Release Blitz The Beautiful Years Part V by Annie Rose Welch
Title: The Beautiful Years Part V
Author: Annie Rose Welch
Genre:Contemporary/ Mafia Romance
Release Date: November 14, 2019
Cover Designer: Buoni Amici Press
Hosted by: Buoni Amici Press, LLC.
OFFICIAL BLURBHistory books are written about why men go to war. Religion. Land. Oil. And the most dangerous reason of all—a woman, the kind worth risking your heart for. My wife, Scarlett Fausti, was that woman. She sparked a war amongst the world’s most dangerous men.
Enemies had attacked us from the inside, from the outside, thirsty for blood and ready to spill more for power. No one in our world could be trusted, except for a few. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
My adversaries were ready to see me on my knees. Only one person could bring me there, though—that woman, my wife. But as it’s been said, all’s fair in love and war, and to keep her alive, to keep her safe, I’d willingly fall at the feet of monsters.
Born and raised in New Orleans, Annie has a habit of shortening her words and telling long stories. She speaks with a southern flair and cooks with it too. At the tender age of twenty- one, she hitched up her wagons (took her first plane ride) and moved out west to the big shake (California). Her passion for writing began one sleepless night when she imagined a gorgeous woman and a man with maniacal hair floating above her like lightning bugs falling from the sky. Curious about them, their story, and why they were floating around in her head, she sat down and penned (typed) her first novel, Marigny Street. A dream come true for her, she hasn’t stopped writing since. She loves a damn good love story, always has, no matter what the genre. She is particularly moved by imperfect love that in its own unique way is perfect, the notion of love at first sight, soul mates, and things that are generally out of the norm.
When she’s not writing she enjoys dabbling in photography and finding new, inspirational music to add to her collection. She currently resides in Texas (where everything really is bigger) with her husband, daughter, and their three peculiar dogs, Boudreaux, Tabasco, and Vanna Loo (who, call her crazy, bark with an accent).
For lagniappe (a little extra), a virtual cup of café au lait and beignets, please visit Annie’s website: