6The Duke of Midnight is the sixth book in the Maiden Lane series by Elizabeth Hoyt.

Artemis Graves is on a quest to save her twin brother. The reason for his disappearance was due to false accusations but she must prove it if she’s to rescue him.

Maximus Batten is out to find the man responsible for his parents death. A death that has haunted him for decades. No child should have to carry that painful memory, so when he loses his fathers ring he’s wracked with pain.

When Artemis and Maximus cross paths she’s thrilled at what she’s uncovered and holds on to a piece of him for safe keeping.  If only it were that easy ;).

Bound by duty, will Maximus cast her aside and follow his heart? Maximus has one goal, to find a murderer. When Artemis reveals the truth surrounding where Maximus ventures at night it becomes an intoxicating game of attraction, desire and duty.

With family depending on them and promises made, will they survive what lies ahead?

Oh what games we play Artemis 🙂 This strong heroine is just one of the many that are in this must read series and the chemistry between her and Maximus is fantastic.

2 jalepenos 150x84 Maiden Lane Blitz Day 3: Books 4 6A spicy 2 1/2 pepper read and has enough
heat to make you sizzle and is for mature readers 18+.



ICYMI: Maiden Lane Blitz Day 1
ICYMI: Maiden Lane Blitz Day 2

In Yesterday’s Coffee With there is a giveaway for a print copy of the Duke of Sin. For a chance to win this must read book click on the link above for Day 2 and enter. One entry per person. Contest closes at 11:59 tonight!

Good luck to all.

About Author:

%name Maiden Lane Blitz Day 3: Books 4 6

Elizabeth Hoyt is the New York Times bestselling author of over seventeen lush historical romances including the Maiden Lane series. Publishers Weekly has called her writing “mesmerizing.” She also pens deliciously fun contemporary romances under the name Julia Harper. Elizabeth lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with three untrained dogs, a garden in constant need of weeding, and the long-suffering Mr. Hoyt.

Website: https://elizabethhoyt.com

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