Savage of the Sea Blog Tour – Review and Exclusive Excerpt

Savage of the Sea Blog Tour – Review and Exclusive Excerpt

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USA Today bestselling author Eliza Knight is back with the first in an all new swashbuckling series, Pirates of Britannia: Lords of the Sea. SAVAGE OF THE SEA features a daring pirate brotherhood, high-seas adventures, and unforgettable romance…

The Whole Latte: 

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This series as of now will have four books, books one and three are written by Eliza Knight and books two and four are written by Kathryn Le Veque. The blog tour features Eliza’s new release, which is the first book in this one-click worthy series.

ElizaKnight SavageoftheSea HR for website 200x300 Savage of the Sea Blog Tour   Review and Exclusive ExcerptAre you ready for a swashbuckling high seas adventures? A story packed with enough plot filled twists to keep you on the edge of your seat? Don’t miss Eliza Knight’s book in this fresh new series, Lords of the Sea. It’s a must read.

Shaw “Savage” MacDougall is a pirate and must save members of his crew. There is only one snafu, he must make a deal to commit an act he vowed never to perform, ever. If he doesn’t its possible he might never see those crew members again, at least in one piece.

Oh, if only it were that easy. Nope. Remember, this is a story with pirates, and with Eliza at the helm, this pirate has one hell of a story to tell.

Savage is ruthless, but despite the rumors, he has a moral compass and a few notable traits that have so far prevented him from losing his own head. At first sight of Lady Jane Douglas he will violate every pirate code to save her, despite his instructions. How? Now where would the fun be in that? You are going to have to pre-order this must read story and pour a dram, or two. If you are looking for a pirate that will curl your toes and take you on an adventure of a lifetime, or at least for a few hours of reading enjoyment, Savage is your pirate. 

Lady Jane might be young, but she is strong, stubborn, and will prove herself to be an equal match for Savage. The sacrifices that Savage takes to keep Lady Jane safe will result in many readers placing ads across social media in search of pirates.

Assumptions have been made and when Savage discovers the secrets Jane has been keeping, will he cast her aside or keep her close? Most pirates live to pillage and plunder, will Savage take what he wants and cast her aside, or love her till the end of time? The excitement of Jane discovering her true purpose is thrilling and inspiring. The excitement of Savage finding a true soul mate kept me turning page after page. 

From the halls of Edinburgh castle to the majestic ship sailing the vast sea it’s time for a new series. It’s thrilling, romantic and has the perfect amount of spice. This brotherhood of pirates is seamless and the little nuances of castles, ships and travel are written with precision and such care you feel you are there with them.

Don’t miss this new series from Eliza Knight and Kathryn Le Veque and find out who will survive? Who will surrender? Who will find love? Whose story will be next? The first three are up on Amazon for pre-order now. Just click on the book covers: 

A two and a half spicy pepper read. It has enough %name Savage of the Sea Blog Tour   Review and Exclusive Excerptheat to make you sizzle and is for mature readers 18+.

I received an advance copy from Barclay PR and the author for a fair and honest review. At a bargain price of $2.99 it is the perfect gift for yourself or a friend! One-click now and in just two sleeps you can set sail with Savage and his crew!

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Exclusive excerpt from SAVAGE OF THE SEA
Copyright © Eliza Knight 2017

Isle of Iona
October 1445

The nights were normally quiet at the abbey. Lady Jane Lindsay walked the open-air cloisters between compline and matins when everyone else was sleeping, because sleep rarely came to her.

It was an issue she’d dealt with ever since that horrible night five years before, this inability to rest. And the only thing that seemed to help was walking in the nighttime air, no matter the weather, with no one present so that she could clear her mind, stare at the stars and think of a world outside these confining walls.
Sometimes it worked, and sometimes it did not.

She was Lady Marina now, her birth name of Jane a secret between herself, her aunt and the Mother Superior. Well, and her gentle warrior. She’d not written him since that day he’d warned someone else was reading her letters. And ever since she’d stopped, the scornful gazes she’d been receiving from Mother Superior had subsided. Was it she who read the letters?

