Apr 18, 2015 | April 2015, Blog, Blog Blitz, Uncategorized
The Lady Meets Her Match (Midnight Meetings) by Gina Conkle is a mysterious, intense and charming story of wit and determination. All Claire Mayhew wants is to own her own business, and is willing to do just about anything to get it. Despite society’s rules and restrictions, Claire is desperate to make her own way. Can she do that despite not being married?
In order to get what she wants she had a simple task – get in and out of the masked ball, without being discovered. However, when she comes face to face with Cyrus Ryland, the chase is on. Who’s playing who? Sparks ignite with all the mystery and the banter that’s exchanged between them is fantastic. It’s an absolutely fabulous story with chemistry that will melt your heart and a fantastic plot with rich details.
What happens when Cyrus decides he needs to know more? Will it cost him everything? Both have pasts that if discovered, could jeopardize their future. This Cinderella was a belle at the ball until the clock struck midnight, will Claire survive if she’s discovered? What will happen when she discovers what really keeps Cyrus up at night.
A beautiful story of hope, determination and lust. The attraction between the two is super hot and super intense. Secret desires. Secret hobbies. This cat and mouse game of seduction is smart and well played. I wish all men would do the laundry the way Cyrus did 🙂
I received this ARC for a fair and honest review from the publisher and absolutely loved it! I look forward to reading more books by Gina, what a great series! I’m looking forward to your next release.
Today we’re sitting down with historical romance author Gina Conkle! Gina’s latest book, The Lady Meets Her Match, comes out this April. A quick question from Gina Conkle:
Q: What inspired you to become a writer?
A: I read Gone with the Wind in fifth grade and knew I wanted to be a writer, but apparently the writer bug goes further back. At Christmas, my mom dug up my grandmother’s old newsletters (my grandma had been involved in international stamp collecting and the California Historical Society). Grandma wrote that I’d been published in a local San Diego cookbook (a project I’d forgotten). She called me a “budding writer.” I was in kindergarten!
An Excerpt
Cyrus removed his fine blue coat, the slide of cloth on cloth an inviting sound to her benumbed senses.
“You’re not warming up sufficiently.” He leaned in and wrapped his coat over her shoulders, his deep voice like an intimate connection. “Someone needs to take care of you.”
She shuddered when his breath tickled her ear. His warmth and nearness was just as heavenly as what he draped around her. She could tell he found her refusal more amusing than deterring. Cyrus closed the coat in front of her, his body heat palpable inside. The collar’s woven broadcloth brushed her rain-misted cheeks, his pleasant scent on the cloth. The coat was part of an expensive, well-tailored ditto suit: identical blue fabric with spare gold trim on the coat, waistcoat, and breeches.
“I’ll ruin part of a perfectly good suit.” But she pulled the coat tighter, greedy for the snug feel.
He added more coal to the blaze. The inferno’s orange light danced across white cotton stretched over his shoulders. Muscles moved under the fabric, mesmerizing her while he built a hotter fire. And then there was his offer to waive her rent and give her a loan, an offer apparently free of unique requirements. His act of generosity pinched her conscience.
How dare he be so…nice.
“About the rent, the loan, I cannot accept your kind offer.” She cleared her throat, trying to sound competent. “I’ll find a way.”
Ryland glanced at her but said nothing to counter her refusal. Instead, he dropped to the floor, kneeling before her. Without asking her leave, he removed one shoe and then the other, and set the soaked footwear against the hearth’s ash pan.
“What are you doing?” Her words, like her body, went slack, all of her too worn down.
His head bent close to her knee. One hand, large and warm, curled around her ankle, rubbing life back into her foot. A big, masculine palm moved under the arch, creating delightful friction. She pressed her lips together, holding back a moan of pleasure.
“I would think a land steward’s daughter would know wet clothes are hazardous for one’s health.” He flashed a devilish grin. “You ought to remove your wet clothes, cover yourself with something warm and dry.”
Such as covering myself with you.
5 copies of Meet the Earl, Gina’s first book in Gina Conkle’s Midnight Series. The winners will be selected by the publisher after the tour on or around 4/20. Winner be contacted directly by publisher.
