In Your Wildest Scottish Dreams Book Review, Author Q & A and more!

%name In Your Wildest Scottish Dreams Book Review, Author Q & A and more!

%name In Your Wildest Scottish Dreams Book Review, Author Q & A and more!

In Your Wildest Scottish Dreams by Karen Ranney is a beautifully written story into the world of shipbuilding, war and love in Scotland. This is Book One in a new series that is sure to please as we explore the effects of the American Civil War through the eyes of  amazing characters in Scotland.

Glynis MacIain has adored Lennox Cameron, her older brother’s dear friend, since she was a little girl. When rumors start to spread that he’s about to marry the daughter of a Russian Business partner, she flees the country.  Instead of confronting Lennox, she marries a Diplomat and moves to Washington. For seven years Glynis has led a different life as the wife of a Diplomat whose ultimate goal was to mold her into the perfect wife, but did he succeed? Did he truly destroy her wild and impulsive nature?

When an unfortunate accident leaves her a widow and alone, she is forced to return to Scotland. It’s time to deal with the rumors from her past both in Washington and Scotland. Unfortunately for Glynis she discovers an old acquaintance, an American, who once again is pursuing her and now she must figure out how to deal with him once and for all. Talks of spies, war and yes, even attraction, are spoken daily fueling gossip amongst even those who are considered friends.

Blackmail? Secrets? Will it ever end? Too many misunderstandings and words unspoken leave both Lennox and Glynis headed in opposite directions. Lennox is intent on helping to bring cotton back to Scotland, even if it means supporting the Confederacy.

When Glynis once again musters up the courage to kiss Lennox will they finally give in to their feelings? Will they be able to put everything behind them and figure if they can be together? When Lennox realizes that Glynnis may be hiding more than just her feelings things get complicated.

As it becomes increasingly more difficult to determine who’s telling the truth and what secrets will be discovered, tension mounts. Why should it matter who helps soldiers fighting in the American Civil War? Cotton shortages, fiber mill struggles, and trust issues, Lennox is determined to find a better way. His dream is to become a world renowned shipbuilder for constructing the biggest and fastest ships. With the American Civil war still going strong he needs to find a way to bring the cotton back to save Scotland, but will it come at too high a price?

Will Glynis and Lennox finally admit to each other how they really feel? Will they be able to move forward and finally find a way to forget the past seven years? What will Glynis do when she discovers the truth about what really happened?

This is definitely a must read story that will keep you wondering until the very end who’s side everyone is on.  I received this ARC for a fair and honest review and am glad I did!  This was the first book I’ve read by Karen Ranney and found her work to be refreshing, exciting and full of zest!

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Author Q & A

1. What is a MUST read book and why? The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life by Twyla Harp. I have oodles of favorite fiction titles, but that book by Twyla Harp is a must read for writers, I think.

2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown?
San Antonio is a tourist town. I’d have to say the Riverwalk.

3. What is your favorite movie of all time and why? Murder by Death and The Private Eyes – I have a very goofy sense of humor and I don’t watch movies all that much. I prefer TV.

4. When you plot out your book how long does it take and do you know how it will end? I use Scrivener. I adore Scrivener, by the way. Serious plotting takes about three days. I not only know how it will end, I know all the scenes. I’m most definitely a plotter. I think of plotting like dancing in a huge dance studio. I can make any movement I want, dance the ballet or the tango. The studio just keeps me from dancing down the stairs and out into the street. A plot always changes a little as you’re writing, but it serves to keep you from dancing down the stairs and out into the street.

5. What was on your playlist while writing “In Your Wildest Scottish Dreams?” Only Time by Enya and In Your Wildest Dreams by The Moody Blues. I don’t listen to music while I write, but those two songs featured prominently while I was editing.

6. Do you watch a TV show weekly or binge watch? I just recently got rid of satellite TV, so I’m on Roku with Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. I’m really surprised to find so many great series I never watched. I can only watch about two hours of TV a night. I have to be doing something else at the same time. Right now I’m going through The Killing which, structurally, is fascinating.

7. What’s your guilty pleasure? I don’t have one. Anything I really want to do, I do. I don’t feel guilty about it. (Guilt is overrated.)

8. What is the craziest souvenir you picked up while traveling? Do you collect things when you travel? I’m odd about “stuff” I don’t really collect things. I might have to clean it later.

9. I love reading books about Scotland, what’s your favorite place to visit during a trip for research? If you didn’t travel, how did you research for the book? I adore Edinburgh. My second favorite city is Inverness. I have a library of some old and esoteric books about Scotland. What I can’t remember I look up. I also haunt the newspaper and broadsheet libraries now online – fantastic resource.



karen In Your Wildest Scottish Dreams Book Review, Author Q & A and more!
Karen Ranney began writing when she was five. Her first published work was The Maple Leaf, read over the school intercom when she was in the first grade. In addition to wanting to be a violinist (her parents had a special violin crafted for her when she was seven), she wanted to be a lawyer, a teacher, and, most of all, a writer. Though the violin was discarded early, she still admits to a fascination with the law, and she volunteers as a teacher whenever needed. Writing, however, has remained the overwhelming love of her life.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

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