Oct 18, 2016 | 2016, Barbara Devlin, Donna MacMeans, Ellen Dugan, Haven Harbor, Jeanne Adams, October 2016

** While this anthology is based on characters and a town that were in The Witches Walk by Jeanne Adams this anthology reads as a standalone Halloween collection. Some stories are spicier than others and are noted in my review of each novella with a pepper rating. The rating is strictly for spice factor only. **

Welcome to Haven Harbor is an anthology that features four novellas from Jeanne Adams, Barbara Devlin, Ellen Dugan and Donna MacMeans. It’s time to return to Haven Harbor, Massachusetts, or visit for the first time, and discover what mischief awaits.

In A Halloween Promise by Jeanne Adams fans of Witches Walk will be treated to a story that involves two of her characters from The Witches Walk. Adele, the town Veterinarian and Dan, the Librarian are thrown together in a most unexpected way, an abandoned dog. Will Dan be able to help her solve the mystery surrounding the puppy’s sudden appearance?
A story of odd events and unexplained happenings add fuel to Adele’s crush on Dan. With all the chaos and mystery will they have time to explore their attraction?
In a town of witches, secrets don’t stay hidden for long and things aren’t always as they appear to be. This novella is laced with suspense as Jeanne brings a slightly darker side to Haven Harbor. I wonder whose story will be next and how long we’ll have to wait.
Once again her story is a two peppers spicy latte hot
delight has just enough sizzle to make you tingle and a lot of action! Oh, and yes, it’s for mature readers 18+.
Author Info:

Although Jeanne Adams likes calling North Carolina home, she lives in DC, where The Tentacle Affaire is set, and often jogs on the C&O towpath with her dogs. Her favorite holiday is Halloween. She starts planning the annual yard decor on November 1. Alas, in this case however, the “Adams Family” – one husband, two sons and three dogs – is all bark and no bite.
On another spooky note, Jeanne used to work in the funeral and cemetery business, and knows a thing or two about getting rid of the body….bwhahahah! (She even teaches classes about it to other writers!)
Jeanne has written suspense novels for Kensington/Zebra Publishing since 2007. THE TENTACLE AFFAIRE, her first urban fantasy/romance, was released in Nov, 2014, along with two new Romantic Suspense Novellas, DEADLY DELIVERY and BEHIND ENEMY LINES. A short story, featured in TINY TREATS #2, St. Patrick’s Day, heralds a new series which will start next year.
She loves hearing from readers, so find her at https://www.JeanneAdams.com or on twitter @JeanneAdams or on Facebook at https://www.Facebook.com/JeanneAdamsAuthor

Magick, Straight Up by Barbara Devlin is a must read tale. If you are fans of Barbara you won’t be disappointed with her first published contemporary piece that is included in this Anthology.
If you are looking for a doctor this Halloween, head to Haven Harbor Regional Medical Center ER. Check in with Dr. Rafe Owen. This sexy new doc now calls Haven Harbor home and when he ventures out to meet the fine folk of Haven Harbor he encounters the owner of The Old Haven Mill Tavern, Mary-George McBride. Rafe’s world will never be the same and neither will yours ;).
Rafe is intent on getting to know George, will she open up and give him a chance? George has the ability to discover what he desires, will she use it? Trust is a very fragile thing and for this outsider he just might lose the one thing he wants if George hesitates to reveal her secret before it’s too late?
Take a spin, enjoy a walk around town and then hop over for a bite at the Tavern. George might have your order ready before you walk through the door, don’t let it spook you. With fun and sexy characters you’ll be asking her for more from these two before long!
This spicy latte read is four peppers hot for full on, no holds barred sensuality and situations. It’s for mature readers 18+.
Author Info:

Bestselling author Barbara Devlin was born a storyteller. A Texan, through and through, Barbara hasn’t been without a book in her possession since she was in kindergarten. She wrote her first short story, a really cheesy murder-mystery, in high school, but it was a Christmas gift, a lovely little diary with a bronze lock, given to her in the fifth grade that truly inspired her love of writing.
After completing part of her undergraduate studies at the University of London, where she developed a love of all things British, Barbara returned home and began a career in banking. But the late 80s weren’t too promising for the financial industry, and every bank that hired Barbara soon folded. So she searched for a stable occupation, and the local police department offered the answer to her prayers.
Initially, Barbara wasn’t too sure about her new career in law enforcement, but she soon came to love being a police officer. And then one uncharacteristically cold and icy day in December 1998, Barbara was struck by a car and pinned against a guardrail while working an accident on a major highway. Permanently disabled, she retired from the police department and devoted her time and energy to physical therapy.
Once Barbara got back on her feet, she focused on a new career in academia. She earned an MA in English and continued a course of study for a Doctorate in Literature and Rhetoric. She happily considered herself an exceedingly eccentric English professor, until success in Indie publishing lured her into writing, full-time, featuring her fictional knighthood, the Brethren of the Coast.

Gypsy At Heart by Ellen Dugan takes us to Fogg funeral home where we meet the beautiful Gypsy Nilah Stefanik. After many years, Nilah has accepted her lack of gifts and still loves her family despite her situation and wonders if she will ever be gifted.
When life doesn’t go according to plan for Nilah she accepts a job at a Funeral Home. For many it might seem odd but Nilah has befriended the gardener. A sweet old man, he insists that she meet his grandson. Will she finally agree?
It will take one random event for Nilah to discover she does have the gifts her family has, it’s just a bit different and it will throw her world into a crazy adventure. I am now hooked on Ellen’s stories and no, I won’t give any spoilers. All I can say is that you need to just read!
Ellen’s ability to draw the reader in and tell a story full of magick, romance and acceptance of one’s self makes her addition to this collection a home-run!
I hope there is more planned for Nilah, I love her story and didn’t want it to end! Well done Ellen and thank you for such a magickal story!

Author Info:

Ellen Dugan, is the award winning author known as the “Garden Witch”. A psychic-clairvoyant, she has been a practicing Witch for over thirty years. She is a Master Gardener, and teaches classes on writing, Witchery, psychic development, and Magick. She is the author of the 17 non fiction books published by Llewellyn Worldwide.
Ellen branched out into paranormal fiction in 2015 with her popular “Legacy Of Magick” series.
When she’s not keeping up with her family, Ellen likes to unwind by working in her perennial gardens at home with her husband. Ellen wholeheartedly encourages folks to personalize their Spell-craft. To go outside and connect with the spiritual side of nature. To get their hands dirty and discover the wonder and magick of natural world that surrounds them.
Visit her author’s website at www.ellendugan.com
Visit her blog called, “Blog of Witchery” at ellendugan.blogspot.com/
You can also find Ellen on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram.

Blame the Moonlight by Donna MacMeans takes us on a movie adventure to Haven Harbor. When Chelsea Davenport suggests the production team look into filming in Massachusetts she is confronted with her past.
Chelsea Davenport, a cosmetic queen has been chasing the moon as long as she can remember. Bradon Parker is her former childhood crush and an Investigative Reporter who uncovers more than just tabloid fodder. If Chelsea’s not careful Bradon just might discover the reason she left the east coast all those years ago?
A woman with a curse, clothing drifting in the night and a town of witches will leave Chelsea questioning if she can escape her past once and for all. Will Brandon be able to pursue his career without harming the one thing he desires the most?
Don’t miss this moonlight tale of two lovers and the adventure they begin. This two peppers spicy latte hot
delight has just enough sizzle to make you tingle and a lot of action! Oh, and yes, it’s for mature readers 18+.
Author Info:

Award winning author Donna MacMeans made a wrong turn many years ago when she majored in Accounting at Ohio State University. What was she thinking? Balancing books just can’t compete with crafting plots and inventing memorable characters. She finally broke free from her life as a CPA to write witty and seductive Victorian historicals for Berkley Publishing in what can only be described as her dream job.
Her books have won numerous awards including the prestigious Golden Heart from Romance Writers of America, and the Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Award for Historical Love & Laughter, as well as recognition in many regional contests. Her books consistently receive high praise and glowing reviews.
Donna is also the recipient of the 2013 RWA Service Award, the 2014 RWA Pro Mentor award and currently serves as RWA Treasurer.
An avid reader, she uses the analytical skills learned as an accountant to analyze novels in an effort to constantly improve her own craft – and then teaches those skills in workshops around the country.
A member of the popular Romance Bandits blog group, she is always approachable. She lives in Columbus, Ohio with her husband of forty+ years. Please contact her at www.DonnaMacMeans.com