Author Info:
Gina Conkle, a history nerd to the core, loves castles and museums. Her motto is “the older and moldier, the better.” When not enjoying relics, she lives in the present, dabbling in organic gardening at her home in San Diego, California. She lives with Brian, her husband and favorite alpha male, and their two boys. Visit her at www.ginaconkle.com.
Apr 16, 2015 | April 2015, Blog, Blog Blitz
Thank you again to the charming Ladies of Red Door Reads for taking over my blog yesterday and hanging out, it was so much fun. Just in case you missed out on all the fun, here is a quick link: https://booksilovealatte.wordpress.com/2015/04/15/its-a-takeover-from-the-ladies-of-red-door-reads-fifty-ways-to-kill-your-larry-is-finally-here-happy-book-birthday-day-red-door-reads/
As I finish out my three day extravaganza from the Ladies of Red Door Reads today, I’m featuring the remaining Historical stories from Claudia Dain, Susan Gee Heino, Deb Marlow and the Paranormal story from Lori Handeland. Hopefully by now you are ready to download more from these ladies!
Don’t miss out on this collection, I’m not sure how long it will last. Order your e-book copy now at Amazon, iBooks, B&N and Kobo! Great stories and fabulous authors make it a steal at $0.99! Here is the link: https://www.amazon.com/Fifty-Ways-Kill-Your-Larry-ebook/dp/B00W2UHG8U/
With so much mystery surrounding Larry, and the wonderful way these ladies revealed their “Larry’s” to us, I had to make sure you had time to savor the goodness from this must read gem!
Now, lets discover what happens to the rest of these Larry’s…
On The Edge of A Blade by Claudia Dain is a tender story filled with a promises, an oak tree, a knife and a young woman who feels she’s destined to live a life filled with misery. What will happen to dreadful Larry? A fabulous story from a great author 🙂
Author Info:
Claudia Dain is a two-time Rita finalist and USA Today bestselling author of historical romance. She lives in NC with her adoring husband and two very hairy, very devoted German Shepherds. Claudia is living the dream.
The Delicate Plot to Burry Lord Larry by Susan Gee Heino is a wild tale of a marriage proposal and a crazy plan. Will Larry’s plan work? Check out what this Larry thinks he must do! Another must read story from a great author.
Author Info:
Award-winning, bestselling author Susan Gee Heino writes lighthearted Regency Romances full of quirky heroines, wicked banter, and dashing cravat-wearing heroes. Adventures ensue, hilarity happens, but the hero always ends up with his lady. And vice versa. She will be releasing her first contemporary-set romance in May, 2015. Ms. Heino is an author, workshop presenter, and preacher’s wife who lives in rural Ohio with her non-cravat-inclined husband, two very remarkable children, and an accidental collection of critters. She loves to hear from readers so please visit her at www.SusanGH.com or connect on social media.
Beyond a Reasonable Duke by Deb Marlowe involves a plan, a disguise and justice. Will Larry’s secret be revealed? Another must read story from a great author that will keep you guessing until the very last page.
Author Info:
USA Today Bestseller Deb Marlowe adores History, England and Men in Boots. Clearly she was destined to write Regency Historical Romance.
A Golden Heart Award winner and Rita nominee, Deb grew up in Pennsylvania with her nose in a book. Luckily, she’d read enough romances to recognize the true modern hero she met at a college Halloween party–even though he wore a tuxedo t-shirt instead of breeches and boots. They married, settled in North Carolina and produced two handsome, intelligent and genuinely amusing boys. Though she spends much of her time with her nose in her laptop, for the sake of her family she does occasionally abandon her inner world for the domestic adventure of laundry, dinner and carpool. Despite her sacrifice, not one of the men in her family is yet willing to don breeches or tall boots. She’s working on it.
Blame It On the Moon by Lori Handeland is a great way to end this wonderful collection. A secret mission, werewolves and Nazi Germany. What will happen to Larry now? A great paranormal story by great author.
Author Info:
Lori Handeland is a two time RITA Award winner and the New York Times Bestselling author of the paranormal romance series, The Nightcreature Novels, as well as the urban fantasy series, The Phoenix Chronicles and the historical fantasy series, Shakespeare Undead. She also writes western historical romance under the name Lori Austin. Lori lives in Wisconsin with her husband, enjoying occasional visits from her grown sons.
