Coffee with Tawny Weber


%name Coffee with Tawny Weber%name Coffee with Tawny Weber%name Coffee with Tawny Weber%name Coffee with Tawny Weber%name Coffee with Tawny Weber

%name Coffee with Tawny Weber

Welcome Tawny!
Congrats on the recent release of A SEAL’s Fantasy earlier this week!

If we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte of course!

What would you order? My usual, extra large black iced tea, no sweetener. Love it!

8 Tidbits for your readers:

1. A Must read book and why? The War of Art by Steven Pressfield because it’s simply amazing. The concept of tackling resistance applies to anything and everything in life, and his take on how to recognize it, face it and overcome it is fabulous. This book is one of my at least once-yearly re-reads.

2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? I live just outside of San Fransisco, so I love taking people to see the Golden Gate. Both the bridge and the park. They are absolutely gorgeous!

3. Castles or Beaches? I adore castles, but love the beach. So I’d like a castle on the cliffs overlooking a beach. Yes, I want it all!

4. Hard Rock or Classical? Classic Hard Rock  😀 I do love my hair bands!

5. Organized or Free Floating? Oh so organized! I’d go crazy otherwise.

6. What’s your favorite TV show of all time and why? Friends because it’s hilarious, sweet and not only honors friendships, but has some great love stories in there.

7. Would you rather see a movie in the theatre or at home on DVD and why? 90% of the movies I’d rather see at home on DVD because it’s easier to relax, I have a better variety of movie snacks and can pause anytime I want without missing out on the movie. But some movies simply require big screen for the first viewing. Iron Man, Star Wars, POTC (gotta see Johnny bigger than life), the Harry Potter movies.  Anything with special effects, those require a big screen to really appreciate.

8. If you could invite 5 people to dinner (not friends and family – that’s too easy) who would you invite? It could be anyone past or present.
Nora Roberts
Dr. Wayne Dyer
Johnny Depp
Jennifer Aniston
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to chat! Looking forward to this SEAL Blitz!



%name Coffee with Tawny Weber

New York Times and USA TODAY Bestselling author of thirty books and counting, Tawny Weber has been writing sassy, sexy romances since her first one hit the shelves in 2007.  A fan of Johnny Depp, cupcakes and color coordination, she spends a lot of her time shopping for cute shoes, scrapbooking and hanging out on Facebook.

Readers can check out Tawny’s books at her

You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.


Happy Release Day Jeanne Adams! The Tentacle Affaire delivers and is a must read!

%name Happy Release Day Jeanne Adams! The Tentacle Affaire delivers and is a must read!


The Tentacle Affaire by Jeanne Adams is spell-binding, action packed and chock full of passion.  Our Slip Traveler Cait Brennan is sent to Earth to retrieve a Tyranalnid Ophthoid, a stranded ship’s pet.  The Ty-Op’s last known location is the Potomac basin and Washington, DC is the destination of Cait’s next mission. Cait figures she’ll get in, retrieve the misplaced pet and return with no problems and no one the wiser.

Unfortunately Cait is thrust into DC politics as soon as she arrives, and stumbles upon her sexy alpha male neighbor Aiden Bayliss. Usually a man of his magical talents can read and uncover anyone’s mysteries- even Cait’s before she even knows what’s happening.  However, this time Aiden can’t get over how impenetrable her apartment is to his magical powers.  There is no explanation to her mysterious arrival along with the sudden shift in his mystical powers.   Unexplained happenings around her, multiple visions after a long drought with not a one and an attraction that’s electrifying and risky. Add in a handful of dead senators, and you’ve got a heck of a mess!

When I sit down and read romances I only occasionally select the paranormal/urban fantasy genre because I can’t usually get into the story.  Not only was I hooked after the prologue I was engaged till the bitter end and in true form Jeanne Adams delivered! I need more!  I can’t wait until her next book in this series. This is Men in Black meets Gandalf, and a rocking battle of magic vs. tech.

If you are looking for action packed and flawless story with a mission that makes sense you will not be disappointed.  The Marine background for Cait and the notion of serve, protect and never leave anyone behind is paramount for this story.

