Coffee with Caitlenn T. Ainnsley

%name Coffee with Caitlenn T. Ainnsley%name Coffee with Caitlenn T. Ainnsley

%name Coffee with Caitlenn T. Ainnsley

First, if we were meeting at a Coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte 🙂 What would you be drinking? I’d be drinking an organic caffeine-free berry iced tea.

Thank you so much for taking time to sit down and answer a few questions. I LOVED A Jewel In Time Anthology. Your story was absolutely fabulous! I love the winter storm in Boston especially with the winter they’ve had so far!
Thank you!

How did you research for it? I did very little research for this story. Just had to look up the Boston airport location and route to the hotel I picked. I also reviewed the hotel’s restaurant menu and used actual items on the menu in the story.

It would make a great start to a bigger story, do you have any intentions of turning this into a series? Not this book since it really ties in with Barbara Devlin’s Brethren series. I have an idea for a series though.

What can we expect next? The Conscious Gypsy Chronicles. It is a chick lit series following the serial dating habits of a spunky heroine with some interesting spiritual gifts.

8 Tantalizing Tidbits:

1. A Must read book and why? The Alchemist by Paulo Choelo. It’s a wonderful story with a moral at the end. I have such an appreciation for authors who can tell an amazing fictional story that has a practical life application or moral.

2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? Well, I live in Las Vegas, so there are all kinds of fun and crazy things to see. My favorite, no so well known place, is a Korean spa called Imperial Spa. It’s close to, but off the strip, and it’s only $20 to get into for the whole day. Once inside there are two floors of different detox rooms–a jade room, magnetic clay room, ice room, Himilayan sea salt room. Plus there are soaking pools of different temperatures and various saunas–dry, salt, etc. Between detox sessions you can pay for spa treatments or just relax in recliners. It’s a whole day of relaxing for almost nothing.

3. When you plot out your book do you know how it will end or do you figure it out as you go? I have no idea where the book is going. Every book I’ve written has started with me seeing the opening scene play out like a movie. I write that down and then more scenes show up and the characters begin to develop then the story unfolds. It’s a very messy process, but I’m a fast writer. The Brit, The Blizzard and The Brooch was written in about six weeks.

4. What was on your playlist while writing this series? I can’t listen to music or watch TV or movies when I’m writing. I hear the dialogue in my head and often see the scenes along with it, so any other noise distracts me from being able to create.

5. Do you watch a TV show weekly or binge watch? So I don’t own a TV. I grew up in a household where we were only allowed to watch one hour a day, so I read all the time. With cable costing a fortune, I decided to not have TV at all. That said, I do have a NetFlix account on my computer and about once a month I’ll spend a day binge watching something. The last show I watched two seasons of in a day was Californication. Something about David Duchovney is very sexy to me.

6. First concert you attended? Michael Jackson…actually the Jackson Five. My parents got tickets for the whole family and the concert was in the Broncos football stadium in Colorado. Something about watching a concert from bleachers just isn’t really the concert experience I prefer, but looking back I realize what a taste of history that was.

7. When you are traveling do you road trip it or fly it? I do both. I travel at least two weeks out of every month. If I’m going to California I will drive. If I go anywhere that would take longer than six hours to drive, then I fly. I prefer First Class, but will fly any airline coach as long as I can get an aisle seat. I hate being blocked into an inside seat.

8. Do you like to cook or go out to eat? I love going out to eat, however, I’m really a purist when it comes to food and that forces me to eat at home and be creative. I don’t eat sugar, gluten, soy, most dairy, meat, fish, GMOs–most food served at restaurants have at least one of those in it.


%name Coffee with Caitlenn T. Ainnsley

Chick Lit Author

Caitlenn writes edgy, sexy chick lit stories about fabulous women, hot men and the often crazy situations they encounter on the road to love.

She won her first creative writing contest in the sixth grade and has always found pleasure weaving stories.

A big fan of Harlequin’s Intrigue series, her first novel was a romantic suspense. Its rejection was a blessing because it challenged Caitlenn to explore other genres. When she scribbled a single scene to enter in a Romance Writer’s of America editor’s critique and all three editors said they wanted more from her, she knew she’d found her voice in chick lit.

The Brit, The Brooch, and The Blizzard is her debut novella.

Caitlenn is a pen name for Leah Grant. Leah is a Business, Life and Spiritual Coach having a diverse set of skills as a Master Certified Coach, a Certified NLP Practitioner, a Certified Emotional Intelligence Practitioner and an Ordained Minister. Leah Grant speaks, teaches and is a published best-selling non-fiction author.