I received an ARC from the Ladies at Red Door Reads for a fair and honest review. This collection is fabulous and am thrilled that I had the chance to review it before it’s release! At this amazing price I would happily purchase it for myself and as gifts – it’s a great collection to discover more fabulous authors!
Apr 15, 2015 | April 2015, Blog, Blog Blitz
I’m so excited to have my first takeover today from the Ladies at Red Door Reads. When I was chatting with Caren Crane about the concept for this fabulous collection she said there was a story and sent it my way. Below is the story directly from the Ladies at Red Door Reads. I hope you’ll love the concept and the e-book 50 Ways to Kill Your Larry as much as I did.
Thanks again ladies for hanging out today and I look forward to your next collection soon! Be sure to come back tomorrow when I end my Three Day Larry Extravaganza and review the Historical and Paranormal stories in this fabulous e-book!
Now about that Larry … 🙂
50 Ways to Kill Your Larry. The authors at Red Door Reads know it’s a strange title for an anthology. The story as to how we, the Red Door Reads authors, came up with it is a story in and of itself. So settle in, kids, and learn why Larry needed to die.
A little over a year ago, we planned a trip to the North Carolina coast to enjoy some writing, bonding and plotting world domination. Off season, the rates are cheaper, and yet the weather is usually still pretty nice in North Carolina; win/win. We knew how many beds we’d need. We knew we’d need a house with an elevator because Dee Davis was on crutches. We found a house that met all of our specifications. Claudia Dain did the research and booked it.
Sounds simple, right? Pleasurable, even? Planning a trip to the beach could only and ever be a joy. What could go wrong? Well, the owner of the property, Larry, has two properties on that particular beach available for rent. And he booked the wrong house for us. No elevator. Not enough beds. Total disaster. Honestly, how can one plot world dominations under those conditions? When Claudia called him as soon as we got there, telling him we had the wrong house (the right house was one door down), he told her that he’d reserved for us the house she had requested. Um…no, he hadn’t. When pressed to make the change to the larger house with the elevator, he said that house was already booked.
The house that was one door down. With no cars parked outside. And no lights on. Liar.
Larry then proceeded to email Claudia every couple of hours detailing all the ways she had screwed up the reservation. Liar!
Is it any wonder that we started, that weekend, to toss out the various ways we’d like to kill Larry? When you piss off a bunch of writers, you should sort of expect vengeance to be brainstormed. And that those brainstormed ideas may develop into an anthology of stories where a character named Larry gets his (or her) comeuppance. It only seemed logical to us, in any case.
Today is April 15—Tax Day in the USA—when emotions are already at fever pitch. Fittingly, 50 Ways to Kill Your Larry is available at all e-book retailers today! You need the release of the tension that April 15 always arouses, don’t you? You know you do. Do yourself a favor and order it now. Then you’ll have something fun to do when you finally get your taxes filed!
Here’s a look at the line-up and 50 Ways to Kill Your Larry
Casting Doubt by Jane Charles
Cross Springs Scandal by Caren Crane
Lethal Intent by Dee Davis
Weeping Willow by Jerrica Knight-Catania
Sinnocence, or How I Learned To Kill My Boss and Get Away With It by Michelle Marcos
One More On The Rocks by Ava Stone
One The Edge of a Blade by Claudia Dain
The Delicate Plot To Bury Lord Larry by Susan Gee Heino
Behind a Reasonable Doubt by Deb Marlowe
Blame It On The Moon by Lori Handeland
Apr 14, 2015 | April 2015, Blog, Blog Blitz
With so much mystery surrounding Larry, and the wonderful way these ladies revealed their “Larry’s” to us, I had to make sure you had time to savor the goodness from this must read gem! Get ready for THREE days of fun!
Don’t miss out on this collection, I’m not sure how long it will last.
Today, I’m reviewing the six Contemporary pieces from Jane Charles, Caren Crane, Dee Davis, Jerrica Knight-Catania, Michelle Marcos, and Ava Stone.
