To Catch a Fallen Spy (Brethren of the Coast Book 8) by Barbara Devlin is jam-packed with secrets, spies, humor and romance from this bestselling author. The latest installment delivers even more action and adventure from those sexy Knights that we love. Just when I think she can’t possibly get any better, BAM!
I love a great story that begins with a heroine who knows exactly who she wants and sets about to get it. Lady Elaine Prescott desires the one man she can’t have, Sir Ross Logan. But things begin to take a promising turn when Elaine witnesses a murder. How can that possibly push her towards her goal? Because it will set a plan in motion among the Knights and Sir Ross to protect her. A heroine that needs protection? Well….not exactly ;). I love when Barbara brings her past and present knights into each book. How do you make a Brethren of the Coast book even better? Add more sexy knights!
Even with extra knights and years of friendship Elaine still can’t win the affection from the one man whom she desires above all others. Will being near Ross every day bring either of them happiness?
Many years ago Ross was caught during a mission and the aftermath of what he endured has prevented him from truly opening up his heart to anyone. With the past still haunting him, can he finally make amends and allow himself to love and be loved? Will he allow himself any morsel of happiness? Don’t miss this installment, download this book and find out if Elaine is the key to unlocking Sir Ross’ heart.
Thank you Barbara for another magical and fast paced story of two souls who desire the same thing and must overcome the obstacles standing in their path. I LOVE your heroes and heroines because they are willing to risk everything for those they hold dear. I cant wait to read The Black Morass, I’m in need of a pirate adventure.
I received this ARC from the author for a fair and honest review. While this book is part of a series it can most certainly be enjoyed as a stand alone read. If you choose to read it as part of the series there is so much fun to be had.
This story is pretty hot with content for mature readers 18+.
Barbara has provide an excerpt from To Catch a Fallen Spy.
******************** EXCERPT ********************
The Descendants
September, 1815
Secrets lurked in the shadows, beckoning as a welcomed friend for the undaunted. Unfettered by social conventions, the spotlight of which forced many a lord or a lady to conform to the expectations of others, the blackness functioned as a form of liberty, wherein revelers conducted their covert games without threat of discovery or retribution. It was in those dark spaces Lady Elaine Horatia Prescott found comfort and strength.
As the youngest member of a large, extended family comprised of spirited ladies with bold personalities and equally intrepid men, the famed Nautionnier Knights of the Brethren of the Coast, daring sea captains descended of the Templars, the warriors of the Crusades, she often hugged the background, taking pride in her ability to hide in plain sight. Searching for some sense of herself, something not influenced by the rich history of her ancestors or her colorful relations, she fought to construct her own identity on her terms.
What she had not expected was to find love.
With great care, she moved swift and sure as she approached her target, skulking amid the outskirts of the crowd that filled the Hawthorne’s ballroom, during the height of the Little Season. As she neared, he shifted, and she paused just shy of touching him and held her breath.
In one fail swoop, he pivoted, slipped an arm about her waist, pulled her into a corner, and bent to whisper in her ear. “Lady Elaine, you are the only person capable of sneaking up on me, and I am not sure I appreciate your skill.” Sir Ross Logan, the enigmatic head of the Counterintelligence Corps, brushed the crest of her flesh with his lips, she suspected not by accident, and her knees buckled. “Why do you not dance? Why do you not take your place among the ton, with the other debutantes? Do you not wish to snare a husband, marry, and have children?”
“On the contrary, I want all those things with someone of my choosing.” She cupped his cheek, and he retreated, much to her chagrin. “But I am here because you are here.”
“Elaine, you must stop this nonsense.” Now he withdrew and attempted to push her aside, but she resisted, even as her heart plummeted. And despite his complaints, he would not hazard courting attention, so she held her ground. “I am not the man for you.”
“How do you know that?” It was not the first time he rejected her, and she surmised it would not be the last. “Why will you not give us a chance at happiness?”
“Because I have nothing to give you but misery and regret.” As usual, Ross offered the same excuse.
“I disagree.” As usual, she would not be deterred. “And I will not yield my cause, no matter your protestations.”
