Mar 27, 2024 | 2024, Blog, Brenda Rothert, March 2024
The Face-Off by Brenda Rothert is the fifth installment in the Colorado Coyotes series but can be read as a standalone. If you find yourself craving more hockey romance click on the Amazon link in my bio to discover the rest of the Colorado Coyotes.
If you’re in the mood for a sports romance that has:
🏒 Hero is a H-O-T Hockey Player
🏒 Heroine who is a Single Mom that’s tough as nails
🏒 Scorchin Chemistry
🏒 Strangers to Lovers
🏒 Opposites Attract
🏒 Secrets
🏒 Sexy Banter
🏒 Dirty Talker

A spicy read is best enjoyed with your favorite iced beverage, a cozy chair, and maybe a fan. Characters comfortably express their desire with kissing and passionate exploration. If you’re looking for a medium level of heat this should be a satisfying read.
A single mom not afraid to do whatever it takes to take care of her family. Never question her honor or integrity.
A wild playboy hockey player never expected a desperate teenager would be the reason he had a shot at love.
It’s time to find out what happens when Dominic Locke, the wild player finds the one woman he can’t stop thinking about. Is he ready for something honest, real, and dare we say…someone he could be with forever?
What will happen when Tess decides to take a chance on her own happiness?
A fast paced story with banter, spice, and a sprinkle or two of those loveable characters from previous books. Looking forward to the next installment.
If you are a fan of hockey romance and enjoy Sawyer Bennett, Lauren Blakely, Cathryn Fox, or Kate Meader you might enjoy this series. Be sure to check out Brenda’s other hockey books in her backlist.
Thank you Brenda Rothert for the advance reader copy for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

Books I Love A Latte participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchase. If you click on the link and purchase the featured book and/or anything else during that shopping session, Books I Love A Latte will receive a small percentage between 2-6%. Any profit earned from this transaction is given directly back to readers via giveaways (gift cards, books, etc.)
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Sep 14, 2023 | Blog, Brenda Rothert, September 2023
The Opponent by Brenda Rothert is a sports romance that has:
🏒 Hero is a H-O-T Hockey Player
🏒 Heroine is a Newspaper Opinion Writer
🏒 Scorchin Chemistry
🏒 Masquerade Ball
🏒 Enemies to Lovers
🏒 Snarky Banter
🏒 Caveman appetite
From the moment we meet Elle and Ford I was hooked. Readers, the couch scene has just enough tension to spark a wildfire. The discovery of their identities is priceless, because once Elle and Ford discover what they each do for a living … the heat only intensifies.
Elle has been chasing public opinions and assumptions of her family her entire life. Is it really that different for professional athletes? Will her family still support her when they discover the secret she’s been keeping?
Ford Bennett is the new team Captain brought in to help the Colorado Coyotes navigate through their loss and rebuilding.
As a local opinion writer for the city newspaper it’s no secret who Elle is, and her opinion of hockey. What will happen when Ford processes how deep her aversion to the sport reaches? Will he be able to stay away, or will his attraction to her intensify?
While this is the second installment in the Colorado Coyotes series it can be read as a standalone. If you find yourself craving more from these hunky guys one-click The Donor (Book 1) and discover how it all began. I can’t wait to share my thoughts on that soon.

This book is scorchin hot! Caution, may lead to unexpected need to turn on the A/C. So steamy the pages ignite. May include a dash of Erotic elements or elude to further exploration of desire and need.
If you enjoy Sawyer Bennett and Kate Meader, be sure to check out this series as well as Brenda’s other hockey books in her backlist. I hope one day we can have a novella with Elle’s brother … I’d love to have more of his story! Thank you Brenda Rothert for the advance reader copy for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

If you enjoy hockey romance, exciting plots with dirty talk, banter, hilarious laugh-out-loud scenes, and layers of sinfully sweet scorchin heat … one-click

Books I Love A Latte participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchase. If you click on the link and purchase the featured book and/or anything else during that shopping session, Books I Love A Latte will receive a small percentage between 2-6%. Any profit earned from this transaction is given directly back to readers via giveaways (gift cards, books, etc.) Thank you in advance.
Jul 21, 2019 | Blog, Brenda Rothert, July 2019

VICTOR by Brenda Rothert is a contemporary romance, standalone, and it is the third title in the Chicago Blaze hockey romance series.