Leah is also known as Lotus. As Lotus, she sings Sanskrit chants and has released a CD: Ecstatic Meditation – One available at

When she’s not traveling, which she does very frequently, Caitlenn lives in Las Vegas.

Do you believe in fate and magic? Check out A Jewel in Time: A Sultry Sister’s Anthology Now!

%name Do you believe in fate and magic? Check out A Jewel in Time: A Sultry Sisters Anthology Now!

%name Do you believe in fate and magic? Check out A Jewel in Time: A Sultry Sisters Anthology Now!


In Loving Lt. Douglas by Barbara Devlin, we discover the makings of the Admiral we know and love in The Brethren. When Lt. Mark Douglas meets Amanda  Gasciogne-Lake he’s attracted to her, until he discovers her true identity. Oh, she doesn’t lie to him rather leaves out a few important details that find him wondering what he will do.

Intent on pursuing something more with Amanda he’s ready to commit but then finds himself on the receiving end of orders to leave immediately, and unable to explain to Amanda what her father has done. For Mark to declare his heart forever to Amanda he must first fulfill the demands her Admiral father has given him. Unfortunately those unfair restrictions are preventing him from expressing his desires and declaration of love.  What will she do when she finds out her father is the reason for her heartache?

If you are like me and have devoured all the books in The Brethren series then this is a must read and you won’t be disappointed. While it is just a brief encounter with the Admiral it is still super steamy and has all the funny banter that we love in the other books! I’ve been celebrating those delicious bad boys all week and this is a fabulous way for me to end such a great event! This super sexy story is a wonderful early present to fans of The Brethren as we get to see the early years of the Naughty Knights. Dear readers this is a perfect beginning for a deliciously wicked Anthology and the story of the magical and ancient brooch.


In Behind Enemy Lines by Jeanne Adams we are transported back the beginning of WWII, 1939 into the turmoil of France and Germany. We meet Grace Corvedale as she tries to escape France with both the mystical heirloom brooch she’s inherited and her life. Trained as a spy by the best agents in England, she’s been working as a vintner wine broker, allowing her to come and go while sending vital reconnaissance back to England.

Unfortunately information has leaked to the wrong hands about the origins of her family brooch and the power it holds. When Grace finds herself staring danger in the face, she will stop at nothing to escape the Nazis with her life and brooch intact.   Leave it to her father to send in back-up to rescue her from a fate worse than anything one can imagine. Perhaps her rescuer, American  Lt. Robert “Dix” Dixon, who is “unofficially” working for the British Embassy will turn out to be more than just a super sexy spy who appears as easily as he disappears.

Do you believe in magic? Do you believe that a predetermined someone is destined to be your soul mate? When Grace finally has a dream of her destined husband she denies to anyone who asks that she’s had the “vision.” Surely these dreams and that husband aren’t what her ancestors had in mind! Fearful that her life is about to alter course in a way that could be fatal for her family, she needs to prove to herself that having faith in the legend of the brooch is paramount. However, it’s up to Grace to discover that destiny or not, she can still write her own story.

Another captivating tale that I only hope leads to a new series! This spell-binding WWII adventure is filled with super sexy spy stuff and will keep you in suspense until the very last page.


In The Brit, the Brooch, and the Blizzard by Caitlenn T. Ainnsley we meet Olivia DuBois who is dealing with a family illness, a man who claims to only have eyes for her but really doesn’t, and a penchant for finding herself in embarrassing situations at the most inappropriate time!

When her so-called boyfriend professes his desire to go on to Hawaii without her even though she’s facing the most difficult moment in her life she can’t seem to wonder if he’s truly the one for her. In a fleeting moment her Grandmother passes down the family brooch in hopes that her granddaughter will truly find happiness and her beloved. Will this be the catalyst for her to change course and discover a life she’s meant to live? A run-in with a Brit in a most unexpected place leads her on a journey of the heart, mind and soul.  Travel along to discover what happens when you mix magic with a raging blizzard and a sexy man with an accent. This one is sure to leave your toes curling too! After reading Caitlenn T. Ainnsley’s novella I am hoping that she too will expand and give us more!  What a great way to end an amazing idea and concept for a novella – one that must certainly be revisited ladies and soon!


Happy release weekend Ladies!!! Dear readers, please drop by their social media sites and let them know how much you adore their books!!!

Web Links:

Jeanne Adams

Caitlenn T. Ainnsley


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