MK Meredith Blitz Day 2: Malibu Betrayals & Malibu Secrets

Malibu Betrayals by MK Meredith is a Californian adventure with an inside look into Hollywood with this tender, witty and emotionally driven must read story.  A romance for movie stars is never private and there is always someone who wants a piece of the action.

Samantha Dekker has no money and no career and wants to prove to herself and Hollywood that she can move beyond her tragic past. What will it take for her to overcome that small obstacle?

Gage Cutler is a well known actor and aspiring director and yearns to have the one woman who got away. Gage is willing to risk everything again but will Samantha let him in?

In any great romance there is pain and struggle but secrets still float between them. A long time ago Gage and Samantha were able to confide in each other, has too much time passed?

When Samantha’s family blames her for a tragedy will it push her over the edge? They have both had feelings for each other despite their circumstances. Hollywood is not known for keeping relationships quiet and the paparazzi can be cruel.

Gage has been in love with Samantha and keeps waiting for the right time to tell her. But, with threats, sabotage and deceit can Gage fix the wrong in her life and find a way to make a future with Sam?

Check out for yourself now with this excerpt provided by MK Meredith:

Settling in to having Sam next to him, he devoured the food on his plate, very aware that she merely moved the food around hers. Why’d he find that so interesting?

“You’ve been keeping busy.”

Her soft voice raced shivers down his spine, and he gripped his napkin in his fist. “How do you mean?”

“Your movies, what’s it been? Two a year?”

He eyed her, not answering right away. So, she’d been paying attention. He swallowed his smug smile with another bite of food and then washed it down with water. “Give or take.” Though, not every film was truly blockbuster status, they’d still made the list simply because he was in them. A few disappointments for him, but the best way to succeed was to fail, so he’d take the good with the bad and consider it all success. In this industry, his sordid past put butts in the seats, and that was all the studios cared about. With a jerk of his chin, he nudged her. “So which ones have you seen?”

She grabbed her water glass and gulped back half of it. “All of them.”

Barely able to hear her mumble over the din of the crowd, he leaned forward. He’d heard her, but not only did he want to make sure, he wanted to hear it again. “What was that?”

Her face flushed red to her hairline, and his gut tightened in response. She was embarrassed. He chuckled, a selfsatisfied sound that would annoy her for sure. “All of them?”

“I work in the industry. Of course I watched all of them,” she whispered.

He grinned. “Of course. The industry.” She stared at him. He’d give a year’s salary to know what was going on in that beautiful head of hers. She had the darkest eyes. They unsettled him and made him want to trust her all at the same time. And that was nuts; he didn’t trust anyone, especially women. He’d made that mistake too many times already.

She tilted her head to the side and bit her lip, the flush in her face deepening. “I especially enjoyed Dark Secrets.”

Now that movie had been a blockbuster, many would say due to the writing, and others would argue it was the gratuitous nudity. He certainly wasn’t shy, and he’d worked his ass off to be in the right kind of shape for that movie, but knowing Sam not only watched it, but enjoyed it, made him suddenly understand exhibitionism. He shifted in his seat and cleared his throat. “Is that right?”

She narrowed her eyes at him in challenge. “I’m a healthy adult female; I’m not the only one who’s watched it more than once.”

His voice lowered and took on a gravelly tone. “You watched it more than once?”

She straightened in her seat and finished off her water with a grin. “More than twice.”

His body tightened everywhere. Was she flirting with him?

“Well, then it seems you have me at a disadvantage.” He leaned closer, holding her gaze. “And that doesn’t seem quite fair.” Images of her naked flashed in his mind, sending his tension from uncomfortable to torturous. Damn woman.

Tapping her finger against her lip, she bit the tip of it, giving him a thoughtful stare. “I’m okay with that.”

Now click here to download your own copy of Malibu Betrayals –Malibu Betrayals (Malibu Sights)%name MK Meredith Blitz Day 2: Malibu Betrayals & Malibu Secrets


Then when you’re finished with this great read dive into the second story in the series Malibu Secrets. This standalone is part of a series but can be read without worry.

The second installment in the Malibu Sights series continues with Addison Dekker and her quest for love with Roque Gallagher.

Don’t miss this emotional story if you love the movie industry and the relationships that unfold off and on camera then you will love this series.

When Addison inherits a home she never dreamed of the obstacles she’d face. Will Roque save her or complicate everything? Will they survive the secrets between them and the family expectations?

