Dec 10, 2017 | Blog, December 2017, Entangled Publishing, Patricia A. Wolf
Entangled Publishing is celebrating the holidays with 25 Days of Holiday Steals. They will be spotlighting a special steal of a deal each day from December 1st through December 25th. So be sure to check back each day to see what special offer is up for grabs that day!
Today’s Steal is…
Christmas with a Bite by Patricia A. Wolf is just 99¢!
Grab your copy today!
Official Synopsis from Entangled Publishing
Sometimes the holidays totally bite…
This Christmas, Mara Livingston is determined to start over. But as she’s driving to her “new” home, a freak winter storm forces her off the road. Now she’s stranded in the middle of nowhere. Then he shows up. And there’s something strangely familiar about him…
Connor Reese never expected to see Mara again. Nor is he prepared for the onslaught of emotions―including an unimaginable rush of desire―she stirs within him. Now he has a chance to claim the woman he’s always wanted. Except, there are a couple of small details that Mara doesn’t know. The first is that Connor is a vampire. And the second is that if his family finds out about Mara, she will most certainly be killed…
Christmas with a Bite by Patricia A. Wolf Excerpt
Conner Reese gazed down at Mara.
The woman who had haunted his dreams for nearly
a decade was face down in the snow in front of his secret hideaway. After one dance at a wedding eight years before, he never expected to see her again.
The growling wolves were more important than his reminiscence, though. An intense need to protect the dark- haired woman overcame him. He stepped forward to face the beasts in challenge. He hissed like a snake and felt fire burn within his belly, blood pulsing through his veins as a primal rage clouded his mind.
Obviously fate brought her to his door tonight, and no wolf would take that away from him now.
He reached for a nearby branch and snapped it off the tree. It was thick as a baseball bat. He swung, hitting the closest wolf so hard it sailed across the snow, landing yards away. The second wolf hunched down, creeping forward with fangs piercing through the darkening night. He leapt, but Conner was quicker. The branch connected even more soundly than the first time. The wolf yelped as snapping bones echoed around him. It dropped onto the fresh snow, dead. The third wolf, the brightest one, fled. Dropping the branch, he knelt down and collected Mara into his arms.
It had been a long time since he held a woman. The softness of her curves and the sweet fragrance of her body were as maddening as he remembered. He closed his eyes, searching for the calm within the storm of his thoughts. How could this woman stir emotions in him so raw after such a long time? Why did he feel as if he’d known her for more than just one dance?
He stared down at her pale face, then examined her body. She wore a winter jacket that would have been fine in a tropical climate, but not in weather like this. She had to be frozen solid. He quickened his steps. He needed to get her warm and check her for injuries.
Pulling her closer, the palm of his hand rested alongside her soft br%^st. His body warmed. A tight lump formed at the back of his throat. He swallowed it down.
After kicking open the front door, he hurried inside and placed Mara on the cushioned leather chair beside the roaring fire he kept blazing every night. He didn’t use much electricity tucked away in the middle of nowhere, but he always had a fire to keep warm.
He stripped off her jacket, and her soaked shoes and socks. He would have undressed her completely if not for the simple fact that he was already having trouble keeping it together with her in his living room.
He rushed to his room and yanked the comforter from the bed, then returned and wrapped it around her for extra warmth. Then he retrieved a damp towel and dabbed at her brow. The scent of her blood stirred him as it soon soaked the cloth. He tossed it aside. He’d take care of the rest of the blood later. At least the wound didn’t look life threatening.
He pulled the ottoman closer and propped her legs up, noticing how swollen her ankle had already become. He placed a pillow underneath her foot, then went to the kitchen and threw some ice cubes into a plastic baggy. He made his way back to her with superhuman speed and delicately covered the tender area with the makeshift ice pack.
A wave of satisfaction flared inside him knowing he’d protected her and made her as comfortable as he could.
He leaned against the arm of the chair and watched her, guarding her like a treasure. The soft glow of the fire danced over her sun-warmed brown hair. A different style than he remembered. Still beautiful.
When Conner had last seen her, she wore it back in a tight bun for an elegant, sexy look. Now it flowed around her freely and bright. He preferred it this way. His fingers itched to caress the softness of those stands, curl it around his fist, haul her up against him to devour her mouth. She would taste exquisite. Her blood would taste exquisite.
He’d never forgiven himself for passing up the opportunity to taste her all those years ago. Now she, against all odds, appeared at his doorstep, states away from their homes. He’d come to these woods to escape the outside world, the one filled with bitter memories and resentment. She’d found him nonetheless.
Even his covenant didn’t know where to find him. That had been the idea. Vampires tended to live in larger cities. Easier to find food. They didn’t come to the outskirts of Amarillo. That was the main reason he’d chosen the place. He wanted to be alone.