Each story brings its own charm, powers and romance. Are you a believer? Read these novellas and discover for yourself how Haven Harbor is just like your hometown, well…sort of.
Can these Haven Harbor residents open up and confess their secrets without scaring the newly arrived away? Get your copy now and find out for yourself!
Welcome to Haven Harbor: A Haven Harbor Anthology
Dec 22, 2015 | Blog, December 2015, Donna MacMeans

First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte with Coconut Milk 🙂 What would you order?
Probably a Diet Dr. Pepper or an iced tea with lemon. Sorry not a coffee drinker. However, I love coffee ice cream – especially if it has chocolate chunks in it. Maybe we can find a coffee shop by an ice cream store (grin).
Thanks so much for hanging out with me today. I know I’ve said this before but I need to say it again, thank you. You are the reason I started blogging and it’s been a fabulous journey so far.
Awww…that’s so sweet.
I’ve enjoyed and read most of your books, a few are still patiently waiting in my e-reader. All of them have such strong and daring heroines and the heroes well…they are a force to be reckoned with too. Do you have a favorite?
It’s very difficult to choose a favorite among my books because they’ve each taught me something about myself or my writing. The two books that caused me the most difficulty were The SEDUCTION OF THE DUKE and REDEEMING THE ROGUE. I don’t plot in advance of writing a book. I know story structure and I tend to write from plot point to plot point letting the story develop as I go. When I wrote SEDUCTION OF THE DUKE, I had no idea what the black moment would be. My deadline was rapidly approaching and I didn’t know what to do. Then I considered my hero and what would be the most devastating thing to him personally. That became the black moment and that taught me to look to the character in planning a black moment.
Was there one story that gave you a challenge while their story developed?
REDEEMING THE ROGUE was a challenge because all I knew about the back end of that book was that the hero would be charged with treason and that he would have to uncover some dastardly plot that led to the death of his predecessor. And, of course, it would all happen in Washington DC during President Garfield’s administration. I knew the very ending to the book, but how to get there was a mystery. It all worked out, however. I continue to hear from readers that REDEEMING THE ROGUE is one of their favorites, and that a secondary character, Phineas Connor, deserves his own book. (I agree, he’s on the list) That book taught me not to give up. All things are possible with perseverance and dynamite.
In terms of pure enjoyment, writing CHARMING THE PROFESSOR has been entertaining and fun. I love this book! I actually started it years and years ago. I’d only finished chapter one when I abandoned it to write this great new idea that became THE EDUCATION OF MRS. BRIMLEY. But the time travel never left my mind. Recently, I needed to write something different for myself and so I finished CHARMING THE PROFESSOR. It’s a great story. I hope you enjoy it.
For those who have not read your books I find that fact that you’ve published in a few different genres exiting. Do you have a favorite? Does that present any challenges for you as a writer?
LOL – I do not recommend my tendency to hop around to different genres to any sane author. Do not do this! But a little background might explain why this happened to me.
I started out as a suspense writer. I have two full romantic suspense novels written, one published under a different name. I recently received the rights back to that novel. I’m revising it to fit more modern times and then I plan to release that one in 2016. At the time, I thought my future lay in suspense.
But then I heard about a contest with great possibilities. I had to submit something like four or five pages of a scene with great sexual tension in either the contemporary or historical category. I had an idea for a striptease, but that doesn’t work in modern society. The scene would work best in an historical. I got more and more excited over the plot possibilities as I plotted out the who, what, where, and why. That book eventually became THE EDUCATION OF MRS. BRIMLEY. I never entered that contest, but I finished the book and started shopping it around and entering it in writing contests.