Marina had been on Iona since the day the pirate prince had left her at the shore just before dawn so none of the sisters at the abbey would be able to identify her rescuer. And though five years had passed in the company of the devoted women of God, Marina had yet to take formal vows herself. Though not for Mother Superior’s lack of trying. She wasn’t certain what held her back, only that she felt destined for something, and she’d yet to figure out what. Perhaps the overarching fear of discovery had been at the heart of that desire to keep herself free and separate from the women who had taken her in.

She’d once thought that she might like a life at sea. Those few days upon the Savage of the Sea had been the most peaceful of her life. No one had looked at her as though she were a pawn. No one had expected to use her, as had been her lot since the day she was born. Surprisingly, not even Shaw MacDougall, who she owed a debt.

For now, she knew that their lives could be in danger.

Even that rakishly handsome devil prince of pirates did not know the true danger she was in. The secret that would have made Livingstone want her dead. She’d kept that from Shaw. The less people who knew, the better.

Get your copy here – click on the cover:

%name Savage of the Sea Blog Tour   Review and Exclusive Excerpt%name Savage of the Sea Blog Tour   Review and Exclusive Excerpt Book 1- $2.99 %name Savage of the Sea Blog Tour   Review and Exclusive Excerpt%name Savage of the Sea Blog Tour   Review and Exclusive Excerpt Book 2- $2.99

%name Savage of the Sea Blog Tour   Review and Exclusive Excerpt%name Savage of the Sea Blog Tour   Review and Exclusive Excerpt Book 3 $2.99


Rafflecopter for Savage of the Sea Blitz Tour Giveaway:

One (1) lucky winner will receive a Celtic jewelry box plus a signed print copy of SAVAGE OF THE SEA! To enter, simply fill out the Rafflecopter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Direct Link:

About the Author:

ElizaKnightAuthorPhoto 234x300 Savage of the Sea Blog Tour   Review and Exclusive ExcerptEliza Knight is an award-winning and USA Today bestselling author of over fifty sizzling historical, time-travel and contemporary romance novels. Under the name E. Knight, she pens rip-your- heart-out historical fiction. While not reading, writing or researching for her latest book, she chases after her three children. In her spare time (if there is such a thing…) she likes daydreaming, wine-tasting, traveling, hiking, staring at the stars, watching movies, shopping and visiting with family and friends. She lives atop a small mountain with her own knight in shining armor, three princesses and two very naughty puppies.

Connect with Eliza at: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Instagram

Misadventures of a Backup Bride Blog Tour

Misadventures of a Backup Bride Blog Tour

MA%2BBackup%2BBride%2BBlog%2BTour%2BBanner%2BBNW Misadventures of a Backup Bride Blog Tour
Misadventures of a Backup Bride
Shayla Black
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Misadventures of a Backup Bride by Shayla Black is latest in the hot and sexy series from Waterhouse Press. 

Carson Frost has received a business offer and must decide if he can sacrifice a life without love. Will he finalize a deal and live without a real marriage, or walk away from family obligation. Would you agree to a marriage of convenience and a life without love? If Carson can counter with a better offer and save his company, he just might end up at the alter with the right woman. Will he chose to spend the rest of his life happy or with regret? 

Ella Hope is an actress and if she can convince everyone that she’s in love with Carson, she just might prove she’s worthy of the A-listers. It all goes according to the role she was hired to perform except for one little thing, she isn’t prepared for her feelings to overcome her obligation. What will Carson do when he finds out she’s invested more than just her career?Carson’s business plans are about to be renegotiated, and the new terms will change everything. Will he triumph or walk away? Carson and Ella are about to find out how perfectly matched they are despite their arrangement. Hopefully Carson can save his company and find true love. The chemistry is smokin’ hot, the plot twist keeps you reading till the last page and the characters are fun. I hope we see them again! This story is pretty hot with content for mature readers 18+. %name Misadventures of a Backup Bride Blog TourI received this ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review.

