For those preparing for the “epic” and “historic” storm along the east coast, please stay safe and warm.
The idea of being snowed in with little to no chance of leaving for a few days seems a bit frightening to some. It’s entertaining to watch the news of the people shopping for food that some never use when there isn’t a crisis.
As I’ve listened to the newscasters discuss the essential items this is one that I’d use as my go to.
- TP – yes, you do need it!
- Coffee
- Adult Beverages
- Chocolate
- Books
- Blankets
- Batteries, charging cables and phone cords in one place.
- Food that will get you through – a week at most. I read that even onions were hard to come by.
What would be on your list? Would you care if you were stuck for days?
Have fun with the kiddos, four legged pets, husbands/significant others and don’t forget to be neighborly and check on those who can’t get out.
Keep those who must be out in this weather for their jobs that they get to and from work safely. AND that everyone gets off the road so that they can do their job.
Happy Reading
( photo is yahoo images from clip art search)