But now a woman he desired in a raw, astonishing way was in his chair. So much for being alone.
No matter what he felt for her—had felt for her—his decision was made long ago. His last lover was dead, and in many ways, so was he. He couldn’t take that pain again. To keep Mara safe, to keep everyone safe, he would never share his secret again.
The prickle of emotions burned the back of his eyelids. He blinked and bit the inside of his cheek, finding comfort in the twinge of pain that distracted him. He wasn’t meant to love again. He was meant to be left alone. Forever.
Get Your Copy
And don’t forget to check out the rest of our holiday fun here!
Dec 8, 2017 | Blog, December 2017, Entangled Publishing
Entangled Publishing is celebrating the holidays with 25 Days of Holiday Steals. They will be spotlighting a special steal of a deal each day from December 1st through December 25th. So be sure to check back each day to see what special offer is up for grabs that day!
Today’s Steal is…
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And don’t forget to check out the rest of our holiday fun here!
Dec 7, 2017 | Blog, December 2017, Samantha Chase
The Christmas Cottage by Samantha Chase captures the true essence of the holiday season. The plot centers around a story of a fairy tale, family traditions, what it means to experience the holiday, and the ability to find love in the most unexpected place.
If you love a friends-to-lovers story that is set in a small town, takes place during the Christmas season, has the perfect amount of amazing family history sprinkled throughout, and includes a cottage with a creative and unique ability, then one-click it now!
Lacey Quinn has one job, to assist her best friend Ava with one task before she is to be married. A job that includes ensuring all of Ava’s wishes are fulfilled. There’s just one problem, Lacey isn’t sure she can comply with some of the requests. It’s time for Lacey to set her differences aside and but when her past surprises her in the most unlikely place, will it ruin everything? Memories of the past resurface and it will prove why Samantha writes feel good romance.
Ean Callahan is the bride-to-be’s older brother, who also happens to be Lacey’s best friend. It’s been ages since Ean has visited his family. Will his reunion be stir up old feelings? One night was all it took to drive Ean away from home, but if he has the courage to confess his one regret, he might discover that the fairy tale is true. Will Santa bring him love for the holidays?.
In anticipation of the Hallmark Movie premiere this weekend, I re-read this beloved fan favorite to truly enjoy the screen adaptation of this holiday treasure. My original review was for The Christmas Cottage/ Ever After collection that I received from the publisher for a fair and honest review. I felt The Christmas Cottage deserved it’s own post. I am eagerly waiting the premiere this Saturday night. I am excited to see how they bring to life the details in each scene, the witty dialogue, and the magic of the Christmas story. It’s a captivating and charming story perfect for your holiday stash.
Add a log to the fire, make a batch of hot cocoa, and bake some cookies. The holidays are about to be sweet and full of warmth!
Ean took the hint and did what she asked. True to her word, by the time he had the fire settled, she was placing two bowls on the table. He walked over, and noticed the mammoth binder on the counter. Curiosity got the better of him and he picked it up on his way to the table. “What’s this?”
Lacey let out a small laugh. “That,” she began, “is your sister’s dream of what this cottage should look like for her wedding night.”
Ean opened it and looked at the labeled tabs. “Food…flowers…lighting…” He looked at Lacey. “How many categories are there?”
His eyes bugged out a little on that one. “Are you supposed to completely remodel this place? Does this say furniture placement?” he asked incredulously. “How does she expect you to do all of this alone?”
“Oh, you mean you didn’t get the memo?” Lacey asked, ready to witness on Ean the same exact expression she’d had when Ava told her the news.
“What memo?” he asked slowly, not liking the look of mischief on her face.
“As best man and maid of honor, it is our job to get this place ready for the newlyweds.”
“You heard me; you and I get the great honor of setting the scene for your sister’s wedding night sex.”
Ean dropped the binder to the floor as if it had burned him and glared at Lacey as she laughed. Her face was full of merriment and innocence and she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Lacey had been a pretty girl, and even in the awkward teen years it was possible to see the woman she would become, yet none of that prepared him for the woman sitting across from him. She simply took his breath away, and right now, when she finally let her guard down, he felt like he was looking at the sun.
“I am not facilitating my sister’s sex life,” he began.
“Oh, lighten up. She’ll be married and she wants the cottage and her wedding night to be perfect. There are diagrams…”
“Please tell me they’re of the floor plan and not anything…else.” His appetite was slowly fading at that disturbing thought, but then Lacey laughed again.
“The floor plan, color schemes, foods…she’s clipped things out of magazines, she’s very organized. Part of me loves her for it and another part of me wants to beat her with the binder. She’s fixated on this place.” Lacey nodded towards his bowl. “Eat, please, before it gets cold.”