No one wanted that book! I was rejected by everyone and, as a result, was seriously depressed. Obviously, I was not meant to write historicals! So I’d dusted off that time travel I started earlier and tried to make my way in paranormal when I was struck with a really exciting idea. How about an invisible woman in Victorian London? The story for what is now BOUND BY MOONLIGHT flowed to me as if I was channeling a character. Fastest book I’ve ever written. When I was writing the fifth chapter, MRS. BRIMLEY won the Golden Heart and sold to Berkley in a three book contract. We submitted my invisible heroine as the second book and Berkley took it, but told me that they wanted a sequel to MRS. BRIMLEY. That led to two more straight historicals. Guess I could write historicals after all. (grin).
Fans of BOUND BY MOONLIGHT have asked about a sequel to that book. Berkley prohibited me from writing one, but now with the advent of independent publishing, I can write a sequel or two. Those are also on my list (grin).
What was your inspiration for the Charm Gates Time-Travel Series? It’s so uniquely and different. I hope everyone reads this book and discovers how magical New Orleans is.
Love hearing that you love that story (grin). The inspiration for the book are the actual Charm Gates themselves. Let me explain. About July 2003, a friend and I went to an RWA convention in New Orleans – mainly because it was in New Orleans (grin). We played hookey from most of the workshops and instead roamed the Vieux Carre, otherwise known as the French Quarter. After having our fortunes told at the Bottom of the Cup, we crossed the street to go to The Court of Two Sisters for lunch. As we went down what seemed to be a long unfinished hallway to get to the restaurant, we discovered an old set of iron gates with a sign proclaiming the gates to be the “Charm Gates.” According to the sign, the gates were blessed by Queen Isabella so that all that touched them would receive their charm. Cute right? I have pictures of me holding on those gates in case anyone doubts my charm, LOL.
Later, I listened to an RWA tape of a Barbara Mason workshop—one of the ones I’d skipped at RWA—that said that, as writers, there was something in New Orleans that we were meant to see. It could be a billboard, or a person that could be used as a character in a book. So think about what made an impression on you. Easy – for me, it would be those Charm Gates. I originally thought I’d have the gates channel Queen Isabella into some unsuspecting nasty person and force them be charming, but as I researched Queen Isabella, “charming” would be the last word one would use to describe her. She was nasty. If anyone needed a charm teacher, it would be her… that started me thinking about how the Queen would have reacted to an attractive charm teacher and the premise for CHARMING THE PROFESSOR was born. I absolutely loved my visit to New Orleans years ago and am thrilled it’s the setting for your latest release. I hope you have been able to visit a few times, for research of course 😉
I’ve been back a couple of times, probably about three weeks in total. Funny thing – I’d told my husband all about the bare unfinished hallway at the Court of Two Sisters and the treasure it holds. I insisted we go there for lunch on one of those trips. He opened the door to the hallway and BAM! Everything had changed! There were pictures on the walls, a festive covering hanging from the ceiling, nothing like the hallway that I remembered. The Charm Gates are still there. They have gaudy lights strung all
over them, but they’re still there. Here’s a picture. That’s my agent standing by the Charm Gates. (That’s from my last trip to New Orleans when Romantic Times had their convention there.)
How many books do you anticipate for this new series? I hope we won’t have to wait too long for the second installment.
I didn’t originally plan to do a sequel, but then my agent said I had to have one if she was to sell the book. So now I have a sequel planned that I’m calling CHARMING THE THIEF and I love it. It involves the Queen’s necklace, the Moor’s Tear, and a fun romp across Europe with one thief stealing from the other. However, at the moment I’m writing the next Rake Patrol book – TO BAIT A RAKE. Know that the time travel sequel is waiting and fully plotted should make me finish up the Rake Patrol book ASAP!!!
Kuddos to your designer for the cover of Charming the Professor it’s absolutely perfect! The colors…they are so vibrant. Well done!
Thanks. Lyndsey Lewellen is responsible for the beautiful cover. It’s even more beautiful in the print edition as the cover wraps around to the back. You get to see her hand in that long white glove, holding her dress. One thing I love about independent publishing, as soon as I saw the cover Lyndsey had created, I was able to go back into the
story and change a few details. My hero now wears a gold bow tie and suspenders to the big dance and my heroine has her hair fixed as shown on the cover. I wouldn’t be able to do that with my Berkley covers.
Thanks for letting me join you today. I hope your readers give CHARMING THE PROFESSOR a try. It’s a fun book that I think you’ll enjoy.

