A Skinny Shot Final 300x300 A Skinny Shot: Taking a Shot by Taryn Leigh Taylor

Taking a Shot 200x300 A Skinny Shot: Taking a Shot by Taryn Leigh Taylor

One crazy night, a mistake that can’t be outrun and a ton of hot hockey make this a must read! With each new release Taryn gets better and better.

One night is all Chelsea wanted.

Brett is running from mistakes and a bad reputation.

Hockey. Heat. Heart.

More please!

4 Scorchin Larger Image Final 300x300 A Skinny Shot: Taking a Shot by Taryn Leigh Taylor


I received an ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review. This is a scorchin hot read! Caution, may lead to unexpected need to turn on the A/C.

About Author V 1 300x300 A Skinny Shot: Taking a Shot by Taryn Leigh Taylor

tlthockey 175x300 A Skinny Shot: Taking a Shot by Taryn Leigh TaylorTaryn Leigh Taylor: Taryn Leigh Taylor likes dinosaurs, bridges, and space, both personal and of the final frontier variety. She shamelessly indulges in cliches, most notably her Starbucks addiction (grande-six-pump-whole-milk-no-water chai tea latte, aka: the usual), her shoe hoard (I can stop anytime I…ooh! These are pretty!), and her penchant for falling in lust with fictional men with great abs (yum!)

She also really loves books, which is what sent her down the crazy path of writing one in the first place.

Website: http://www.tarynleightaylor.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tarynltaylor1

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tarynltaylor

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tarynltaylor/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/13696147.Taryn_Leigh_Taylor


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