Aug 2, 2019 | August 2019, Barbara Freethy, Blog, Blog Tour

Winning her heart may be biggest prize of all…
Devlin by Barbara Freethy is available now!

Devlin isn’t sure what to do when his mother makes an announcement that changes his life forever. Will his control-obsessed father be able to allow Devlin to take the path he’s always wanted?
Hannah Reid has spent her life in a town that’s run by the Blackthornes and all she wants is to find a place to feel connected and grounded to.
This is the first in a new series that promises to take us on a journey through family secrets, local rivalry, family obligations and expectations, bitter relations, and a boat race that isn’t just about the trophy.
Who will discover love? Who will rise above? This is what makes great romance, a hero/heroine each searching for something that will impact those they love.
Whiskey, charm, and a whole lotta spice. This is one race you don’t want to miss. Set sail and discover a must read for your next vacation. Best enjoyed with your favorite iced-beverage, a cozy chair, and maybe a fan.
I received an ARC from L Wood PR for a fair and honest review.

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Meet the Blackthorne men, each one as hot, fast, and smooth as the whisky that built the family fortune, and yachts and race cars that bear their name. From proud Scottish stock, Blackthornes never lose. But, one by one, the seven sexy men in this family are about to risk everything when they fall for strong and beautiful women who test their mettle in life…and love.
Don’t miss these sexy, heartwarming, emotion-filled books by seven bestselling authors: Barbara Freethy, Julia London, Lynn Raye Harris, Cristin Harber, Roxanne St. Claire, Christie Ridgway and Samantha Chase.

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About the Author:
Barbara Freethy is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of 68 novels. Traditionally published for many years, in 2011 Barbara began self publishing and has sold over 8 million ebooks. In 2014 she was named the Amazon KDP bestselling Author of ALL TIME! Twenty-three of her titles have appeared on the NY Times and USA Today bestseller lists.
Barbara writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense and women’s fiction. She is known for writing emotional and compelling stories that include love, mystery, family, secrets, and often a little suspense.
Popular series include the newest series: WHISPER LAKE that begins with ALWAYS WITH ME!
If you love family romance series, check out THE CALLAWAYS and CALLAWAY COUSINS!
If you like romantic suspense, you’ll want to read OFF THE GRID: FBI SERIES beginning with PERILOUS TRUST and/or the LIGHTNING STRIKES TRILOGY beginning with BEAUTIFUL STORM.
I also have 17 standalone romantic novels and some connected duos.
Please visit my website at for more information.
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Oct 24, 2017 | Barbara Freethy, Blog, Blog Tour

Happy Book Birthday Ryder by Barbara Freethy in the 7 Brides for 7 Soldiers series. Two families are at war, the battle still going on after decades of rumors and gossip. To this day, no one knows the real reason why it started in the first place. When Ryder Westbrook returns home he’s ready to put an end to this blasted feud so he can expand the town’s airport. Will it finally be put to rest once and for all? This former soldier will discover that crossing enemy lines in his family feud is laced with a few explosive secrets that could destroy his plans.
Bailey Tucker has recently returned home, her career in limbo, and her reputation shattered. Will she find comfort back home in a small town or will the scandal follow her? Once destined for the bright lights and greatness of city living, she’s left to reflect on what happened. Caught in the crossfire when Bailey’s high school crush returns home it will push her to fight for the truth. How will she cope when her heart betrays her conscience?
Eagles Ridge is a special place, one built from friendship and the love of the land. It’s time to set the story straight once and for all. Can Ryder and Bailey help fuse the gap and end their family feud?
This was the first book I’d read from Barbara Freethy and I look forward to reading more from her backlist. I can’t wait to read all the other soldiers stories.
“We’re hit! We’re hit!”
Navy pilot Ryder Westbrook heard the panicked words of his copilot, Michael Valdez, but he was too busy trying to regain control of the SH-60 Seahawk helicopter to reply. They were coming back from a humanitarian mission—having dropped food, water and medical supplies into the rugged and remote villages of Afghanistan—when they’d taken enemy fire.
They weren’t going to make it back to the carrier in the Persian Gulf. They were going to have to set down somewhere, hopefully far from the rebel forces that had just shot at them.
His heart pounded against his chest, but he remained calm, his training playing through his head as he went through every option to retain control of the twin-engine helicopter.
Flying was in his blood. The helo had always felt like an extension of his own power, but now that power was crumbling, and he was being forcibly reminded of just how fragile life could be.
But he couldn’t quit. There had to be a way out.
Unfortunately, his optimism was dampened by the fact that the ground was getting closer by the second, and his crew was depending on him to get them down safely.
His copilot had a wife and a baby back in the States. Colin Forbes, the sensor operator, was getting married in a month. And he…well, he still had things he wanted to do.
He had to keep them all alive.
Searching the ground for a viable landing site, he spotted what appeared to be a flat, open rural area. Not only did he want to protect his crew, he didn’t want to hurt anyone on the ground.
Glancing over at Michael, he saw his friend making the sign of the cross.
“We’re not going to die,” he said emphatically, drawing Michael’s gaze to his. “Not today. Not this time.”
He could see the hope in Michael’s eyes. His friend wanted to believe him.
Hell, he wanted to believe himself.
He’d been in tight spots before, and he’d always come out on top. It had been that way his entire life. Growing up in Eagle’s Ridge, he’d been the golden boy—the one who set new records, who made things happen, who achieved whatever he went after.
But this was real life. This was happening now, and he was the only one who could save all their lives.
In ten years of naval service, he’d never encountered a situation exactly like this. He’d never felt so worried that his number might really be up.
He shook the negative thought out of his head, squaring his jaw, tightening his hand on the controls, as he rode the bird down to the ground.
The impact was harder than he’d expected, the helicopter shattering into pieces of fiery metal. And when everything went black, he fought against the idea that this might be it.
He had more he wanted to do, people he should have made peace with a long time ago, a home that beckoned to him—the Blue Mountains, the Snake River, the people of Eagle’s Ridge—a life still to be lived.
He needed more time… He just didn’t know if he was going to get it.
Get your copy here: 

Don’t miss any of the sexy soldiers!
Ryder (#1) – Barbara Freethy
Adam (#2) – Roxanne St. Claire
Zane (#3) – Christie Ridgway
Wyatt (#4) – Lynn Raye Harris
Jack (#5) – Julia London
Noah (#6) – Cristin Harber
Ford (#7) – Samantha Chase
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Barbara Freethy Bio
Barbara Freethy is a #1 New York Times Bestselling Author of 60 novels ranging from contemporary romance to romantic suspense and women’s fiction. Traditionally published for many years, Barbara opened Fog City Publishing in 2011 and has since sold over 7 million books! Twenty-three of her titles have appeared on the New York Times and USA Today Bestseller Lists, including one title, SUMMER SECRETS, which hit #1 on the NYT. In 2014 Barbara was named the Amazon KDP Bestselling Author of all time! She was also the first Indie writer to sell over a million books on Barnes and Noble.
Known for her emotional and compelling stories of love, family, romance and suspense, Barbara is a six-time finalist and two-time winner in the Romance Writers of America acclaimed RITA contest for her novels DANIEL’S GIFT and THE WAY BACK HOME.
For more information, visit her website at