Another must read book packed with secrets, love, chemistry and excitement. MK is a fabulous writer and her stories are exactly what the weekend needs and maybe a new pair of sexy high-heels too!

I received an ARC for a fair and honest review. MK is a writer who is on my auto-buy list and I can’t wait for her next release!

Here’s an excerpt from Malibu Secrets that MK sent over:

Anyone who knew her would recognize the warning. “Life of the party, huh?” She stepped closer. “Are you coming on to me?” Shocking people was so much fun. She reached out her hand and placed her fingertips at his Adam’s apple, the heat of his skin burning into her sensitive pads, and then slid them down his chest and over the front of his shirt to his sternum. She tapped twice, then boldly held his gaze as she trailed her finger lower over the solid plane of his abs. Yum. Surely he’d stop her any minute. Tilting her head, she bit her lip and looked up at him from beneath her lashes. He did say she was infamous. Her heart slammed in her chest. Any moment he’d stop her, shocked and affronted. And she’d win. And he’d walk away so she could breathe again.

Without warning, he shot his hand around her waist and yanked her tight against him, the movement so abrupt her hair fell from its pins. The hard lines of his body pressed against her, and something warm and delicious spread through her limbs. “Make no mistake, Miss Dekker. When I come on to you, you won’t have to ask.”

Click here to get your copy of Maibu Secrets – Malibu Secrets (Malibu Sights)

A quick thank you to MK for hanging out on the blog and joining us for this two day blitz!

ICYMI: My review of Seducing Seven
Day 1 of MK Meredith Blitz: Coffee With%name MK Meredith Blitz Day 2: Malibu Betrayals & Malibu Secrets

Author Info:

MK Meredith writes single title contemporary romance promising an emotional ride on heated sheets. She believes the best route to success is to never stop learning.

Her lifelong love affair with peanut butter continues. Only two things come close in the battle for her affections: gorgeous heels and maybe Gerard Butler…or was it David Gandy? Who is she kidding? Her true loves are her husband and two children who have survived her SEA’s (spontaneous explosions of affection) and live to tell the tale. The Meredith’s live in the D.C. area with their two large fur babies…until the next adventure calls.

MK Meredith Blitz Day 1: Coffee With and 18 Tidbits!!!


%name MK Meredith Blitz Day 1: Coffee With and 18 Tidbits!!!%name MK Meredith Blitz Day 1: Coffee With and 18 Tidbits!!!%name MK Meredith Blitz Day 1: Coffee With and 18 Tidbits!!!%name MK Meredith Blitz Day 1: Coffee With and 18 Tidbits!!!%name MK Meredith Blitz Day 1: Coffee With and 18 Tidbits!!!%name MK Meredith Blitz Day 1: Coffee With and 18 Tidbits!!!

Rae: First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte with coconut milk 🙂 What would you order?
I order a Grand Breve Misto…easy on the Breve. (Basically, coffee with steamed half and half) So boring. LOL!

Rae: I absolutely loved Seducing Seven from the What Happens in Vegas series. Your book takes place during a Romance Lovers convention in Las Vegas and gives us a glimpse into the life of the fans who want to meet their favorite authors. It was fabulous and I love Seven. There are a lot of books in this series, whose idea was it? I’ve read most of the books in this series and they are all amazing. Did you do any planning together?
I believe the idea came from Liz Pelletier, or a collaboration between herself and her talented kingdom, but I’m not positive. My answer is total speculation. LOL! We all didn’t plot together, but we created a ‘bible’ as we went that helped tie in different information from different books. Really clever IMHO.

Rae: For any readers who missed my review here is a link to the review. Congratulations on your newest release Malibu Secrets. Were you able to get a few trips for research out to Malibu?
Thank you so much. I think this story is so fun. Addi is full of it and Roque is delicious. Heehee…right up my ally. A couple of years ago, my husband, kiddos, and I went to the west coast and I got to spend a day in Malibu. I loved it so hard! That was after writing Malibu Betrayals but before Malibu Secrets. It was really cool seeing all the places my characters hung out. And to be honest, it is fascinating how accurate I was able to be through google and YouTube!

Rae: Do you have any more books planned this series? I am excited to share with readers my thoughts on Malibu Sights tomorrow for the conclusion of my two day blitz!
I have more book ideas, and I have the third book, tentatively titled Malibu Chances plotted out, but for right now we are moving forward with a spin off series called Tempted Abroad. The first book, Tempted in Ferrara, stars hotel heiress, Chase Huntington, Addi’s best friend from Malibu Secrets. It is delicious, decadent fun surrounded by the fantasy backdrop of Italy.