Ean took a spoonful and felt the flavors burst to life on his tongue. This simple, quickly thrown together chili was a culinary delight. “This is amazing,” he said finally. “I can’t believe you just whipped this up.”
Blushing at his compliment, she took her own first spoonful, realizing that she’d waited for him to taste it first, anxious for his opinion. He didn’t disappoint. “Cooking is second nature, but back to Ava. She’s turned into a bit of a bridezilla.”
“Mom’s told me,” he said around another mouthful of chili. “She was the last person I’d thought would be that way.”
“I guess you don’t know until it’s your turn.”
“What about you, Lace? Any trip down the aisle in your future?”
Her blush this time was out of embarrassment. “No,” she said. “So now that you know you need to be a part of this, I guess we can go through the book and divide and conquer.” The change of subject was swift and luckily well received.
Ean merely nodded, wondering why someone as beautiful as Lacey wasn’t attached. Was she just getting over a break up? Was she jealous of Ava? That thought was dismissed before it even took hold. Lacey wasn’t the jealous type; she had no reason to be. Ean loved his sister dearly, but she lacked the confidence that Lacey always had. Truth be known, he had been a little dismayed that Ava and Mason were marrying so quickly, but he knew his sister had always been a little obsessed with the idea of following the family tradition and marrying on Christmas. “True, she could wait until next Christmas…”
He didn’t realize he’d spoken that last part out loud until Lacey dropped her spoon and said, “Exactly! Why does it have to be this Christmas? What harm could waiting another year cause?”
“So you think this was a little rushed too,” he urged.
“I do! I asked her about it and it seems that Mason is just anxious to get himself settled with his law firm and having a wife and baby would make him extremely happy. Add that to the fact that Ava wants nothing more than to be part of the Callahan Christmas wedding tradition and it’s like a feeding frenzy.”
Ean stood so quickly that his chair fell over. “Wait a minute, wait a minute,” he snapped. “Are you telling me that Ava’s pregnant? Do my parents know?”
Oh, boy. Awkward. “Ean, sit down. Your sister is not pregnant.” Lacey explained to him the conversation she’d had with Ava a week ago. There was a little feeling that maybe she was betraying Ava’s confidence, but hey, this was Ean. He was Ava’s brother and maybe he was the key to helping Lacey figure out how to convince her friend to do some serious soul searching before the wedding.
“So he wants Ava to give up everything and do exactly what he wants?” Ean was pacing the kitchen, his dinner momentarily forgotten. “I’ll kill him! There’s no way my sister is going to…”
Lacey stood and placed a hand gently on his arm to stop him. “You’re not going to kill Mason. That would be ridiculous.”
“He can’t force Ava to get pregnant and drop out of school, Lacey. I won’t allow it!”
She sighed. He was obviously thinking along the same lines she was. She was really worried about Ava’s decision. “It just seems like they need to have an honest heart to heart conversation. I think Ava is scared to rock the boat because she wants this wedding so badly. She believes in the fairy tale of this house and feels that if they spend their wedding night here, their marriage will be perfect and all of their issues will be resolved.”
Ean looked at her like she’d grown a second head. “Well, that explains it; we need to get her checked in to a psych ward because clearly she’s crazy!”
Get your copy here: 

Author Info:
Samantha Chase is a New York Times and USA Today bestseller of contemporary romance. She released her debut novel in 2011 and currently has more than forty titles under her belt! When she’s not working on a new story, she spends her time reading romances, playing way too many games of Scrabble or Solitaire on Facebook, wearing a tiara while playing with her sassy pug Maylene…oh, and spending time with her husband of 25 years and their two sons in North Carolina.
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Dec 7, 2017 | Blog, Cindy Skaggs, December 2017, Entangled Publishing
Entangled Publishing is celebrating the holidays with 25 Days of Holiday Steals. They will be spotlighting a special steal of a deal each day from December 1st through December 25th. So be sure to check back each day to see what special offer is up for grabs that day!
Today’s Steal is…
An Untouchable Christmas by Cindy Skaggs is just 99¢!
Grab your copy today!
Official Synopsis Provided by Entangled Publishing:
Sofia Capri survived life as a mob wife, but living with drop-dead gorgeous FBI agent Logan Stone has its own challenges. Step one? Host his family for Christmas dinner.
Rescuing Sofia from her former mob life and saving her kidnapped son was enough to earn Logan a place in her life, but a mysterious phone call before dinner threatens the security he’d give anything to provide.
When Sofia’s son and Logan’s nieces disappear from the festivities, the illusion of a normal Christmas shatters, hurling Sofia back into her nightmares.
Get Your Copy
And don’t forget to check out the rest of our holiday fun here!
