Dec 24, 2014 | Blog, December 2014, Spicy Latte, Tawny Weber

Christmas with a SEAL by Tawny Weber is the sixth installment in her Sexy SEALs series and is one sexy holiday treat! Frankie Silvera is a silversmith who’s lost her mojo and is determined to get it back. A change is in order and she’s frustrated at the idea of never creating another sought-after piece of jewelry. While at her dear friend Lara Banks’s wedding she runs into Phillip, Lara’s hunky brother, who doesn’t recognize her.
What’s a girl to do when she bumps into a man that’s been her childhood fantasy, the stud she’s been dreaming about her entire life? That’s when she whips up a plan, one wild and hot night of bliss! That will surely get her back on track. Her first instinct is to run, but she somehow calms herself down. It’s just one night, or is it?
Can a wild hot night inspire her creative gears? What will Phillip do if he learns the truth about who she really is? But her creative mojo is back and she’s out to put her career back on track with Christmas Ornaments that are in demand!
Unfortunately a tragic situation from a mission that went horribly wrong still haunts Phillip. He’s craving revenge about as much as Frankie has lusted after him since she was a teenager. While both have an agenda, will they have time for each other? Never interested in being part of his family he’s finally connected with his sister Lara and perhaps may be the opening into something life-changing for both.
Unfortunately for Phillip his superiors have a different agenda and want him at the Naval Academy for training. All he really wants is to be back out in the field, but he decides to explore this newly discovered connection with Frankie and a few extra weeks at home won’t be so bad.
With both of them looking for a fresh start, they need to decide if this is just a passing fancy or determine if this could in fact be something more permanent. SEALs don’t usually do permanent. Especially daily, and for the lucky few, weekly contact is not what he’s used to. Now that he has some free time on his schedule, it’s time to decide if she’s able to handle him in more ways than one. Afraid he might be sacrificing more than he should Frankie panics! Convincing themselves that a little failure doesn’t mean it’s the start to a road of disaster, might prove to be a challenge.
As I mentioned in a previous blog post I don’t rate any of my reviews on my blog. However, for this “Spicy Read” I will rate it for its spiciness that way you’ll know if this little gem is for you!

There is just enough sizzle to make you tingle, for 18+
Tawny Weber once again has dropped us into the world of hot, sexy Navy SEALs. These guys are smokin’ and their stories just keep getting better, especially the covers! This is one electric and sizzling story filled with decadence and pie! Yes, the baking will once again cause your salivary glands into massive overdrive! It’s a good thing it’s not unusual for a baking session at three in the morning these next few days! If you are looking for something to get you in the mood – for baking or other decadent delights! – this holiday season then this will surely do!

New York Times and USA TODAY Bestselling author of thirty books and counting, Tawny Weber has been writing sassy, sexy romances since her first one hit the shelves in 2007. A fan of Johnny Depp, cupcakes and color coordination, she spends a lot of her time shopping for cute shoes, scrapbooking and hanging out on Facebook.
Readers can check out Tawny’s books at her website,, or join her Red Hot Readers Club for goodies like free reads, complete first chapter excerpts, recipes, insider story info and much more.
You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.
Dec 23, 2014 | Anna Campbell, Blog, Coffee With, December 2014