Rae: What and when is your next project? I hope we won’t have to wait too long 🙂
My next book coming out is Tempted in Ferrara this summer, then Tempted in Barcelona in 2017. I hope to have more contracted by then too! Fingers crossed. I really love this writing life.

Rae: I enjoy following your writing journey on Facebook and Twitter and I hope everyone reading this today connects with you too!
Are you kidding?! The pleasure is all mind. So much so, I feel bad. I owe you a hug and a coffee next time we meet!! This was so much fun. Thank you!

Rae: Thanks again for hanging out – I had a blast! Happy Writing!
Squee! Happy reading!

***** 18 Tantalizing Tidbits *****

1. What is a must read book and why? Anything by Deepak Chopra…he makes you look inside yourself, and I think that is really important in all phases of our lives.

2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? Instead of a place, I would recommend visiting Waterford PA during Waterford Days. There is so much rich history of the whole area. George Washington spent time there, and in fact, delivered a letter to the French Fort prior to the French and Indian War. Oh! And don’t forget the Eagle Hotel, and the covered bridges – there are many and they are beautiful. Dang it. I’m not good at only picking one anything…unless we’re talking food, and then I can confidently say peanut butter. And husbands…I really like the one I got! Ha!

3. Castles or Beaches? Dang it! Why are you doing this to me? A castle…on a beach!

4. What is one thing readers would be surprised to know about you? I’m not sure readers would be surprised unless we’ve met, but for anyone who knows me…I used to be painfully shy. I totally grew out of that!

5. Hard Rock or Classical? Favorite Band or Artist? Again with the either or. I love Metallica and Andrea Bocelli. How can I choose?! Right now I’m listening the heck out of Melody Gardot and Of Monsters and Mumford and Sons.

6. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world for research, where would you go? Europe! That way I can be sneaky and visit all the countries there! LOL! If I really, truly, can only pick one, then I guess New Zealand.

7. What is your guilty pleasure? Movies. I love them. And I am not a picky critique. I usually love all of them. I also love that I can say “I’m doing work.” when watching them, because, you know…research and analysis.

8. What are you afraid of? That something will hurt my children, or take me from them too soon.

9. Tats or No Tats? If tats, how many and what did you choose for your first one? I have a red rose on my right hip that I got when I was 18. It was the first rebellious thing I ever did. I was terrified. I’ve always loved it and sometimes I think I may add to it. I really want a dragon fly designed with my children’s names as the veins of each wing. Someday maybe! I also had my lips tattooed and eyeliner. Just FYI…lips are very painful for something that wears off after a few years because of how much our lips exfoliate.

10. Organized or Free Floating? Probably not surprising considering my other very non-committing answers, but somewhere in the middle. It completely depends on what we’re talking about.

11. Binge watcher or weekly viewer? Which show(s)? I love binge watching, but weekly viewing keeps me more productive.

12. What’s your favorite TV show and why? Again with the favorite! LOL! I only complain because I’m not good at picking just one. Right now I think my favorite TV show may be Girlfriend’s Guide to Divorce…which is funny ‘cause this chick *jabs thumbs to chest* is happily never leaving her husband. LOL! I always tell him, if he leaves, I’m going with him.

13. If you could pick a book you’ve read and make it into a movie, which book would it be (besides yours 🙂 )? Tessa Dare’s Spindle Cove series. Loved them!

14. What’s your favorite movie of all time and why? PS I Love You. This movie killed me! Still does, and I’ve seen it AT LEAST 50 + times. No joke. There is something so powerful to me when a loved one could know you so well that they can figure out a way to help you find YOURSELF again. That is so powerful! And my husband very much does this for me. It also inspires me to go after my passions. Anytime I feel discouraged with writing, I watch this movie, and I’m ready to go!

15. Would you rather see a movie in the theatre or at home on DVD and why? Aaack! I’m so bad at choosing. I love the theater experience, but I LOVE cuddling on my couch. It has to depend on the movie. PS I Love You on my couch, snuggled with a glass of wine and a spoonful of peanut butter, but The Force Awakens at the movie theater. There is no better way to watch that Millennium Falcon scene!

16. What is one thing you can’t live without? Hugs. I crave them.

17. Do you love to cook or go out to eat? I love to go out to eat!

18. If you could invite 5 people to dinner (not friends and family – that’s too easy) who would you invite? It could be anyone past or present. Joan of Arc, Kevin Spacey, Rosa Parks, Maya Angelou, & Alec Guinness.

