A Dangerously Sexy Affair (The Dangerous Bachelors Club) by Stefanie London explores the world of gaming, spies and a secret office romance. I’m always up for a Harlequin Blaze book and this was another must read from Stefanie.
Quinn Dellinger is ready to get back out into the dating world but is hesitant after her trust was betrayed. Perhaps all she needs to push beyond her fears is a one-night stand. Too bad that fate had a different plan that would test boundaries and friendships.
Aiden Odell has recently been hired to work at Quinn’s company, in the exact position that Quinn had applied for. Can she set aside her anger? When asked to work with the new IT guy, the very same one that stole her job can she do it? Oh, and he also happen to be the same sexy man she used to get over her fears. 😉
When Quinn uncovers the real reason that Aiden was hired will she resent him? There are secrets that could destroy her company, will she put aside her friendships to do the right thing? Working in close proximity with a sexy man, the one who has managed to steal her heart adds an exciting level to mixing business with pleasure.
Secrets at work and secrets in a relationship are never a good thing, but may just be the ticket to a new start for Quinn. Aiden has a few of his own to work through and hopefully these two will find a way to trust each other.
Another fresh, intense and spicy read that sizzles in the latest installment of this must read series from Stefanie. I love the covers in this series, they are all super smokin’ sexy. There is so much deliciousness in this humorous, sexy, laugh-out-loud great read. Trust me, It should be in your e-reader or bookshelf now!
There is plenty of time to catch up on the backlist for this series as the next installment will be released this fall. I received this ARC from the author for a fair and honest review. There is just enough sizzle to make you tingle and is most definitely for those 18+.
A flash of color caught his attention. A woman stood next to a potted plant, her lithe figure encased in a little black dress that was hot enough to melt brain cells. But it was her hair that captivated him. It tumbled down to her waist, dark brown at the top and hot pink through the lengths. She had a nose piercing and five earrings in one ear. He couldn’t help but linger; she was sex on a stick.
Plus, he’d seen her talking to Alana Peterson earlier. Were they friends? Or simply two women gravitating toward one another in a sea of men?
The woman turned to the potted plant, her lips moving. Was she talking to a tree?
A laugh bubbled up in his throat. The pink-haired girl was definitely more appealing than a bunch of geeky men whining about online dating…even if she did appear to be talking to an inanimate object.
“What does your friend think of the party?” he asked, coming up beside her.
She jumped. “Excuse me?”
“Your friend.” He inclined his head toward the tree. “You were talking to him, weren’t you?”
“Her,” the woman corrected, her face totally straight. “This is Leafina.”
“Nice to meet you, Leafina.” He grabbed a frond, shaking it up and down. “And you are?”
“Not a tree.” The corner of her lip twitched as she accepted his proffered hand.
Damn, she was gorgeous. Quirky, a little awkward, but sexy as all get out.
“I’m Aiden, also not a tree. I’m not much of a partygoer, either.” Something warned him being overconfident wouldn’t work with her—hopefully he’d read her right.
Her face softened. “Me, neither. Are you here by yourself?”
“Yeah, but this is a work thing.” He flagged down a passing waiter and grabbed a glass of red wine. “I’d rather be home, to tell you the truth.”
She made an adorable snorting noise, bobbing her head in agreement. “I got dragged here by a friend.”
“So you’re not a tech-head?”
“Oh, I am, but I do that on my own time.”
He sipped his drink. “Who’s your friend? I might know them.”
“Alana Peterson. She’s a tech reporter.”
Bingo. Not only were they friends, but they’d come here together. If Alana was involved in the leak, this woman might have heard about it.
“I’m familiar with the name, but I don’t think I’ve met her.”
“You would remember if you had.” A genuine smile tugged at her lips. “She’s quite a force.”
“Is she working on a story?”
“Yeah. She’s always fighting for better representation of women in the gaming industry,” the woman said, her voice tinted with pride. “She wants one of the game companies to commit to having a female lead in their games. Or at the very least she wants to find out why they haven’t had one to date.”
Ah, so that must be the grudge he’d heard about. “That game company wouldn’t happen to be Third Planet Studios, would it?”
She blinked. “How did you know that?”
“People talk. Her opinions have caused a stir, and not too many guys here seem to care about feminism.”
“Color me shocked.” Quinn rolled her eyes. “That only proves why we need people like Alana asking questions.”
“You’re absolutely right.” He breathed a sigh of relief.
He could recognize a lie when he heard one—he knew how to detect the sound of it, how to look for the telltale facial movements and tics. And how to do all of that without giving a thing away himself.
Thankfully, there was nothing but honesty in this enigmatic woman’s responses.
**Excerpt provided by the author**
My previously published review of A Dangerously Sexy Christmas
Author Info:
Growing up, Stefanie came from a family of women who loved to read. Her favourite activity was going shopping with her Nan during school holidays, where she would sit on the floor of the bookstore with her little sister and painstakingly select the books to spend her allowance on. Thankfully, Nan was a patient woman.
Thus, it was no surprise Stefanie was the sort of student who would read her English books before the semester started. After sneaking several literature subjects into her ‘very practical’ Business degree, she got a job in Communications. When writing emails and newsletters didn’t fulfil her creative urges, she turned to fiction and was finally able to write the stories that kept her mind busy at night.
Now she lives with her very own hero and dreams of travelling the world. She frequently indulges in her passions for good coffee, French perfume, high heels and zombie movies. Recently she gave up her day job to write sexy, contemporary romance stories and she couldn’t be happier.