I’m happy to give away a copy of THE MOOR’S TEAR, which is a sort of prequel to CHARMING THE PROFESSOR to someone leaving a comment – or asking a question.
Contest Closed…Congratulations to:
Saraleee 🙂 Thank you to all who commented and I hope
everyone has a Happy New Year!
Thank you so much for having Coffee With me and the giveaway! Happy Reading and Happy Writing!
My review of Charming the Professor that posted yesterday.
Just $3.99 for this must read book at most e-retailers.
**All photos provided by Donna MacMeans
8 Tantalizing Tidbits
1. What is your Must read book and why? For me that would be Dianna Gabaldon’s Outlander (Hah! Another time travel!) The reason is personal. Outlander turned me on to romance. After reading it, I was determined to read another romance and found one that was similar, though not a time travel, in that it featured an English heroine and a Scottish hero, written by a NYT bestselling author. I hated it. Absolutely hated it. I figured I could do better than that. I tried and have been hooked on writing ever since.
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? I live in a little suburb/small college town. I can only think of two “must see” features. One is the large reservoir because water is always calming. The other is the Inniswoods botanical gardens which are close to my house. It’s 121 acres of formal gardens, water gardens, rose gardens, forest walks, frog ponds, etc. It makes for a beautiful walk any time of year. Stop by the gardens, then walk over to my house for tea and cookies (grin).
3. Castles or Beaches? Both please. Love to explore old castles (and the countries they are found in) and as a Maryland girl, I love the ocean and the beach – and the food!
4. What is one thing readers would be surprised to know about you? I can rip a phone book in half. That used to be a cool trick but it’s hard to find big thick phone books anymore. Hmmm….guess I’ll have to come up with a new fun fact.
5. Hard Rock or Classical? Favorite Band or Artist? Rock and Roll! I love to dance – met my husband on the dance floor and we’ve been dancing ever since. But it’s classic rock for us. In their day, I loved the Moody Blues and the Beatles.
6. What’s your favorite movie of all time and why? I was thinking about this the other day. I love the original Star Wars and Star Trek, but there’s one movie that I stumbled upon years ago that I absolutely loved called Hanover Street. It’s an old Harrison Ford movie that takes place during WWII. It reminds me a bit like Outlander in that one married woman falls in love with two men and must choose between them. I start crying as soon as I hear the music – LOL. I’m going to have to dig out that DVD.
7. Would you rather see a movie in the theatre or at home on DVD and why? I love going to the movies. There’s nothing like munching on a big bowl of popcorn while sitting in the dark with my sweetie. Now that they put those really nice lounge chairs in the theatres, it’s a lot like watching at home. (Except the controls to make the feet go up and down are located right by my elbow and I often hit it accidentally. My daughter thinks it’s the funniest thing. LOL). If the movie is good, then I like to add the DVD to my collection. Movies act as inspiration and I often use them as research.
8. What’s your favorite TV show and why? I don’t watch a lot of TV but I do have favorites. I’m a big fan of the Big Bang Theory and Mom. Love comedy. I love Downton Abbey when it runs as it appeals to my historical writing side. My husband and I like to watch Game of Thrones and Walking Dead together. It’s our date night (grin). Both those shows have great hooks and cliff hangers. Gotta watch them. I hate reality shows, doesn’t matter if they cook, clean, fight, or date – hate them.
Author Info:

Award winning author Donna MacMeans made a wrong turn many years ago when she majored in Accounting at Ohio State University. What was she thinking? Balancing books just can’t compete with crafting plots and inventing memorable characters. She finally broke free from her life as a CPA to write witty and seductive Victorian historicals for Berkley Publishing in what can only be described as her dream job.
Her books have won numerous awards including the prestigious Golden Heart from Romance Writers of America, and the Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Award for Historical Love & Laughter, as well as recognition in many regional contests. Her books consistently receive high praise and glowing reviews.
Donna is also the recipient of the 2013 RWA Service Award, the 2014 RWA Pro Mentor award and currently serves as RWA Treasurer.
An avid reader, she uses the analytical skills learned as an accountant to analyze novels in an effort to constantly improve her own craft – and then teaches those skills in workshops around the country.
A member of the popular Romance Bandits blog group, she is always approachable. She lives in Columbus, Ohio with her husband of forty+ years. Please contact her at www.DonnaMacMeans.com
Dec 21, 2015 | Blog, December 2015, Donna MacMeans