Thank you again MK and Happy Writing! Don’t forget reader to check back tomorrow as I share my thoughts and an excerpt for the Malibu Sights series!

Wicked Need by Sawyer Bennett



Wicked Need (Wicked Horse Book #3) by Sawyer Bennet is raw, steamy and emotionally charged romance that will send you to Sawyer’s backlist once you’ve finished. That is if you’re new to this series ;).

Once again Sawyer has written a smokin’ hot read with great characters, a seamless story and an extra level of heat in this must read series.

Rand Bishop works at the infamous Silo, his job is to make dreams come true. Yup, even at a club that delves into “refined” cravings there are plenty of fantasies to dole out.

While It’s a long way from chasing his own Olympic Dreams the lifestyle suits him and he’s enjoying the perks of the job and the financial freedom that it gives him. Even if those fantasies are for those with a specific craving.

Catherine Lyons Vaughn was a frequent member at the Silo until her husbands untimely death. With no place to go she seeks out the safety from the only place she trusts. What will Rand do when he discovers the truth?

While Rand and Cat have had interaction before, this time its outside the confines of the club. When Rand discovers that Cat is faced with a few difficult decisions regarding her future, and a few family members prefer that she disappear, he can’t stay silent. Will she accept her new fate or fight? Will she allow another man to help her?

When Rand discovers that the life Cat lived was dark and dangerous, he vows to make things right. Will Cat trust him? Or, will she continue to fight on her own? It’s time for Cat to face her past. It’s also time for Cat to find love and indulge in her secret desires.
There is a reason that fate put these two together and readers will rejoice in their story.

Get ready for another steamy story that has full on, no holds barred and go for it %name Wicked Need by Sawyer Bennettadventure. The are is sensuality and steamy situations. For mature readers, 18+

I received this ARC for a fair and honest review. From start to finish this book will leave you counting down the days until the next installment is released! Can’t wait to find out who’s story is next.

%name Wicked Need by Sawyer Bennett

Get your copy of – Wicked Need (The Wicked Horse Series Book 3)%name Wicked Need by Sawyer Bennett



Coffee With 2016 RITA Contemporary Romance: Long Finalist Kimberly Kincaid

%name Coffee With 2016 RITA Contemporary Romance: Long Finalist  Kimberly Kincaid%name Coffee With 2016 RITA Contemporary Romance: Long Finalist  Kimberly Kincaid%name Coffee With 2016 RITA Contemporary Romance: Long Finalist  Kimberly Kincaid%name Coffee With 2016 RITA Contemporary Romance: Long Finalist  Kimberly Kincaid%name Coffee With 2016 RITA Contemporary Romance: Long Finalist  Kimberly Kincaid%name Coffee With 2016 RITA Contemporary Romance: Long Finalist  Kimberly Kincaid%name Coffee With 2016 RITA Contemporary Romance: Long Finalist  Kimberly Kincaid%name Coffee With 2016 RITA Contemporary Romance: Long Finalist  Kimberly Kincaid%name Coffee With 2016 RITA Contemporary Romance: Long Finalist  Kimberly Kincaid
Rae: First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte with Coconut Milk and a drizzle of caramel:)What would you order?
Kimberly: It depends on the time of day. Mornings, I’m all about Wegman’s “Jamaican Me Crazy” coffee, but after lunch, I switch to specialty teas. Right now I’m addicted to Yogi’s Honey Lavender.

Rae: Thanks so much for hanging out with me today.
My pleasure!

Rae: Congratulations on your RITA nomination for Fire Me Up in the Contemporary Romance: Long category. Super exciting and what an honor.
Thank you! Truthfully, I’m still pinching myself. It’s really humbling!

Rae: For those who are not familiar with your Pine Mountain series can you tell us a little bit about it?
The Pine Mountain series features sexy-sweet stories about small-town people finding big-deal love (the hard way, of course!)

Rae: How did you research for this series?
Since there are quite a few chefs and restaurant professionals in this story, I got to eat my way through my research. I also sat behind the scenes in a professional kitchen to see how it’s done.

Rae: Are you planning any more books in this series?
The series has five full books and two novellas, and All Wrapped Up is the last book in the series–so you can dive right in!

Rae: You also have a rescue squad series, how many books are planned in that series?
The Rescue Squad series will have two books, Reckless and Fearless, and it spins off from Pine Mountain (yay! Cameos!) I’ve got a longer, edgier firefighter series starting in September as well.