“Neither will I.” To convey his position, he folded his arms, but he could never fool her. “Go back to your world of perfume and petticoats, as I have work to do, and I require no partner.”
“As you wish.” Of course, she knew well the routine and her part to play in their typical drama. So she marched into the fray, unabashed and poised in her determination. A potential solution tripped before her, and she extended assistance, as would any woman of character. “Sir Kleinfeld, are you all right?”
“Oh, my lady.” With a toothy grin, he brushed off his lapels and bowed. “Did I step on you?”
“No.” Elaine giggled, because he was well known for such behavior. “How are you enjoying the party?”
“Not very much, I am sorry to admit.” Frowning, he glanced over his shoulder. “The elder Miss Hogart refuses to grant me the honor of the Allemande.”
“Perhaps she will change her mind, when she spies you in a graceful performance of the waltz, with me.” In a valiant appeal to his pride, she curtseyed. “What say you, Sir Kleinfeld?”
“Lady Elaine, you are the soul of charity.” When she rested her palm in the crook of his elbow, he covered her hand with his. “You know, if my affections were not firmly planted in Miss Hogart’s garden, I should court you.”
“You flatter me, sir.” To her credit, she mustered the courage to brave the rotation with one of the clumsiest, but good-natured, members of her set.
And so she ventured into the breach, imperiling her feet in her quest to win Sir Ross. After the third trouncing of her toes, she swallowed a grunt of pain and prayed her savior would not linger, else she might suffer broken bones. Just how long would her beau wait? As if on cue, her rescuer presented himself as she predicted.
“May I intrude?” Ross tapped Archibald on the shoulder. “As I believe Miss Hogart seeks an audience.”
“Capital.” Without so much as a backward glance, Sir Kleinfeld gave her into Ross’s care, and that suited Elaine just fine.
“I know what you are doing.” Ross took her in his arms, twined her fingers with his, and they whirled in the soft light of the cut-glass chandeliers.
“I beg your pardon?” She lifted her chin and avoided his stare.
“Do not dissemble with me, Lady Elaine.” The tone of his voice declared she had scored a direct hit, and she reveled in her small victory. Near the side wall, he pulled her closer. “How dare you deliberately put yourself in jeopardy to bait me, as that buffoon could have seriously injured you.”
“But you are not the man for me, so you would never answer a supposed summons.” Let him counter that. “Or did you lie?”
“You lured me into the open, without thought of my mission or the risk to my safety, just to meet your selfish aims.” Now that hurt. “I ought to spank you.”
“Name the date and time, and I shall accommodate you.” Swallowing her trepidation, she looked him in the eye, and he cast the hint of a grin. “I challenge you, sir.” She licked her lips. “Resist me.”
Get your own copy here:
To Catch A Fallen Spy (Brethren of the Coast Book 8)
I’ve attached a list of all the books linked to my previously posted reviews Barbara’s books.
Just click on the title of the book below so that you can see for yourself why so many readers can’t get enough from this talented and best-selling author!
Enter The Brethren (The Brethren Book 1)
My Lady, The Spy (The Brethren Book 2)
The Most Unlikely Lady (The Brethren Book 3)
One Knight Stand (The Brethren Book 4)
Captain of her Heart (The Brethren Book 5)
The Lucky One (The Brethren Book 6)
Love With An Improper Stranger (The Brethren Book 7)
Arucard (Brethren Origins Book 1)
Demetrius (Brethren Origins Book 2)
Missing a book in her amazing collection? Take advantage of an amazing boxed set…
Brethren of the Coast: Volume II
For $3.99 you can get One Knight Stand, Captain of her Heart and The Lucky One.
Purchase single volumes here:
Loving Lieutenant Douglas: A Brethren of the Coast Novella **FREE**
Enter The Brethren (Brethren of the Coast Book 1)
My Lady, The Spy (Brethren of the Coast Book 2)
The Most Unlikely Lady (Brethren of the Coast Book 3)
To Catch A Fallen Spy (Brethren of the Coast Book 8)
The Black Morass (Pirates of the Coast Book 1)
Arucard (Brethren Origins Book 1)
Demetrius (Brethren Origins Book 2)
That’s ELEVEN books for less than $22.00! Click the links above and start reading today!