Charming the Professor by Donna MacMeans is a sweeping adventure from the city of New Orleans to the majestic country of Spain. With a gorgeous cover and characters that capture your heart you too will find yourself e-mailing Donna asking her when she will be finished with the next instalment.
I’ve read a lot of time travel romance stories and this tops my list of all time favorites. It’s clear to the reader that Donna did her homework as the details are carefully worked through and eloquently executed. Combining science, folklore and unexplained historical events this book has everything to make it a most enchanting story not to be missed.
Grant Stewart thinks he’ll never be able to love again, but he’s wrong. Thinking he can fix things he makes a wish, but for Grant that’s a tricky task. Hopefully he’ll proceed with caution? Perhaps he held on to the wrong thing as he prayed he would be heard?
Mistaken for a tour guide Madeline Charlebois begins a journey in New Orleans that has her questioning everything she knows to be true. Is it enough to help her? When she seeks out help from a few local natives will they have the means to take her where she wants to go? Will she discover the truth?
For Grant his wish is life changing and proves that we don’t always get what we want. Will this Quantum physics Professor be able to explain with science what happened ? Will he regret his wish and ask for a do-over?
What would you do if you found yourself faced with the unthinkable? Would you trust what you know? Would you confide in your friends? Maddie isn’t sure whom she can trust. All she knows is that her heart is aching. Who will be the one to help her?
When Grant seeks out advice from a close and trusted friend will it push Maddie in the wrong direction? Friendships are tested, relationships pushed and family bonds are strengthened in this magical must read.
Time travel across continents, a century or two of changes and true love. Will Maddie finally find her purpose? Will Grant discover what lies beyond? Hopefully they will both realize before time runs out that what they need has been with them all along.
Many years ago I vacationed in New Orleans and Spain. Now after reading this story hope I can go back and look at it with a fresh set of eyes. Both places are romantic with great culinary experiences, historical building and traditions in all ways of life.
Start now and download this must read historical romance.
I received this ARC from the author for a fair and honest review.
Be sure to pop in tomorrow, Donna is hanging out for some Coffee With Books I Love A Latte. You won’t want to miss it!
Author Info:

Award winning author Donna MacMeans made a wrong turn many years ago when she majored in Accounting at Ohio State University. What was she thinking? Balancing books just can’t compete with crafting plots and inventing memorable characters. She finally broke free from her life as a CPA to write witty and seductive Victorian historicals for Berkley Publishing in what can only be described as her dream job.
Her books have won numerous awards including the prestigious Golden Heart from Romance Writers of America, and the Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Award for Historical Love & Laughter, as well as recognition in many regional contests. Her books consistently receive high praise and glowing reviews.
Donna is also the recipient of the 2013 RWA Service Award, the 2014 RWA Pro Mentor award and currently serves as RWA Treasurer.
An avid reader, she uses the analytical skills learned as an accountant to analyze novels in an effort to constantly improve her own craft – and then teaches those skills in workshops around the country.
A member of the popular Romance Bandits blog group, she is always approachable. She lives in Columbus, Ohio with her husband of forty+ years. Please contact her at www.DonnaMacMeans.com
Jun 30, 2014 | Blog, Donna MacMeans, June 2014
The highly anticipated Book #2 in the Rake Patrol series does not disappoint. Once again The Rake Patrol is decoding the personal ads of a delicate nature in the Mayfair Messenger. In order to protect her friend Faith who has run off to Scotland, Claire Starke quickly packs her bag and sets out alone to rescue Faith from the “madman” who placed a personal ad looking for a wife. Claire believes that nothing good can come from responding to a personal ad, in Scotland of all places.
What Claire soon discovers is that she has set out not only to protect Faith but to embark on her own journey of self discovery. It’s her expedition in and through Scotland where she unknowingly discovers her true purpose with a little help from the one thing she’s trying to avoid, a dram of Whisky.
You will be transported to Loch Rannoch in the Highlands of Scotland where you will meet Laird Cameron McPherson who has tired of his mother’s matchmaking schemes. She placed the personal ad to prove that he is capable of love, all he needs is just a little push. Discover the mysteries surrounding his past and how a camera can capture more than just a picture, it will steal your heart. Come visit this castle of hidden gems with the perfect place to sit by a fire. Don’t forget to grab the McPherson Tartan to keep yourself warm. You will soon find your clan for a few delectable hours.
Go ahead; buy yours as soon as it is released July 15, 2014. I was given an Advance Reader Copy (ARC) for an honest and fair review.