Tomorrow, these awesome authors and fabulous ladies are taking over my blog. It’s a honor to have them be the first to do a takeover, so I hope you’ll stop by and say hi! I can’t wait!
Finally, on Thursday I’ll finish my reviews from the remaining Historical pieces from Claudia Dain, Susan Gee Heino, Deb Marlow and Paranormal from Lori Handeland. Hopefully by then you will be ready to download more from these ladies! Grab a cup of java goodness or a healthy smoothie and get ready for some fun!
Casting Doubt by Jane Charles
An artist, an accusation, a secret crush and a forbidden love make this a must read page turner! Will Larry ruin everything? Will the truth work it’s way out, or blaze a trail of destruction? Oh Larry, really? You won’t know what happens till the very end.
Author Info:
Jane Charles is a USA Today Bestselling author who has lived in the Midwest her entire life. As a child she would more likely be found outside with a baseball than a book in her hand. In fact, Jane hated reading until she was sixteen. Out of boredom on a long road trip she borrowed her older sister’s historical romance and fell in love with reading. She long ago lost count of how many fiction novels she has read over the years and her love for them never died. Along with romance she has a passion for history and the two soon combined when she penned her first historical romance. What turned into a hobby became a passion. In addition to historical romances, she has been pulled to write contemporary and has released two NA novels in her new series, Baxter Academy of Arts. She intends to continue writing both historical and contemporary
Cross Springs Scandal by Caren Crane
A cheating husband, a mistress and a nosy relative? What happens when a secret is revealed? Will this Larry figure out a solution or will it be the death of him?
This short is absolutely fabulous and the Cross Springs series is a must read.
Author Info:

Caren Crane grew up in Nashville, TN, and as a result does not care for country music. However, she cares a great deal about family, friends and men in boots. She blames her love of reading on a childhood devoid of TV and heavy on amusing oneself. Reading books was a lot more fun than playing with Barbies and playing “library” was far superior to playing “school.”
Caren now lives in North Carolina with her tall, handsome husband and a semi-feral and very demanding rescue cat. She fills all her books with family, friends and happy-ever-after endings. Which all books should feature, in her opinion.
Lethal Intent by Dee Davis
When Larry is interested in more than just studying with Jen, what will she do? Jen is preoccupied with Connor, an ex-boyfriend that she hasn’t seen in a while, and is considering giving him a second chance. Will she believe his reasons why it ended? Will she let him back into her life? Who really has her heart?
This short is fabulous, contemporary and very suspenseful. It’s time to head back to college and meet Connor and Jen. This is one Larry you might not want to cross.
Author Info:
Bestselling author Dee Davis worked in association management before turning her had to writing. She is the author of over twenty-five books, including Everything in its Time and the A-Tac series. When not frantically trying to meet a deadline, Dee spends her time in her Connecticut farmhouse with her husband, and Cardigan Welsh Corgi.
Weeping Willow by Jerrica Knight-Catania
When Willow’s pet sitter cancels on her at the last minute, she asks her sexy neighbor Alex for help. There’s just one problem, they’ve never met. Will she reveal her motive? Will he say yes? Wait till you discover who Larry is.
A fresh and fabulous story – I can’t wait to read more by Jerrica!
Sinnocence, or How I Learned to Kill My Boss and Get Away With It by Michelle Marcos
When a Marketing campaign doesn’t seem to be heading in the direction Gracie envisions, she’s out to stick it to her boss. This might just be the end for this Larry.
This fun, flirty and hilarious story is full of tension and absolutely refreshing! I laughed out loud many times. In fact, while writing this I was thinking about the story. Again, I could not stop laughing. I can’t wait to read Michelle’s next book!
Author Info:
Michelle is the award-winning author of six historical romance novels and three novellas. A career gypsy, she used to be one of the “cool” teachers in a middle school, served as director of communications for Habitat for Humanity, and had a brief but illustrious acting career playing roles like Lusty Housekeeper, Death, and (perhaps prophetically) Author. She lives in Miami, Florida and loves to hear from readers.
One More on the Rocks by Ava Stone
In this high seas adventure, Kirstin just wants a fresh start. Is she really ready? Determined to get over Larry may take a little liquid courage, a hot tub and a leap of faith. Will she be ready to give love a second chance?