Victor by Brenda Rothert
Victor by Brenda Rothert is a hockey romance that is full of all the things you want in a romance book. The shy girl who’s smart, funny, and the real deal is about to capture the hockey player she can’t stop thinking about.
From the first page I loved this book. The concession girl who captures the NHL hockey players heart is every hockey fans dream. Lindy isn’t a puckbunny and doesn’t hide her true self. When Victor discovers that she’s not into him the way other girls are, he’s all-in. This friends-to-lovers story will melt your heart.
What will happen when the friendship takes a turn and both fall hard. Both have a lot to lose by falling for the other. This story has it all – hockey, first love, great dialogue and a plot that hooks you in until you realize you’ve finished the book.
This spicy read is best enjoyed with your favorite iced-beverage, a cozy chair, and maybe a fan. If you’re a reader who picks up a book by it’s cover, it’s your lucky day!
I received an ARC from Inkslinger PR for a fair and honest review.

Available Now | Chicago Blaze, #3
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Brenda Rothert is an Illinois native who was a print journalist for nine years. She made the jump from fact to fiction in 2013 and never looked back. From new adult to steamy contemporary romance, Brenda creates fresh characters in every story she tells. She’s a lover of Diet Coke, chocolate, lazy weekends and happily ever afters.

Jul 16, 2019 | Blog, Brenda Rothert, July 2019

Today we are celebrating the release of VICTOR by Brenda Rothert. This is a contemporary romance, standalone, and it is the third title in the Chicago Blaze hockey romance series. Purchase your copy now!
Grab your copy now:
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Victor by Brenda Rothert
Available Now | Chicago Blaze, #3
Grab your copy now:
Books I Love A Latte participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you click on the link and purchase the featured book and/or anything else during that shopping session, Books I Love A Latte will receive a small percentage between 2-6%. Any profit earned from this transaction is given directly back to readers via giveaways (gift cards, books, etc.) Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance for your continued support.

Purchase ANTON Now:
Books I Love A Latte participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you click on the link and purchase the featured book and/or anything else during that shopping session, Books I Love A Latte will receive a small percentage between 2-6%. Any profit earned from this transaction is given directly back to readers via giveaways (gift cards, books, etc.) Thank you in advance.
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Purchase LUCA Now:
Books I Love A Latte participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you click on the link and purchase the featured book and/or anything else during that shopping session, Books I Love A Latte will receive a small percentage between 2-6%. Any profit earned from this transaction is given directly back to readers via giveaways (gift cards, books, etc.) Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance for your continued support.


Brenda Rothert is an Illinois native who was a print journalist for nine years. She made the jump from fact to fiction in 2013 and never looked back. From new adult to steamy contemporary romance, Brenda creates fresh characters in every story she tells. She’s a lover of Diet Coke, chocolate, lazy weekends and happily ever afters.

Apr 23, 2019 | April 2019, Blog, Brenda Rothert
Today we are celebrating the release of LUCA by Brenda Rothert. This is a contemporary romance, standalone, and it is the second title in the Chicago Blaze hockey romance series. Purchase your copy now!