Cait is sent to Earth with one mission to retrieve and return a misplaced pet and winds up discovering that even though she’s living amongst other beings from other worlds, at her core she’s still an American, and a Marine.  Love, hope and perseverance are the keys to any warm blooded creature whether it’s this planet or an unknown.   If you want to know what happens to Cait and discover the passionate fireworks that happen when she meets Aiden you must purchase this book!  You will be handsomely rewarded! The Tentacle Affaire is out today and a must have for your e-reader!

Where to buy:  Amazon





%name Happy Release Day Jeanne Adams! The Tentacle Affaire delivers and is a must read!

Although Jeanne Adams likes calling North Carolina home, she lives in DC, where The Tentacle Affaire is set, and often jogs on the C&O towpath with her dogs.  Her favorite holiday is Halloween.  She starts planning the annual yard decor on November 1.  Alas, in this case however, the
“Adams Family” – one husband, two sons and three dogs – is all bark and no bite. 

On another spooky note, Jeanne used to work in the funeral and cemetery business, and knows a thing or two about getting rid of the body….bwhahahah!  (She even teaches classes about it to other writers!)

Jeanne has written suspense novels for Kensington/Zebra Publishing since 2007.  THE TENTACLE AFFAIRE is her first urban fantasy/romance.

She loves hearing from readers, so find her at or on twitter @JeanneAdams or
on Facebook at

Coffee with Jeanne Adams

%name Coffee with Jeanne Adams

%name Coffee with Jeanne Adams

Welcome Jeanne! Thanks for taking time to chat with me.
Your fans will be happy to know that The Tentacle  Affaire is almost here!
Release Day is almost here! Yay!

If we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte of course!

What would you order?

I’d order a Decaf Venti Skim Extra-Whip-Cream mocha!!

8 Tidbits for your readers:

1. A Must read book and why? Renegade by Nancy Northcott- One of the best magical-related adventure/romances I’ve read in recent years. Really, really fast-paced and cool!! Great start to a new series as well.

2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? My “hometown” is about the size of a pea, and there just isn’t much to see there. However, the nearest town of any size, Wilkesboro, NC features The Tory Oak. The general story is that the original tree was a “hanging tree” for Tories who tried to turn the area over to the British during the Revolution. The tree was well over 300 years old when it perished in 1997. It was replaced by another Black Oak tree and an historic marker was erected to commemorate the tree. All the Wilkesboro high School Class rings up until the 1990s featured the Tory Oak.

3. Castles or Beaches? – Castles! I adore them, they have places to hide, they have treasure and ghosts and all manner of interesting things
to engage the mind. I love the beach, but I love castles more! (And my bucket list castle-to-visit is Rosslyn Castle in Scotland!)

4. Hard Rock or Classical? I love them both, but if I absolutely had to choose, Hard Rock all the way. Grins.

5. If you had an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world for research, where would you go? Scotland, Scotland and then, perhaps, Scotland. I want to see the standing stones, the Isle of Lewis, the Military Tattoo at Edinburgh Castle, the Kelpies, and Doon the Chippy in Glasgow…and virtually everything else I can see. So, yes. Scotland.

6. What is your guilty pleasure? Coffee ice cream milkshakes from Baskin Robbins or coffee milkshakes with whipped cream from a local burger joint call BGR.

7. What are you afraid of? Ticks. I loathe and despise them. They’re one of the few things on the planet that give me the creeping horrors.

8. Organized or Free Floating? Both. I’m really, really organized about some things. Others? It’s the pile-and-bulldoze system of organization. Ha! Mostly, I’m a fly by the seat of your pants gals. I’m organized in a way only I can understand.

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to chat! Looking forward to everyone finding out what I already know, The Tentacle Affaire is fabulous!



%name Coffee with Jeanne Adams

Although Jeanne Adams likes calling North Carolina home, she lives in DC, where The Tentacle Affaire is set, and often jogs on the C&O towpath with her dogs.  Her favorite holiday is Halloween.  She starts planning the annual yard decor on November 1.  Alas, in this case however, the “Adams Family” – one husband, two sons and three dogs – is all bark and no bite.

On another spooky note, Jeanne used to work in the funeral and cemetery business, and knows a thing or two about getting rid of the body….bwhahahah!  (She even teaches classes about it to other writers!)

Jeanne has written suspense novels for Kensington/Zebra Publishing since 2007.  THE TENTACLE AFFAIRE is her first urban fantasy/romance.

She loves hearing from readers, so find her at or on twitter @JeanneAdams or
on Facebook at

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