I can’t wait to read Ava’s next book!
Author Info:
Ava Stone is a USA Today bestselling author of Regency historical romance and college age New Adult romance. Whether in the 19th Century or the 21st, her books explore deep themes but with a light touch. A single mother, Ava lives outside Raleigh NC, but she travels extensively, always looking for inspiration for new stories and characters in the various locales she visits.
I received an ARC from the Ladies at Red Door Reads for a fair and honest review. This collection is fabulous and am thrilled that I had the chance to review it before it’s release! At this amazing price I would happily purchase it for myself and as gifts – it’s a great collection to discover more fabulous authors!
Mar 15, 2015 | Blog, Blog Blitz, March 2015, Susanna Ives
Wicked my Love, by Susanna Ives, is a clever and enchanting story about self discovery, trust, and friendships. Isabella St. Vincent was raised by her father to appreciate the value and importance of numbers, especially when it comes to finances. Those skills are why she’s able to help run her late father’s bank, something her two partners still have difficulty with.
While Isabella’s educated and business savvy, she’s not as experienced and refined in the art of flirting. Most men find her clumsy nature a bit peculiar, especially conversations of a more “personal” nature. Sometimes her frankness and ability to speak the truth find her in the most precarious circumstances. Will she finally break free of her insecurities and find love?.
One of her business partners, Lord Randall, has aspirations of serving in Parliament in addition to helping out at the bank. However, he also has a family obligation to find a wife. So, when the bank becomes involved in a terrible scheme , everything suddenly seems hopeless. Now both of their dreams are in danger of crumbling. The one man Isabella can’t stand to be near, her childhood friend and business partner Lord Randall, may be the only one who can save her. They’ve both spent their entire lives teasing and torturing each other, can they finally call a truce?
This book is fabulous, witty and has the perfect amount of sizzle. Will Isabella and Lord Randall figure out a way to work together? Will they finally be able to trust each other? One minute I found myself laughing out loud with the banter and the next excited for the possible reconciliation. This story will keep you engaged, excited and absolutely enchanted. A perfect way to spend a weekend afternoon!
This ARC was given to me by the publisher for a fair and honest review and I would happily purchase this for a gift.
CLOSED Rafflecoptor Giveaway Link: a Rafflecopter giveaway
Winners will be selected by the publisher after the tour is over and contacted directly from the publisher. Good luck to all. 🙂
Today we are pleased to have Susanna Ives join us for a round of Marry, Kiss or Kill! For this stop, we asked her to choose between Dr. Watson, Sherlock, and Moriarty:
I’ll marry Dr. Watson. If he could put up with Sherlock, I would be a walk in the park as a wife. I don’t do opium, research morbid subjects, or practice with weapons in my home. And Watson really has a way with words. He mesmerizes me with his stories.
I’m killing Sherlock. In fact, I’ve killed him in a previous version of Kiss, Marry, or Kill. He loves this little game of choice and deduction. It’s so revealing of our minds and weaknesses.
I’m kissing Moriarty as a consolation prize. He tried to take out Sherlock, but I succeeded.
BIO: Susanna Ives started writing when she left her job as a multimedia training developer to stay home with her family. Now she keeps busy driving her children to various classes, writing books, and maintaining websites. She often follows her husband on business trips around Europe and blogs about the misadventures of touring with children. She lives in Atlanta.
Mar 8, 2015 | Blog, Blog Blitz, March 2015
Q&A With Authors
What can you tell us about the small town setting of your new romance?
Samantha Chase (author of RETURN TO YOU): The south shore of Long Island had always been my heroine Selena’s home. Born and raised minutes from the beach, she always dreamed that it would be where she’d find love, raise a family and live happily ever after. The small coastal town really hadn’t been part of James Montgomery’s plan for his own life, after meeting Selena, it’s suddenly a very appealing part of his future.