Rae: What inspired you to write about the men and women who put their lives on the line to go into burning buildings? I’ve added this series to my list, sounds fantastic! What was your biggest obstacle while writing this series? Were there any challenges while writing the books?
I am utterly fascinated by first responder heroes and heroines–for me, there’s nothing sexier than someone willing to run into danger when everyone else runs out. It’s been an eye-opener to write the books, because there are a lot of emotional issues that these men and women have to deal with. Long hours, high risks, traumatic events…it’s a lot to cope with, and I want to make sure I do it justice.

Rae: I love that you are a foodie and love to cook. Do you follow any blogs for inspiration and cooking tips? Or, are you a cookbook gal?
I love watching the video blogs for travel and cooking inspiration. We should share sources 😉 I was raised in an Italian family and I married into an Italian family, so we pretty much live by the mantra that food is love! My husband and kids all cook (my girls are 14, 11, and 9), and we watch the Food Network a lot. I do love to read cookbooks, and I have a bunch of recipe boards on my Pinterest page too. But my biggest inspiration is trial and error. Some of my best recipes are ones I came up with while saying, “I wonder what would happen if we put this into the pot!” And when things don’t work out, my family is happy to order pizza 🙂

Rae: Your bio mentions that you like wine tastings, can you recommend a vineyard or great bottle of vino?
I’m always up for a great bottle of wine! If I could only have wine or dessert, I’d skip the sweets every time! I love a good Chardonnay. Right now I am digging on Meomi, and I enjoyed a hilariously-named bottle of Runs With Scissors last weekend, too. Mr. K is a pinot noir guy all the way. When we want a special occasion bottle of wine, our go-to is Clark and Telephone.

Rae: For those heading out to the conferences can you tell us when and where you will be in the upcoming months?
I will be at the Barbara Vey reader luncheon in Milwaukee on April 30 (the signing is open to the public and there’s an author Q&A at 7PM that’s also open to all!), and I’ll also be at RWA in San Diego from July 12-17 (signing on 7/13), as well as in the DC Metro area on October 8 for the WRW reader luncheon. Tickets are still available for that one, too!

*** 8 Tantalizing Tidbits ***

1. What is a must read book should that we should read and why?

M. O’Keefe’s Everything I Left Unsaid. Be forewarned, it’s a cliffhanger (there are two books, and both are out, so no waiting!) but oh my gravy, I *devoured* this book. Totally gripping and darkly sexy. I loved it.

2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown?

I was raised right outside of Washington DC, so there’s a TON to see 🙂 All the touristy sights are worth it. The architecture is amazing, and the museums are some of the coolest I’ve ever seen. Plus, the food. That’s all!

3. What is your guilty pleasure?

I never feel guilty about the happy things, but if I’m indulging, it’s a day of shopping for me. I have an insane shoe collection. And I wear them all!

4. What are you afraid of?

That something will happen to my family. Being stuck in small spaces. And while I’m not exactly afraid of it, I have a serious aversion to mayonnaise. I cant even look at it without getting the shivers. Gahhhhh.

5. Tats or No Tats? If tats, how many and what did you choose for your first one?

In moderation on me, but to each his or her own–I think lots of tats can be beautiful, and no tats can be beautiful too. I have one on my foot that symbolizes my three girls. I love it.

6. Binge water or weekly viewer? Which show(s)? I am ridiculously impulsive when it comes to shows, and  want them all now now now right now. I am notorious for saying “one more episode!” and then binge watching six. My friends actually make fun of me, that’s how bad it is 🙂

7. What’s your favorite movie of all time and why?

Mr. K makes all sorts of gagging noises when I answer this question, but it’s Shakespeare In Love. I just *adore* it. The acting, the costumes, the story…and hello, Joseph Fiennes! Come on. It’s perfection. Plus, as a wordsmith, I have a giant and slightly ridiculous crush on old Bill. Nobody ever had to twist my arm to read Shakespeare. Seriously.

8. Do you love to cook or go out to eat?

While I do love to cook and I do it a lot, I also love going out to eat. I think there’s something so earthly and appealing about having a meal I might not normally make for myself, and not doing the dishes is a huge bonus!

Thanks again for hanging out! Time for another Lattesimple smile Coffee With 2016 RITA Contemporary Romance: Long Finalist  Kimberly Kincaid Happy Reading Dear Readers.