First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte 🙂 What would you order?
Hi Rae! Thanks for having me as your guest today. In Australia, we have a thing called a flat white which is like a cappuccino without the cap – so strong milk coffee basically. I didn’t realize that flat whites were a local specialty until I tried to order one at Starbucks in the U.S. and they looked at me like I was a lunatic!
Thanks so much for taking the time to answer a few questions. I am a HUGE fan of your Sons of Sin series and see that Book 4 will be out in April, 2015. After that, how many books you anticipate in this series?
Thanks so much for saying that. Sons of Sin is my first series and I must say I’m now hooked on the concept of writing linked books. I love being able to hint at future stories and go back to revisit earlier characters. I’m not quite sure where the series goes after Leath as far as full-length stories go, but I’m planning at least two more novellas to tie up a few stray characters like Elias and Marianne and tell the story of how Richard got together with Sirius the mutt. I LOVE Sirius the mutt!
8 Tantalizing Tidbits
1. A Must read book and why? Recently a Facebook friend introduced me to Susanna Kearsley and I read her THE SHADOWY HORSES. Absolutely loved it – archeology, a romance, a mystery, suspense, a ghost story and wonderful, wonderful characters, not to mention a great and atmospheric Scottish setting.
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? I live on the beautiful Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. One of my favorite places to take visitors locally is Mary Cairncross Park up in the mountainous hinterland about half an hour away. It’s a fragment of the original subtropical rainforest that originally covered a lot of this area. It’s like another world, something from the dinosaur days, and you’ll see an amazing selection of native birds and animals. It’s also accessible for less mobile visitors. Not to mention, there’s one of the best views of the world famous Glasshouse Mountains from the car park. Here’s the link:
3. Castles or Beaches? Can’t I have both? Here in Australia we have the world’s best beaches. But when I travel, I love going to old houses. One of my favorite castles, Bamburgh in Northumberland is right on the beach: That has the best of both worlds.
4. One thing readers would be surprised to know about you. I can’t drive.
5. When you are travelling do you prefer to road trip it or fly it? I prefer a road trip – you see so much more. Sadly, flying is more convenient when time is short. I’m a rotten air traveler. I get jet lag just looking at a photo of an airport!
6. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world for research, where would you go? Definitely the UK! I’ve been there often and use my travels to inspire my stories, but there’s so much more to see still and I’d love to go back to some of my favorite places. I’m hoping to do a UK trip next year- sadly, all the expenses will be paid, by ME!
7. What’s your favorite movie of all time and why? The answer to this one would change daily, but right now my favorite movie is Dirty Dancing. I think it’s just so romantic and the characters stay in your heart.
8. Do you love to cook or go out to eat? I love eating out, especially in good restaurants. I’m fairly traditional- an authentic French bistro would probably be my choice.

ANNA CAMPBELL has written nine multi award-winning historical romances for Grand Central Publishing and Avon HarperCollins and her work is published in sixteen languages. Anna has won numerous awards for her Regency-set stories including Romantic Times Reviewers Choice, the Booksellers Best, the Golden Quill (three times), the Heart of Excellence (twice), the Write Touch, the Aspen Gold (twice) and the Australian Romance Readers Association’s favorite historical romance (five times). Her books have three times been nominated for Romance Writers of America’s prestigious RITA Award and three times for Australia’s Romantic Book of the Year. Anna is currently engaged in writing the “Sons of Sin” series, which started in 2012 with SEVEN NIGHTS IN A ROGUE’S BED. Look out for A SCOUNDREL BY MOONLIGHT in April 2015. Anna lives on the beautiful east coast of Australia where she writes full-time. Her website is:
Twitter: @AnnaCampbellOz
Dec 22, 2014 | December 2014, Historical Romance

Her Christmas Earl: A Regency Novella by Anna Campbell is a must read! Alas, it’s Christmas Eve and what would the holidays be without crazy family shenanigans, zesty encounters with strangers and hoping that the upcoming year will not be spent alone and unloved? When Phillippa Sanders’s beloved and crazy sister asks her to retrieve a letter that might bring scandal to her upcoming marriage, Phillippa willingly agrees to help. Assuming that all should be quiet on Christmas Eve, Phillippa adventures into the Lord of Erskine’s private quarters. Just a quick dash in and out to erase the “mistake” that darling sister has made while at the same time praying no one sees poor Phillippa!
However, when she is suddenly caught unawares and stuck in the most unusual of places, this fast paced, sexy and decadently written story takes flight! Rumors have it that the Earl of Erskine, Blair Hume, is a devilish rake and a man full of sin. Suddenly caught and in the hands of the presumed Devil himself, Phillippa must assess quickly if he’s what the ton has led her to believe. So concerned for her sister’s situation, she’s alas put herself in a very compromising position. This time she’s forced to tackle her own feelings and desires head on, so to speak. Always simple and plain, she’s convinced that no one notices her even in a ballroom filled with handsome men. When a suitor is suddenly in her lap will she finally see the beauty that’s within and allow herself to admit she’s not so plain and simple?
Every time I pick up an Anna Campbell book I’m treated to a story that is woven with rich characters, fantastic and creative plot twists and details that make this a brilliant novella to read and own. While I received this ARC from the author for an honest review I will be buying this for friends and family to enjoy! Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, this tale is a must read with characters you must discover!