Luca by Brenda Rothert
Now Available
Chicago Blaze, #2

“Hold still, Uncle Luca.”
My niece Emerson gives me her best glare, but she’s five and cute, so it makes me smile.
“I’m trying,” I tell her, checking out the dark purple polish she’s trying to brush onto my nails.
It’s not my inability to hold still that has more nail polish on my skin than my nails; it’s her technique. My “MANicure”, as my two nieces like to call it, started with my ten-year-old niece Cora and was then passed off to Emerson.
“I found yogurt!” Cora says as she breezes into my bathroom. “It’s got strawberries in the bottom, but that’s okay. This face mask will make you smell good, Uncle Luca.”
I try not to roll my eyes. It’ll be better than the last face mask they whipped up in the kitchen, which had butter in it and was a bitch to scrub off in the shower.
“I have to leave for practice in twenty-five minutes,” I remind the girls. “And I still need a shower. So you have ten more minutes to beautify me.”
“Will you paint my nails, too?” Cora asks me.
I was shit at painting nails when I first became the legal guardian of my two nieces and one nephew a little over a year ago. With practice, though, I’ve gotten pretty damn good at it.
“How long ‘til Gram and Gramps will be here?” Emerson asks, still painting my thumb nail even though she’s looking at me.
“About four hours ‘til their flight lands, then maybe an hour for them to get to the house.”
Her toothless grin of excitement makes me ignore the nail polish I can feel on my knuckle.
“Emerson!” Cora yells. “You ruined it! That looks awful.”
Cora picks up the bottle of purple nail polish and Emerson’s happy expression drops away.
“Give it to me,” Cora huffs, holding out her hand for the handle to the polish. “I never should have let you do it.”
“Hey, now.” I give Cora a sharp look. “She was doing her best.”
Cora’s eyes flood with tears. Emerson edges closer to me, because she knows what happens when Cora gets upset.
“He won’t let us do spa days if you mess it up!” Cora cries, glaring at her younger sister. “You ruined everything!”
“You didn’t ruin anything,” I tell Emerson. “And Cora, I never said we wouldn’t do this again. We can do a big spa day after my road trip, okay?”
Cora wipes her eyes and nods, still crying. It kills me to see her like this. As the oldest, she carries more of the weight from the deaths of her parents than her siblings. We’ve been in counseling for more than a year now, transitioning through the death of their mother, my sister-in-law Danielle, to the kids’ new life with me as their guardian. The clinical terms for what Cora struggles with—anxiety and controlling tendencies—are easier for me to handle than her breakdowns.
The tension leaves the room and Emerson starts my massage, which is pretty much just her karate chopping my shoulders, while Cora slathers strawberry yogurt onto my face.
“Is your shoulder better?” Cora asks me.
“Yep, it’s all good.”
“Think my mashage helped?” Emerson asks from behind me.
She can’t pronounce some words, and I kinda hope that’ll last longer, because it gets me every time.
“It definitely helped,” I tell her.
I tweaked my shoulder at practice yesterday, and Cora noticed me wince when I was taking out the trash last night. She worries about every sinus cold and bruise I get. I can’t blame the kid. Her dad, my brother Matt, died serving in Iraq and her mom passed away from cancer a year later.
“Hey, let’s get your nails painted, Cora,” I say after glancing at my watch. “I’ve only got five minutes til I have to hit the shower.” I turn to Emerson. “Can you go get the nail polish remover, peanut?”
“Okay.” She races from the room, brown curls flying behind her.

Brenda Rothert is an Illinois native who was a print journalist for nine years. She made the jump from fact to fiction in 2013 and never looked back. From new adult to steamy contemporary romance, Brenda creates fresh characters in every story she tells. She’s a lover of Diet Coke, chocolate, lazy weekends and happily ever afters.

Feb 3, 2019 | Blog, Brenda Rothert, February 2019

Don’t miss the release of ANTON by Brenda Rothert. This is a contemporary romance, standalone title, and it kicks off the brand new Chicago Blaze hockey romance series. Purchase your copy now for only $3.99!
Books I Love A Latte participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you click on the link and purchase the featured book and/or anything else during that shopping session, Books I Love A Latte will receive a small percentage between 2-6%. Any profit earned from this transaction is given directly back to readers via giveaways (gift cards, books, etc.) Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance for your continued support.
Book review coming soon!

Brenda Rothert is an Illinois native who was a print journalist for nine years. She made the jump from fact to fiction in 2013 and never looked back. From new adult to steamy contemporary romance, Brenda creates fresh characters in every story she tells. She’s a lover of Diet Coke, chocolate, lazy weekends and happily ever afters.
Books I Love A Latte participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you click on the link and purchase the featured book and/or anything else during that shopping session, Books I Love A Latte will receive a small percentage between 2-6%. Any profit earned from this transaction is given directly back to readers via giveaways (gift cards, books, etc.) Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance for your continued support.