Exclusive Giveaway *****
Barbara Devlin has generously donated the following for ONE lucky reader:
ONE Amazon Kindle Fire 7″
a Kindle copy of To Catch a Fallen Spy AND The Black Morass
for one lucky winner in the US/Canada.
**International winner will receive a GC from **
For a chance to win tell us ..
Have you ever taken a trip on a boat? If so, where and with whom?
Contest runs from 7/3/16 12:01AM thru 7/5/16 11:59 PM
Winner will be announced via a blog post on 7/6/16
Winner MUST comment on that post within 24 hours to claim their prize or a new winner will be randomly selected.
Be sure to follow me the blog (link on homepage), Facebook Page (Books I Love A Latte Page) and Twitter @RaeLatte so you don’t miss that announcement post!
Be sure to swing by Barbara Devlin’s webpage and follow her on twitter (@barbara_devlin) to stay up to date on the world of Knights, Pirates and other fabulous news!
Author Info:
Bestselling author Barbara Devlin was born a storyteller. A Texan, through and through, Barbara hasn’t been without a book in her possession since she was in kindergarten. She wrote her first short story, a really cheesy murder-mystery, in high school, but it was a Christmas gift, a lovely little diary with a bronze lock, given to her in the fifth grade that truly inspired her love of writing.
After completing part of her undergraduate studies at the University of London, where she developed a love of all things British, Barbara returned home and began a career in banking. But the late 80s weren’t too promising for the financial industry, and every bank that hired Barbara soon folded. So she searched for a stable occupation, and the local police department offered the answer to her prayers.
Initially, Barbara wasn’t too sure about her new career in law enforcement, but she soon came to love being a police officer. And then one uncharacteristically cold and icy day in December 1998, Barbara was struck by a car and pinned against a guardrail while working an accident on a major highway. Permanently disabled, she retired from the police department and devoted her time and energy to physical therapy.
Once Barbara got back on her feet, she focused on a new career in academia. She earned an MA in English and continued a course of study for a Doctorate in Literature and Rhetoric. She happily considered herself an exceedingly eccentric English professor, until success in Indie publishing lured her into writing, full-time, featuring her fictional knighthood, the Brethren of the Coast.
Hey everyone! I’m not so much of a boat gal, but I’ve taken one cruise (Bahamas) and gone out ocean fishing and of course, been waterskiing on various lakes and such. I like lakes better. Grins.
Sheri, it was Percy Priest Lake in Nashville. We lived near there until we sold our house in January and moved to Florida. I’ve been up by Dale Hollow once though. Pretty area.
I don’t know if it would be considered a “trip” but my grandparents used to live on a large lake in TN. They owned a pontoon boat that had pull out beds, a camp stove and a camper toilet on board so they could stay on board for days at a time. When I was young my family would go for a visit and often spend the night(s) on the lake. I can remember the feeling of rocking with the water as you tried to sleep–the sounds, the smells, the motion all so different from anything else. I can only image that sea life, especially on a 19th century vessel would have been like nothing else as well. I enjoyed your excerpt–can’t wait to read your book.
Sheri, I find it fascinating when people live on boats — or in RVs for that matter. It’s like being a turtle — your home goes with you wherever you go. 🙂 I wrote a character once who lived on a boat in a lake in Tennessee that was close to my house there.
Really, Trish? What lake? My grandparents lived on Dale Hollow Lake. 🙂
I’m not a good sailor, but a day trip around the Whitsundays was just lovely.
Yes, with family. My hometown is literally in the middle of the waters where the other side is an ocean on the other side is a big lake sometimes calm sometimes not. So I learned how to swim, row a boat when I’m about 7 years old. Its quite fun and challenging and scary at times when the weather iis bad.
I’ve never been on a boat, except a small fishing boat, and I don’t think that counts. 🙂