ANNA CAMPBELL has written nine multi award-winning historical romances for Grand Central Publishing and Avon HarperCollins and her work is published in sixteen languages. Anna has won numerous awards for her Regency-set stories including Romantic Times Reviewers Choice, the Booksellers Best, the Golden Quill (three times), the Heart of Excellence (twice), the Write Touch, the Aspen Gold (twice) and the Australian Romance Readers Association’s favorite historical romance (five times). Her books have three times been nominated for Romance Writers of America’s prestigious RITA Award and three times for Australia’s Romantic Book of the Year. Anna is currently engaged in writing the “Sons of Sin” series, which started in 2012 with SEVEN NIGHTS IN A ROGUE’S BED. Look out for A SCOUNDREL BY MOONLIGHT in April 2015. Anna lives on the beautiful east coast of Australia where she writes full-time. Her website is:
Twitter: @AnnaCampbellOz
Dec 21, 2014 | Blog, December 2014, Historical Romance

What A Duke Dares (Book 3 of the Sons of Sins series) by Anna Campbell, is a steamy, sinful and delicious tale of undying love. It’s been years since the Duke of Sedgemoor proposed to Penelope Thorne who rejected him. Childhood friends that experienced many adventures was not enough to make her his, or so he thought. When Penelope rejected his proposal she ran as far away from London as she could. Almost ten years of friendships, different continents, and gossip could not prepare her for seeing him again.
Camden Rothermore is a man with many struggles and demons of his own. The day Pen turned him down made him question if he was truly able to love and worthy enough to be loved. Perhaps he may still find happiness if only he were able to find a wife that he could tolerate. But, is he truly over Pen enough to do that? Furthermore, would anyone else be able to satisfy him?
Unfortunately, Pen can’t deny her feelings for Cam and knows that if he won’t give her the one thing she needs she will walk away again for good. Cam has no desire to stick around and watch him be with another woman. For some undeclared reason, she can’t outrun and escape her feelings for him just yet. Family tragedy has reunited them and now she’s in danger of her heart spiraling out of control. Will she finally admit her feelings for him? Will he allow himself to open up and admit what he’s known his entire life and been unable to declare?
While a family tragedy reunites them, another family member almost shakes her world. Suddenly she’s tangled in a web of deceit and lies regarding both her and her family. Is she strong enough to persevere through the rumors and deception? Is Cam man enough to fight for what he wants?
Be sure to read this in a comfy chair as you will find yourself sitting until you finish. It’s full of passion, deep desire and adventure. Oh, did I mention the cover dear readers! It’s exactly what you expect when you pick up a Sons of Sins book! While I borrowed this from the library I will most certainly be buying it for my e-reader. I’ve been known to re-read many of my favorites and this will be put into that pile.

ANNA CAMPBELL has written nine multi award-winning historical romances for Grand Central Publishing and Avon HarperCollins and her work is published in sixteen languages. Anna has won numerous awards for her Regency-set stories including Romantic Times Reviewers Choice, the Booksellers Best, the Golden Quill (three times), the Heart of Excellence (twice), the Write Touch, the Aspen Gold (twice) and the Australian Romance Readers Association’s favorite historical romance (five times). Her books have three times been nominated for Romance Writers of America’s prestigious RITA Award and three times for Australia’s Romantic Book of the Year. Anna is currently engaged in writing the “Sons of Sin” series, which started in 2012 with SEVEN NIGHTS IN A ROGUE’S BED. Look out for A SCOUNDREL BY MOONLIGHT in April 2015. Anna lives on the beautiful east coast of Australia where she writes full-time. Her website is:
Dec 11, 2014 | Coffee With, December 2014