Dec 6, 2017 | Blog, December 2017, Entangled Publishing, Rachel Harris
Entangled Publishing is celebrating the holidays with 25 Days of Holiday Steals. They will be spotlighting a special steal of a deal each day from December 1st through December 25th. So be sure to check back each day to see what special offer is up for grabs that day!
Today’s Steal is…
Seven Day Fiance by Rachel Harris is just 99¢!
Grab your copy today!
Official Synopsis Provided by Entangled Publishing:
One bad boy. One good girl. One unforgettable week…
Angelle Prejean is in a pickle. Her family is expecting her to come home with a fiancé—a fiancé who doesn’t exist. Well, he exists, but he definitely has no idea Angelle told her mama they were engaged. Tattooed, muscled, and hotter than sin, Cane can reduce Angelle to a hot mess with one look—and leave her heart a mess if she falls for him. But when she ends up winning Cane at a charity bachelor auction, she knows just how to solve her fiancé problem.
Cane Robicheaux is no one’s prince. He doesn’t do relationships and he doesn’t fall in love. When sweet, sultry-voiced Angelle propositions him, he hopes their little game can finally get her out of his head. He doesn’t expect her to break through all his barriers. But even as Angelle burrows deeper into his heart, he knows once their seven days are up, so is their ruse.
Angelle stopped beside a folding table boasting boxes of fresh, crispy cracklins and selected a thick piece. Cane watched, mesmerized, as she puckered those gorgeous lips and blew on the sliver. With a flirtatious glint in her eyes, she held it up to his mouth, and he opened.
Holy crap.
He’d had cracklins before. Fried pork fat was a standard gas station treat, usually shrinkwrapped and stale as shit. But this, fresh from the pot and piping hot, was unbelievable. Cane widened his eyes, and it was possible he even moaned. It was thatgood. And as he swallowed, Angel rewarded him with a rich, throaty laugh.
“Ca c’est bon?” she asked, grinning when he grabbed another handful. He touched her nose and popped a piece in his mouth. “Good would be an understatement.”
Grinning, she took a fried morsel for herself and sent the balding, overweight gentleman tending the table a wink. “Now that’s what we like to hear.” Then she closed her eyes as she savored the treat.
The sounds of Angel moaning, and watching her face soften in the throes of a foodgasm, had to be the sexiest damn thing Cane had ever seen. His pants tightened, embarrassingly so considering he knew the audience was still watching, but what pushed him over the edge was when her eyes opened. The pleasure in them was his undoing.
Feeling the weight of the crowd’s disapproving stares and not giving a damn, figuring now was as good a time as any to give the people the show they clearly wanted, he grasped her hip and tugged her forward, pausing only to inhale her gasp of surprise before brushing her mouth with his.
It was like setting off a damn forest fire.
Angelle, his shocking little hellcat, pounced. Forgetting all about their audience, or maybe not giving a damn either, she wound her arms around his neck, lifted onto her toes, and kissed him back with everything she had. Cane had intended to steal a quick taste, take the edge off his craving for her, and prove their point with the town’s people. But hell if he was gonna be the one to back down now. Tightening his grasp on her slim hips, he brushed his thumbs across the smooth, exposed skin near her waistband. He deepened the kiss, thrilling over her telltale shiver. Whimpering, she yanked on the hair at his nape and sucked his bottom lip into her mouth. Hot damn.
Okay, now he had to start backing down. With all her male relatives watching, not to mention the knives and axes still lying around from the butchering earlier, if Cane valued his life, he needed to wrangle control of the situation. He’d heard patience was a virtue.
That was a line of bull—he’d always sucked at waiting for anything he wanted. But for Angel, he was willing to try.
Loosening his grip on her belt loops, Cane slowed the intensity of the kiss. He smoothed the hem of her shirt down, grazed her lips one last time, and, placing his forehead against hers, inhaled through his nose. Sunflowers mixed with cayenne may be his new favorite scent. Angelle released a heavy breath, a flush blooming on her cheeks. She darted a glance at the crowd, then looking into his eyes, grinned lazily. “My goodness. If anyone doubted we were a couple before, I guess that showed them.”
Get Your Copy
And don’t forget to check out the rest of our holiday fun here!
Dec 4, 2017 | Blog, December 2017, Entangled Publishing
Entangled Publishing is celebrating the holidays with 25 Days of Holiday Steals. They will be spotlighting a special steal of a deal each day from December 1st through December 25th. So be sure to check back each day to see what special offer is up for grabs that day!
Today’s Steal is…
Get ready to fill your ereaders!
So fill your cart with romance this holiday season!
Use promo code: Holiday15
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And don’t forget to check out the rest of our holiday fun here!