Click on the cover to start reading now: %name Misadventures of a Backup Bride Blog Tour%name Misadventures of a Backup Bride Blog Tour
Meet the Author
shayla Misadventures of a Backup Bride Blog TourShayla Black is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than fifty novels. For nearly twenty years, she’s written contemporary, erotic, paranormal, and historical romances via traditional, independent, foreign, and audio publishers. Her books have sold millions of copies and been published in a dozen languages.
Raised an only child, Shayla occupied herself with lots of daydreaming, much to the chagrin of her teachers. In college, she found her love for reading and realized that she could have a career publishing the stories spinning in her imagination. Though she graduated with a degree in Marketing/Advertising and embarked on a stint in corporate America to pay the bills, her heart has always been with her characters. She’s thrilled that she’s been living her dream as a full-time author for the past eight years.
Shayla currently lives in North Texas with her wonderfully supportive husband, her teenage daughter, and two spoiled tabbies. In her “free” time, she enjoys reality TV, reading, and listening to an eclectic blend of music.
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Drum roll…….Samantha Chase Blog Blitz Winners are ….

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%name Drum roll.......Samantha Chase Blog Blitz Winners are ....

***** Winners from The Samantha Chase Blog Blitz

Please e-mail me your snail mail address using the same e-mail that you commented from 🙂 *****

Day 1 Winner of Book Bundle Wait For Me/ Trust In MeAndieLovesBooks
Day 2 Winner of Book Bundle Stay With Me/ More of MeLisa D
Day 3 Winner of Book #4 Return to You – Erika G.
Day 3 
Winner of Book #5 Meant For YouLeslie S.
Day 4 Coffee With Post – Readers Choice (A Montgomery Series Book or The Shaugnessy Book) Winner Cheryl Hastings
Day 5 Made for UsKeri

Thank you to all who visited, read, shared, commented and entered!

If you want to stay up to date on reviews, contests and more then please follow the blog. You can also find me on twitter @RaeLatte

Happy Reading

50 Ways to Ruin a Rake Blog Tour – A Quiz with Jade and an Excerpt

%name 50 Ways to Ruin a Rake Blog Tour   A Quiz with Jade and an Excerpt

Today I’m excited to welcome Jade Lee to the blog! Jade’s latest title, 50 Ways to Ruin a Rake, was released May 5th and is the first in her hilarious new Rakes & Rogues series. To celebrate her new release, Jade is here to share a quiz. See if you can guess correctly!

Question: I’m starting to get goofy. We’re getting to the end of a 25 stop blog tour, and I’ve been writing unique posts for every site. If you’ve been following along, you’ve learned all about 50 Ways to Ruin a Rake, most especially that it’s sexy and funny and the best thing I’ve written so far. I hope you pick it up. In the meantime, you get the goofy blog multiple choice.

What is Jade’s favorite attire to write in?

A. Part of being a professional writer is showing up as if it were a regular 9-5 job. That means suit, heels, and typing with well manicured nails.

B. Well manicured nails? Hahahaha! They’re bitten to the quick and I’m in my pajamas. Be happy it’s cold or I’d be naked.

C. I have a treaddesk, that means walking while I write. Miles upon miles. So it’s shorts, a tee, and a water bottle strapped to my hip.

D. I’m all about soft. Soft sweats, fuzzy slippers, extra comfy sweatshirt, and a purring cat on my lap.

Answer: D. Part of the allure of becoming a writer was that I no longer had to wear heels, pantyhose, or even clothes, so A is really wrong. I’m not in my pjs because I needed coffee this morning so I went out for it. I do have a treaddesk, but that’s for emails and other stuff. I tend to create better sitting down when I don’t have to worry about falling on my nose. So it’s about comfy sweats and a purring cat on my lap. Sadly, the cat is absent now. She’s off hunting mice, but somehow I persevere!

An Excerpt:

Trevor was down. Ronnie was going to finish the fight. But he hadn’t reckoned on Melinda. She’d been an unwilling participant in this whole disgusting display. Well, if her cousin wanted a Cheltenham tragedy, she would bloody well give him one.

She surged forward, having no need to fake the desperation in her voice. “Stop it! Ronnie, stop it now!” And when he didn’t hear her, she said the words she’d never thought she’d utter in her entire life. “My love!”

That got his attention. His fist was raised, but he looked to her, his eyes alight with excitement. “Mellie!”

She flung herself forward. Dropping to her knees, she slid in the mud, coming to a stop just where she’d intended—right beside Trevor’s head. Ronnie reached for her, but she pushed him away as she wrapped herself around the fallen lord.

“Stay away, you brute!” she practically spit at her cousin. Then she used her cloak to dab at the blood on Trevor’s face. “My love, my love, are you alive? Oh God, someone fetch a doctor! Please, someone!”

Her words were ten times more dramatic than were needed, but she’d learned that the best way to deliver a message to her cousin was in the most theatrical tone possible. So she cradled Trevor in her arms and crooned like any heroine in the most lurid gothic romance.

Trevor’s face was indeed a battered mess, but not so unrecognizable that she didn’t see the gleam of appreciation in his eyes or the mischievous smile that pulled at his swollen lip.

“Are you an angel?” he asked. “Have I died?”

The man was lying in the mud, his ankle nearly snapped in half. His face oozed from a myriad of cuts, and yet he still had the wherewithal to give the crowd a good show. It was enough to make her contemplate dropping him in the mud. She didn’t, of course, but she hoped her glare would suffice.

Meanwhile, Ronnie just stood there poised, his fist still raised as he gaped. “Mellie?”

She looked up, shooting a venomous look at his bloodied fist. “Do you mean to trounce me as well? Lay me out in the mud and the shite like last week’s garbage?”

“What?” Ronnie took a moment to understand while she gestured with her chin toward his fist. Then he abruptly gasped and shook out his hand, dropping it helplessly to his side. “But I won. This was an affaire d’honor.”

“Congratulations,” she mocked. “You beat a man half your weight.”

“Hey!” muttered Trevor. “I’m not that small.”

“Oh shut up. I’m making a point.” Then she turned her attention to her cousin. Best make the situation absolutely clear. “You were right, Ronnie. You have made everything so clear to me. I could never love a brute like you. It’s him I want. A man of elegance, not violence.”

She watched her cousin absorb her words, his mind obviously working slowly, and no wonder. Certainly, Ronnie was an accomplished fighter, but he’d never in his life been called a brute. He was a poet, for God’s sake. And his father was wont to call him a useless fribble with no starch whatsoever. Of course, both appellations were completely wrong, but truth didn’t matter here. Not when he’d wanted drama. And so she stretched the truth—she outright broke it—and she felt no remorse.

“I love Trevor,” she said loudly enough for everyone to hear.

“Since when?” her cousin demanded.

Since never. She had a thorough disgust of them both. Especially as Trevor began to speak in a quavering voice.

“Oh, to finally hear those words, now in the moments before I expire. My life is complete.”

“You’re not dying,” she hissed. Unless he was hurt more than he appeared. The thought shot her with alarm until he started speaking again.

“I am dying!” he cried. “Kiss me, my love. Kiss me, and mayhap your love will keep me tethered to this mortal coil.”

“I will not,” she said between clenched teeth.

He pitched his voice to a plaintive wail. “Then I shall die for sure!”

Damnation on all bloody, arrogant, ridiculous men! One glance about her showed that the crowd was hanging on his every word. She didn’t really care until she looked at Ronnie’s face. He wasn’t stupid. He could see that Trevor wasn’t really hurt. It wouldn’t take him long to remember that she’d never spoken of Trevor with anything but disdain. And from there it was a small step to realizing that this entire display was a sham. So she had to do something quickly. Something that he’d never forget, even if he did suspect the lie.

So she did it. She kissed Trevor.

*****One Jade Lee Prize Pack will be randomly selected by the Publisher at the end of the blog tour on or around 5/19/15

Rafflecoptor Link: a Rafflecopter giveaway *****

Author Info:

%name 50 Ways to Ruin a Rake Blog Tour   A Quiz with Jade and an Excerpt

USA Today bestselling author Jade Lee has been scripting love stories since she first picked up a set of paper dolls. Ball gowns and rakish lords caught her attention early (thank you, Georgette Heyer), and her fascination with the Regency began. An author of more than thirty romance novels and winner of dozens of industry awards, Lee lives in Champaign, Illinois.

Buy Links:

A **Spicy Latte** for A SEALs Pleasure – A Tasty Book Tour

%name A **Spicy Latte** for A SEALs Pleasure   A Tasty Book Tour

%name A **Spicy Latte** for A SEALs Pleasure   A Tasty Book Tour

A SEALs Pleasure by Tawny Weber will take your breath away. This decadently sinful delight is another H-O-T book that turns up the heat just like all the previous SEALs books. Absolutely every book I’ve read by Tawny has been perfection and this book is no exception. A little bit of games, romance, secret missions and friendships challenged, you will be absolutely pleased.

