The first draft is as bad as the book is ever going to be 300x300 NaNoWriMo   Are you ready?Have you always wanted to write a novel? Are you a published author under a deadline and need motivation to sit in your chair and get all the words done? Whatever your reason, the time is now.

There are no requirements to sign-up. No experience, no worries. Head over to and sign up for National Novel Writing Month. It’s your turn to make that writing dream a reality.

Are you inspired after reading your favorite books? Convinced you can write your own? I say do it! Start your resolution November 1, 2017 and make November amazing.

Sign-up, find the support from other participants, and get started on your writing journey now. End 2017 meeting at least one goal rather than waiting for New Years Eve to start. 50,000 words stand between you and your dream, are you ready?

Good luck to all. If you have signed up and are participating, comment below.

Happy Writing!

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