Grace Burrowes (author of KISS ME HELLO): Damson Valley lies in rural Maryland, about an hour away from both Washington, DC, and Baltimore. The Appalachian Mountains give the town a protected, bucolic feel, despite the proximity of big city lights. My hero attorney MacKenzie Knightley loved growing up with his brothers on a farm right outside Damson Valley, and was all too happy to go into practice with both James and Trent. The Knightley farm is now owned by foster mom Sidonie Lindstrom, who has moved away from Baltimore to give her foster son a better start in life. Sid has no patience for small town life, though before too long, the scenery does catch her interest…
Andrea Laurence (author of FEEDING THE FIRE): If you’re willing to turn your car off the highway and venture from the beaten path, you might be lucky enough to run across a town like Rosewood, Alabama. Steeped in southern charm and the traditional values of God, Family and Football (although not always in that order), Rosewood is like a time capsule preserving everything modern cities have lost. Here, you’ll find homemade pies, perfectly brewed sweet tea, and beauty parlors filled with lively gossip. It’s the kind of town where everybody knows everybody – and everybody knows your business whether you like it or not! Thanks for stopping by. Sit a spell and tell us what you know.
Small towns are known for their gossip. What is some hot news going around about your couple?
Samantha Chase: Ooo…the hot news around James and Selena is that James isn’t who she always thought him to be. He’s from a wealthy family – something she never knew – and the cat’s about to be let out of the bag!
When your hero and his friends go on a ‘boys night out’, where do they go?
Grace Burrowes: Because Mac’s best friends are his two younger brothers, and because Trent, the middle brother is a single dad to a seven-year-old girl, the guys go to Trent’s house to play poker on a beer and brownies night. (Sometimes, they end up watching a princess movie though, or playing a round of Go Fish instead poker.)
What’s the best part of dating in a small town? The worst?
Andrea Laurence: The best part of dating in a town like Rosewood is that everyone is a known commodity. Sure, new blood moves into town occasionally, but most people are folks you’ve known your whole life. While that can be intimidating, it’s also nice that everyone is a known quantity. There’s very little chance for a guy you’re dating to have a criminal past or a crazy ex-wife that no one knows about. The worst part of dating in a small town is dealing with the aftermath of a failed relationship. Not only will you have to see the person all the time, you’ll have to see him date other people. You’ll have to listen to everyone’s opinion on what went wrong and even face the gentle encouragement of folks to give it another try with someone you’ve broken up with.
About the Authors
Samantha Chase
New York Times and USA Today Bestseller Samantha Chase released her debut novel, Jordan’s Return, in November 2011. Although she waited until she was in her 40’s to publish for the first time, writing has been a lifelong passion. Her motivation to take that step was her students: teaching creative writing to elementary age students all the way up through high school and encouraging those students to follow their writing dreams gave Samantha the confidence to take that step as well.
When she’s not working on a new story, she spends her time reading contemporary romances, playing way too many games of Scrabble or Solitaire on Facebook and spending time with her husband of 25 years and their two sons in North Carolina.
RETURN TO YOU released March 3, 2015. You can order the title here: https://amzn.to/1EV1EpC
Grace Burrowes
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Grace Burrowes’ bestsellers include The Heir, The Soldier, Lady Maggie’s Secret Scandal, Lady Sophie’s Christmas Wish and Lady Eve’s Indiscretion. The Heir was a Publishers Weekly Best Book of 2010, The Soldier was a PW Best Spring Romance of 2011, Lady Sophie’s Christmas Wish won Best Historical Romance of the Year in 2011 from RT Reviewers’ Choice Awards, Lady Louisa’s Christmas Knight was a Library Journal Best Book of 2012, and The Bridegroom Wore Plaid was a PW Best Book of 2012. Her Regency romances have received extensive praise, including starred reviews from Publishers Weekly and Booklist. Grace is branching out into short stories and Scotland-set Victorian romance with Sourcebooks. She is a practicing family law attorney and lives in rural Maryland.
KISS ME HELLO released on March 3, 2015. You can order the title here: https://amzn.to/1GzO387
Andrea Laurence
Andrea Laurence has been a lover of reading and writing stories since she learned to read at a young age. She always dreamed of seeing her work in print and is thrilled to finally be able to share her special blend of sensuality and dry, sarcastic humor with the world. A dedicated West Coast girl transplanted into the Deep South, she’s working on her own “happily ever after” with her boyfriend and their collection of animals including a Siberian Husky that sheds like nobody’s business.