First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte. What would you order? Half-caf skinny vanilla latte. I keep trying other drinks, but this is my go-to.
Thanks so much for taking the time to answer a few questions.
How many books in your Cross Springs Series can we expect to see? As for the Cross Springs series, the jury is out. I am working on the fourth novel and second novella now and just taking the stories as they unfold. The fourth novel features Connie’s sister-in-law, Lacey Burns, who just sort of showed up and demanded her own book. That’s how all my books happen. The characters just show up and make demands! As long as the residents of Cross Springs keep insisting I write their books, I will do so. I do have plans for a series set in the mountains of east Tennessee, though. Those people are starting to demand some attention, too.
What was it like to put out a Boxed Set with every Author from Red Door Reads? I can only imagine the planning session for that one 😉 As for the Red Door Reads box set, it was surprisingly easy to get everyone on board. Which is astonishing, considering there are 20 of us! The actual work of coordinating all of that wasn’t my responsibility, but I got secondhand accounts of how much work it was. My hat is off to the Red Doorians who made it happen. They are true heroines!
8 Tantalizing Tidbit
- A Must read book and why? Scarlett Bailey’s “Married By Christmas.” It is not strictly romance, but more of a chick lit book. It’s a Christmas book, which is why I picked it up initially, but it speaks in a very candid way about the profound importance women put on getting married, even when they know they are likely making a mistake. This book was also as much about the friendship between the heroine and her bestie as it was about the old love she left and the new one she found. It is smart, funny and heart-wrenching, with a very satisfying ending. I was very impressed with how Bailey pulled the story off and how profoundly good it was. Highly recommended!
- What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? Well, my hometown is Nashville, TN, and there are tons of must-see places there. That one would be a gimme. But I now live in Raleigh, NC, which is much less attractive from a tourist’s perspective. I think our shining stars, though, are our museums. We have some really splendid state museums housed in Raleigh and the NC Museum of Art is not to be missed. They have a surprisingly varied and impressive collection of art. They have wonderful docents, too, who will tell you anything and everything you could want to know about each work there. They also have fantastic special exhibits, like the Rodin statues they had a few years ago and the Porsche exhibit two years past. Amazing! They have one right now that is 66 works by Vermeer, Rembrandt, Hals and their Contemporaries. I really want to go. Wonder if I can con my husband into that one or if I need to wait for one of my daughters to get home for the holidays?
- Castles or Beaches? Castles! Especially if they are along the Rhine and I can see them while cruising down the river. Dream vacation.
- When you are traveling do you prefer to road trip it or fly it? Road trip, if possible. I love to drive. Like, really love it. I also love to listen to music really loud, sing along and keep time with the tiny maracas I keep in the car. For some reason, driving makes me insanely happy. I think a road trip across the country with my mother or one of my sisters or daughters would be the most fun ever. Any sights seen along the way are gravy!
- What is your guilty pleasure?My guilty pleasure is binge-watching, whether it’s back-to-back episodes of a TV show, all the movies in a series or simply a collection of movies that appeal to me. I recently binged on Wes Anderson movies. What a treat! Sadly, my husband doesn’t really “get” Wes Anderson movies. I needed one of my kids around to enjoy it with me!
- Binge watcher or weekly viewer? Um…I think I gave myself away in the guilty pleasure question. I have binge-watched every TV show I’ve seen in the past decade. I watch nothing when it airs, but wait for whole seasons to be available. I watched all of ‘Battlestar Galactica’ (the remake, of course) in about a week. All the shows and all the seasons!
- What’s your favorite TV show and why? ‘Sherlock.’ It’s funny, intelligent, fast and all about friends. Plus, I miss so many things I can watch each episode at least 4 times before picking up every nuance and enjoying every joke. That is the sign of a great show!
- What is your guilty pleasure?My guilty pleasure is binge-watching, whether it’s back-to-back episodes of a TV show, all the movies in a series or simply a collection of movies that appeal to me. I recently binged on Wes Anderson movies. What a treat! Sadly, my husband doesn’t really “get” Wes Anderson movies. I needed one of my kids around to enjoy it with me!
Thank you for taking the time to chat!

Caren Crane grew up in Nashville, TN, and as a result does not care for country music. However, she cares a great deal about family, friends and men in boots. She blames her love of reading on a childhood devoid of TV and heavy on amusing oneself. Reading books was a lot more fun than playing with Barbies and playing “library” was far superior to playing “school.”
Caren now lives in North Carolina with her tall, handsome husband and a semi-feral and very demanding rescue cat. She fills all her books with family, friends and happy-ever-after endings. Which all books should feature, in her opinion. Connect with Caren on Facebook at or get the latest book news at
Dec 9, 2014 | Blog, Coffee With, December 2014