Happy Writing Kimberly!

To find out who wins the 2016 RITA in each category head over to Romance Writers of America on July 16 at 8PM PT. Winners will be announced and be sure to follow #RITAGH and #RWA16 for all the news that night!

Good Luck to all!


Author Info:

Kimberly Kincaid writes contemporary romance that splits the difference between sexy and sweet. When she’s not sitting cross-legged in an ancient desk chair known as “The Pleather Bomber”, she can be found practicing obscene amounts of yoga, whipping up anything from enchiladas to éclairs in her kitchen, or curled up with her nose in a book. Kimberly is a USA Today best-selling author and a 2015 RWA RITA® finalist who lives (and writes!) by the mantra that food is love. Kimberly resides in Virginia with her wildly patient husband and their three daughters. Visit her any time at or come check her out on Facebook ( and Twitter (@kimberlykincaid).


Coffee With RITA 2016 Contemporary Romance: Long category finalist and New York Times Best Selling Author Maisey Yates

%name Coffee With RITA 2016 Contemporary Romance: Long category finalist and New York Times Best Selling Author Maisey Yates%name Coffee With RITA 2016 Contemporary Romance: Long category finalist and New York Times Best Selling Author Maisey Yates%name Coffee With RITA 2016 Contemporary Romance: Long category finalist and New York Times Best Selling Author Maisey Yates%name Coffee With RITA 2016 Contemporary Romance: Long category finalist and New York Times Best Selling Author Maisey Yates%name Coffee With RITA 2016 Contemporary Romance: Long category finalist and New York Times Best Selling Author Maisey Yates%name Coffee With RITA 2016 Contemporary Romance: Long category finalist and New York Times Best Selling Author Maisey Yates

Rae: First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte with Coconut Milk and a drizzle of caramel and chocolate:) What would you order?
Well, if it’s Fall…a pumpkin spice latte. Otherwise I just drink Americanos with a little bit of cream.

Rae: Thanks so much for hanging out with me today. Congratulations on your RITA nomination in the Contemporary Romance: Long category for Brokedown Cowboy. Super exciting and what an honor. Where were you when you got the call?
I was home. We get the calls very early in the day, so it was just after 8 in the morning. I had gone into my office with a fresh cup and then the phone rang. My coffee ended up getting cold. 🙂

Rae: For those who are not familiar with your work can you tell us a little bit your books and series. You write about cowboys, bikers, billionaires, royalty, and so much more. Can we expect any more releases from your current series?
I have three full length books in the Copper Ridge series this year, plus two that will be released in the Harlequin Desire line. As for the future, there will be at least six more books in the series released over the next couple of years.

Rae: Any future standalone reads?
My Harlequin Presents (where my billionaire and royals hang out!) tend to be standalone, more or less. And I have two really fun ones coming this summer. One with a hero who has amnesia (Carides’s Forgotten Wife) out in August and that was SUPER FUN to write.

Rae: A quick little plug – readers should run to Amazon right now, Brokedown Cowboy (Copper Ridge Book 2) is $0.99 on Amazon. Readers, this is a perfectly priced book to start your collection or add to it! 🙂 I’ve had the chance to read a few of the Deacons of Bourbon Street. How did you research for this series and did you collaborate with the other authors in this series before you began to plot? Have you ever had a ride on a motorcycle? I did once, a Harley Davidson and it was a thrilling experience.
I am…way too much of a chicken to get on a motorcycle. But the series came out of a trip to New Orleans for RT a couple of years ago with Megan Crane and Rachael Johns. Jackie Ashenden wasn’t there, but when we got that series idea we knew we needed her, because her heroes are just so perfect for that setting. We all ended up plotting over Skype during a few different sessions, and traded what we were working on around.

Rae: Where do you draw your inspiration? Do you get to travel to any fun places in the name of research?
I do a lot with google. But I’ve been inspired to write a lot of places after going there. Recently I wrote a Presents with a scene in Musee d’Orsay in Paris, which I would never have thought to do if I hadn’t had the chance to go. I also spent a few days on the Oregon Coast while working on Bad News Cowboy, but that’s an area I’m familiar with so I went mostly to get the vibe.

Rae: Can you tell us when and where you will be in the upcoming months?
In May I’ll be at BEA and Bookcon, signing Tough Luck Hero and Take Me, Cowboy. And then in July I’ll be in San Diego for the Romance Writers of America.

