A Skinny Shot Final 300x300 A Skinny Shot: Royally Pucked by Pippa Grant


Royally Pucked 200x300 A Skinny Shot: Royally Pucked by Pippa GrantRoyally Pucked by Pippa Grant is a story about a royal who lives to play hockey despite what his birth right demands and it creates one heck of a fabulous plot. Packed with amazing charm and a lot of hotness this Scandinavian Prince will put his royal lineage to the test when he meets a woman who will test his loyalty to his duty, the crown, and his future. 

While this is part of the series it can be read as a standalone there are other hockey books in her backlist which I hope to download and read soon.

4 Scorchin Larger Image Final 300x300 A Skinny Shot: Royally Pucked by Pippa GrantDon’t miss this Scorchin hot read. Caution, may lead to unexpected need to turn on the A/C.

I received an ARC from the publisher for a fair and honest review.

For more information on Pippa Grant click here.


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