If we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte. What would you order? Hazelnut coffee, black
Thanks so much for taking the time to answer a few questions. I LOVE your Millworth Manor books and was wondering how many books you anticipate in this series? I have no idea at this point. 🙂 I originally had tentative plots for seven books but the Millworth Manor world keeps evolving and new, interesting characters keep popping up, demanding their own stories. Plus, the next Millworth book – The Daring Exploits of a Runaway Heiress – brings back the Effington family and I honestly don’t know where that will lead. I’ll probably keep doing Millworth books as long as I’m still having fun with them.
8 Tantalizing Tidbits
1. A MUST read book and why? My must read book is allegedly for kids. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis is the most wonderful book I’ve ever read. You read it one way as a kid but see so much more in it when you reread it as an adult. It’s truly a book that can be read over and over again- no matter how old you are. 🙂
2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? My neighborhood- Dundee 🙂 Fabulous little restaurants and great old houses.
3. Castles or Beaches? Easy- a castle overlooking a beach.
4. If you had an all expenses paid tri anywhere in the world for research, where would you go? Petra
5. Hard Rock or Classical? Favorite Band? Classic Rock. 🙂 No one favorite but I love Bob Seger and Manheim Steamroller.
6. What is your guilty pleasure? Made for TV Christmas movies.
7. Binge watcher or weekly reviewer? Definitely binge but only if it’s something I’ve just discovered. Binge watched the first seasons of Downton Abbey. Other than that – I watch (or record) all my favorites every week.
8. What’s your favorite TV show and why? I love TV so it’s hard to pick just one. Right now my favorites are Sleepy Hollow, Forever, Scandal and Grimm. And of course Downton Abbey. : )
9. What’s your favorite movie of all time and why? Probably The Red Violin for any number of reasons including that it’s really a lot of different stories in one. The movie follows a violin from it’s creation through to today. It’s a fascinating movie, moving, touching and completely engrossing.
10. If you could invite FIVE people to dinner (not friends and family – that’s too easy) who would you invite? It could be anyone past or present. Stephen King, Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde, Candice Bergen and Hillary Clinton, I think the conversation would be amazing. And hysterical.
Thank you so much for your time and the extra TWO questions!

New York Times bestselling author Victoria Alexander was an award winning television reporter until she discovered fiction was much more fun than real life. She turned to writing full time and is still shocked it worked out.
Since the publication of her first book in 1995, she has written thirty-two full length novels and six novellas. The Perfect Wife—originally published in 1996 and reissued in March 2008—hit #1 on the New York Times list. The best selling, award winning author has books translated into more than a dozen different languages and readers around the world. Victoria credits much of her writing success to her experiences as a reporter.
Her years as a broadcast journalist were spent in two radically different areas of the country: Nebraska and West Virginia. In West Virginia, she covered both natural and manmade disasters. She was on the scene when a power plant construction accident in a small town left 52 men dead. She once spent the night on a mountain waiting to learn of the fate of coal miners trapped in a mine collapse. Victoria was producing a newscast when her husband (who worked at the same television station) and several other journalists were held hostage by a disturbed Vietnam veteran. In Nebraska, she reported on the farm crisis and watched people lose land that had been in their families for generations. She covered the story that was the basis of the movie BOYS DON’T CRY and once acted as the link between police and a gunman who had barricaded himself in his home. Her investigative work exposed the trucking of New York City garbage to a small town dump in rural Nebraska.
During her journalism career, Victoria covered every president from Ford to Clinton. She knows firsthand what it feels like to be surrounded by rising floodwaters and inside a burning building. She’s interviewed movie stars including Kevin Costner, ridden an elephant and flown in a governor’s helicopter. She’s covered a national political convention and Pope John Paul II’s historic visit to Denver as well as small town festivals celebrating everything from walnuts to Glen Miller. Her work was honored by numerous organizations including the Associated Press who called a feature about a firefighter’s school “story telling genius”. It was the encouragement she needed to turn from news to fiction. She’s never looked back.
Victoria claims her love of romance and journalism is to due to the influence of her favorite comic book character: Lois Lane, a terrific reporter and a great heroine who pursued Superman with an unwavering determination. And why not? He was extremely well drawn.
Victoria grew up traveling the world as an Air Force brat. Today, she lives in Omaha, Nebraska with her husband and two bearded collies—Louie and Reggie. They all live happily ever after in a house under constant renovation and the accompanying parade of men in tool belts. And never ending chaos. Victoria laughs a great deal—she has to.