***** 8 Tantalizing Tidbits ****

1. What is a must read book and why?

Edge of Obsession by Megan Crane. I would never normally read dystopian. But her world is fantastic, the heroes are hot (Post apocalyptic vikings anyone??) and the story is epic.

2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown?

I think if you come to Oregon you have to check out Bandon by the Sea and old town. It’s a lot like I picture Copper Ridge.

3. Castles or Beaches?

Beaches for sure.

4. What is one thing readers would be surprised to know about you?

I have played many instruments in my day. Piano, flute, tin whistle, trumpet and violin.

5. Hard Rock or Classical? Favorite Band or Artist?

Heh. Country. 🙂 And I love Dierks Bentley (I got to see him in concert last August and I nearly swooned to death) and Sam Hunt.

6. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world for research, where would you go?

I would LOVE to go to Italy. Rome, the Amalfi Coast, Venice, Milan…I’ve been to Australia twice now, and before that was my bucket list locale. So now I want to see more of Europe.

7. Binge watcher or weekly viewer? Which show(s)?

I weekly view some shows, but I’m a BIG binge watcher. Most recently Supernatural and Gilmore Girls (LOVE)

8. If you could pick a book you’ve read and make it into a movie, which book would it be (besides yours 🙂 )?

I have to go with the Edge Books by Megan Crane (which I recommended above too). It is SUCH an interesting world, and I’d love to see it on the big screen.

Thanks again for hanging out! Time for another Latte 🙂 Happy Reading Dear Readers.

Happy Writing Maisey!

Here is a quick teaser for One Night Charmer that releases tomorrow.

Copper Ridge, Oregon’s favorite bachelor is about to meet his match 

If the devil wore flannel, he’d look like Ace Thompson. He’s gruff. Opinionated. Infernally hot. The last person that Sierra West wants to ask for a bartending job—not that she has a choice. Ever since discovering that her “perfect” family is built on a lie, Sierra has been determined to make it on her own. Resisting her new boss should be easy when they’re always bickering. Until one night, the squabbling stops…and something far more dangerous takes over.

Ace has a personal policy against messing around with staff—or with spoiled rich girls. But there’s a steel backbone beneath Sierra’s silver-spoon upbringing. She’s tougher than he thought, and so much more tempting. Enough to make him want to break all his rules, even if it means risking his heart…

** synopsis provided by the author**%name Coffee With RITA 2016 Contemporary Romance: Long category finalist and New York Times Best Selling Author Maisey Yates

To find out who wins the 2016 RITA in each category head over to Romance Writers of America on July 16 at 8PM PT. Winners will be announced and be sure to follow #RITAGH and #RWA16 for all the news that night!

Good Luck to all!

Author Info:

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Maisey Yates lives in rural Oregon with her three children and her husband, whose chiseled jaw and arresting features continue to make her swoon. She feels the epic trek she takes several times a day from her office to her coffee maker is a true example of her pioneer spirit.

In 2009, at the age of twenty-three Maisey sold her first book. Since then it’s been a whirlwind of sexy alpha males and happily ever afters, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. Maisey divides her writing time between dark, passionate category romances set just about everywhere on earth and light sexy contemporary romances set practically in her back yard. She believes that she clearly has the best job in the world.

A Spicy Latte must read for the latest Dangerously Bachelor Club book

A Dangerously Sexy Affair (The Dangerous Bachelors Club) by Stefanie London explores the world of gaming, spies and a secret office romance. I’m always up for a Harlequin Blaze book and this was another must read from Stefanie.

Quinn Dellinger is ready to get back out into the dating world but is hesitant after her trust was betrayed. Perhaps all she needs to push beyond her fears is a one-night stand. Too bad that fate had a different plan that would test boundaries and friendships.

Aiden Odell has recently been hired to work at Quinn’s company, in the exact position that Quinn had applied for. Can she set aside her anger? When asked to work with the new IT guy, the very same one that stole her job can she do it? Oh, and he also happen to be the same sexy man she used to get over her fears. 😉

When Quinn uncovers the real reason that Aiden was hired will she resent him? There are secrets  that could destroy her company, will she put aside her friendships to do the right thing? Working in close proximity with a sexy man, the one who has managed to steal her heart adds an exciting level to mixing business with pleasure.

Secrets at work and secrets in a relationship are never a good thing, but may just be the ticket to a new start for Quinn. Aiden has a few of his own to work through and hopefully these two will find a way to trust each other.