Tessa Monroe makes a living giving advice about relationships and how to add that “special something” that’s been missing. Unable to focus because a SEAL has gotten under her skin, she’s finally decided to do something about it. Seduce him. If she can get Romeo out of her system, she’ll be able to function. Just one time and then she’ll move on. At least that’s what Tessa tells herself.

CPO Gabriel “Romeo” Thorne never backs down from a bet or challenge. Gabriel can’t get Tessa out of his thoughts and that is something that he’s afraid will compromise his work. He needs to focus and has decided to take action. Curious if this wild woman can be tamed he has other plans – perhaps a bit of seduction and romance. Has this playboy finally met his match?

Gabriel found purpose, family and a home from SEAL team he’s on. Is there room for a woman? It takes a special kind of woman to fall for a man who can’t divulge much about his job or the assignment he’s been given. Will Tessa finally be that one?

I LOVE how each SEAL book from Tawny always brings back her previous characters that we fell in love with. Each book can be read as a stand alone but when you’ve read all the SEALs books like I have, it makes it that much sweeter to have familiar faces throughout the story. I don’t know how she brings us this fabulous sexy and action filled feast in roughly 200 pages. This is one writer that is sure to be around for a long time. I can’t wait to find out which SEAL is next, hopefully we won’t have to wait too long.

%name A **Spicy Latte** for A SEALs Pleasure   A Tasty Book Tour Just enough sizzle to make you tingle. For mature audience, 18 +

I received this ARC from Tasty Book Tours for a fair and honest review.

Author Info:

%name A **Spicy Latte** for A SEALs Pleasure   A Tasty Book Tour

New York Times and USA TODAY Bestselling author of thirty books and counting, Tawny Weber has been writing sassy, sexy romances since her first one hit the shelves in 2007. A fan of Johnny Depp, cupcakes and color coordination, she spends a lot of her time shopping for cute shoes, scrapbooking and hanging out on Facebook.
Readers can check out Tawny’s books at her website,, or join her Red Hot Readers Club for goodies like free reads, complete first chapter excerpts, recipes, insider story info and much more.


A **Spicy Latte** for A SEALs Secret by Tawny Weber – A Tasty Virtual Tour

%name A **Spicy Latte** for A SEALs Secret by Tawny Weber   A Tasty Virtual Tour

%name A **Spicy Latte** for A SEALs Secret by Tawny Weber   A Tasty Virtual Tour

A SEALs Secret by Tawny Weber is a smokin’ hot story filled with all the goodness you expect to find in a navy SEALs adventure – Family, trust, values and expectations.

Olivia “Livi” Kane decided to help out a relative during Halloween at her bar. Pretending to be a waitress, she spots a man that made her week in the knees – a complete liquefied mess.

Lt CDR Mitch “Irish” Donovan has never met a challenge he walked away from and Livi won’t turn down a bet. What will Irish do when he discovers what her day job is? It’s absolutely electric from the first encounter and the chemistry between these two is absolutely molten.

Both have meddling family members who will affect them in ways they least expect it. When you add that to each of their commitment issues that need to be addressed it makes for lots of excitement and tension. Can they resolve it? When Livi decides to tell Mitch the truth about her concerns will it prevent them from getting closer?

Will Mitch and Livi continue to chase everyone else’s expectations of what they should be doing with their careers, or embrace their own goals? Can this navy SEAL have a family and be a navy SEAL?

I LOVED this story from the chocolate cravings I developed, to the way it was connected via the holidays. It’s cozy, steamy and full of sexy navy SEALs. I have never met a book from Tawny that I didn’t LOVE.

I received this ARC from Tasty Book Tours for a fair and honest review. Looking for a sexy adventure?

Author Info:

%name A **Spicy Latte** for A SEALs Secret by Tawny Weber   A Tasty Virtual Tour

New York Times and USA TODAY Bestselling author of thirty books and counting, Tawny Weber has been writing sassy, sexy romances since her first one hit the shelves in 2007. A fan of Johnny Depp, cupcakes and color coordination, she spends a lot of her time shopping for cute shoes, scrapbooking and hanging out on Facebook.
Readers can check out Tawny’s books at her website,, or join her Red Hot Readers Club for goodies like free reads, complete first chapter excerpts, recipes, insider story info and much more.

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