Welcome to the first week in the 52 Week Reading Challenge. For my selection in the Self Help book genre I chose Not Your Usual Boob by MK Meredith.
Wait, before you send me messages, no I do not have not have breast cancer. No one in my family is currently receiving treatment. In fact, that’s exactly why I am reading it.
Years ago, my mother-in-law went through breast cancer and has since passed away. While she’s been gone over five years, I remember being with her after her treatments. I remember trying hard to find the right words to explain to my young children why she was sick, and working through my own emotions as my husband watched his mother battle cancer.
If you’re looking for a breast cancer book that’s a no-nonsense approach with the gritty truth and a lot of humor this book is for you. The overall theme of this book is that breast cancer sucks but you are strong enough to not let it suck all the wind out of you. You can battle this with small steps. One at a time. MK is a brave warrior and the way she tackled her diagnosis and treatment is not for everyone.
MK has family history that impacts her decisions and determination to fight strong. This book is written with honesty, bravery, and courage. I love that she posed for the cover, it’s real and so is this book.
When faced with difficult decisions I will take some of what MK stated to heart, and appreciate her candid honesty of what she went through as I see my doctors for any ailments I have. I could relate to a few things in the book and appreciate the way she presents the information in her own style. We can all benefit from the questions to ask, the support network to create, and the transparency that many don’t feel is necessary with friends and loved ones. If you’re one to keep everything health related close to the vest, I respect your decision. We all need to respect the choices people make and the plans they set. Be strong, be loud, and stick with your plan.
The book is easy to read and she is very truthful of how this impacted all aspects of her life from the physical impact to the emotional change with her husband and family.
I hope that if you are currently receiving treatment or know someone who is you’ll consider getting them this book. There is a disclaimer that pictures are posted at the back, I’m sure to someone going through this, they will be helpful.
Be your own advocate and demand answers when you think there should be something more. Don’t settle and most of all love yourself no matter what. You are worth it.
For added measure I must share that MK’s romance books are also worth the read. Check out her fiction backlist here:
What book did you read this week? I hope you were able to read and enjoy the adventure. Did you listen to an audio book? I can’t wait to hear what you read.
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If you’re taking this journey with us, welcome. I’m looking forward to selecting books that educate, enlighten and hopefully bring change in a positive way. While romance is still near and dear to my heart a lot of things have happened in the community over the past week that show we all need to continue to research, educate and inspire change.
I also found a few other books that might be of interest for this weeks selection here:
To share in our fun please use the hashtag #TheBookBaristasRC2020
A quick re-cap for newbies to make this a successful year and a fun challenge. Check out the 52 Week Reading Challenge Page on the blog for more information.