Another fresh, intense and spicy read that sizzles in the latest installment of this must read series from Stefanie. I love the covers in this series, they are all super smokin’ sexy. There is so much deliciousness in this humorous, sexy, laugh-out-loud great read. Trust me, It should be in your e-reader or bookshelf now!

There is plenty of time to catch up on the backlist for this series as the next installment will be released this fall. I received this ARC from the author for a fair and honest review. %name A Spicy Latte must read for the latest Dangerously Bachelor Club bookThere is just enough sizzle to make you tingle and is most definitely for those 18+.


A flash of color caught his attention. A woman stood next to a potted plant, her lithe figure encased in a little black dress that was hot enough to melt brain cells. But it was her hair that captivated him. It tumbled down to her waist, dark brown at the top and hot pink through the lengths. She had a nose piercing and five earrings in one ear. He couldn’t help but linger; she was sex on a stick.

Plus, he’d seen her talking to Alana Peterson earlier. Were they friends? Or simply two women gravitating toward one another in a sea of men?

The woman turned to the potted plant, her lips moving. Was she talking to a tree?

A laugh bubbled up in his throat. The pink-haired girl was definitely more appealing than a bunch of geeky men whining about online dating…even if she did appear to be talking to an inanimate object.

“What does your friend think of the party?” he asked, coming up beside her.

She jumped. “Excuse me?”

“Your friend.” He inclined his head toward the tree. “You were talking to him, weren’t you?”

“Her,” the woman corrected, her face totally straight. “This is Leafina.”

“Nice to meet you, Leafina.” He grabbed a frond, shaking it up and down. “And you are?”

“Not a tree.” The corner of her lip twitched as she accepted his proffered hand.

Damn, she was gorgeous. Quirky, a little awkward, but sexy as all get out.

“I’m Aiden, also not a tree. I’m not much of a partygoer, either.” Something warned him being overconfident wouldn’t work with her—hopefully he’d read her right.

Her face softened. “Me, neither. Are you here by yourself?”

“Yeah, but this is a work thing.” He flagged down a passing waiter and grabbed a glass of red wine. “I’d rather be home, to tell you the truth.”

She made an adorable snorting noise, bobbing her head in agreement. “I got dragged here by a friend.”

“So you’re not a tech-head?”

“Oh, I am, but I do that on my own time.”

He sipped his drink. “Who’s your friend? I might know them.”

“Alana Peterson. She’s a tech reporter.”

Bingo. Not only were they friends, but they’d come here together. If Alana was involved in the leak, this woman might have heard about it.

“I’m familiar with the name, but I don’t think I’ve met her.”

“You would remember if you had.” A genuine smile tugged at her lips. “She’s quite a force.”

“Is she working on a story?”

“Yeah. She’s always fighting for better representation of women in the gaming industry,” the woman said, her voice tinted with pride. “She wants one of the game companies to commit to having a female lead in their games. Or at the very least she wants to find out why they haven’t had one to date.”

Ah, so that must be the grudge he’d heard about. “That game company wouldn’t happen to be Third Planet Studios, would it?”

She blinked. “How did you know that?”

“People talk. Her opinions have caused a stir, and not too many guys here seem to care about feminism.”

“Color me shocked.” Quinn rolled her eyes. “That only proves why we need people like Alana asking questions.”

“You’re absolutely right.” He breathed a sigh of relief.

He could recognize a lie when he heard one—he knew how to detect the sound of it, how to look for the telltale facial movements and tics. And how to do all of that without giving a thing away himself.

Thankfully, there was nothing but honesty in this enigmatic woman’s responses.

**Excerpt provided by the author**


y previously published review of  A Dangerously Sexy Christmas

Author Info:

%name A Spicy Latte must read for the latest Dangerously Bachelor Club book

Growing up, Stefanie came from a family of women who loved to read. Her favourite activity was going shopping with her Nan during school holidays, where she would sit on the floor of the bookstore with her little sister and painstakingly select the books to spend her allowance on.  Thankfully, Nan was a patient woman.

Thus, it was no surprise Stefanie was the sort of student who would read her English books before the semester started. After sneaking several literature subjects into her ‘very practical’ Business degree, she got a job in Communications. When writing emails and newsletters didn’t fulfil her creative urges, she turned to fiction and was finally able to write the stories that kept her mind busy at night.

Now she lives with her very own hero and dreams of travelling the world. She frequently indulges in her passions for good coffee, French perfume, high heels and zombie movies. Recently she gave up her day job to write sexy, contemporary romance stories and she couldn’t be happier.

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