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Since January 2018 all book reviews receive a Spiced Latte Rating. The Spicy Latte Mug indicates the heat factor and not an overall rating of the book.

While many books are spicier than others, I wanted to make sure that readers were informed before one-clicking on their next read. In the past I used a “Spicy Pepper” rating and some books inadvertently did not get a rating for genres where you would expect some heat.

Our new heat-meter guarantees that every book review receives a Spicy Latte Rating.

So the question remains, how Spicy do you like your books?

Happy Reading.


1 Flames 84x150 Spicy Latte Ratings

Sweet –  Either no romance, or romance behind closed doors with enough sweetness to put a pink blush on your cheeks, and leave your heart full of joy. Warm, sensual, and delicious. Characters might hold hands or kiss. A warm embrace and possible mention of moving forward in an intimate nature could be mentioned.


2 Flames 84x150 Spicy Latte Ratings


Sinfully Sweet – Hotter than sweet with bedroom romance that tingles in all the right places, and a dash of spice to satisfy that slightly spicy craving.
Characters express their affection and sexual exploration is clear to reader making it a zesty read.


3 Flames 84x150 Spicy Latte Ratings

Spicy  – Best enjoyed with your favorite iced-beverage, a cozy chair, and maybe a fan. Characters comfortably express their desire with kissing and passionate exploration. If you’re looking for a medium level of heat, this should be a satisfying read.


4 Flames 1 84x150 Spicy Latte Ratings

Scorchin – Caution, may lead to unexpected need to turn on the A/C. So steamy the pages ignite. May include a dash of Erotic elements or elude to further exploration of desire and need that might be too hot for some to handle.



5 Flames 84x150 Spicy Latte Ratings

Inferno – So smokin’ hot your A/C and fan won’t help you cool down. A cold shower might help, but then again …
Content includes – Erotica, BDSM, Explicit scenes of a sensitive or sexual nature. More than one partner could be in intimate scene. Taboo content that is intended for 18+. 




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